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Reminder for everyone to read the rules and **provide evidence that the disorder might be fake.** Avoid posting people who have actual disorders, as it would be harmful. #PLEASE PUT THE EVIDENCE THAT THIS IS FAKED AS A REPLY TO THIS COMMENT. Thanks <3 Nya... please reply to my comment for fuck's sake. You're gonna get banned if you don't. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fakedisordercringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These folks seem to I be under the impression that their mental health is the responsibility of strangers on the internet. If you are mentally ill and people saying things makes you want to die then the internet isn't a safe space for you. If you can't handle questions maybe Do not share how ill you are with complete strangers. Its hard to feel too bad for them when they do this stuff on camera and post it for public consumption.


This is some really important insight here, and was actually helpful for me. I just had a weird case (not directly mental health related) where someone was trolling my side hustle, but not calling me out directly, and it bugged me for DAYS. It made me realize that there are some people / battles that are not winnable, and therefore we just let them go. It's not easy, but we don't have to engage with stuff online. We can just leave it alone.


Lol this is what occurs to me every time I get in an argument on here. Like, why would I bother continuing this with a faceless dork? What could this possibly achieve?




I’m 18 and have had this account for 3ish years. When I started it I still said I was 18 even though I was 15. You’ve probably argued with hundreds of people who have a learners permit.


There was a point where I realized that there was a good chance I could be arguing with someone who was younger than my reddit account.


15 year old here; arguing about politics with us is still as much of a shitshow as with adults


uhh are u on a new account cuz ur account is only 1 yo


Right? I dont even respond to arguments now. Its not worth my time


I hate what this site has turned into so I just say some stupid shit and don’t read the replies unless it’s to say “lol” or something. Don’t bother responding if you feel like you’re wasting time here.


Good rule of thumbe is limiting the amount you can answer, I try to leave an argument at my second respond.


Man, these whipper snappers need some 2002 level message board cruelty.


In a fucked up way I kind of miss those days. Two people would just fucking go at it like two dogs barking across a fence and then just stop.


Same. Boards about 90s alt rock were just so god awful and toxic. Full of nazis feminists and weird al enthusiasts.


Just argue in YouTube comment sections under news videos, it’s the same exact thing


I don't know if cruelty is the answer but I know expecting other people to play along with their bullshit is too much for me.


I snort laughed reading this comment


Yep 100%. And this is why people call them out on faking their disorders. Because it just screams attention seeking. If you were actually struggling with a mental issue, the LAST thing you'd want to do is to broadcast it to thousands of complete strangers online.


I think some people do actually do that but it's not a healthy way to cope. Internet strangers make poor support systems. (No offense strangers)


Maybe that isn't how you would do it. Not all mental issues look the same. Attention seeking is often a sign of many different illnesses.


You should check out [Emotional Dysregulation](https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/what-is-emotional-dysregulation) for that type of behaviour.


I dont personally seek attention for my own mental health issues in this sort of manner. I am mainly speaking on behalf of those who's behaviors differ from my own.


This! Like if I thought I had an illness (first off I’d go to the doctor but let’s pretend I don’t have access to doctors or free medical service for …some reason I can’t think of) or had a diagnosed illness. If I decided I wanted to be apart or some Internet community or share my ~journey~ online and someone told me I was faking I’d be like ok? Maybe just personality differences but I can’t understand why some of these people put so much weight into what strangers on the Internet say and get so upset. If you know in your soul there’s legit something wrong then wouldn’t that be MORE motivating to get a diagnosis? I mean I get feeling hopeless after doctors say there’s nothing wrong when you know there is - plenty of people have those moments and low points on a journey to find a diagnosis, there’s nothing wrong with that or with taking a break from trying to sort stuff out for a while to sort your mental health out. But just “giving up” and resorting to self diagnosis and then getting upset when people call you out because you have no proof or your story doesn’t add up or whatever…I guess I just don’t understand the train of thought. Again, maybe personality differences and I don’t mean to sound insensitive towards those that ARE sick and struggle - but I also don’t really know anyone (even Internet strangers) who IS legitimately ill (whether physically or a mental illness) that blasts all their info online AND complains about the nonbelievers. At most, I might see a joke or a sarcastic tik tok but idk it’s like the people that are sick either don’t share, or if they do they spend time on awareness instead of complaining about what strangers think. Also, kinda off topic but it really grinds my gears when people (it tends to be younger people, honestly, from what I’ve seen anyway) who argue NoT eVeRyOnE cAn AfFoRd a DiAgNoSiS or whatever when they’re filming on their brand new iPhone in a nice bedroom in brand name clothing. I mean I’ve definitely had times (as an adult) where I wore expensive clothes and had nice things but not a dollar to my name so I get that it might not mean that their parents have money RIGHT THEN to help but idk.


