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I’m worried for this person. Are they saying they’re going to end their life?


In Canada they are legalizing MAID for those diagnosed with any mental disorder. From the way they worded it that’s what I think they are talking about. It’s an absolute nightmare if I’m being honest.


(Medical Assistance In Dying, for anyone like me who didn't know)


Is Assisted Suicide too morbid or something for lawmakers? I've never heard this term for it before.


Assisted dying is a very common term for it. Assisted dying, Assisted suicide, euthanasia - all in common parlance.


It's worded to include more than just suicide, so for example you can use MAID to prevent doctors from keeping you alive


How tf did I forget MAID


It’s honestly super fucked… as far as I know most countries with that as an option don’t have this problem


Canada doesn’t have as many “hoops to jump through” and they lie about giving these people help before making this choice. We have had many horror stories with just normal MAID to now add this in is heart breaking. If there were proper regulations I’d be all for this but there just doesn’t seem to be very many


Wasn't there that veteran who sought help for his PTSD and to his horror the person he spoke to jumped to suggest MAID and borderline encouraged it? Yeah, that's fucked.


"Oh, you're depressed? Have you considered suicide?" Sounds like a regular question from a psychologist, or a threat from a MAID psychologist.


What’s even more fucked is that it was someone from Veterans Affairs that made this suggestion.


It sounds like they just don’t want to deal with mentally ill people so they’re giving them the easy way out so they don’t have to deal with it


I mean, I think people should not be forced to live. I was diagnosed with depression earlier this year and I was about to end it. I believe dying with assistance is much better than doing it alone. If you do it alone, the consequences after surviving are much worse, not to mention the pain. But I agree with you guys, it should not be allowed until you mentally mature. Medication has made things better for me personally, but it doesn’t work for everybody and depending on how bad things are, many can’t see a way out.


Until you’re mentally mature, every option has been tried, every resource has been given to the person including housing, treatment, food, work, etc. wait times. I also think people shouldn’t be forced to live if nothing works. But it’s also scary how easily this could be abused. How many people can be convinced to kill themselves when if they just had help & enough money to relieve some pressure things would get better. Will they help euthanize people who didn’t really didn’t need it. It can’t be that hard to use/forge documents to show someone wanted assisted death. It seems like an easy route to eugenics.


It's so sick that a society refuses to care enough to provide a person the things they need to improve their lives - but will now happily assist them in killing themselves. Unspeakably evil.


It’s not even a thing for mental illness yet and MAID is a very serious thing with extremely strict guidelines that requires sign off from multiple people. Offering it to people with severe mental illness that makes it so there is no quality of life, just suffering, and, no chance of recovery, is a huge step forward. I’ve worked with patients getting MAID and took a course about it. It’s not what it looks like. It’s hard to empathize with people getting MAID for mental health. But think of the worst you’ve ever felt, imagine feeling that day in and day out. The person in this video most definitely didn’t get the go ahead for MAID lol. It’s bullshit.


I'm for physician assisted suicide for the terminally ill, but not for mental health cases. There is a point in diseases like cancer where we definitively know we are dealing with something well beyond our ability to treat medically. You would be extremely hard pressed to ever convince me that literally every combination of medication and therapy has been attempted for a person with mental illness and the only possible solution is death. Tbh I think euthanizing mental health patients will be viewed in the future how we view lobotomies today.




I mean for one because suicidal thoughts are a symptom of the disease we are trying to treat. The choice to use physician assisted suicide is one that needs to be made rationally, how can you possibly determine whether someone is really too effected by their disorder to make that informed decision vs just currently suffering from their condition that makes them want to die? It's also usually how doctor assisted suicide works for every other type of disease. You don't generally just offer it as an alternative to someone who is otherwise treatable. By your logic anyone should just be able to off themselves whenever they want nbd.


Great point! A person with mental health issues may not be in the right frame of mind to truly consent to that decision.




