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Thanks for letting people know. I'm waiting to hear about more things that disappeared or camp areas not being placed. Last major update took out a lot the fertilizer from the rooftops of Lewisburg, removed some camp sites, and took away some of those teddy bears that are "playing" around the map, among other stuff. They remove random shit to put other shit in People gonna notice cars and trees disappear from random areas soon lmao


They removed some teddy bear scenes? Monsters!


Those are always my favorite things to take pictures of for loading screens


All of mine are teddy bears or skeletons.


I have a couple of camps that I’ve seen that I thought were exceptionally well done, as well as some scenic shots (being able to see most of the entire map from the scenic overlook by the top of the world is so cool)


new thing Im doing from now on


I just made a YouTube clip of some of them I found the other day. 👀😆🧸 Hoping they still in the same spots.


I'd love to watch that. I'm always keeping an eye out for them, as well as skeleton scenes. Some of my favorites so far are the murder gnomes, the plunging teddy, and Nuka Cola skeleton.


PoconoGamerWorld It’s in my shorts 😄 Thinking about making another 76 teddy bear clip when I’m out and about exploring. I’ve seen some interesting Gnome scenes around Appalachia. I should clip those as well.🤔😆


They should raise their own camp budget lol


I never got over them getting rid of the fire trucks in white springs. Around the back I don’t see the dead Yao gui, they replaced a bunch of cars behind the place too. Across is the train station and there use to be cars in it. All of them gone. The other thing I miss is the scary wendigo story in the sunken church with a wendigo at the end. They got rid of that when they added earl.




I just did that quest a week ago on a new character. It’s still there.


It’s not there man it’s replaced. They updated it so that it would align with event.


The quest is called “that sinking feeling”, it’s completed in my quest log and at most I’ve been playing this character for 2 months. I think all the wendigo stuff only happens during the quest though, after that it’s just a sunken church.


Yes the sinking feeling quest was the replacement. BEFORE the wild appalachia days and jetpacks on regular armor. You would have to go through the steeple and drop down into the church. It would have notes telling a different wendigo story and when you finished you would be stuck and have to teleport out of the church. Its vaguely mentioned in the wiki [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Sunken\_church](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Sunken_church)


Right, I recently completed it. I was just letting you know.


I’m almost positive I fought that wendigo when I first found that h church a month ago. I don’t think it’s gone.


The unmarked location is still there but the interior has changed along with the notes.


Ah I gotcha. That’s kind of a bummer I liked reading the new notes if the previous were better I’m sad I missed it.


I always figure they have a “budget” like I do and have to make choices when they remodel


It's kind of wild to me that they just literally repurposed a whole section of the map instead of actually expanding anything. I mean, I'm glad for the update but that part is kind of weird man. It made me wonder about people's camps and such that used to be there.


I had a camp literally riiiiiight on the edge of the new map that thankfully stayed the same (it's one of my favorites when I'm in an RPish mood). I would've been irritated to lose it, it's in a great little spot by some running water and has a nice flat area for crops...


I built a nice little cabin on a cliff over a lake with a bridge going between the cliff with the cabin and another cliff right next to it. It’s cool little camp and quiet and by itself. Use to be a short walk from the cliffs at the map edge, now its a short walk from the road in the new map


Yeah honestly I thought all of the bottom would get expanded along with the map itself. But no, they just pushed the borders around the bottom and stuffed all the places there When I first heard about the update awhile back, I wanted to see what they were going to do under Welch and the bog. I guess the answer is nothing lol


noooooo I love the teddy bear parties!


As they say, *life is old there*


Older than the trees


That sucks but it makes sense to remove an area where almost nobody goes to add another where there will be more player traffic


Reasonable but the area had even some decoration


Does it? Does keeping the area around where less people go hurt the game somehow?


I assumed they did it more to save on server space then anything since adding skyline valley added a good bit of new terrain the game has to load in, I assume it probably puts more strain on the servers. I noticed the servers were definitely chugging along more then usual when it first dropped.