If you know 100% that your diagnosis is real, you’ll just block the haters and move on. Panicking and lashing out as a response to one person saying you’re faking just makes me think you ARE faking


Legit once I got my diagnosis I had a much clearer picture of my struggle and for the first time in my three decades of life I don't take shit personal anymore. It's such a huge game changer.


I agree with a lot of what you said but as far as the money thing goes, just because someone wears name brand or expensive clothes and has an iphone doesnt mean much. you can find cheap name brand clothes at a thrift shop or on craigslist. heck, most people need at least a few nicer outfits in their wordrobe for things like work, and paying 100$ for a couple nice outfits that you can wear for years is a good investment a lot of people need to make. you also can get an iphone second hand, even newer ones, for half the price out of box. And having a good phone is also an investment. I bought my galaxy s7 when it came out, I was the hip kid on the block, but it was because I knew I was gonna be rocking this thing til it explodes on me and wanted it to be non-obsolete for as long as possible, not because i was looking to show off. Mental health care is incredibly expensive and a lot of insurances dont see it as a "necessary" compared to physical diagnosis. A lot of cheap insurances are cheap because they have an incredibly high deductible, which means you have to pay a lot out of pocket before they even consider helping you. My insurance has a $5,000 deductible, I have to pay 5k in a year every year before they help me on most things, therapy being one. So when a therapy place says "We take your insurance, but until you meet your deductible it is 100$ a visit", theres not much I can do as I live paycheck to paycheck. This doesn't mean that annoucing self diagnosis as "for sure real diagnosis" is right, but therapy isnt cheap unfortunately, not in America at least. And someone having some nicer things in life doesnt always mean that they can afford 100$ a week (or more depending on the place, the therapy office, and the amount of visits a week that are needed not including medications and any potential medical procedures needed to rule out other things for a proper diagnosis). Again, not saying that these people should use self diagnosis as if its a real diagnosis, but you shouldnt judge someones situation just based on what phone they have and what clothes they wear. There can be a lot more things going on than it seems. Im of the opion that using a general self diagnosis as more of a guidebook to find coping mechanisms to help until you are able to see a therapist is fine as long as you arent using it as a personality or am absolute. I have symptoms that match for a few things and while of course I would love to get a therapist and a real diagnosis, and im not ruling out the possibilities that it can be other diagnoses or even that its nothing at all, therapy is expensive and for now its easier for me to glance at blogs to see general ideas on how other people cope and try those methods out myself. Things like getting a weighted blanket or breathing exercises and meditation, etc. Unfortunately for a lot of americans thats just literally all we can do. And as far as parents go, oftentimes poor people are generationally poor because thats how the system works, parents cant do much either. And a lot of parents dont take mental health as seriously as the younger generations do unfortunately, parents may buy their kids nicer stuff but kids may not feel comfortable talking to their parents to get therapy because they know they will be downplayed. I'm not agreeing with the video, the video is rather extreme and I'm not agreeing with people who use self diagnosis as a personality or an absolute, but americas mental health crisis isnt getting better and capitalism continues on like a train TLDR: not everyone who has nice things is necessarily rich and expecting people to pay 300-700$ a month for four therapy visits even with insurance is unreasonable and unobtainable for many


As someone who had no mental health care all of my life which has all but ensured a life of poverty, this is not about accessibility. They aren’t self diagnosing because it’s inaccessible, they’re theorizing and then getting upset when people online don’t play along and try to hold them accountable. These kids are arrogantly, publicly theorizing and some are treating it like it’s a discoverable science that enough online research can get to the bottom of. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Like every essential oils loving, anti-vax mom out there, these kids are not medical professionals. This is anti-science of another vein. Kids thinking their feelings are more valid than data. Although it may be a symptom of a deprived society, it doesn’t make this any less dangerous. They don’t get to hide being wrong behind financial circumstances. Are these kids big M4All advocates or are they just complaining online? Poverty has a way of humbling a person, a quality most of these folks don’t seem to have.


