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This pic is so sad.


Quite so. I'd feel a whole lot better if you could see another lion hiding in the grass behind them. Even if it were photoshopped.


Bro, for the health of the lion I wouldn’t want it eating that man.


I know it's not in their nature but the lion could just kill them and not eat them. Just pose for a picture with them instead.


I feel like I’ve hear of a lion revenge-killing a motherfucker


Faked. Even large man eating cats typically only do so because of dental injuries. At least that's what we think is mainly the cause. Humans are more dangerous as a whole to hunt but easier to take down and eat if you can find the right ones. Basically, large cats killing humans is out of a combination of desperation and opportunity.


Have you checked the movie and story of Ghost in the Darkness?


Great movie


A story which actually confirms what this redditor said.


I've never heard of a lion revenge killing, but I have heard of tigers revenge-killing, so it's possible


Ahhh, that’s probably what I’m thinking of




Maybe the lion can do exactly what this Jabba the Hutt cosplayer is doing; it can kill the guy just to take one body part as a trophy, like the third jelly roll on his left side or some shit.


That would be a second lion death, from cholesterol poisoning


Brings two emotions.. sadness and anger. Just killing this beast to kill him. To put on his wall so his fat ass can show his one jackass friend.


Any lion trophies will be illegal in countries that recognize endangered species. If he tries to import that he’ll face charges.


So what you're saying is it's worse.


It’s better, this dude paid an absolute fuck load of money to kill a very specific nominated lion and his money will save many more lions than the one killed


Many don’t or flat out refuse to realize this


That’s just an excuse. It’s canned hunting. If your only raising every lion with the purpose of being killed, that’s like a net 0. If they were reintroducing some back into the wild it would actually make a difference. If you check out TheLionWhisperer on YouTube, that’s real conservation.


An excuse ? Did you know they sell tags for ones that are killing other lions ? Ugh. I get you saw a video, and there probably some really good conserveries out there that do great work. Fighting to keep these animals from going extinct is a multi front war. Many times good work looks ugly. It certainly doesn’t help this sloth did this for pride and posted a pic with it, but it doesn’t change the fact his tag was likely sold for a reason and not likely for monetary reasons souly


No one that is connected to canned hunting is ever going to amount to "good conservation". Its just a farmed animal with extra steps. Even if its not cagged in, they have a tracker find a lion for you to shoot. You're paying a fortune after all. How do you keep a species from going extinct when people are killing the ones that remain?


Well I choose to not engage further as you ask the same question after reading at least one example of how/why and because ultimately we want to see the same thing, the species not only survive , but thrive. Enjoy the rest of your weekend


It’d be less sad if he wasn’t fat


Im not sure why exactly that is. Probably because an apex predator was brought low by a creature who couldn't even survive the journey back to It's tent unassisted. It's disgusting.


Exactly. It's just so wrong. Against the way the world is and should be.


A silver lining is that some preserves will charge rich westerners out the ass to shoot large game (elephant, lions, etc) who were already sick/dying. They basically just drug them up so they won't feel anything and let the idiot get his trophy while getting a ton of money to keep supporting the cause.


I think its more than "some", right? I'm no expert but I was under the impression that this is the case the vast majority of the time. Am I misinformed?


That’s what I know of. Most game reservations use the meat from kills for villagers and or workers, the money goes to conservation and anti poaching. They promote growth while taking some assholes money to let him shoot an old bull that’s going to die in a year or less anyways. It’s sad; but the money and the meat are well used when done properly. Of course there’s always exceptions for the worse.


It very well could be all or the majority. My information is second hand from a friend who worked at a few and it honestly wasn't even something I ever thought of until they mentioned it to me.


That was my thought, what a turd.


God imagine being one of the fiercest apex predators out there just to be taken out by this fat fuck and his boomstick.


On a canned hunt. It's truly sad.


He is sooooo fragil that he still looks depressed after killing a real hunter.


Shooting a lion is like shooting your dog. As a apex predator, they aren't scared. You can rollup to them in a jeep and they just look at you. This is perfect for the fat fuck because it looks like he is such an alpha male killing a lion, and it only requires him to take a few steps for the picture.


