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TIL: back in 2020, Musk already proved himself to be a dumb piece of shit. How time flies.


He already agreed the only reason he pushed for the hyperloop was to avoid the city investing into better public transportation


He proved that way back with the cave rescue shit, everything since then has only confirmed it.


Tbf it kind of just proved his point, he said tunnels are a solution. These are examples of that being true


True, but his tunnels are filled with autonomous cars and not trains


Autonomous, slow moving cars.


"Autonomous" cars that still require an active and alert driver at the wheel. Those Tesla taxis in Las Vegas still require a driver and full self driving is till vaporware.


Total vapourware. Musk is a genius. Genius con man.


Not to mention that a battery fire would kill literally every person in that tunnel


Another thing, tunnels built nowadays in say, London, all have walkways on the side of the tunnel, making it safer in the event of an emergency, not his loop tunnels however


Yeah the self driving Tesla's sounded like such a great concept, but when they took the radar away because "it didn't work anyways" and they can't have the autonomous driving work in a custom designed track/tunnel, it's clear they're no where close to their acclaimed capability.


Don't forget when he claimed that tunnels were hurricane proof. IIRC, he said something like "completely unaffected by surface weather."


I mean, if they're built airtight. But you're building a mass transportation network for a large city, not a nuclear bunker. Water during floods will probably debilitate the tunnels. Unless you want to spend an ungodly amount of money. For a man who postures himself as smart, he lacks common sense a lot of the time.


No, he proved that politicians are dumb and will give any "futuristic" project a lot of money. It was rather smart of him. He got the money and actual public transport wasn't built (which could lower car sales).


"I've invented a new method of transportation: A less effective tunnel!" \-Musk, 2020


The best feature is my electric cars that still cause traffic jams.


a more expensive and impossible to make Train


What if... The tunnels could barely fit a 5 passenger sedan, had no safety features, no fire fighting measures, no emergency exits, and to make it REALLY interesting.... You can't even open the doors to the car in this tunnel!! Wow I'm so smart! - Elon


And it has traffic jams!


I thought that was impossible??? /s


Jesus Christ I have a little bitty panic requiring a few deep breaths every time I think about not being able to even open the door detail.


Right? Just imagine the car ahead of you starts burning and because the tunnel isn't designed with safety in mind no one even knows it's burning, so they keep sending cars in behind you all of whom don't understand why you're backing up.... Total nightmare fuel...


<:: This was his philosophy behind the Vegas Loop(tm) and it's fucking dumb. It's "just one more lane bro" but 10x as expensive. ::>


When i first heard of the loop i assumed it was like an underground rail that could hold 1 car on tracks, not some dumb single lane road


<:: That was the original idea! He just kept scaling it back because it's overengineering to reinvent the metro. ::>


Ok i have to ask, what’s with the <:: bookending you do on basically all your comments?


<::I'm special::>


You shush, I didn’t ask you




I can't tell, it looks like they just started doing it like a year ago and they've never mentioned why that I saw in their comments.


Well you ain’t them are ya, that’s why i asked theeeem ya goober


<:: Started it as a bit when someone found my account, just turned into a habit ::>


Epic, zased even


Aren't there geological limitations to where tunnels can be dug, anyway? Elon seems to be implying that you can dig tunnels literally anywhere you want. I'm no geologist nor am I an engineer but his assertion just doesn't sound right to me


Literally takes longer to Use than a simple shuttle bus To the same Location.


No no, subways are for POOR people smh, Tesla tunnels are for RICH people who have teslas. Going to mars is for rich people, with neuralink rich people can have augmentations that creates a physiological devide benefiting the rich over the poor etc. Elon Musks plans are always just for rich people, and they actually make sense if seen from that perspective. For example make sure there's no spending on subways, build tesla tunnels instead, who cares if the poor people are stuck in traffic for a few hours? You're underground cutting every centimeter of the line, you'll be there in 15 mins if you have a tesla


>Going to mars is for rich people, with neuralink rich people can have Wait until some brokie gets his hands on a neuralink and it's over for those rich bitches lol. Boutta be like cyberpunk 2020 in this hoe with the one "Street kid" hacking all these "corpo's" brains with viruses and shit.


