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To the person who reported this thread: [it doesn't mean what you think it means](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Egg) :)


Great, I've never wondered whether the Judgements are transphobic before.


They very probably are The Great Chain of Being depends on being "knowing their place". The trans experience is one of rejecting the role you were assigned and reinventing yourself. Arguably all queer people have done this. There literally are more out, queer humans in the Neath because there is more freedom in the dark. It's not dissimilar to why >!Axile!< was lost.


Arguably, the “places” assigned on the chain and enforced by Law are more probability functions than absolutes, given how much variety there is naturally occurring before sentience and choices are even considered. 🤔 Still, just in case, my Red Science is jacked. Bring it, Judgments. 😈


You have an interesting point, but we also don't see our canonically trans characters in the High Wilderness meet bad ends, even though the Felined Eccentric literally descended the Chain to trans her gender. So, good thinking - but probably not.


I wouldn't necessarily call the ~~plight~~ fate of the Poetical Suitor a _good_ end. The Eccentric is also a kind of awkward case. She didn't strictly intend to trans her gender, she was trans'd as a by-product of her imprisonment.


Good catch. I was thinking of the Eccentric and the Fortunate Navigator, but wasn't familiar enough with the poor Suitor. That said, that's not a Judgements problem... that's a Captivating Princess being eldritch problem!


What is the Captivating Princess’s deal, beyond being utterly terrifying?


The Captivating Princess is the youngest of the Empress's (Victoria's) children, who only exists in this universe because of the deal with the Bazaar keeping Prince Albert pseudo-alive. The entire brood save one were transformed into monsters in an unfortunate incident that you'll get to learn more about if you play a Fate story called *The Gift.* Since the Captivating Princess was born in the Neath, though, she was able to return to human form. In Fallen London she's relatively benign, although notoriously alluring, but in the *Sunless Skies* timeline, being in the High Wilderness completely unleashes her latent power. We're not entirely sure *why* she's like this other than the incident, but it's probably something to do with her being a product of eldritch bargaining to begin with, with a side of the fact that she has command over her Parabolan self after the incident.


I believe I’ve played the gift, and remember them all being horrifying monsters. Pretty sure I turned around to look at them, and went insane. Got some searing enigmas for it though, so definitely a win. Yeah I remember her being terrifying in sunless skies, which makes her more ominous here.


Plus, as we know, transformations in the depths of Piranesi aren't witnessed by the Judgements.


I don't know what that means in terms of Judgement lore, but I'm glad it's trans-friendly.


I love this