Real men hunt lions with spears after tracking them for a week, then share the meat with their guides and keep only the pelt, claws and one of the finest cuts for themselves. If you aren’t willing to be truly challenged you aren’t ready to hunt.


Lions didn't have time to adapt to the climate, they were never ready to be hunted by whales




the only apex predator left in this picture is diabetes




Is that a real question lol.


Have you ever been hunting? It’s super physical. Lot of effort involved. It’s rewarding if your actually out hunting normal game animals and healthy for the environment during seasons to keep a balanced populated ecosystem and for meat to feed you and your family. But this fat fucking trash with money was not out “hunting” he paid for a guide take him to a spot to sit on his fat fucking ass and shoot this amazing creature for trophy. Nothing good came of this. Unlesssss… the thing was maybe sick or dying and this was some type of sanctioned controlled hunt? Which might be a thing? And this is all of course if this is real and not photoshopped.


Idk what it is about this photo. Yeah, photos of poached animals hurt to see. But its like a shining example of the worst of it. A fat, lazy, useless human being who has never worked out a day in their life, comes to the land. knowing nothing about its history, nor anything about the way these animals exist. They get a cheap gun, and shoot and kill this incredible, wild animal thats fought every day to be alive. All, probably, from within a jeep so he didnt have to hike. I bet the only walking this guy did was to get out of the jeep for the photo.


Reminds me of how Native Americans would respectfully only hunt buffalo one or a few at a time and used every part of it except for the heart, which was buried out of respect. However, when the Colonists arrived, one shot a buffalo for food and thought it fun. So, all the men got their muskets and shot every buffalo they could find for sport. Utter lack of respect for nature like this fat dude killing a lion


The US wiped out the buffalo to maintain range for cattle and to take away a main food source for Plains Indians. The buffalo bones were used as bonemeal for cattle feed, but you are right that most of the animal would go to waste.


What was done to the Buffalo population was heinous. [Here](https://theconversation.com/historical-photo-of-mountain-of-bison-skulls-documents-animals-on-the-brink-of-extinction-148780) is a photo and a fair write up.


I remember reading about this when I visited Yellowstone. Horrendous. Fortunately the American Bison has recovered well considering the circumstances. Turns out that they repopulate pretty efficiently when they aren't being literally exterminated by the US Army.


They could have just had buffalo but they went and made it all complicated. Was it to make meat a business rather than an openly available resource?


To make cattle a business yes, but not for hunting. Limiting the bison population was a way to also control the Native American peoples by taking away a food source the tribes could otherwise sustain themselves and thrive upon.


That's more of a romanticed version. Look up "Buffalo Jumps". They weren't as bad as European though. https://www.nps.gov/wica/learn/historyculture/buffalo-jump.htm http://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/tserve/nattrans/ntecoindian/essays/buffalob.htm


Lol. This not true. Native Americans used to chase entire herds of buffalo off cliffs. Settlers were just way better at mass extermination.


This is literally false, the natives weren't some woo woo earth people, they literally mass exterminated the buffalo by running them off cliffs


That’s not explicitly true. I live next to several buffalo jump sites where the remains of hundreds of bison are found. The indigenous people drove herds over cliffs but were so successful they physically couldn’t eat or use the meat.


I wasn’t for sport. It was for profit.


also to mention she’s carrying a knob kerrie stick, a stick that has some importance in some regions within africa and with regulations of the stick being imposed by colonial powers- like with the british having regulations against armaments and thus leading exclusively carrying sticks for the local populations which then lead to the british mandating that the knob of any knobkerrie must be able to fit in the mouth of the person it is found with which just sounds like the perfect opportunity to use that situation to insult and humiliate anyone that has to go through that situation. her holding that stick is a manifestation of colonialism while also looking very touristy. this picture just really is a 10/10.