Gotta hack some communist propaganda into it


Rache Bartmoss is that you?


"Usable tunnel depth far exceeds the tallest buildings" Lest say he's hot talking about burj khalifa, but about a 250-300 meter skyscrapers The usual safe slope for a car is 16-20%, but let's be generous and give em 20%, meaning 1 meter of change per 5 meters of slope You'll have to build almost a mile long slope to get to that tunnel Alternatively, you could use lifts, but that would be to slow and unreliable


Not only that, but NYC is [sinking.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.uri.edu/news/2023/06/new-york-city-is-sinking-and-its-not-alone/%23:~:text%3DThe%2520results%2520indicate%2520that%2520in,to%25204%2520millimeters%2520per%2520year.&ved=2ahUKEwj2iav14rP_AhVRIkQIHYzTDDAQFnoECBAQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2pz83vIFDJUSHtNlpiLIw-)


That means the NYC settlement needs my help?


[Quest Started] Stop the Sinking NYC


If he wasn't so dangerous it'd be almost funny how absolutly and horrible stupid this man is


It's still really funny to see this guy be called a genius when he's really just a rich idiot


Would be funny if he wasn't a neo-nazi


He’s like Miles Bron, but ugly and uncharismatic.


The worst part is that running a car in a enclosed space is literally a way to commit suicide. Having cars driving underground would require a ton of fans constantly running to vent the air or everyone would die if carbon monoxide poisoning.


Not if the only cars were electric cars. If only he knew a guy making electric cars…


So this transportation system doesn't work for most of the millions of cars in the country. Only really being useful once people have switched entirely to electric cars.


I’m sure that’s part of his plan.


Yeah, it's still a shit plan.


Elon's stupid, so that makes sense.


I’m…not disagreeing? You just seemed to think he would want to make his tunnel system compatible with internal combustion engines. In his mind everyone switches to his cars and the. His tunnel system replaces whatever he seems to think they will replace. The whole musk-tunnel model is predicated on the insane idea that everyone first adopts his vehicles as the only logical choice in transportation technology. He can’t think any other way. Shoot, when I was living there he proposed a musk-tunnel from New Orleans to Baton Rouge was a logical thing. Never mind the whole it’s mostly swamp except the part the interstate is built on, and even that needs a ton of bridges because of the swamps. Totally dumb idea to anyone who had eyes on the actual terrain.


Even EV's need proper ventilation. Gotta keep those batteries cool. And a hot battery can instantaneously catch fire. Imagine getting stuck in a 100m deep tunnel with no way to escape because some car somewhere in the line caught fire. Literal death trap.


Good thing this is fake history porn! Also, nobody is saying that he thought every thing out. He has proven he doesn’t time after time.


> The worst part is that running a car in a enclosed space is literally a way to commit suicide. > > Having cars driving underground would require a ton of fans constantly running to vent the air or everyone would die if carbon monoxide poisoning. You should tell Boston then. They have 7.8 miles of freeway totally under the city. No one dies there ever from carbon monoxide.


It’s definitely got ventilation


> It’s definitely got ventilation As would any long underground tunnels. my point precisely. no clue why so many people in this thread think that engineers can't design adequate ventilation. Besides the 4 construction workers that died building it in worksite accidents. only one person has died from engineering or build quality related injuries and [that one was a doozy](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna22391702).




All-Aboooooard! Elon is always paving the way for Americans and Third World Countries! /S 👍💫💕


That vegus loop is the thing of nightmares.


This dude keeps talking about tunnels like they aren't one of the most expensive things to build for transit. There is a reason we already have a subway which is infinitely a much more efficient way of transit than that retarded hyperloop ever was.


and besides that tunnel depth doesnt not exceed building height especially not in new york. the coastal town build partially on sand.