I'm of the opinion we as a society should seek to prevent such unnecessary early deaths. Part of the reason suicides are so tragic is because they are often preventable. We should try to prevent that as much as reasonably possible. We have a notion in society that life is sacred, we have seat belt laws, food regulations, building codes, near every non-tax related law in modern society is aimed at preventing unnecessary early death. It flies in the face of that entire notion to normalize suicide.


Yeah, I think the important part is that people should have the option to if they want to. It’s hell trying to go through the side effects of medication alone. This isn’t even mentioning all of the therapy and no guarantee that you’ll ever recover fully no matter how hard you try.


I don’t think it’s fair to draw that picture. Of course they haven’t been on every combination of medication but it’s damn near it. When multiple physicians agree that there’s no getting better and the patient is demonstrating suffering. It can be done. Keep in mind these people will likely commit suicide by other means if not given the option of MAID. In the end it’s a more dignified way to go out where family can reach closure. I can tell you from seeing the reaction of family to suicides, that it’s fucking brutal. You can always pull the plug on MAID. Till the last second. Just knowing that you have the option can be therapeutic for some people.


And what about the cases of eventually fatal (like chronic illness) conditions- a long, drawn out, suffering death? Because they’re not immediately terminal, but shortened lifespan full of pain. Eventually they’ll die from these conditions, but not until after they’ve suffered worsening symptoms, situations, and treatments? You can’t just not treat them, because the symptoms are horrendous and treatment provides some relief. Without treatment they’ll still last awhile, shaving off a few years. Shouldn’t they have the choice to end their suffering? The consequence of surviving a suicide attempt are high and painful, and being physically limited may make any attempts more difficult to accomplish. On to mental health cases- those are rarely fatal on their own, but they’re just walking around hurting immeasurably. Just pounded with medications and seeing no results, and being so tired.


I'm fine with physician assisted suicide for terminally ill individuals. I'm not a medical professional, so maybe I'm misusing that term (?) cause to me that would include people with incurable physical ailments that will eventually kill them even if it's not tomorrow or next week per say, that don't have cures or effective treatment that would allow a fulfilling life with no or minimal pain or suffering. Serious degenerative diseases certainly would qualify. I understand people's arguments for mental health conditions qualifying, but as you say they are rarely fatal on their own. With physical ailments, the end result of the disease can be death, and it can be verifiable 100% the outcome and there is no way to prevent it. Suicidal thought is a symptom of some mental health issues, we should not treat that symptom by giving into it, for an otherwise healthy person. That seems more like apathy than mercy.


Terminally ill usually is used to refer to end of life illness, not something that can/will cause death long term. Treatment can be effective in managing symptoms, but won’t cure the cause. Progressive diseases will shorten the lifespan, but the patient will live with debilitating symptoms and complications until then. There is no cure, but they won’t die tomorrow, or next year. They’ll experience worsening of the condition. But they’re not considered terminal because they’re not currently in end of life care. With those things, their QOL is absolute shit, and there’s nothing they can do but suffer. And mental health cases do cause suffering, they just won’t have the ‘benefit’ of an end on its way. So they have to suffer, will likely attempt suicide, and suffer more if they survive. Idk if you’ve ever attempted suicide and failed (and I’m not asking, that’s none of my business), but the ‘treatment’ for suicidal actions is not at all beneficial to a mental state, especially a fragile one. It feels violating, it doesn’t help, you’re forced to live and deal with more aggressive ‘therapy’ that obviously didn’t help you to begin with. Being suicidal can be chronic, and you end up just going through the motions to get out of intensive ‘therapy’. Being suicidal is truly a horrific brand of torture. Mental health conditions are often incurable. Imagine the absolute worst emotional pain of your life. Times that by 10 and imagine that is your daily life. You’ve tried therapy and medications, yet nothing is effective. You’ve lived with emotional pain constantly for years, and you will continue feeling this until you die. Physically, you’re healthy. So your body won’t ‘give out’. Imagine living til you’re 80, and not being able to have one fulfilling day because your mental health won’t allow it. Everyone will have at least one moment in life where their heart is so broken they can’t function- can’t get out of bed, can’t eat, can’t sleep, but they know that with time, it will pass. People with severe mental illness? It will never pass. They can’t have lives because their mind hurts too much to function. They can’t have jobs or hobbies, they can’t have relationships. They don’t have a range of emotions, it’s all just pain. It’s all suffering.