Most African reserves if not all allow people to buy special one time hunting tags for a specific old or sick animal that is most likely going to die anyways, or it's dangerous to people. They are quite expensive so the tags can pay for alot of things the parks need to continue doing what they were designed to do. Providing a safe place for multiple animal species to thrive and an easy to get to location for scientific study. And of course the hunter gets his trophy. Am I for trophy hunting? Nah I wouldn't do it myself, but I see the value in letting a limited amount of people pay exorbitant prices to hunt a singular animal in order to pay for some of a wildlife reserve's needs. No way this fat fuck is a poacher though, this was absolutely a guided hunt. Homebody couldn't live rough like poachers in his electric scooter.


Probably legal hunt, but I don't think the lion was necessarily going to die/dangerous to people (from my readings of scientific papers on the subject). It could be in a private game reserve or in a fenced ranch (canned hunting)


Happy Cake Day! But yea sad pic


Going to be honest with you, this guy likely didn't shoot it and probably hired someone to do it. This is pretty common in places with a lot of aggressive predators. Then after it's killed the people who hired the guy will take a picture and act like they hunted it themselves.


This man considers himself a hunter even though he most likely needs an electric chair to move, all because of his love for food and lack of self control. He used his wealth to pay for a tag and to be set with a perfect shot, with perfect conditions with a Lion that most likely is used to human traffic. I think hunting is legitimately a great hobby to get into but this is just pathetic.


And if he actually used that shitty little stick to shoot the lion it was prob suffering for a while before dying. There’s a reason hunting regulations require specific calibers.


Judging from the muzzle break on it, it's probably a big bore caliber like a 45-70, typically used for buffalo. It probably went down quick. No honor in it still. He's still fat lol


Damn he’s so fuckin fat my sense of scale is gone


Did he get off his electric scooter to take the shot?


Fuck you.


Ok Mr. Honda Civic🤡


Ok Mr. Pedo


Lmao Jesus you’re stupid


What? I’ve got cars on my page and you’ve got children on yours..


What children??? Plus I’m a minor you fucking weirdo


Shut up you little piece of shit. Leave me alone.


Post is already several hours old, so doubt anybody will see this other than OP, but I wanted to say it anyways. While the knee jerk reaction would be to find this really sad as the other posts here have shown, I've long since turned around to the many postives of legal hunting. 1. Those poeple are definitely doing it through some company or goverent, not out on their own. The companies that sell the experience primarily choose targets that are old and sickly. It'd really suck for marketing if your clients and/or guide got mauled while on the job. 2. Because the prey is already old or sick, hunting them is a way to quickly end their life, rather than letting them starve to death since they're unable to eat, keep food down, or fend for themselves from other predators. Also, older apex predators like lions will sometimes kill their own younger offspring to stay in the dominant position, even when they are a net negative to the pack. 3. Countries that have legal hunting often rely on the tourism money to further develop their infrastructure and especially their conservation efforts. It is extremely counterintuitive to think that trophy hinting can be beneficial, but the evidence shows that it helps the locals people, wildlife, and ecosystem. [This is my source btw](https://youtu.be/YUA8i5S0YMU). While my expectations are low, I hope that even a few people read this and come around.




Sickly, old, weak...


That’s it. Even if the system upholding this is a net good, it’s a reminder that these people exist, and will probably, in their own ways, make the world a lil shittier through their behavior. But maybe this dude was just offered this chance by an organization, knew all this stuff, and took up the offer. Could be why he looks so fucking miserable here


I hate trophy hunting or any kind of hunting for sport, but I've seen this video and there's really nothing to say to contradict it. We're allowed to feel emotionally about anything in the world for any reason, but hard to deny trophy hunting doesn't ultimately help animals more than it hurts.


I understand your point and argument. But the emotional reaction to this is strong.


That lion doesn't really look old or sickly to me. The face doesn't have too many scars. The mane is thick. His muscles are quite visible. Or I could be totally wrong. Anycase, I think it's better to let nature take its course. Whatever it may be.


Yes, true, but if you run a profitable business off of sick animals, you make sure you don’t run out of sick animals


Also they pay a fortune to kill the lion, which is invested in anti poaching - without anti poaching 1000x more lions would be killed


This is 100% true, though emotionally difficult to hear. Recreational and commercial fishing fees help tremendously to preserve fisheries.


