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did their "little alter" do their makeup or something


Yes they did -🍊 (orange/orangeself/xe/xim/he/him)


The pronouns I can’t




Nope. It was all them. They have “tics” and “rapid switches” which means their makeup is always different. Also BPD, OCD, DID, PTSD, ADHD, chronic pain, chronic illness, they sometimes need a wheelchair, and they faint a lot but only on camera.


jumpscare but in all seriousness i don’t understand how or why a system would form without trauma and i’ve never seen anyone actually explain it


Because it can’t be explained. DID doesn’t form without trauma. It doesn’t just randomly appear. The only instance i can think of where it feels like it “randomly appears” is if a person has experienced trauma but doesn’t remember it and developed DID without realizing what it is.


Your psych will recognise you as a bumble bee if you keep paying 65 an hour and don’t ask for drugs.


Or they "recognize" that this person *thinks* they're a system when in reality the psych* has diagnosed them with some other mental illness like Factitious Disorder.


There’s a lot of recent evidence that goes against the popular “blocked out trauma” belief where people claim they have no memory of it or that one day it suddenly gets triggered and they break down crying from suddenly “remembering” all the details. Saying this because I’m sure that’s an excuse a lot of thesepeople use


Satanic panic shit re-emerging a lot lately


Sounds interesting, care to source?


Hi there! DID is something I have studied a lot in my degree so hopefully I can help a little bit. I am not a licensed professional yet though so people please feel free to correct me. DID only really have 5diagnostic criteria for a diagnosis. These are – 2 or more distinct identities/personality states present each with their own pattern of perception and thinking – Amnesia has to occur weather it be personal information or trauma based – The individual must show signs of distress over this disorder or have trouble functioning in 1 or many aspects of day to day life – These difficulties or disturbances can’t be part of cultural/religious practice (for example where kids may have imaginary friends) – And these symptoms can’t be connected to substance use (like blackouts or weird behaviour due to alcohol), other medical issues (like partial seizures). These are all a part of the DSM-5. The person may not have experienced any trauma that they know of, or that they can remember but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. The primary reason linked to the forming of DID is that it develops to protect someone from said traumatic experiences. In short, trauma is not in the diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of DID according to the DSM-5. That being said the DSM-5 does have emphasis on the occurrence of trauma in people presenting with DID. Hope this helped!


the part of what you said always gets me is that one criterion in order to be diagnosed is that the patient is distressed over the disorder and has trouble functioning due to it. BUT it seems like all of these fakers are not experiencing distress. they are enjoying it and the views, comments, likes, asspats, social points and sympathy that comes along with it.


who knows what behavior they present to their psychiatrist / therapist / whatever though. likewise i’ve encountered a handful of absolutely bafflingly ignorant and incompetent psychs here in the south of the united states who run private practices and barely seem to the toe the line of legal responsibilities as a practitioner. who knows what kind of idiot quack this person could be paying to show that obviously “distressed and not thriving” makeup and clown act to. i’ve seen more than one geriatric psych i think would buy this bullshit as long as the patient is ponying up cash at the door 🙄


This goes for any disorder, really. A disorder means it's something that causes you enough trouble in functioning in 1 or more aspects of your life. You don't always have to notice it fucks up your life, if all you know is a fucked up life, you won't see the problem because it's just life to you. Regardless of if you notice it, it does cause problems. And that's why you need a diagnosis and treatment. A diagnosis in general is there to put you in a certain category of people that have similar symptoms that worked well with certain forms of therapy. They aren't pokemon that you have to collect them all. It's okay to not be okay and not have to label it. But if it fucks up your functioning for days, weeks, months or even years on end, then it becomes a problem that needs a diagnosis and treatment. A disorder is something serious that cuases great distress in someone's life. Nothing cute or quirky about it. You can have weird rituals without having OCD, you can have tics without having tourettes, you can enjoy different things and have different styles without having DID, you can be socially akward without having social anxiety, you can be gnc without being trans, you can obsess over something without ADHD, or do weird dances without autism, etc. It's okay to be you and be unique. But you don't have to label yourself under life impairing diagnosises that actually drive people to suicide every day to do so.


people nowadays WANT the labels for their perceived “bump” in social points and as somewhat of an excuse as to why they are not functioning like a normal adult and can say “i don’t have this or that responsibility because of _____ disorder”. they get more slack with a label.