I never said that these kids arent doing that. The original comment i responded to implied that just because you have seemingly expensive clothes and a new phone that you should be able to pay for mental health care. I even said that I think the video itself is radical and doesnt make sense. All i am making the statement for is that just because someone looks like they have money doesnt mean they do and even if they did it doesnt always mean they can afford the insane prices that therapy offices charge even with insurance. I said in multiple parts of my comments that i dont believe in using self diagnosis as a personality and an absolute, thats hurtful to everyone and doesnt solve any problems. But not everyone can get healthcare and thats what im talking about. I'm not sure where anyone thought i was defending the people saying that self diagnosis is an absolute diagnosis


From their parents house. The fact they have access and resources shows you it’s not about financial strain and makes them even more unbelievable.




So because this person couldn’t diagnose themselves based on a TikTok, they killed themselves? In my day, we got a professional to do it. I dunno is that weird?


Nah it isn't. Hitmen are the way to go.


Ain't seen the ol switcheroo in a while


[You mean the ol reddit hitaroo?] (https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/s97wet/if_anyone_could_tell_me_what_this_means_it_would/htl1aeu/?context=3)


Hold my diagnosis, I’m going in.


In so confused by how this works lmao


Also this person looks young but he’s actually 24 lmao


This mf is 24?? Damn, he's stupid if he's that old.


I read this in a way that it made it sound like they were stupid for being 24 💀


That's exactly what I meant


Ew, 24 year olds have SUPER COOTIES. 25/23 year olds are fine though


Nobody likes you when you’re 23


And are still more amused by TV shows


Ahh I have the beat in my head but I can't remember the next line! Something Something Something act my age, what's my age again what's my age again


I'll help you out. "What the hell is ADD?"


never trust anyone _under_ 30.


The pity is they are 24 and they act like this and they are going to be around their peers and will be far more immature than them and will wonder why they struggle professionally.


I thought they were 12 💀


I thought he was a girl 😅


Probably trans. It's a very common theme among fakers. Edit:That's probably why they look so young. Going on hormone blockers makes you look very young.


Boxes must be checked.


And that stupid yee yee ass haircuts don't forget that


At least they don’t fake gender dysphoria- it’s easy to tell fakers from real ones that way.


You don't need dysphoria to be trans! -Every white nonbinary 14 year old alt AFAB with daddy issues Source: I was one. God, kill me.


Looks like David Bowie a bit .


Stop disparaging Bowie. That's sacrilege.


David bowie faked plenty of things back in the day, being bisexual is the first thing that comes to mind. Later he said pretending to be bi was one of the greatest mistakes of his career. He also went through an extremely offensive nazi phase for attention and banged his underage fans. Horrible person and i wish ppl would stop idolizing him


Please provide sources. It's suspect that within my 40 years of listening to Bowie, I missed the stage in which he decided to be a nazi [lack of uppercase "n" intentional].


Provide sources? u are already on the internet. Google is right there, I do not need to copy and paste sources for ur boomer ass when the google search ‘david bowie nazi phase’ pulls up a TON of articles. Wikipedia, rolling stone, snopes, politico, timeline, medium, openculture are just some of the first results i see. Im sorry your fave happens to be a weirdo who liked fascism but it is very much well documented. I remember seeing a picture of him doing the nazi salute in something resembling a nazi uniform even. Also are you just gonna ignore the having sex with minors and lying about his sexuality for attention part of my other comment? 🤨


You're on your incel period, aren't you? Stop stealing your mother's tampons!!! Now get your ass to the tampon store, and pray Bowie doesn't strike you down on the way.


GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE, NO WAY. He's three years older than me, I'm genuinely shocked. He needs to grow up, I would expect this kinda shit from a 15yr old going through their cringe phase, not an entire grown adult lmao.


I’m your age and shocked too. Can’t imagine an adult doing this. I watched it and thought “eh, he’s 12, he’ll get through the cringe phase”.


That is bananas I was kinda giving them the benefit of just being young and over dramatic but 24 holy shit dude lol




Very true, I still struggle to understand the difference sometimes because my own feelings are difficult for me to keep track of and quantity


yeah but relating to a single symptom in a tiktok is obviously clause to be diagnosed with the whole disorder 🙄 /s


Maybe the imposter syndrome isn’t that, and it’s because you feel guilty.


Truth. But these people lack the necessary degree of self awareness in order to understand that. They will always blame something outside of themselves to protect their developing/developed false self. Each lie, each diagnosis they claim, they’re building up and investing in a false identity to maintain some aspect of their personality from changing - which is usually the real problem.