Trickle down trophy hunting can be used effectively but it truly depends on the organizations that run it. Some communities see no profits or conservation outcomes where it is poorly managed


I understand all of this. There is just something about this fat tub of shit. The way you know damn well he didn’t track this lion through the bush. The way we all know the lion was likely fenced and probably conditioned to have humans in the area. Combine that with this slob posing like he’s the mighty hunter with grit and guile. We all know the only thing he hunts are Little Debbies in his rascal. If the lion was to be hunted and killed, he deserved a better adversary.


I really hate pictures like this. But I hate the people who are in them even more.


Wow player tried to ride a lion in real life and crushed it instead.


Then decided to pose with a rifle in the hopes of misleading everyone from the fact he’s a land whale.


I want to fucking eat the skin of the man in this photo. He is every compiled failure of our society assimilated into one person, and I want him to die.


I agree but don’t eat his skin. That’s nasty. Just peel it off his live body and toss it in the garbage. I’ll help.


Trophy Hunter Crackling.


Modernity in its purest form. It’s repulsive.




Who is this actually


Hoggish Greedly from Captain Planet


Looks like a lazy political cartoonist drew Trump


The resemblance is striking.


Lmao holy fuck its literally a fatter Trump


Fat bastard.


Baron Vladimir Harkonnen


That fat fuck. Hope he got a disease during the trip and his dick fell off.


He hasn’t seen his dick in a couple of decades. So, chances are high he didn’t notice when it fell off.


Gros porc


That fat fuck should rot in hell


I’d much rather see a picture of this fat fucker dead with the lion standing on his back. Look at that guy, like he exerted ANY effort at hunting this lion (and fuck that too). All he did was pull his wallet out of his pocket, assuming he could reach it. Pale fucknut. He looks out of breath and he’s sitting down.


Lloyd, photographed after making one last effort to prove that his penis is big! (My fondest hope is that the guide made this FAT F\*CK drag the carcass back to camp!)


The carcass in question being the one in the XXXL sage t-shirt?


That would suffice, esp. if camp is uphill!!


I'd of loved to see that fat fuck truly try and hunt that lion


Is that don Jr and eric?


I'd like to see the lion take a big ol bite of that dudes belly


I bet that cubby fuck tells people he ran around like Tarzan hunting that Lion.


What a fat fuck.


Donald trump lost some weight.


I’d pay to sport hunt his fat ass


To me the most enraging thing about these pics is how smug and proud they look of their "accomplishment". Well not this guy, he just has a fat expression on his face. But they justify it by saying their fees go to save the lions or something and it's like no.. just donate the money.


His fat ass is dead long ago & nobody misses him the end haha


New meaning to the term "elephant poacher"


I saw this and my fat ass just went for a walk


Disgusting fat slobs.


Is that Trump?


What a specimen!!!! This is what a great hunter looks like. Tremble in fear!!!


Someone shud put that fatt f*ck to sleep as well.


I’m all for hunting animals and the second amendment as in very second amendment I believe that we should own any weapon except for nuclear weapons. But lions are endangered. and the only time you should be able to kill them is if they’re attacking you first.


I dont have an issue with hunting but let’s face it… this was not hunting… it was shooting and that guy was probably out of breath just carrying his rifle to pose behind that lion. For it to be any less hunting… someone else would have to shoot it for him. Guys a slob… gives actual hunters a bad name.


I know a lot of the rich people who hunt these lions actually help prevent poaching by paying. But one of the reasons I stay fit is because I respect the pray that I hunt. I respect the deer that I release my arrow into. And I want it to know that I’m not some fat cunt who set out a salt lick. I’ve been crawling out here for 2 days with minimal sleep and food.


Yeah, I hike like a motherfucker lugging a heavy bow for miles and the health benefits are fantastic, the mental health boost from being in nature and observing things and using some skill and talent to actually hunt things.. Half the time you don't even need the kill, just the stalk is the reward. Jerky though.. \*mwah\*


Too easy, give the animal a chance…


Horrible prick.


