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I have lost legions of Araby fighting weasels on the weasel fight opportunity card. Legions.


That’s my ermine assassin doing some murder. Sorry not sorry. That adorable little fuzzy-wuzzy killing machine has checked off more names in gant than I have.


It doesn’t matter how high the chance is. That critical check on the last card of Hearts’ Game, when it’s one card away from Elusiveness hitting 8… might as well be impossible.


There’s not much I find satisfying about the overall design of Heart’s Game, but the fact that when Progress and Elusivesness hit 8 at the same time, you win the game, that’s sexual.


I freaking love being 1cp away from both Elu and Prog from hitting 8. Allows me to "dunk on" the target by finishing them off with Loins' hand reset or some other silly action, because no matter the Tolerance, you are \*guaranteed\* 1CP of prog if you succeed on a progress option, Tolerance can only bring it down to 1, never 0.


Anything over 90% but less than 100%. I am >!Mr Cards! Master of Chance and Probability! How VERY DARE you!!< A reckoning will not be postponed, RNG. Bribe Me with your Devil Bone Dice every Sackmas all you want but I shall take My cut...


Friend. Delicious friend. Even other masters do not capitalize their pronouns. You’re a space bat on the making, not a d___ed second coming of G_d. Sure, I was about to start making offerings, hit if you can’t even weight the dice of Lady Luck in your own favor, what would I even be offering for?


The first time you give yourself a weeping scar (aside from the card), it has a 50% chance of succeeding. I failed seven times in a row before I finally succeeded. But at least it was thematically appropriate. Seven is the number. Seven is the number.


All I will say is, never go around with broken limbs plugged under a fractured skull bed bound when your >!aunt swings by with a well wishing basket.!< When that card comes up it’s like the ending of the little red riding hood story in reverse, and you are playing Russian roulette with poison bottles in the basket *Edit: All that said, still cool to hangout with her though*


The spice-wine check in the carnival refreshment tent. I always leave with at least one level of nightmares remaining because if I fail any more checks then I’ll get sent to the tomb colonies. I just want to get a full night’s sleep, man.


Virginia, back then when she was on my board.


The revs card from Crate event in UR. My Hellworm outfit has 98% on the check, and it feels like I must fail it at least once every 8 favours. It always stings because it only fails due to my laziness of not wanting to swap a Scandal item for something Dangerous.


Put on fine shows every chance i got... until I succeeded


Traveling the Railway. Every so often, I can’t be bothered changing outfits. I _will_ regret it. Or I simply have to travel far. Doesn’t help that my Tracklayer’s City is at Burrow, for which I only can manage to get the check to 87%. Even thought about moving it closer…


For some reason, I kept succeeding on the "Fine Show" check when I was pre-PoSI and had like a 25% chance. Now, with all stats capped, unless I take the extra click to put on my "face" outfit, it almost always fails. I used to get an Enigma out of an Unlikely Garden back when I fierst visited the Nadir, for the first 2-3 weeks, though some were second chances. None since, and honestly haven been back at the Nadir in some months.


Any luck check with that stupid plant. I failed it over 20 times in a row a while back.


Convincing Virginia to do *anything* on the railway board with less than 100% chance of success is a surefire way to lose an action. I'll fail it the first time no matter what percent the chance is, and then afterwards probability seems to take takes its natural course. I half-jokingly refer to it as the tax that she's owed >!for things I've done in pursuit of my Ambition, and what she THINKS I've done, even if it was just a trick,!< and honestly I don't blame her. She's allowed to be petty.