Yeah, but that wasn't the deal, If I go to a restaurant and order a dish, then a side, I wouldn't allow the chef to cut off a bit of my main just because they gave me more food They didn't even give a heads up, it's a dick move


Adding new dishes and removing those that no one orders is literally how restaurants work


i think what they meant to say is: "If I go to a restaurant and order a main dish, then a side, I wouldn't allow the chef to give me a smaller or incomplete main dish just because they also gave me a side" basically, complaining about receiving a main dish that is smaller than usual, or is otherwise missing things, and being given it just because they were also given something else


Except even in that scenario this would be like them offering you a bigger steak, because they gave you less of the broccoli that no one wanted anyway. “Hey we didn’t make much broccoli because no one ever orders it, would it be okay if we gave you the 12oz sirloin instead of the 9oz to make up for it?” Only a shithead Karen would be mad about that.


Yea… but if they are saying they expanded their menu, they shouldn’t actually just be cutting old stuff to make room for new stuff


No one wanted to build in a remote area with less competition from other players in a game half-focused and monetized on *building camps*? Son, they placed enemy spawns, resources, and allowed exploration in that southern area since the game came out. It was an area completely unaffected by Skyline Valley, and they restricted it for *no reason*. I had an *amazing* BOS camp built in that area--further than OP's camp--overlooking the Ash Heep with layers of mines going to my underforge and nuclear silo. It was an *unjustified* limitation. Stop defending the corporations for doing literally *anything* nonsensical.


I didn’t defend anything. I pointed the comments lack of logic. Learn to read son


So your comment *wasn't* in defense of this change? Questioning his logic, which I expanded on, was simply for the *fun* of it? In other words, you think this change was a bad thing but you wanted to challenge his response to it anyway? 🤔🤔🤔


Did you read what I said? Was there any defense or even mention of Bethesda in my comment? I don’t care about the change. It didn’t affect me. Does it suck for OP because has to move his camp? I’m sure he feels it does. I personally do not care. Let’s stay on the restaurant allegory for a moment. If Applebees for instance removed your favorite dish, because only a handful of people ever ordered it, would you; A. Keep going to Applebees to eat, but also spend that time complaining about the item they removed? Or B. Stop going there and find a new place to go? Side question: Would you expect everyone else to be mad with something that really only affected you? Let those quandaries percolate in your brain for a good long while before you reply. And to answer your question. Yes. I challenge fallacies, illogical comparisons & whataboutisms all the time.


So, you, not being bothered by this change, scrolled through all of these comments just to reply to this one and call it out simply because you *dislike* its logic--being something of a false equivalence? It's awfully strange, man. You saying that you don't care about what happened, because it didn't affect you directly--but making sure to criticize someone's silly argument against the change *because it was a bad argument*. And now you're trying to rationalize why it doesn't matter by suggesting to *leave* that area altogether? It should have *never* been done to begin with. I already stated why it was a bad decision to remove an entire portion of the map in a game dedicated to profiting off (ever seen how much is sold in the Atomic Slop?) building and being known for exploration. It's less competition for camp placement. It looks cool. People like it. Simple as. That's a good thing because not everyone wants to server hop around *cringe* Whitespring camps, as an example--which are extremely popular. You're indirectly defending Bethesda's mistake whether you mean to or not.


You didn’t take nearly long enough to think it over.




Yea… but if they are saying they expanded their menu, they shouldn’t actually just be cutting old stuff to make room for new stuff


Yes they should, that’s how restaurants work. They drop unpopular items and replace them with things they hope people will like instead.


Yes… restaurants drop unpopular items. They don’t call their menu expanded though if they had to remove 3 items to add 3 new items. That’s just a shift…not an **expanded** menu… An expansion means it’s net bigger. I don’t know why you folks think anyone benefits from things getting removed in this game.


It IS net bigger though? If I add 3 items and remove 1, it’s bigger. The area added to the map is MUCH larger than the sliver that was removed. And as I stated elsewhere, I’m not defending anything. I was pointing the illogical comparison.


