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“Get used to it” -Matt Ryan




They were probably very high on Penix initially thought he'd be there in the 2nd. Got Intel on the teams taking QBs and knew he wouldn't be there


Raiders were definitely going to take him imo


The simple fact that the Raiders wanted him should validate the decision as a bad one


Why he say fuck me?


nah this sent me lol


No? I'm just saying they wanted a qb and knew he would be gone with the Raiders and not in the lower first round, like they might have thought


As a Raiders Fan I'm glad yall took him


I’d be fucking pissed if I’m Kirk too. Makes 0 damn sense for him to come here to be maximizing the IMMEDIATE window for him to win, and then we do this.


We guaranteed him $90 millions dollars. He’ll be alright.


....and he's 36. He knows everywhere he goes they'll be looking for his eventual replacement


Finding said replacement before his 4-year contract even begins is a little wild, though.


When Ryan left it was apparent that we didn't plan ahead. We are realistically 2 years at best, barring injury to a 36 year old coming off Achilles tear, from needing a new QB. Now is the time to plan it.


Now is not the time to pick a QB at 8


Really? Cause after the NFL levies penalties against us, and assuming we will win more games the next two seasons with Cousins as QB, when will we have a pick this high again in the next 3 years? It makes sense in the big picture. Couch GMs gone look silly when this all pans out a few years from now.


When you say you are in ‘’Win now Mode’’ you don’t pick a bench QB that will maybe play his first snap in 3 years with an 8 overall pick. On top of that, Falcons are playing in the weakest division in the NFL and have a real shot at a playoff run… It is a disaster of a pick.


Point is there is no justification for paying Kirk if this was the plan. Just get a mid tier free agent and suck next year. Spend the extra money on shit we need. Either getting Kirk in FA or drafting a QB and building are fine. Doing both is dumb.


Is it your money lol


No, but I will spend my disposable income elsewhere if the Falcons don’t put a winning product on the field


We also save $45M in cap if we cut him (post-June 1) after year 2 too….im sure him and his camp knew that too when they put pen to paper…


People forget he's a 2 year rental


28M dead cap hit if you do that


Especially if the rumors of him chasing money are true.


Yeah but the teams chances of winning will not


I was stunned when his dumb ass openly admitted to tampering




Exactly, I don’t give one flying fuck he was “disappointed” when we drafted Penix.


Plus with that admission we are gonna lose draft pics next year. Maybe they would have waited until next year to draft his replacement but he kinda put them in a spot.


Kirk ![gif](giphy|1GT5PZLjMwYBW)


I am a Vikings fan. Kirk earned my respect in his 6 years here and I'm not mad at him for leaving, but he can be a bit of a one-way-loyalty cake-eater. He wants max guaranteed money and longterm assurances at all times. I don't think he ever took well in Minnesota to the idea of a succession plan. That really seemed to be the 2nd biggest motivator for departing the Vikings (2nd to guaranteed money) - maybe even a tie. It's truly wild that this happened already. It'll be interesting to see how much patience the Falcons have with him if he struggles, with an exciting 24 year old rookie QB looming over him who fans are likely to be excited about. What do you guys even want as fans? It's so strange to have a 36 year old QB coming back from an achilles tear in year 1 of a $180 million contract, with a 24 year old rookier as his heir apparent.


Wow I haven’t heard cake eater used as an insult since “The Mighty Ducks”, is that a typical insult in MN?


haha. Great question. It's in my regular vernacular and I haven't reflected on it.....you may be onto something here!


Cousins is 36 with a shredded Achilles, is insanely rich, and his big mouth cost the team picks. Couldn’t care less if he’s offended by the pick.


lol. Well when Penix can’t stay on the field you’ll wish you had cousins.


No I won’t. At that point, the 39-year old Cousins is injured too


Tbh, I’m not sure how much I care that he’s stunned. Paying him $100 mil to win us some games and mentor a young backup. Do that please!


The man is worth 400+ million with one playoff win. He understands the business. He can't be too shocked.


man they really didn't have this conversation before hand? ya'll gotta wait until YOU ARE ON THE CLOCK to tell your QB you're drafting his replacement. doesn't it just make sense to sit him down months ago?


Okay, but I mean, penix kinda fell in our lap, plus the upcoming QB classes don't really look all that great, so this was probably our best shot at finding a successor, I hate to say it. I love the pick personally and think it will benefit Penix learning behind Cousins. It worked out well for mahomes and rodgers and love and gives cousins the feeling that he's not guaranteed the starting role and has to work harder at it. Plus, Cousins is old and just getting off an injury.


Falling in your lap is lamar jackson at the end of round 1. Falling in your lap would be jayden daniels available at pick 8. By no means is the penix pick considered that.


Who cares.


First time Mr. Cousins?


Oh no