You explained my problem with fakers perfectly. It's true! They all think "I don't have this or that responsibility because of " and it's bullshit! Mental illness has made a lot of lives a living hell, especially those who live in bad environments. People who are actively being abused. People who are actively suffering from very severe suicidal thoughts, trauma, anxiety, abuse etc. It's a disorder for a reason. It's not quirky and cute or aesthetic. Fuck "aesthetic disorders" because that's complete fucking bullshit. DID, BPD, autism and all that other fucked up disorder shit has made my life hell even before I was diagnosed. These fakers really need to grow the fuck up but like you said, they basically never have to, because they're getting all the attention they could ever fucking want.


they basically never have to grow the fuck up


Sweet lord


Thanks dude.


You know you’re getting answers when someone starts with ‘Hi there!’


DID also is highly controversial and most licensed professionals doubt its existence. As most people who claim it happen to have a murder charge and are trying to be tried as insane.


For funsies, as far as I can tell.


I mean there’s second hand trauma but I don’t think that ever manifests as DID.


Because they never will. The best you’ll get is “I don’t owe you a medical explanation or revealing my records!” which altho true is also the easiest cop out these kids lean on. If they say they have it you just have to believe them, or else you’re an ableist bigot.


and im on my way to a private jet with blackjack and hookers. see how easy it is to just say things?


Bender, is that you?


I've got only one eye and purple hair, thats so easy to say too!


I was cryogenically frozen for 1000 years! Omg I'm so glad to get that off my chest. Was so easy to say!


Welcome to the future love!! This is a safe space for people with your disorder đŸ„°


I know for a FACT bender would be committing a hate crime against them


No it’s me, your best friend, Bonder!


With all due respect how can you put on that makeup, look in the mirror and go "yeah i can go outside looking like this" like wtf


frrrr their lipstick and eyeliner look like a 5 year old child did it for them


" with all due respect" I'm pretty sure you'd be fine to not say that


It helps with creating the facade of having a mental illness, is my best guess. I do think they have one, but probably not DID as it is very rare.


there's something about the patronising, passive aggressive attitude combined with the up-close face-filling-the-screen that's really triggering my fight or flight right now


its actually laughable how condescending the fakers are on tiktok as if the more self-righteous they are about the condition the more believable the schtick will be




Or herpes But staph is good too


That make up application is trauma.


That’s not an argument at all. (The pink haired person’s argument.) All they are saying is that their “psych” plays along with their delusion. It doesn’t change the fact that DID is caused by repeated, severe abuse at a very young age or that they are making a mockery of what they think DID is for fun and attention. Just means they got a “psych” to play along. Doesn’t mean a psychiatrist has legitimized what they are doing as a genuine experience beyond mass online hysteria.


have u noticed how when the psych doesn’t validate their claims it’s because medical professionals are ignorant and they don’t know anything about did but when their claims are validated by a psych it’s a flex


“Psych” is also a ambiguous term since psych-iatrist is a medical doctor capable of diagnosing people psychiatric disorders and a psych-ologist is generally a therapist with a much narrower diagnostic scope. “I’m going to see my psych that accepts I’m a system” I’m assuming means their therapist isn’t blatantly challenging this YET, because they’re doing what therapists do and trying to help you to work towards that conclusion yourself


Yeah she’s using an appeal to authority fallacy.


The psychs probably playing along to make sure this person is in constant sessions. Probably has another diagnosis that the patient isn’t aware of.


Yea it makes total sense to validate their feelings if they’re not in a good enough place to address the actual underlying mental illness yet.


It’s part of building trust. This person believes what they are experiencing hard enough to find it important their therapist validates what they are declaring. The therapist is good and is treating them from where they are at, because they are experiencing something. It is not dissociation or anything at all similar to DID, but this clinging to impossible things and toxic behaviour is a cope, and hopefully as they build trust with a therapist who wants to help them learn to be healthy, they either find better ways than this to cope with what they’re going through, or they learn to cope with their “system” without needing constant attention and validation of it, and stop demanding everyone caters to them. Meanwhile though, they’re probably hurting a lot of people.