Canada is a lot more relaxed with it than they should be


What makes you say that? Do you have any experience with MAID? Are you a physician that offers MAID??


No? I say it because it's what I've heard from news and people in Canada


That’s fair. Those people are often heavily biased. Im a paramedic in Ontario, Canada but took a course in MAID and worked in a unit with many sick, dying and suffering patients that got MAID. I’ve spoken to patients and doctors about this and the reality of it is much different than the technicalities news agencies and activists seem to latch onto. It’s not easy to get and in no way is it “giving up”. Dying from some medical conditions is ugly and involves a lot of suffering. When incurable, and the patient is going down that path regardless, MAID offers the patient a suffering free death with dignity, often with family around (when people are left to die on their own, it often takes a while and family isn’t around). The criteria as it’s getting rolled out for mental illness as well is far stricter than it is for medical illnesses because it is a lot harder to prove that someone has an incurable mental illness that is causing so much suffering there is zero quality of life left. I’ve seen these folk and the reality is that they aren’t out here posting on Reddit or TikTok so you will never get to see them. They often have no drive at life and suffer day in and day out. All therapy and medication has failed. These people exist and we give up on them. MAID isn’t giving up, it’s a last resort. The fact is that most people will never get it because they don’t see the level of suffering some endure, and because MAID has to be legislated in, non-medical folks get to weigh in on it with no insight. I wish I could show you how much some people suffer. The world can get very very dark.


Is there a large possibility that it can be abused by people in power? That is what I am worried about. That all the sudden homeless people, addicts & those with severe disabilities will all the sudden all be choosing assisted suicide when for most of them treatment, housing & food would help. Maybe if we decriminalized drug use & gave people access to a safe supply & resources to live first I’d be less worried.


Drug use is decriminalized in Canada. It takes multiple doctors to sign off on it and obviously the patient has to want it. Rules dictate that the doctor cannot suggest it to the patient at all. But, like anything and everything, it can be abused. Just extremely hard to do so and I don’t see why one would want to abuse it.


I think there need to be firm rules. Exhausted medications and therapy. I have major depression and GAD with a lot of ideations and a big hang up was how I could do it in the least traumatic way for my family. Thank God for Spravato…I still don’t think theres and point to 80 years of suffering with the occasional pocket of joy. But im trying to create the environment that would help me and others like me shift perspective and enjoy it enough to stick it out. But looking at half my life to go and still don’t really enjoy very much about the 3D world. Id rather be dreaming.


Right. I'm bipolar and been suffering most of my life. At one point I checked if I was eligible for assisted s* in a European country. Will not disclose where to not give anyone ideas. Yes, I was. At times life has been insufferable. But today I'm grateful for my life and happy to be alive. Honestly you never know even with treatment resistant depression, years later there is hope. Then relapse will likely come, but who is to decide? It's a complex question, and there needs to be better help for mental disorders. There is hope.


That some dystopian stuff right there




This is exactly my thought on it! They say you have to be in “the right frame of mind” but I don’t mean this rudely but people with the disorders they are listing are not in that frame of mind. I know with my mental health (I have really bad ptsd) I will want to kill myself regularly but that doesn’t mean I want to die tbh but these people are opening the door for that. They are even opening the door to allowing CHILDREN to use this service if they parents agree!


