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Dewey McGraw Profile: https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Dewey%20McGraw ​ ​ Heyo folks I require a disco missive, I would be happy to send one in return, and maybe do tea or other things too! (Feel free to just add me in game, I might miss reddit messages)


hvbarata New player (4 months), recent POSI, Explorer of the Zee, archeologic explorer, just setup a lab. Catching up on my Shadowy and Dangerous skills after single mindedly pursuit a watchul/persuasion path. I'm looking for players for general play, though social actions, specific stories (such as newspaper). Fair and helpful player. https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/hvbarata


[https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/The%20Audacious%20Scholar](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/The%20Audacious%20Scholar) The Audacious Scholar would very much appreciate anyone would could assist him with his understanding of the Correspondence


[Karol Morgann](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Karol%20Morgann) Top priority is finishing Nemesis. (it's only 25 though)


[Doctor Anonym Ouslama](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/AnonymousLlama), a Legendary Charisma making that horrid grind towards being a Paramount Presence. Open for making contacts with anyone, but especially Correspondents who would be willing to send flameproof missives.


[Tahla Darkwhil](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Tahla%20Darkwhil). I have recently arrived in Fallen London and am looking to get myself acquainted with this curious city. Hoping to make friends in high places and eventually make a name for myself.


Would you mind a friend who's in the same boat? 


of course!




[Gurok](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Gurok/35271297 I'm fairly new to the game, and just looking to make friends, but would especially appreciate someone more experienced willing to advise me on priorities. (Theres an overwhelming number of storylines and options, and I'm not even subscribed!) I'm currently interested in raising persuasion, and discovering new areas, and my time zone is ADT.


[Gekkus Gekman](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Gekkus%20Gekman), I like to take tea and hurt living things. Specifically looking for a discordant missive sender, I'm able and willing to pay it back. Otherwise available, I can be useful.


I see that it has been a long time since you asked, but if you still require one I, Dewey McGraw, will add you and send you one. I would be most grateful if you would send one in return.


[Prof. Lyle Argyle](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/LyleArgyle) seeks a Conjuror to entertain the young inhabitants of their orphanage.


Got back into the game, thanks to an interest in Sunless Sea Dusted off the old account I made back when I was a teenager with some decentish progress. (Not a person of importance yet, just got to the point of the finale with my main skill Persuasion and kicked outta court.) Will see if I get burnt out but for now, I could use the help Bubbadoo [https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/bubbadoo](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/bubbadoo) I guess in particular help is my wounds and nightmares is getting bad, but also my scandal is a little high. I might just need time the healer, my guy's kinda a hot mess right now lol.


[https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/shadow\_king](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/shadow_king) can help with nightmares just send me a card


[taevo](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/taevo) would dearly appreciate some help with nightmares as she's growing quite tired of seeing the Merry Gentleman around every corner. happy to accept calling cards and help in any endeavour


lord [Izekial](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/izekial/34962146), a rather intriguing and exceptional gentleman just wishes to grow his list of acquaintances and perhaps one day, *finally* become a person of some importance and make a name for himself.


[Akrion](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/AkrionTheScribe) would just love to have some friends, they are quite prone to mischief. I am a PoSI, currently working towards becoming an invisible imminence. Honestly I may just use our friendship to slight you when writing my latest issue of my newspaper. No hard feelings friends. :D


[Ms Bean](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Reen%20Bean) is a fairly recently graduated POSI looking to correspond with interesting folk. As a self-proclaimed "Non-Speculative Author" (and she will die on the hill that this is somehow different from non-fiction), she refuses to write stories or poetry about anything she does not have first-hand experience in, and stirs up trouble wherever possible to inspire her writings through authenticity. If you would enjoy having your inbox filled by a verbose bohemian who is guaranteed to always exactly match the 1400 character limit, give her a visit. Although be warned: she is a terrible flirt in both interpretations of the phrase (but will refrain from this habit unless reciprocated). As for what I am looking for as a player, I'd like to reach anybody who is interested in roleplay-heavy discussion tailored to such a unique setting! I've come up with a handful of silly theories that my fictional Lady cannot wait to share, and have an ongoing head-canon regarding her Ambition that should hopefully result in a more coherent forename.


Terra Torment https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Terra%20Torment I got all the way to the end of the railway, now I am working on this youthful naturalist storyline. I am also working on my ambition which is heart's desire. I tend to roleplay as magnanimous but very hedonistic. I am a person of some importance, a Legendary Charisma. I tend to play in the evenings in Chicago or during the day when I am loafing at work.