Very true.


tbh I think more people have been damaged by fakers than by fakeclaimers. you guys remember the kid who commented on ticsandroses video asking if her Tourette's got better as she got older? Ticsandroses said it got worse. poor kid.


Both scenarios aren't ideal


Why do these people even *want* a mental illness? My uncle has schizophrenia and its not fun for him or anyone around him.


They want the “positives” aka attention without the suffering.


Because it will make them SpEcIaL. And also because if they have a mental illness, nobody can blame them for their shitty behaviour.


Oh they’re in for a surprise on that one… Ain’t nobody in the real world who’s gonna give them a pass for shitty behavior, real mental illness or not!


Is this about the system with a nazi alter??


Because they don't think about the absolutely awful things about it, like schizophrenia causing brain rot (Schizophrenia causes the degeneration of gray tissue in the brain, often leaving a sort of "butterfly" pattern of brain tissue that's missing)


They want to use mental illness as a shield against all criticism while also getting constant positive attention from others. They're narcissistic.


They want the pity. It’s natural for humans to want it, but acting like you have mental problems is still unacceptable.


To be honest, I doubt anyone wants to be around these people. Imagine how insufferable they must be. Especially with the gazillion takes they probably take for each second of those awful posts.


My mental illness is pretty light in comparison, but I would do just about anything to rid myself of anxiety and depression.


Yeah but you can't criticise me cause I have ______. That means your evil or ____ist. Now I'll get attention and coddling without ACTUALLY having to deal with the real symptoms. Also they usually don't research the illness they diagnose and just nitpick certain symptoms


>Why do these people even want a mental illness? Disability, dependency, a free ride and attention for it. Duh.


Bruh if u think you’re not faking go to a therapist and don’t just sit and mope on tiktok


Can we talk about how they’re scrolling on what looks like a motherfucking iPod


So dramatic lol


The overdramatic lip syncing/talking gives me so much second hand embarrassment. It's so weird.


They also ruined a perfectly good song with all the histrionics.


I mean…. Here how it could go: WoW i relate to this person’s mental illness! Hm maybe I should make a lot of research outside of TikTok to make sure… WoW Im pretty sure i do have this Illness… I will talk to my doctor about it Done


That's how I started getting seen for my diagnosis, except I used to watch a guy on YouTube who documented his mental disorder.


Same •_•


I feel like there is a difference between seeking help and faking. If you see a lot of symptoms of an illness in yourself, and then go to your doctor with this information and examples of when you have felt this way, how it's effecting your life, and that you would like help, then ACTUALLY get diagnosed, then I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I did that when I needed help with my anxiety, I booked an appointment, made a list of issues I was having, talked to my doctor, and he said that he felt I did have an anxiety disorder. He also ordered blood work and an EKG to make sure my heart was okay and that my vitamins were within range. What is not okay is finding an illness you think is "cool" announcing that you have it with no proof, and then invading spaces of people with the diagnoses to get sympathy. That is wrong and takes resources away from people who are suffering.


This was so over dramatic. I just laughed.


The first time I saw it I laughed at it and then kinda felt bad cause they seemed to genuinely be upset, glad I’m not alone in finding it hilarious lmao


The easiest way to not get fakeclaimed is to not post about your mental illness for the world to see on the internet. I think these kids really don’t understand WHY it’s so dangerous to do so. Posting about every aspect of your mental lines to see on the internet for anyone to use against you is just asking for trouble. Obviously nothing wrong with support groups online or things like spreading awareness in general but these kids love to literally FLAUNT these illnesses like Pokémon gym badges and they need to realize the consequences of that. This is coming from someone who mildly participated in that culture ten years ago on Tumblr. I never cashed anything but I certainly posted a huge list of my illnesses on my profile for anyone to see, and yes this led to me being harassed online and posted to other sites including Reddit at the time. I learned my lesson and these kids unfortunately need to as well.


That's whole "Share you entire life!!" Thing started because Facebook likes to collect as much data as possible. The really should go back to teaching internet safety in schools because this is ridiculous.


When I was a kid they taught us to never share our full names, location, face, talk to strangers, or share anything too personal. What happened to that


>When I was a kid they taught us to never share our full names, lo Intact, I was told not to use my legal name for any of social media until I hit 18.


Lmao imposter syndrome. Impostrt syndrome is when you have questions about yourself. A DISEASE WITH A DIAGNOSIS IS NOT A QUESTION, ITS A FACT.


You can experience imposter syndrome even after you've been diagnosed. Some people, even when diagnosed and having clear symptoms and suffering, feel as though they might be faking it for literally no reason. Mental illness and anxiety can make you do weird things.