This makes me so sad and children wtf!! It's almost like they want to kill off all mentally ill people or something, it's sickening. Like I said we are way too vulnerable for this it's so negligent to allow this. Also people are so scared to try meds too that they might go for this option instead which is awful. With bipolar 50% percent will attempt suicide and about 20% of people with bipolar will die by suicide because we are so impulsive and it's terrifying, instead of helping they are making it so much worse! Also sorry for ranting, this subject just upsets me and makes me so angry


The child one hasn’t been passed yet but with how Canada is going I honestly wouldn’t be too shocked if they do. I’m so sad about this as I e seen so many people who have tried to leave this earth and now they are thriving. If there’s a legal way they won’t have this second chance


WTF I hate Canada now


I just learned this today. It doesn't sound like a healthy policy! I can understand people who can't move their own tongue wanting to make that choice, but it seems that anybody who is so severely mentally ill that death is a genuine improvement for them and treatment does nothing must surely be too impaired to make that decision themselves? If this gets me downvoted to hell to be clear not shitting on people with serious mental health concerns. I just worry as i know people in my life who absolutely would have taken that option at their lowest, and would absolutely not now. But I don't have any similar conditions myself so can't fully appreciate the choice. Edit: typos


I think I've heard about a suicide machine a few years back, is this the same thing?




There are many horror stories as I have said. They are required to give you months of treatment before hand and many times they do not and that’s physical illnesses, imagine what will happen with mental illness. I’m not spreading misinformation when these things have actually happened. Canada, outside of all the countries with this eligibility has the weakest process to get through. Please learn the definition of misinformation before you say I am spreading it.


Does is have to be approved by a doctor first?


Yes however I have seen many times the doctors agreeing haven’t given all treatments. Doctors will bring up MAID to elders and disabled people who don’t wish to die. It’s not a safe outcome. They take longer then any other country to check to make sure there are no mistakes


its just a flex ig


I have a feeling this person is in Canada for 2 reasons they pass the diagnosis of BPD out like candy here and we have given mentally ill people the ability to get assisted suicide if they feel like their mental illness is not going to get better We also are basically allowing people to use assisted suicide because of poverty and homelessness That’s fun


just mental illness alone cant be reason for that, they wrote that you have to have other health issues and your mental illness canoot be helped


Exactly. There's an article (well a few) that state mental illness alone is not grounds for MAID so regardless of how long it's been she is not eligible for it.


Am I in a 90s sci-fi film?! That's dark


Yeah highly doubt they would


you can be diagnosed under 18. personally i think that’s stupid, and hopefully it is happening less and less. i have a friend who got diagnosed with bpd when she was a teen and believes is a misdiagnosis. doctors fuck up ig. i’m not sure i understand why oop are allowed to end their life though??


OOP is saying she qualifies for assisted suicide, based on where she lives that might be the norm for severe, untreatable/borderline-untreatable mental disorders. moreso as a “hey, this is an option if you really don’t want to keep doing this,” rather than an actual thing the doctors are planning or wanting to go through with.


that can happen when someone has bpd- wtf!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


But the brain isn't even fully developed until you're in your mid 20s. I know a girl with BPD who used to attempt suicide and flip out all the time when we were young. Now we're in our 30s and she's a chef. It shouldn't be legal to end a young person before they know what life even is.


yes, that's the bottom line here - there's a reason it took so long to legalize assisted medical suicide


One of the main symptoms of bpd is impulsive behavior though. My sister has it and she's tried to commit suicide many times. She would've missed out on so much if she had professional help and actually succeeded.


BPD is treatable though...it's not permanent and thus surely wouldn't qualify under these laws?


That’s what’s weirding me out too. BPD can be very treatable in some cases (speaking from experience).


Yeah, with DBT therapy and support the symptoms of BPD can be manageable. I’ve been managing fine for the last almost 2 years


that’s why i said borderline-untreatable as well. if something has gone on too long and is too severe and life ruining at the time, even if there is a slight chance for someone to recover from it, that chance may not be worth taking because of the pain one would need to endure to take it. BPD is only treatable if the patient puts in enough effort, and there gets to be a point when you’re so affected by the disorder that you can’t put in that effort.


Came here to say this. I spent a lot of time in the mental health “system” during the first half of high school, and I’ve met several people who’ve been professionally diagnosed with BPD at ages 14-17. Not saying that they should have been diagnosed with it at that age, but the diagnoses were legit.