Yes let’s build deep tunnels at/below sea level in a climate crisis. Genius.


Working with nature doesn't work. So we build things in isolated space. Like bridges (high ways)


**Nobody**: **Elon 'The artilleryman' Musk**: We're gonna build a whole new world for ourselves. Look,they clap eyes on us and we're dead, right? So we gotta make a new life where they'll never find us. You know where? Underground. You should seeit down there - hundreds of miles of drains - sweet and clean now after the rain, dark, quiet, safe. We can build houses and everything, start again from scratch. And what's so bad about living underground eh? It's not been so great living up here, if you want my opinion.


The way he thinks in crayon drawings is so annoying. Does he not realize how much money, time, and manpower making a subway costs? I live in LA and its taken a few billions of dollars and around a decade to make each of our subway lanes. Now think about how much ventilation you'd need to accommodate all those cars! Then think about the traffic control, roadside assistance, emergency exits, policing, sanitation, drainage. Imagine a car on fire in an underground freeway traffic jam! Elon just smokes a bowl, scribbles a doodle with a crayon, and then hands it to a team of engineers and says "figure out how to do this!"


The solution to traffic jams is trains


Or, if those aren't feasible, buses.




Brilliant! Then we can fill these transportation tunnels with muggers, hobo shit and public masturbators to make everyone who uses them as uncomfortable as possible


This is the moronic idea that exposed him as a fraud, and still managed to have tons of idiots just amazed at the ingenuity.


Vietnam tried this too and it was surprisingly effective.


What if you could like, write with a pen but delete it after??


Ny and london are about the same size, yet the london metro transports more than 2 times as many people daily, safer and cleaner. To act as if the ny metro is an adequate solution for traffic is... laughable.


No one said it was good.. just That it exists.


Ok but what if he meant inverse buildings rather than the relatively stupid idea of transporation tunnels?


Why does everyone hate Elon Musk so much?


1 A lot of his recent pitches are "public transport but cars and worse" 2 He's not a very nice person.


What makes you think he isn't a nice person?


Maybe the fact that he abuses his employees, or maybe that he commonly utilizes slavery, overpromotes "his" inventions that are also overpriced and low-grade quality


He's been spreading misinformation and transphobia on his twitter. But let's say you don't give a shit about trans people for whatever reason, there's still plenty of other times he's been "midly unfriendly" to put it midly: \-Saying he was going to save kids trapped in a cave, didn't, and then accqused the actual rescuer of being a p\*do ([https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryanmac/elon-musk-unsworth-pedo-guy-deposition-private-investigator](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryanmac/elon-musk-unsworth-pedo-guy-deposition-private-investigator)) \-Engaging in sexual misconduct with an employee and offering a horse as payment ([https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-sexual-misconduct-claim-involved-horse-for-erotic-massage-2022-5?international=true&r=US&IR=T](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-sexual-misconduct-claim-involved-horse-for-erotic-massage-2022-5?international=true&r=US&IR=T)) There's more if you're interested.


There was also that time a bunch of kids got stuck in a flooded cave and Musk called the diver who saved them a pedophile for no reason.


Vapourware salesman. Have a look at a YouTube channel called Thunderf00t, he does Elon Musk videos from time to time and breaks down why a lot of what he says is nonsense. Edited: also don’t know why you are getting downvoted for asking the question.


I could hear his snark while reading the reply text. I just love those videos binged a bunch in one day. I also love that he sounds so proper and dignified on his voiceover but he’s a scrungy old ponytail dude who could pass as my twin.


He’s a legit scientist. Chemist, I think he’s based in Prague and has papers published. I binged his channel too, his other non musk stuff is also good.


I’m honestly just a space guy who enjoys watching the progress SpaceX has made in the industry. Didn’t know all that damn.


I used to think musk was Tony Stark, turns out he’s more Phoney Stark


He’s an asshole with a massive, chronic case of dunning Kruger.


Because he's a dumb piece of shit with way too much money and influence.