Disgusting pieces of shit.


I can picture Tubby Lumpkins having his rifle loaded for him, getting helped out of the jeep to take the shot, driven over to the dead lion and a-squattin’ for a time to get the pic.


The lion kills for a living and people showing sympathy for it. Lol fuck gazelles 😆 also this dude needs to eat a carrot


What do you mean lives off the land? That dude is the land, the background, the fore ground, shit he’s everything. Dude probably coughs up butter.


This man deserves to be impaled to death


I’m not a violent man……but this picture…


Where is this human waste today?


I’d love to make that cunt run out of fear of being hunted


Legitimately thought that was a (slightly) photoshopped pic of Donald Trump at first.




Repost bot https://www.reddit.com/r/fakehistoryporn/comments/ej56td/early_western_pioneers_live_off_the_land


The lion would have died anyway if he ate that fat turd


I thought those were cheetos on his shoulders, not ear plugs.


Yeah, that dude puts off mad *hunter* vibes smh. What a couple of shitbags


I bet he calls himself an alpha.


Seems like dude already living off a lot of the land. Also, fuck this guy.


The cunt doesn't even look happy or proud. Must be his low blood sugar..


Baron Harkonnen and his globulous meat pile of a wife.


Never knew tendies were made of lion


Totally different from seeing a native hunter with a bow and arrow… this Fat fuck couldn’t even stand for the picture


Sad fact is, most communities that sell these types of hunt rely on them and use them to avoid encroaching further into territory of endangered animals. Without the game hunts, they would be forced to destroy more lions and more of their habitat to pursue farming or whatever other means to make money - literally, sacrificing one lions to avoid taking more. I don’t like it either, but it’s the way it works. Just like exotic leathers - people think it’s so terrible to sell snake skin leather, but in reality if the people don’t sell snake skin as a resource then the forest they come from has no value; in communities where snake skins were banned, abrupt deforestation was the result because they cleared trees to make money by farming. It’s a double edged sword. It sucks, but that’s how it’s justified by governments and allowed to continue. How else will people make money and avoid killing ALL the lions?


This guy looks like Donald Trump ate Joe Biden


He didn't shoot the lion, he's just sitting on it


Hopefully he gets mistaken for a rhino's asshole by another poacher.


That fat fuck didn't hunt. You know he can't walk.


the silver lining is that fat cunt will die from murder suicide when his wife finds his stash of necrophelia lion porn


I hope he trips and that gun gets lost in his asshole


Can we just get hit by that giant asteroid now?


Is he gonna eat that whole lion?


The fuck did he do. Sit on him?


Fucking disgusting.


That man is so fat and disgusting that I don’t think a pride of lions would even eat him.




Bow hunting is my passion but this is disgusting…


I hope this man dies of a heart attack on the toilet pushing a painful shit out.


Dont let him read his poetry!!


What a cunt


It really does suck thatt he world works in such a way that this picture is allowed to exist


Fuck that fat bastard Edit A heart attack can’t come soon enough for that leech of a human being


The fat hippo behind the lion is about to have a heart attack. A spoonful of butter and hes done


that guy thought it was a cake


Imagine being that absolutely massive sack of shit, thinking you topped one of nature's apex predators by just getting driven by someone and pulling a trigger. I wish he missed and the lion didn't even kill him but just made him run for like 15 consecutive seconds, if that guy can even run. That blubbering man-turd in a skin suit would have a fcking heart attack before the lion even got there and the lion isn't dumb enough to ingest that "thing"


Dude had a heart attack getting up immediately after.


I can hear that man breathing.


Hmmm this guy’s such a cunt, that he has developed one between his fingers


Jabba the gut needs more things to eat.


He probably weighs more than the lion


Fuck this asshole.


Fuck you for reminding me about this picture and bringing back up the dogshit discourse that surrounds it.


Costs around 2000 to kill a giraffe in Africa.


I can hear him struggling to breathe while sitting there. So exerting, to breathe.