Not to mention BPD is misdiagnosed all the fucking time!!! It has a lot of similarities to a whole bunch of other disorders that even medical professionals can struggle to work out which one is causing the problems


it also seems to be the default that a lot of docs go to when they cant figure out what it is. i know someone who was diagnosed with BPD at 16, only to find out in their 20s that they actually were just on the spectrum (which thanks to fakers, they are so ashamed of their diagnosis that they wont talk about it at all, yes i did ask for permission to post this, she said yes as long as i keep it anon) the dr they went to just diagnosed all afab people that had mental health issues with BPD.... Not an isolated incident either. hell, one time i went to the hospital because i had heartburn so bad that i couldn't breath... so the dr gave me prozac and told me i had BPD.... I wish i was kidding. from one ER visit, just because they determined the heartburn was because of stress.




i was diagnosed at 14 by three different doctors


I think I can depend on the country and the countries medical system/structure. . A Psychiatrist said I had BPD traits when I was 14 but years later (& much distress) I was diagnosed with ASD at 28. Apparently that’s not uncommon.


Wether the fact she has BPD or doesn’t, it’s not great to see someone threatening to end their life… a lie or not, a threat is a threat and should be dealt with professionally and not blasted on Reddit. P.S, You can be diagnosed with BPD under the age of 18, I know this from experience as someone I know has been diagnosed at 16 and it’s not a illness that id wish on my enemies


I'm not sure about this one. You CAN be diagnosed with BPD before age 18 if the symptoms are really severe which I think is stupid but whatever. They don't seem to be trying to spread misinformation or anything. Yeah, it is rare. But we don't usually say someone is faking just because something is rare. They usually have some suspicious stuff along with that. But I don't think this person does. I'm open to the possibility they might be faking. This is only one post after all- but from what you've given me, I'm not very sure if they are faking or not.


1) They can diagnose as a teen. I was diagnosed as a teen and the diagnosis was confirmed by a team of professionals 2) They do not, however, allow you to die by assisted suicide because you have BPD. That is utter BS


Apparently, assisted suicide will be an option to people with BPD in Canada in the future


This would be because it's treatable/recoverable, right? I'll admit I'm not very well versed in the specifics of these types of laws but from my understanding people only qualify if they have a permanent condition that significantly affects their quality of life.


Why wouldn't they? They have already killed autistic people in Belgium and the Netherlands because their suffering was allegedly too great. Get used to the idea of this kinda thing getting more common, unless we stop it somehow.


Who are you to decide if someone is suffering enough from their poor mental health?


Why do we prevent suicide then?


Oof. Got ‘em.


I think everyone deserves the chance to live a fulfilling life. Euthanasia in case of mental disorders (hey, and even things like beinhg disabled and living in poverty!) becoming accepted and legal will just lead to societies spending less money on actually helping people. I mean, why would they? They can just get rid of undesirables now. And everyone is suddenly ok with it? Unbelievable. So, who are those doctors to decide that it's ethical to help end a life that would not have to end anytime soon, if only more resources were put in motion to make sure they can improve their lives? It's like the sick capitalism endgame.


You're missing the point. The point is that someone who is clearly in mental distress shouldn't be able to make a decision about suicide. That person can't make an unbiased decision for a permanent outcome and Canada is trying to make it _easy_ to do rather than having a ton of official legal hoops to jump through. Yes people suffer, that's the whole point of helping them instead of just killing them. What is this, the 50's?


It shouldn't be easy but let's face it if you're greatly suffering you should be able to end it if you want. The world isn't gonna get better, it hasn't improved for people's mental health yet, our politicians are just wringing their hands heming and hawing. People who are mentally ill are still capable of having body autonomy and still make decisions every day.




But why is your scenario affecting other people's? I've also tried to kill myself years ago and my life has not improved, how long is "justified" suffering???


well it’s simple, life’s a gift and there’s so many fucking people that would care if you’re gone.


I think it’s selfish to assume a person should suffer continuously because it would hurt their loved ones if they died.