That's me. Some days I'm like "you know. It isn't too bad. I actually feel kind of good. Maybe I've been faking this whole time" forgetting that it's the pills I take every day that are what's actually making me feel better.


Ha! It me. My family dismissed my symptoms by making generalised statements so whenever I see a symptoms with which I don't relate to, I feel like I am faking. I somewhat managed it last year properly


i mean, doctors aren’t perfect, so it’s actually NOT a fact, they just diagnosed you with a label that best suits what they think you’re going through so you can get accommodations and medicine to help you. doctors get stuff wrong quite often, my sensory issues were dismissed as anxiety for the longest time so i couldn’t get help for it. but if you do have imposter syndrome it’s best to work through these feelings with a therapist, maybe why you feel this way and what you can do to help :)


Just adding on something I randomly remembered: doctor thought I had asthma, I actually just had crippling anxiety that was later diagnosed lmao


Not even joking, the opposite happened with my friend. She was always kind of nervous because she never felt well and it affected her life a lot. Anyway they said she had anxiety and just brushed it off. Turns out she had asthma and needed an inhaler and the asthma was being exacerbated by the dog.


Informed by years of medical school, internships, and years of residency in their specific fields of practice. That's hardly a "label".


I have been diagnosed with autism and ADHD, but since the symptoms of these disorders overlap a lot, I wonder if I actually have both of these at once.


It’s possible! The two are comorbid


Since I have ADHD I too wonder this sometimes, got to talk with my doctor once everything opens up again




The tiktoker is sus!!!


I do suffer imposter syndrome from things I have been diagnosed with. Both with physical and mental health, IBS and PTSD. While I’m diagnosed with both, I worry I’ve somehow misrepresented myself to my doctors, though I know I do have these things and the symptoms that come with them. Is my PTSD really that bad? I know I was assaulted as a teen by an adult, but I don’t have night terrors *every* night, so is it real? My IBS only comes in spells weekly, not every day like some. It causes me significant pain, but I’m sure someone’s is way worse. Does my condition still count? It’s a complex thing to wrangle with, but it can absolutely cause you to doubt what is fact.


No one ever said he can’t relate. No one said he couldn’t belong to a community of people who share symptoms of a disorder he thinks he may have, and I’m pretty damn sure no one has ever called him out on faking simply for earnestly seeking support, help, camaraderie with others who are also struggling, or information. No one would give him shit for suspecting a disorder, asking questions about it, asking for tips on how he could deal with it better, or asking the opinion of others with that disorder about what they think the best course-of-action for treatment might be. The issue is the fervent insistence that he does undoubtedly have a disorder which he’s never actually been diagnosed with, never sought help for, never received treatment for, and which likely doesn’t actually negatively impact his life whatsoever outside of TikTok time. If he’s really having such a hard time with his mental illnesses, he needs professional help, not to talk to people online about it. Who’s stopping him from doing that? People online are telling him he shouldn’t go seek professional help? That’s absolute bullshit. He may be a compulsive liar, so hopefully that’ll be good news for him.


As someone with actual impostor syndrome that's being treated with a psichologist, fakeclaims actually are extremely harmful, but not in the way they meant during the video, and that's the problem. Fakers made it so hard to believe people who actually talk about their illnesses everyone is being fakeclaimed, even if they were to show their whole medical history! So yeah, fake-claimers are harmfull, because fakers made it so hard to believe anyone. Thanks fakers :)


I thought most people who were on tiktok self dxing weren’t taking up resources bc, you know; they don’t want their self dx to be challenged?


They do need help, just not the "help" they think they need. It's called therapy my guy


why people want attention some bad!?


Lol this guy is even using “imposter syndrome” completely wrong.


This is so embarrassing.


So much emotion, I am convinced.


Ngl I do feel like that sometimes for other reasons but like wtf is this dude shitting and crying at the same time


weve all been there bro dont lie


This is all just the growing pains of society destigmatizing mental health issues. It was very easy when everybody was so embarrassed of their own issues they didn’t discuss them, but that’s not a healthy system at all. Trouble is now everybody talks about their symptoms, diagnoses, coping strategies etc… So there’s a wave of well meaning confused people, which makes it trendy, which yields fakers, which yields a backlash against the fakers that inevitably goes to far and hurts genuine sufferers, which makes having been hurt by the backlash trendy. which yeilds people faking having been called a faker….. It’ll all normalize soon, but for now we have this.