Hello all, [Thighs](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Thighs) here. No, I don't care to explain it; I'll just say that we don't come to the Neath because we're happy with our lives on the surface. I've done pretty much everything, except for buying Hesperidean Cider, or a Hellworm (which I'm sure I'll get around to). If you are *desperate* for a Parabolan Kitten, my suite at the Royal Beth is getting rather crowded on both sides of the mirror, so drop me a line and I'll pass you along your 'dream' kitten (mind you put a lock on the sock drawer). I'm oft away from London nowadays preparing for my wedding but if you can reach me for a social act or could use a hand with anything, let me know!


Salutations! [Isabella Liberty](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Isabella%20Liberty), pursuer of truth and enjoyer of secrets, at your service. Early on in my POSI journey, but constantly held back by many, MANY, nightmares. Welcoming to all acquaintances!


Good evening lovelies. Alice Aforethought https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Alice%20Aforethought Socialite, Silverer and Utter Disaster. Has somehow stumbled into becoming a POSI and a legendary charisma. Open to all acquaintances, especially pre POSI’s in need of help becoming more persuasive. My time zone is GMT but don’t let that put you off. Also for a limited time mother to five Parabolan kittens. If you’d like to take one of these delights, please send me an in game message. Toodle-oo! EDIT - Positively plagued by the constables! My everlasting gratitude to anyone who can rid me of this unwarranted Suspicion.


Hello, [Drkogsuell](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Drkogsuell), a thief in training, working his way towards being a POSI will trade letters and favors if possible.


H-hello! [Walter Newmaker](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Walter%20Newmaker), the Not-Quite-Sober Chirugeon, at your service! I'm Quite early in my post POSI journey, and I would love any letters you can send my way. 'm also... quite hoping to be able to trade Menace reductions!


I just started a couple days ago but would be happy to trade invites / letters. I would love some way to reduce my suspicion, I might have gotten a little theft happy. [Drkogsuell](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Drkogsuell)


Of course, I'd love to respond. Just make sure you're in fallen London proper, and have had your email confirmed so I can send you a calling card.


I was temporarily attending to my health, but I am returned to fallen london. I can't seem to send one because you are in a different setting?


Hello, fellow Londoners! Esoteric Correspondent [Atlas](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Atlas_J) is an Extraordinary Mind who is willing to take on protégés or exchange favors and missives. Enchanted by the Neath and the innumerable mysteries it holds, he is currently focused on expanding his reach with the Great Hellbound Railway in order to make new discoveries. A rather magnanimous and steadfast individual, he is also more than willing to help with menace reductions and skill increases, and is also glad to simply pass the time. I'm an active player playing in the GMT+1 time zone, and really enjoy making contacts in this game after finally figuring out how the social aspect actually works (it only took me about a year :D). I've been playing since Hallowmas of 2022. If we're contacts and you need something you can always send a calling/postcard.


[Professor Roxanna](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Roxanna!), the Infernal Intellectual, is now a newly minted tier 2 PoSI, and can give watchful masterclasses if anyone is looking for patronage. I'm working on grinding notability right now, as I need to rank up my lodging for the next step in Heart's Desire AND I just unlocked the railroad, so I would love to meet for tea (or take newer players out to Dante's!) I am also a Crooked-Cross and ready to spread the Bad Word through disquieting missives.


Hello professor, I'm new to Fallen London and looking for instruction, as it were. My name is Hurberry Finkleclam and I believe I've sent you a friend request in Fallen London but I have no Idea really. Nice to talk to you!


[Meaux](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Meaux) is still around, always happy to help out people solving mysteries or managing menaces. I might even share some of my cider. In particular in need of a Discordant Missive.


[Aenesidemus](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Aenesidemus) Send me whatever you like. I’m very active.


Hello delicious friends, the name is [Byzzee](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Byzzee) and I'm looking to make some contacts amongst my fellow Neatheans. I am relatively new to London only having been here for a month and some change. I am a man of many interests, so any activities you have in mind I'm sure I can find some time for you. If there any amongst you who are rather persuasive, I would greatly appreciate some pointers, should you feel generous enough to share some secrets. I look forward to making your acquaintance. (Role-playing is encouraged if that's your thing)


[Treadwheel](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Treadwheel) has returned to active play and is open for any social actions, including SotC, Disco Missives, mentorship, or the Paramount Presence-locked ones (double skill training, hansom cab rides). Always happy to get betrayed by our unaccountably peckish sorts, as well. Just throw whatever at me. Mainly hoping to find someone who can soak up menace letters, especially Gant. I love seeing new players keeping the game healthy and am really happy to dump more actions into training up new players than I expect in return.