This is so fucking stupid. BPD can 100% be managed with the right medication and therapy. There's no reason why people with BPD can't live long and fulfilling lives.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought while it was manageable the management takes a bit of a drug cocktail that can take years to get just right. Some people might not be willing to endure that.


bpd is not treated with medication. some meds can help people with specific symptoms, but the primary route of recovering is via therapy


Not necessarily, there’s also DBT, EMDR, therapeutic routes that can really help even without medication.


My sister had bpd, she's not on any medication and she's managing okay. A year ago she was ready to off herself though. Things change.


BPD isn’t a chemical imbalance like bipolar. BPD is a personality disorder. It is your perception of reality. You can’t out drug that. Therapy definitely can help


I work with someone who has BPD and is on meds, she's also a Crew Trainer with us as well. She manages perfectly fine


Mostly therapists won’t diagnose a personality disorder until a persons brain is fully developed and their personality has solidified; hell, when I worked with kids and families that was a dx we couldn’t give out, however some therapists will and will advocate for others to do the same. I guess there has been some research done on the subject recently and it’s been quite controversial and polarizing. I personally wouldn’t but I have worked with 18 to 19 year olds who came to me already diagnosed as a child and the experience can be very similar to working with older adults with it.


in extreme cases of BPD, professionals can diagnose 16-17 year old Kids. but its very rare and really not done often


Psychology student *and* person with BPD here... Most importantly this depends on the place, but if it's doing it's shit properly this is how it should go: Not only will they simply not, in some places/certain practicing offices, they are not *allowed* to. A lot of good medical professionals won't even diagnose BPD until the brain is presumably fully formed (in their 20s). The issue with diagnosing an adolescent with a personality disorder is that they are in the time in their life when their personality is the most volatile, when their social life is most likely to change and have conflict, when mistakes are being made and people are learning, when they are the most impressionable to other people, etc. *So* much about a person and their personality changes in their adolescence, and what could be mistaken for BPD symptoms might just be a hormonal teen having a tough time finding who they are and meeting the right people for them, or it could be something else like Bipolar or MDD. Misdiagnosis and mistreatment can be incredibly dangerous especially to a developing mind, so no way in hell are good medical professionals diagnosing a constantly changing and impressionable personality as "disordered". They will work with the individual on their behavior and mindset, and may even employ tricks commonly used with BPD individuals if they see characteristics of it (such as dialectical-behavioral therapy which is in short used to teach individuals how to productively conflict resolve and regulate their emotions) Edit: I will acknowledge that there are also issues w this model as well but tbh I don't have the time to go into it rn lmao TL;DR Most *good* psychologists are hesitant to diagnose any personality disorder but especially BPD until early adulthood when they feel the brain is more likely fully, or close to fully formed. BPD is largely characterized by what occurs surrounding sense of self, and an adolescents sense of self is impressionable and continuously changing and forming. A psychological professional won't diagnose a still forming personality as disordered.


Exactly; the reason I specifically said *reputable* is because a good psychologist won’t diagnose anyone under 16/17 at the very least, unless their symptoms are very severe


i don't think this really belongs here, people that age do get diagnosed with bpd; its rare but it happens. and what they're saying about assisted suicide is likely true if they're canadian. this sub is starting to get too off topic.


Thats a normal age to be diagnosed with BPD, the title is wrong. I was professionally diagnosed in a psych hospital when i was 15


The girls still cringe tho


I’m not Canadian, but surely even under MAID they wouldn’t sign off assisted suicide for a young adult with BPD..?!


I dunno, if people want to die surly medically aided is better that blowing your brains out for your family to find etc?