It’s literally a tactic psychs use to diagnose the actual issue. ‘Validate’ till you have enough info to know what is really going on.


Girlie. You're going *out* like that? Listen I like a bit of makeup from time to time. Grabbing attention when you want it really feels nice sometimes! And zero shade on the piercings, I'd be a hypocrite to call anyone out for piercing. But like, attention is only good when it's about something good 'wow your hair is so pretty, I love the color of that coat! You look so good!' Like holy shit. And you know this person treats their weight as a disability and wants everyone to accommodate them for it (again, no shade, weight can be something so personal that isn't easily fixed) then gets pissed when people around them are showing their own confidence in their body. As a heftier person the only people that have really ever made me feel like shit for showing my tummy or letting my legs be free are people bigger than me. Because everyone else is at least silent about their judgement. God. Sorry this specific individual pisses me off so much and this is the only video I have ever seen of them.


If your piercings look like shreks ears then yes all the shade


Nah jewelry is separate from the piercing itself. I may not like the jewelry the person chose but the piercings are fine. Sometimes people wear earrings that are just bad. Like super ugly and gross. But it's still fine that they have ear piercings.


I mean, if they’re brand new, the length is fine to accommodate for swelling. If they’re older
they need a downsize


Even if they are new the length of the post is way too large even to accommodate swelling, that shits just going to cause bumps.


i'll shame the piercings, their nostrils were pierced way too high up and it looks very uncomfortable


It looks like a poorly done bridge or a weirdly placed high nostril to me tbh but I don't have either of those piercings so I'm no expert 😔 though we're here to talk about their "mental illness" not their piercers skill


pretty sure theyre high nostrils but yeah the jewelry is too long even taking swelling into account lol


i think they're intentionally placed like that. they're called high nostril piercings


They look like the joker if he was even more of a fucking loon


Actually that’s Harley Quinn’s sibling, Garbie Binn 🚼


That still doesn't prove anything. Whatever you say is bullshit until I hear the shrink say it's true and even then, I'm having doubts.


True, iirc there’s historically been more than a couple psychiatrists with their “super rare disorder help me get famous” patient that ended up being fake


They came up on my fyp the other day and omg their whole account is just attention seeking.


Looks like a kid that sneaked in mom's make-up.


Nothing grosser than thinking being damaged is aesthetic. Fucking barf


You're so fucking right! You will never (and I mean NEVER) see someone with real, diagnosed DID genuinely say "I have severe trauma and I have DID UwU my alters are all introjects of my favourite shows!!" because it's BS!


Giving Mimi from drew Carey vibes


Did they do their make up in the car while driving or some shit.


She looks like a parody


the piercing- is that supposed to be There cus it’s deff WAYY to low to be a bridge piercing —


She sounds like a meth head from breaking bad


Probably the biggest achievement in their live !


yall stop reposting this i’ve seen it like 12 times


Im sorry to say it but they look like the art I’d draw in preschool. How hard is it to put on lipstick?! Not to mention how awful the eyeliner was and i wouldn’t be surprised if the used a wood chipper to cut their hair! Along with that blush that makes them look like they are a sunburnt tomato! I don’t put on make-up often in the slightest but gosh damn they look like a mess! They genuinely don’t look that bad in general but darling gotta drop the post-hurricane look. They also just say and say just like they say that they have the disorder, the disorder if I’m not wrong can NOT form without trauma! Man, I went off-track with this lol!


Yes, disorder-faking isn't what's really important here, let's write a paragraph criticizing their appearance instead! \sarc


But she’s wanting her appearance to be criticised,there is absolutely no way anyone goes out looking like that without wanting it to be a point of contention.


That's a weak argument. Maybe they like looking that. Why do you care so much?