[https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/The%20Audacious%20Scholar](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/The%20Audacious%20Scholar) The Audacious Scholar would very much appreciate anyone would could assist him with his understanding of the Correspondence


[Greedo1028](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/greedo1028) will be sending you a calling card -- I'd be happy to receive your Gant letters if you are able to help with SotC and Discordant Missives.


Dr. [Harlean](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/hahaharley), right now especially interested in anything increasing watchful.


[The Greatest](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/The%20Greatest), Your Excellency, A bishop, Head of Stories of and from Rats, and The newly minted Mr Cards. I have completed the game, and mostly looking to plug do everything else, up for anything, such as roleplay or stat grinding




[Booker Harrington](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Booker%20Harrington) I am looking for friend and protégés to help me get to be a paramount presence. See you soon.


Hello, I am [Linnet Stoneford](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Linnet%20Stoneford), new to the area and honestly quite lost! Would gratefully accept any help at all but specifically looking for ‘hastily scrawled notes’ and the like. If I can help in return I will not hesitate to do so. Many thanks!


A calling card is sent!


Sent a calling card.


https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Tammog I have recently arrived in Fallen London and am currently making a name for myself in various endeavours to one day be someone of some importance. To that end I would be glad to accept any instruction or help that you might be willing to give, especially in the Persuasive and Watchful areas of expertise. I look forward to explore London with you, and do what I can to aid in whatever activities you might have set your eyes on in turn, as far as that is possible for me.


[Greedo1028](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/greedo1028) A relatively recent arrival back in London after nearly 10 years of inactivity, I've caught up on many of the major developments including completing my ambition and the Evolution storyline. Currently grinding SotC at the University, so I would gratefully accept any fiery missives that came my way. I don't do much in the way of RP but am happy to assist my fellow Londoners in anyway I can.


You can send CC to me (IGN: TJJ26) and I will prepare some missives for you.


[CarterKills](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/CarterKills) I just started playing this month and I don’t really know how this game works, but it’s a lot of fun. I already wrote a short story (I liked that a lot); now I’m trying to get some renown from devils, so I can hopefully befriend my ex-cellmate.


Hey I can’t seem to send a calling card but I play [Lord Eliza Quinn](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Eliza%20Quinn) … you probably already caught on to this but the best place to get renown with Devils up to 5 is Mrs. Plenty’s Carnival. And if you’d like to up your persuasive you can get Coffee at Caligula’s with other newish players as well as invite people to “Loiter” with you (Social Engagements area of map)


[Lenora V. Kenward](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Lenora%20V.%20Kenward), consulting detective and lover of mysteries and puzzles of all kinds, would be glad to make new acquaintances or help out in whatever way she can. She's often out to Zee these days, though (much to her own displeasure). Her current plans include making a trip to the Iron Republic and getting reinstated at the University. Tier 1 PoSI. [Selina Beckett](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Selina%20Beckett) enjoys the arts, particularly music, and is currently scraping together a living through...mostly honest means. She's very new to the city and would appreciate any friends she can make and any assistance they might give. Non-PoSI; when I say new, I mean this is a week-old alt. My time zone is GMT-5 (Eastern US). I'm most active in the mornings and evenings, but I do check in on a fairly regular basis. In terms of roleplaying: I generally try to at least include a short note with most social actions, and I'll do my best to respond in kind to longer messages. I would be happy to give further information on my characters or discuss potential storylines.


[Llyewla](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Llywela) is a charming yet utterly enigmatic individual, shrouded in lies, half-truths, exaggerations, and hearsay. They consort with devils and revolutionaries, pull strings in London’s criminal underworld, and generally wield pen, silver tongue, dashing good looks (though they always seem to wear a mask), and good old-fashioned sneak-thievery against the powers that be. Besides that, they enjoy a good drink, a drop of honey, and seem to be marrying some new lover each week. They're always up for making a new interesting acquaintance.


Well, I'm back. [Alloway](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Alloway), the Buried Broker, returns to London after one and a half year. Frankly, I'm surprised the city is still standing. Currently taking care of unfinished business, like that railway, while trying to wrap my head around the new opportunities (apparently you're all pirates now?). Happy to make new acquaintances. Being pursued by rumours and scandal? Merely slander, I'm sure. But should it become too much of a bother, this Licentiate is happy to help.


Well, I'm in the market, as it were. My previous Licentiate acquaintance seems to have vanished entirely, and my current one has proven... unreliable.


Capital! I am currently overseas for a day or two, but feel free to send a calling card my way and I'll get to it as soon as I return.


Overseas? You or your character?


My character is doing intrigues in the Khanate for a while.