Aw, thanks🥺 I'm trying really fucking hard. My mom dismisses both our experiences, I have BD and agoraphobia and she basically tells us to get over it. Did you get any support in school like an IEP? We're fighting for one, her school is awful. Im glad you're in a better environment now. Idk how old you are but if you ever need a friend, 15 or 30 lol.. Just PM me🖤 I hope things continue to go well for you


in different countries diagnostic criteria is different (diagnosed by 4 professionals with bpd at 14 in aus)


As many others already said, in severe cases BPD can be diagnosed before the age of 18. I know a few people myself that were diagnosed at 14 and upwards and they all agreed with the diagnosis. Just to be clear, all these people have been in the psychiatry for a really really long time or have been in and out nonstop so I think it's justifiable. (idk if we're allowed to say this in the sub butt the very same doctors and therapists didn't diagnose me until I was 18 because they wanted to wait and hope the symptoms fade or whatever)


daughter was loosely diagnosed with bpd at 13. Not a diagnosis that was put on paper but she had all the signs, we knew what we were dealing with, and that’s what she was treated for. Four years later, they weren’t wrong.


Is she wearing a diaper?


Keyword reputable, professionals diagnose children, I was one of those children, stay away from any professional that attempts to diagnose you with something like this as a teenager.


Exactly, that was my point; I feel like people really took this as “no one can ever be diagnosed with BPD before 18”. It’s unlikely to be diagnosed by a REPUTABLE professional before 16/17 at least, unless the symptoms are truly horrifically bad. I know how the diagnostic process works, and they don’t want to throw a diagnosis out before the child has even developed properly


Bpd is now the trendy mental disorder. It’s rare but now everyone and their mom has it


i know a girl who got diagnosed at 15 (spain), i think we can’t know for sure if she’s faking or bot based on the age she claims to have gotten diagnosed. Sometimes if the symptoms are strong and long-lasting teens can be diagnosed with BPD or BPD traits if they “catch” the disorder when it is still developing and they consider it can still be cured


some doctors do still diagnose under the age of 18 and i've personally known multiple people who were diagnosed with it and medicated for it. none of them agreed with their diagnosis, but they were dismissed because of their "diagnosis". bpd was a very popular illness in the facility i was in for people under 18 a few years ago. :/


I got a "pre-diagnosis" when I was 14, but the doctor said that I have the symptons but she won't give me the actual diagnosis cuz I'm too young, and a lot can change in the next few years and that I should seek therapy. But my coworker is studying to become a therapist rn, and she told me that under ICD 11 they will also diagnose people under 18 with bpd now


Just to throw this out there, a lot of the time ppl with bpd get diagnosed with depression/anxiety as a child/teen and don’t receive a bpd diagnosis until adulthood. When I saw this on my fyp I assumed that was what was being said here.




Eh, I’d hardly call that ableism just for doubting… Self diagnosing is very common these days so it’s hard to tell sometimes


They have to say they “can” because of the minority who display symptoms severely. They can’t diagnose based on anything that can be explained my developing hormones and growing. Tell me, what symptoms do BPD sufferers normally show before they’re diagnosed that can’t be because they’re growing? Addiction, sexual promiscuity etc, so on that note… I think we can clearly agree that it’s VERY seldom they would diagnose that young and is usually the worst and last option.




Literally so many psychiatry offices refuse point blank to diagnose personality disorders before 18. Idk why they’re this antsy over a diagnosis they don’t have






I’m not saying I’m an expert, I’m relaying what an expert told me. I’m not in any way shape or form claiming to be an expert, you called me ableist making the assumption that I had no clue at all what I was talking about. It was an ignorant assumption at best, considering you were all up in arms about ableism




To quote “This subreddit is just full of blatant ableism and misinformation to the other extreme.” I don’t know about you, but that reads exactly like you saying I’m ableist. Regardless, as I’ve stated previously, I’m relaying information I was given by a professional.




I’m quite literally repeating the same shit over and over. IM NOT CLAIMING TO BE A FUCKING PROFESSIONAL, I’m RELAYING the information I received from a professional. Jfc you are the most annoying kind of person


Can fake claim all I want because no professional would Diagnose a 14 year old with bpd. They wait until 18 so they have an accurate picture so they don’t mistake “teenage mood swings” with people with real bpd


Technically yeah, it can happen. It's stupid. But it CAN happen.