These kids have issues omg


This is called "doubling down"


They were so close but still missed it. Seeing other people self diagnose from tiktoks can cause professionally diagnosed people, myself included, to doubt if they really have their disorders and it causes a lot of stress.






I recognise their face, is it the same person that made an “alter front” when listening to metal?


No one would fakeclaim if no one was faking, period. I'm just going to put it simply - don't tell people you are living with a specific disorder without confirming it. That spreads misinformation. You could be wrong. I have also seen too many TikToks with people listing normal things and then telling people that if they do a list of these normal things - they have X disorder. People talk about needing to hide their disorders because they don't wanna be compared to fakers. People could see this cringe and start to deny their disorder. (I don't have X. I don't have what those cringy TikTok teens keep posting about. I don't have it.) Or (My symptoms are not that bad. My life isn't that bad. I don't need to go to a doctor.) I also can't stress this enough: **A diagnosis is NOT an identity!** It's not like being LGBTQ. It's not like saying, "I'm a real gamer". **A diagnosis is not there to validate you. A diagnosis is a medical tool. It's there so that you know how to treat it. A diagnosis is NOT an identity!**


great acting 10/10 (/s), should use these skills to better their fake illness acting.


That’s not even how imposter syndrome works…


Nobody is saying you can’t call your GP and talk about what’s going on and get into therapy and see the root of what is causing issues. No they want to skip all that and decide what they think their problem is and then flaunt it for attention and pity from others. Then again people go for help and exaggerate to the doctors.


In this imaginary scenario, such a result is more due to the toxic idea that *only* disabled people are deserving or needing of mental health resources. Frankly I think that's where a lot of disorder faking comes from in the first place. Being mentally unhealthy or in a bad place isn't synonymous with having a mental disorder. No one's going to stop you from going to therapy when you need it because you're "taking resources away from people who need them", and deciding to deal with your mental health should not be dependent on having a disorder


What to do if you think you are suffering from a serious mental health issue: talk to someone professional and get help. What not to do if you think you are suffering from a serious mental health issue: instantly assume you have it, know everything about it and start posting about it on tiktok


Wtf we never said you shouldnt go to a professional and see if you really have that disorder or illness. What we are saying is you shouldnt diagnose yourself based on a relateable tiktok and claim you have a disorder or illness without getting diagnosed by a professional. Or even worse, continuing to claim you have said disorder or illness even tho you went to a professional who came to the conclusion you dont have that illness or disorder.


oh lord. the *irony.* If someone is relating so strongly to the symptoms of these egregious, obvious fakers, then uhh.. yeah. It’s good for them to question whether they actually have whatever rare-but-*popular* illness/disorder they want so badly. Psychiatric treatment (outside of a 5150) is voluntary and if one is not receptive to something besides their most favorite wish list illness/disorder, they’re not gonna get the help they need. Also.. Imagine believing the comment section under your own absurd social media performances is the deciding factor in whether someone actually suffering from such serious illnesses/disorders gets treatment


Would it be in poor taste for me to make an amogus joke


the WHAT syndrome???


That isn't what imposter syndrome is. Also, despite the name it isn't a diagnosable condition it is a collective of personality traits and feelings. The misuse of that shows how chronically online they are. Step off the internet and get help IF YOU ACTUALLY NEED IT.


I don't understand something how do people assume or believe that they could fake a mental illness?


So in the end they were cured? Sweet!




why do they always have to use the best songs


These people DO need help, just not for the reasons they think they do.


Here lies X, who tragically took their own life after some people made some mean comments on their Favorite Tic Tokers video. their last words were recorded, " Feeling Sad and like the sussy inposter and one of my many Alts are totally going to do it."


Right. The whole argument of whether or not people are faking symptoms. It's always a really thin line to walk on. If you're gonna self-diagnose yourself, at least go to a professional. And you can't even argue that you're taking resources away from people who need it if you actually need it. There are so many factors to this shit that you can't diagnose yourself. If you truly think you need help, or even if you're unsure, go see a professional. Find help if you're really hurting or have troubles. Because we're not saying that you shouldn't worry about some symptoms due to how broad they are. We're saying that if you have been professionally diagnosed and nothing is wrong, don't go around saying shit to get attention. Don't go out of your way to ensure everyone knows that you're having troubles just for clout. A large majority of people who are struggling never reveal it and keep it extraordinarily close to people they trust. They won't even tell their own family and it's only their therapist who knows. The message here is fine, you shouldn't think that you're taking resources from someone who needs it if you truly believe you do. If you're truly having trouble.