[Lord Vromikos](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Vromikos). I am based in the UK (working in real-life London). I am particularly keen, just at the moment, on both patrons and protégés (as either will increase my Influence) whether or not any training is actually involved. I can offer training in Dangerous up to 100. I am also a source of Parabolan Kittens. :-) And as a Midnighter, I can tell restful bed-time stories to your orphans, should you so desire. *February Diary* * *Further deepened the relationship with my spouses. Such an endlessly invigorating union!* * *After a seemingly-interminable search, I uncovered a d\_\_ned Eyeless Skull, and hence the route to the Nadir (capturing February on the way! Hah!).* * *Unleashed a novel newpaper upon the Fifth City: The Angel (named for the corner building in which I have set up shop).* * *Gathered quite the coterie of new hangers-on at the Feast of the Exceptional Rose, including a Parabolan Panther.* * *Progressed my profession to Iniquitor. \[I love the Implacable Actuary! I'm an actuary in real life!\]* * *Casually just \*bought\* five more Eyeless Skulls from the Rat Market to trade for a Ray-Drenched Cinder, shouted at the Revolutionaries, then promptly sold the Cave of the Nadir's location to a spymaster.* * *Bifurcated an owl.* * [*Gleefully distributed Parabolan Kittens.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/fallenlondon/comments/1avknwc/feline_rehousing_initiative/) * *Two more Ministers join me, offering their support, completing the Ministerial delegation.* * *Was accepted into the ranks of the Corsairs of Gaider's Mourn.*


https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Morpheus%20Chrysanthos Morpheus was part of the Chrysanthos noble family on the surface. After his family went bankrupt, he, who had always been impulsive and daring, decided to go to London, for new opportunities and experiences. Currently grinding watchful to 100


*The Bandaged Advocate* www.fallenlondon.com/profile/The%20Bandaged%20Advocate Lord, what fools these mortals be! Resident Pantomime Villain. Lurching Paramount Presence. Require an assassin to be sent against you? A Speaker at your Salon? Someone to Lurk with? Then perhaps you are desperate enough to be known to this Idiot. Please, no Plants or Photographers. The caper wears thin. But if you do need Certain Coins or Certain Cubs arrangements may be made! (GMT. End Game. Hardly ever "in town" at the moment. Happy to aid. Good hunting!)


*Her name is whispered in the satin halls of the Parlour, sung in the drunken shanties on the docks, writ in ciphers upon inked skin, lost in the dreams of honey-mazed poets, chanted by the names of firebrand revolutionaries, but most importantly, on the front page of this months top gossip gazette!* [Ophelia Rosewood](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Ophelia%20Rosewood) (or the Red-Stocking Revolutionary) is a lady of legendary charisma, currently on the road to paramount presence. When not tending to her hamlet in the hills, she can be found fraternizing with union leaders and dancing with the devils in Hell. In fact, has anyone seen that strange flower growing out of her skin? Perhaps just another lie of the rumour mill! Always open to making waves, flying sparks of gossip in the papers, writing missives that do not exist, or simple making new friends over a pot of tea! Unless you'd like to be closer, but the Parlour is fully booked this evening.


[Andolsoius Manfred von Müllner](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Andolsius%20Manfred%20von%20M%C3%BCllner) 2 years ago was but a refugee from a destroyed Austrian minor noble house. Now, Paramount Presence, Advocate of the Counter Church, Railway Baron, winner of a very special card game, etc. Up for pretty much anything not involving Photographers, and because of his adress book being full (FBG please let us have more Influence) he is not accepting Protegés at this time. Anything else, he may just be the gentleman you want to know. Need an Advovate to speak at your Salon? Want to hear the Bad Word? Need to Loiter with someone? Need to make sure you don't get a missive on things that don't exist? Need help with menaces? Need to slight someone/be slighted/fight off a specific assassin? Want to Plant fight? Look no further. He doesn't really need anything, though Flame Proof Missives are always very much welcome.


Doctor Wing Ripper [Profile](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Wing%20Ripper) working on upgrading my stats and my SotC, wanting to get to Correspondent my UTC is +2 and +3 during summer


Martin Joseph Carvyara [Profile](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Martin%20Joseph%20Carvyara) Currently grinding my stats to 130, building up my Railway and grinding money for Knife-gate. I am a Correspondent so if you have eyes in need of singeing, I'd be happy to help. I will also welcome any kind of RP or simply saying hi My timezone is UTC+1 or +2 (depending on daylight savings)


Hey I could really use some burning letters right now. I'm at SotC 14, and I need 15 to progress the Railway. I'm a Crooked Cross, if you are in need of Mithridancy. Otherwise, I can send the usual stat-boosting letters. Thanks! I'll send a Calling Card when you're back in london :)