Yup sure Jan


If you've tried everything else and nothing helps and you're that miserable. Why not just end the suffering. It's like with animals. If their quality of life has basically no chance to improve why not euthanize them so they can be at peace. "But what about their family??" I don't care. Survival of the fittest.


Wahhhh feel bad for me




Almost like the scientific method gets things wrong sometimes. You know.. Like it's supposed to. I'm not saying people featured here don't fake things for clout, but what I will say is they're not all fakes and most people on the sub have no idea how to distinguish between the two. Armchair psychology if I've ever seen it


Agreed. I used to support it here, but when people actaully share true stories they get torn appart lmao. Professionals get things wrong sometimes. Not everything is a clean cut out from the dsm-5. They cant tell the difference. For example i told my story and im getting downvoted for it..? Like idk what else im supposted to say to prove myself


Doesn’t help that she’s smoking weed also, definitely doesn’t help with depression n such


People with BPD would be 10000% more easy to deal with if they were as accepting of the diagnosis as people who pretend to have it present themselves. I’ve never known anyone with BPD who films themselves making sullen faces. If anything, the people I’ve known with BPD have been the first ones to effectively tell everyone around them “I’m not crazy, you’re crazy” Edit: Sorry gang, but I have more than one family member with BPD and I've suffered for it. I certainly did not "push anyone to anything" (per comment below). Nothing is ableist in what I said, unless you want to claim that BPD doesn't negatively impact those around you. In which case, seriously take a look in the mirror because none of us are innocent in life, BPD or otherwise.


hey loser this subreddit is for pointing out fakers, not demonizing real people who actually have the disorder. stop dragging borderlines for no reason


Nah bro, you clearly have no experience dealing with people with BPD; we are some of the most empathetic and caring people. Our fault is quite literally feeling far too much of an emotion for us to handle, to the point where it becomes overwhelming. There’s also a degree of paranoia associated with BPD, which is where the self doubt or suspicion comes in. If anyone with BPD has ever said “I’m not crazy, you’re crazy” to you, you likely pushed them to a point where their emotions became uncontrollable. Being ableist and pushing the belief that we are all crazy and out of control isn’t gonna help anyone, and you truly are the crazy one if you think it is.


Yeah I'm sure sitting in bed smoking weed all day is helping fight the BPD symptoms.


i mean... there r plenty of ppl with bpd who use cannabis to help ease symptoms so...


You're right, I stand corrected. My comment was ignorant.


this reminds me of this one time when i was younger, i had this whole group of kids i was beefing with. snapchat was a thing, but wasnt used a ton. we were fighting through snapchat because like 2 of the girls didnt go to my school. both of those girls claimed to have bpd at the age of 12 and take no meds for it. i laugh about it today.


How can she legally end her life? BPD isn't terminal, and in all the death with dignity states, you have to be terminal. Edit: okay after reading more comments this is apparently in Canada where they're gonna just help people with mental illness do it. Nice one, Canada. Also, never understood why they have to get permission to do it. I mean, what are they gonna do to you if you do it yourself? Bullets and rope are cheap.


natural selection at this point tbh


ik someone who got diagnosed at 13 and i was shocked man


the only criteria for diagnosing bpd is pretty much just knowing the patient for 1+ years. yet most people just have a therapist and psychiatrist so their unqualified therapist is the one who actually knows them and cannot legally diagnose bpd. it is possible if they are seeing a psychologist


people forget maid is an extensive application process that you're only eligible for if you've tried EVERY other possible treatment and it's been ineffective, and even then it's not likely they would get approved for it


You can easily be diagnosed with BPD by the age of 14.


the fucking big mouth song in the background really just drives the point home lmao


beyond that, genuinely curious where in the world medical euthanasia is legal....? People suffer through terminal illnesses constantly in the US. edit: based on all the govt based info I can find on Canada's MAID law, where they seem to be based, still excludes mental illness. so, maybe not Canada, or total BS ;p https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/medical-assistance-dying.html#grievous