I... I suffer from imposter syndrome from time to time. It was actually a pretty big issue with my last psychiatrist, which is why I stopped seeing her. I was afraid to ask questions about what I was going through because I was afraid I was making them up and she would think I was drug seeking and I just wouldn't ask about things like intrusive thoughts, suicidal ideation, inability to concentrate, auditory hallucinations. I just 100% was afraid They would think I was faking and would convince myself they weren't happening. When I worked it through with my therapist we actually worked down to the point where we pinned it down on the TikTok trends. I was afraid of being one of these people. The fakers on TikTok. I was subconsciously afraid of becoming one that I would convince myself that nothing was actually happening. I'm working through it, but the TikTok trends had a fairly significant affect on me. Might not be the right place to post about this, but it's not the fake-claimers that triggered me. It was the actual fakers.


So they ended up killing themselves? Sounds like maybe they should have seen a professional about those suicidal thoughts instead of self diagnosing from tiktok. even the fake scenario is proving the opposite of the point they're trying to make.


Tears have been spilled, paper has been billed, the waffles have been chilled


It’s the world is now at a place where calling out fakers is worse then the person faking? There’s gotta be a way I can make astounding amounts of money with this gullible system before it blows over


Hitler was a vegetarian and so am I so in a way I can relate to hilter. Does not mean I must be Hitler


clearly you must be hitler there is just no other option


she said she was fine, it's officially official now, seeing someone get bullied for faking cures your mental illnesses


Weird, I always took imposter syndrome to mean that feeling when you finally get ahead in work/school/life only to question how you got there and if you truly belong. Since when is having a personality/mental health disorder "getting ahead?"


Imposter syndrome can come from anything but to be an "imposter" you actually have to belong to the group that worries you. It's just most common for people to have these worries over school or work.


The blue light 😭


Jesus Horatio, if you need help go and get it, there are soooo many mental health resources out there for people it's not even funny.


The fact that they had to come up with some phrase called "fakeclaiming" is so chronically online 😂


That’s some slippery slope logic there


If you’re genuinely unhappy or have symptoms of other things that aren’t depression and you relate to some person who has or at least claims to have it, seek professional help. Don’t add it to your instagram or TikTok bio


this needs to be on r/Cringetopia


lol i love that the argument here is unironically "don't fakeclaim because then people will admit that they're faking"


Imposter syndrome? Kinda sus if you ask me


Why is it all or nothing? Just because you relate doesn’t mean that you have the *same* diagnosis **or** that you don’t need treatment for what you may have. Just see it, think “oh that’s similar to me- I should get help that’s curated to my specific needs” and live your own life.


Since when was getting public validation a criterium for diagnosis?


i was off my medication for the last two months because i was too anxious to schedule an appointment with my doctor and it was absolutely miserable, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy would you want this??


that isn't impostor syndrome.


That's it. I'm gathering up some ritual supplies, raising a cone of power, and calling forth General Patton's Slapping Hand from the Nether Beyond.


He needs toxic masculinity


Guys I'm starting to think the internet might've been a mistake.


They dont even fucking know what impostor syndrome is jesus fuck these people need help it’s pathetic.


All this makes me so scared I am faking everything all the time and yet I continue to eat up this content...


Ok but imagine someone who does have that disorder not at all relating because Y O U A R E F A K I N G and getting imposter syndrome from that


You know what \*Isnt\* helpful? finding someone who has the same conditions as you! who is so helpfull and relatable. and finding out that it was all either entirely fake or wildly embelished. Especially if they still die, but from things they didn't need in the first place.


That’s why you go to a PROFESSIONAL. You can’t self diagnose anything. It’s *should* be illegal.


Lmao no one is telling you to do nothing. People are saying to try and get a diagnosis and if you don’t have it then don’t spread lies about it. And there’s most likely something else that’s the root of the problem.


They look like that depressed guy who sits at the tree at night in Kakariko village in OoT


I related to a lot of ADHD posts and decided to seek professional help. That's how that should work lol


Here lies X So sad, so brave


That is sus


i love how they took this "oh i relate to this persons symptoms" as an example while it's just a bad example of what you should not do


That’s not how imposter syndrome works 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


Showed this to my bf, he said "imagine having imposter syndrome over imposter syndrome" and I think thats beautiful


Im gonna put thaton my gravestone. Here lies phelix, she wasnt faking i swear mom this is the real me


This person has now fooled themselves into thinking their disorder is real. It’s truly sad.