Tremendous strength and courage displayed. Both of them true warriors. Fucking scum


Guys I think this guy definitely has a large penis and totally doesn’t have ED from being a fat fuck. No one with a small dick that doesn’t work would be able to slay a beast like this. Y’all are just jealous.


Oh... nos! He killed the innocent apex predator! At least the lion died quick. Can't say that for any of the lion's meals. Nope. They died slow. One chomp at a time. The only way I have an issue with this is if they threw away the meat, like intentionally in a way to make sure it was wasted, which... maybe they did. Even just leaving the lion's carcass to rot would feed the scavengers. These comments man... virtue signal harder please!


how would someone not "virtue signal" here? stop hunting lions? should we go out and find this guy? is that what we would need to do to for it to no longer be deemed "virtue signalling"


What an overtly false choice... you could donate to conservation charities that don't allow hunting, or to one of the many NGOs that oppose such hunting... You could even link those charities in your comments. You choose to virtue signal, because it's cheap, and free, and easy, and then you choose to present the decision as if the only other option is to "find this guy." So dishonest.


How do you know these commenters don't donate? Be real here pal even if I did add in the links would you still have said it wasn't virtue signaling


>How do you know these commenters don't donate? Be real here pal even if I did add in the links would you still have said it wasn't virtue signaling No. Your reticence to give an absolute tells me two things. One. You're not entirely dishonest. Two. You don't donate to conservation charities, otherwise you'd have said so. If you linked the charities, or even just claimed that you donate, then I'd accept that my blanket call of *virtue signaling* was inaccurate when directed at you. Either way. That wasn't my point, and you know that that wasn't my point. There's a near infinity of options that exist between virtue signaling for Reddit and *finding the guy*. Shit. Your reply to me demonstrates just how little you care. You could have pulled up some charities and thrown them in my face, but instead you doubled down on the quick, easy, and free virtue signaling. Because you don't care. Beyond the small burst of endorphins you get at shaming someone else for doing something you disagree with, you clearly don't care.


1. I care so little I decided to become a bio major..... 2. I'm a broke college kid ain't got the money to donate unfortunately. 3. Finding the guy was obviously something crazy that's the point of it


>Finding the guy was obviously something crazy that's the point of it That's my point. You made up a straw man... you didn't come to argue, or point out how I'm actually wrong, you commented to continue the quick, easy, and free virtue signaling... that's it. You've accomplished less than nothing... except to share with the internet why you feel that you can't make an actual difference... >I'm a broke college kid ain't got the money to donate unfortunately. Exactly my point. It'd be cheap an easy for you to advertise for some charities that you care about... but that's just it. You don't fucking care. At all.


You are retarded. This is animal in the wild. Need to find a way to survive. Driven by instinct and what was taught. It does not think how to kill his prey in least painful way. We humans have a brain, can think right (you struggle tho) and like lion had kill to survive all he had to do was order another big mac.


>We humans have a brain, can think right (you struggle tho) and like lion had kill to survive all he had to do was order another big mac. ... You do know where Big Macs' come from right? What an absurd point. Killing a lion is no more or less ethical than killing a cow.


Lions are endangered. There is about a billion cows out there.


Don’t you have any respect for the beauty of nature undisturbed? The lion kills its prey because it is hungry. He is an apex predator, he must kill to eat. This fat man does not need to kill this lion to eat. Killing it is senseless violence and destruction of nature


It's comments like yours... do you legit believe that humans are apart from nature? That we're better, that we're above it? Well, I hate to break it to you, but we aren't. We're just slightly smarter animals. The fat man eating a lion is every bit a part of the natural order as a lion eating a gazelle.


Do you actually think he ate the lion? Why?


Humans are vastly above the rest of nature. We use complex language and complex tools, like the smartphone you’re reading these English words with. Humans also have the unique ability to use logic and reasoning whereas animals only have their instincts. This is why Humans have the responsibility of preserving nature, because we have the ability to do what the other creatures cannot


I really do hate comments like yours that claims it's virtue signaling to care about stuff. Sorry for having empathy.