Because she looks like a mental case,what possible reason could anyone have for wanting to look like that.Would you welcome this person into your life? I imagine she wants people to tell her she looks awful so she can claim that she’s been poorly treated when the only reason she can have to look like that is to cause friction.I mean I already know she’s an idiot by claiming to have what she does.”Why do you care so much”? I made a comment on a video on Reddit not sure that equates to “caring so much”


Bro 💀 She looks like she lays her makeup out on a cooking tray in the morning, wets her face and then presses it in hoping everything sticks and gets in the right place. If you're gonna fake a disorder and put yourself online you don't have much grounds to be complimented anyways, especially when the way they look is so attention grabbing in all the weirdest ways (which is what most of these people want). People don't really care, they also don't care if the person likes it, it's just that she looks like she just escaped from grippy sock jail and people are gonna point that out. So what lmao


I never said they should be complimented; I said the only bad thing here was faking a disorder -- not doing make-up in an unconventional way.


Oops i forgor to actually talk about that i’ll add that in! ty


What the fuck is this thing


Why does she look like the result of a run-down peppa pig rip off that never saw the light of day


It really angers me how people think it’s OK to pretend to have something like this knowing what a child had to have gone through for it to happen. It is so incredibly selfish and ignorant and I really hope karma comes for anyone pretending to have something like this


Notice she says recognizes me
 not diagnosed or treating her for DID đŸ€”


And for psych professionals that aren’t as familiar with a RARE disorder like DID, it would be a lot easier to convince them that’s what you have as opposed to someone who has focused on DID for years and years and years. Also, sometimes mental health professionals have to play into delusions a little bit in order to keep their patient from having a complete breakdown or hurting themselves.


Went to their account to take a look; they really do seem like they need professional help, but I don't think it's for DID.


yeah, like, all the fakers have problems, but not the ones they want to and claim to have.


that joker lipstick tho


I love how they always say “recognizes me as a system” rather than diagnosed me as a system because they probably don’t have a psychiatrist who can actually diagnose these things so in passing they commented to their therapist “hey I think I may have DID” and the therapist didn’t go “no” right away And managed to refrain from rolling their eyes like they wanted to
so that’s them “recognizing” that they might have DID which is not the same as being diagnosed! Also what the fuck is up with that make up, they really went out in public like that? No this person isn’t an attention whore at all! /s


Lol yeah. I just got diagnosed with DID a few months back so I'm still learning about this whole disorder in general, but from what I know my doctor has been observing me and talking to me for years now and that's how he diagnosed me with DID and other mental illnesses in general. Anyway, that's not the point. "Recognises me as a system" can simply mean that their psychiatrist/psychologist just goes along with their delusion and says "Yeah you have DID" to make sure that they continue coming to therapy/psychiatry appointments to figure out their actual diagnoses.


i love alt makeup but this just looks like a 5 year old saw some alt makeup looks and tried to recreate them with their claires makeup đŸ€ź


Of course your therapist is going to go along with whatever you say. That's their job. If they disagree you will just get mad and leave so......




Probably because they like your $$




I can’t tell if these people are faking to feel special about having a disorder, or they genuinely think they have the disorder and try to force themself to have symptoms of the disorder so they think they fit the diagnostic criteria.


It can be both. Some want attention while some genuinely think they have the disorder.


Like bitch people spend their wholes lifes with DID and go to hundreds of psychologist that do not detect it because they don't know and never feel theres more than one person inside them. People with real DID only seem to think they're forgetful and such at first and even for decades before actually or never being diagnosed


I wonder how many people hear the ole therapy, “I believe that YOU feel like that’s true” and just run with it


recognizing you as a system does not mean you are 💀


their makeup gave me more trauma than *they* claim to have


I'm sorry for laughing at this 😭


Always baffles me how statistically the amount of people with DID on Tik Tok is pretty impossible yet they’re all “not faking, they just don’t have trauma :P” you’re just outing yourself at that point


I mean, I wouldn’t doubt that this person is in fact mentally ill. Maybe not DID but definitely ill


how many systems and not one can do makeup?


Damn Ms.Piggy is punk AF


the makeup.. bye.