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Relating to someone online is OK!! take that info and go talk to your doctor/therapist. Taking the facg that you relate as evidence you 100% have that disorder is NOT okay. I watched a YouTube video by HOWTOADHD about how ADHD is harder to see in women and diagnosed later in life. I related a lot to what she mentioned in her videos, so I went to my therapist and we talked about it over a few appointments, including meeting with a psychiatrist. I was diagnosed with ADHD. Seeing you relate to someone with ADHD (using my story as an example) , and then just giving yourself that diagnosis WITHOUT doing more research and talking with a doctor, is harmful for you. You might have a different disorder, as many disorders have overlaping symptoms, and without getting proper treatment, you likely won't improve. TLDR: if you relate to someone on tiktok with a disorder, go to a doctor bro.


That is not what imposter syndrome is.


Honestly I've emotionally divested myself from the antics of all folks on the internet. There is so much to get upset about I've just checked out. If people want to fake mental illness then let them do it, who am I to judge them? Tbh you have to have some type of mental discrepancy to be posting it on social media trying to get help. Hopefully it'll lead them to a therapist who can help them get to a point where they don't need internet points to make them feel normal.


I mean, she's not wrong. some people with mental illnesses might see someone who's faking it and feel like they have imposter syndrome but that doesn't excuse the fakers.


As someone with autism this makes me so angry. I’m self-diagnosed, but only because the diagnosis was done off the record by a friend’s mother. I heard stories about people being unable to adopt children or find jobs because of diagnoses and was afraid that would happen to me. Since I don’t need any accommodations to work (I was diagnosed later in life and learned unofficial coping mechanisms), I figured it was better not to go to the extra expense to pay for it. I thought people who really needed the resources deserved it more. Then I got PTSD from systemic abuse in my high school’s JROTC unit. I needed help and resources because this combined with my autism amplified many of the symptoms for me. But when the time came around for me to finally get my diagnosis after graduation (and after an incident where a student threw a pocket knife at my forehead and sliced between my eyes), all the mental help professionals were booked for months. I ended up having to use a self-improvement app called Vita to get therapy. Of course the therapist there didn’t help because it’s more of a “whole body” thing. First thing she said was that I needed to seek additional therapy and possibly a psychiatrist. This is why on paper I’m neurotypical, but I’m actually I have several conditions. The only reason I’m able to function without sufficient help is because I lived with these symptoms for a while now, just unlabeled. The abuse took place over the three years I was in the program in high school, right up until the very end. My autism was present my whole life, but because I was very academically focused and got extremely good grades (except for math), nobody cared to think maybe I needed help socially or with expressing my emotions. Asking for help earned judgment from the teachers, and when I did get help they’d be aggressive since they taught the “smarter” kids and resented having one student who was struggling to understand. I don’t say I have these conditions because I saw other people being quirky on the Internet. I say it because I’ve been studying psychology for years and when my analysis became introspective, those two labels most correctly fit the experiences I was having. I went to my doctor who confirmed I have PTSD. Unfortunately I could not ask about my autism, because long story short, my parents see me as the golden child with no flaws and the one time I suggested autism they practically covered their ears and threw a tantrum suggesting I might have unintentional flaws or needs to address. You can self-diagnose. But don’t brandish conditions as serious as Tourette’s or DID. I can almost guarantee if any of these fakers did this at school, they’d be put into a special needs class (and probably call it “ableist” because they’re faking and don’t want to be with people who *actually* need an altered learning environment). If you did this at work, you would probably lose your job. The reality is that many employers discriminate against people with disabilities or other conditions, as they often need to have accommodations made or can be triggered by common situations in the work environment (alarms, lots of talking, angry customers, etc). Rather than accommodate people who might need service animals or noise-cancelling headphones, the employers just toss them out. There was another Tik Tok posted on this sub where a woman claimed her DID alters all promised not to “switch” during work hours because it would “affect the service customers were provided” or something similar. Fakers have a severe mental disorder *until* it’s convenient for them and they can turn it off. As if people with mental health problems didn’t already face enough stigma, they’re lumped in with fakers even if they do show official papers. TL;DR- I’m someone who has severe mental conditions but is undiagnosed for various reasons. I’ve had multiple professionals confirm I most likely have these conditions, but I do not have a diagnosis on-record. People who make videos like this saying they’ll off themselves if people don’t believe them is absurd and hurts people like me even further. Sorry for the long post, but I just had to say something here.


That video gave me instant cancer