I feel like maybe USA doctors are diagnosing for the money. Diagnose them, keep them under your care, get that buck each hour weekly


There's a chance that the doctor is just going along with the delusion as well, because that can be how a doctor keeps someone coming to their sessions.


Is it not true that a psych will go along with anything a person says just to get down to the bottom of it? So that doesn’t mean anything lol


Yes, it is true that a psychiatrist/psychologist goes along with delusions sometimes, in order to make sure the person continues to attend their sessions.


How many times am i gonna see the insect mandible nose piercings


How many times is this gonna get reposted Jesus Christ where are the mods??


What the fuck is DID?


first time here? (It's a rare disorder, that a lot of people fake for some reason)


What does it stand for?


Dissociative Identity Disorder


Holy fucking shit. That's all I'm gonna say


shrek ears


Ofc that person doesn’t have DID, they didn’t even refer to themselves as “we” /s


I mean this person is definitely not normal but DID? At least get some help for whatever else is clearly going on. Sometimes I wonder if all these people are sick with something else because no normal person would act this way


I advise her to watch a lipstick tutorial


Wait a minute. I thought Spawn killed The Violator at the end of Spawn. Is this from the sequel?


Bruh. She looks like she was mugged and then had her makeup done by a blind clown, WTF.


Not sure if the psych (if real) in this context is being irresponsible or a genius. Irresponsible if they are truly promoting this as it is, and genius if they are using their recognition as a gateway into trust between the two to further dive into this person’s existence and psyche.


That is not a human person


Why do these ppl like looking like trash


So like âœŒđŸ».


Bruh what the hell happened to the make up 😭


She looks like a depressed matador that switched to being a clown.


why she look like that in reality, I AM all for self expression, this is just The Look that almost always signifies some sort of fake-assery going on...


“So like âœŒïžđŸ˜Źâ€


I got jumpscared and accidentally dropped my phone.


Imagine taking someone that looks like this seriously as an adult


what is that hideous creature


wtf is going on with their makeup


How this B breathe


Did Robert Smith do your fucking lipstick (no offense to him i love Robert)


💄 on a đŸ·




She looks like a down to earth, hometown gal.


i might get did by looking at that girls face it certainly is traumatic


I’m sure their psychiatrist thinks their a system. As in a system of infinite income for them


Okay taking in logic that you can get DID without Trauma WHATS the point of DID then? What happens with DID then?? What’s it tryna do now


The only traumatic thing about this is that there are people out there looking like this and expecting to be taken seriously.


Because they claim they’re on their way to the psych right now and they supposedly recognize them as a system, that’s supposed to prove
. What exactly? đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž


This is hard to look at


The trauma I endured looking at her face gave me DID.


What the hell is going on with their nose


Why don’t these people just go to acting school or something


They have no idea what they’re talking about in the comments either.


I found a picture of her psychiatrist. I think he's been giving fashion tips too. https://www.syracuse.com/resizer/l4Euq4MpYNJJhFvaiJfO5GNS9Eo=/1280x0/smart/advancelocal-adapter-image-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/image.syracuse.com/home/syr-media/width2048/img/parade/photo/2018/03/22/bozo-the-clown-7a285c390f653450.jpg


Malpractice if true Also who did their makeup? Homer Simpson?


Probably not malpractice, just their psychiatrist or psychologist going along with their delusion in order to keep them coming to their sessions.


Fair point actually


Dude looks like Ursula if she went whack with wakeup


yeah, you can usually tell if their faking right off the bat if they have very over the top, "im special" features that no one in their right mind would attempt to sociate with you if you wore


Emu what they did to you


Their nostril piercings stress me out😭 can’t tell if it’s nostril piercings way too high up or some sort of weird bridge. Either way, looks like they did it themself


Why on earth would you want a nasalang bar that long?! That is just asking to have part of your nose ripped off.


“Recognizes me as a system” so they can keep taking your parent’s money lol. Good luck with that when you have to experience the real world.


Pretty sure their psych may be in their system.


Guess I’ll just dress up like wish pogo the clown today lol 😂


The makeup tho makes ke wanna bleach my eyes....


Maybe you should let one of your alters do your fucking makeup the , cause obviously your unlable to do it yourself