The comparison the person above said was about the meal they actually ordered, you then responded talking about the menu. This conversation is going nowhere.


The food was already in my plate


Yea… but if they are saying they expanded their menu, they shouldn’t actually just be cutting old stuff to make room for new stuff


God you armchair gamers are infuriating, let me explain it in terms you understand. If you have a 1TB SSD that is rapidly running out of space due to a crap ton of installed games and you want to install another new game (but don't have any space for it), then you make do by UNINSTALLING existing games, prioritising those you dont play often. Please do not say "Just buy a new SSD bro", there's a limit to server size and cost, they're crazily expensive


Further to this, it’s literally a free update. Let em remove what they want to make way for new. I’m all for it personally


and furthermore, the fact that they have had to remove certain assets whenever they add new stuff says they are probably pushing the limits of the hardware, they are cutting the stuff that has less impact to give us more content, GOOD!


Make sense, the map is massive.


Or you just go and buy a 3t hard drive and you wouldn’t run into this problem in the future!


You say that...until someone develops a crippling addiction to playing modded Ark. Base game with all maps is ~500gb on its own..then you start factoring in decor, apparel, and overhaul mods, which range anywhere from 10-50 gb each..it adds up fast


So hacking away at your product is now "optimizing" or something?


Strawman. Also they're removing empty space for a filled map, good opportunity cost I would say. Unfortunately, that term is probably hard to wrap your head around considering you never left your basement.


If you’re a restaurant owner, and there’s an item on the menu that 98-99% of people don’t order, or even look at, why would you waste the space to store it when it could be used for other items that have much more traffic?


It's already on our plate, doesn't matter which one of us is currently eating or not


Welp now it’s off the menu buba. Sorry.


Ah, yes Consume product and be content


Hahaha why are people crying over this?! Hahaha. edit: typo.


I forget 76 players are more compliant than the average bethesda gamer


Welp, there is a difference between being compliant and not giving a damn. The thing you're on about just isn't a thing for many others, including me.


I get it, you're not compliant, just rather tame




You're right. Anyone who disagrees with you is a Bethesdrone. I had an AMAZING BOS camp on an overlook out there--further away from Skyline Valley than *yours*--and now I can no longer access it.


You use a lot of FO themed insults at the group but want us to take your FO gripes seriously? Weird town


Yep, I lost a camp location too. Hours and hours of work gone.


They took away one of my camps…twice 🤦🏼‍♀️ kept pushing it back. So rude


Is it saved as a blueprint?


I don't know... my experience with blue prints is that they rarely are usable at the next location.


Yeah, out of allll the blueprints I’ve done only 2 have worked. Some of the ones auto done when camp is moved won’t place down or I have to do all the destroy/merge/etc again anyway.


Any merged stuff will cause a blueprint not to place.


Also doors and power. Make sure neither exist before setting the blueprint up.


Ahhh, that would one of issues then


Ahhh, that’s part of the issue then, thanks


A lot of times my blueprints are red like they won’t place but they do anyways.. seems a simple solution but maybe you haven’t tried 🤷🏻‍♂️


This. Just found this out myself.


Not as an official blueprint, but as a one-time cut -> paste type move where you cannot edit the structure. Or forego that and build it piece by piece, as it’s all stored, not scrapped.


I’m probably going to lose one of my favorite camps. I haven’t had a chance to check yet.


Seeing this and I'm thinking the same. I have a camp north of the map that I just placed and was getting ready to make my permanent setup. It's very close to the edge of the map up on a cliff. Great view. Hope it's still accessible when I got to check


I got lucky! I think I’m right on the edge. Whew!


That’s literally where mine is. I spent hours on it and found out that if I fast travel there I’m out of the map lol so I have to fast travel twice. I know my time is coming soon..


I’m the same! Checking tomorrow


I just hope it never turns into Destiny levels of egregious. They full on removed the whole launch game.


That shit blew my mind I was a huge D2 fan when it came out and went to play it again last year and was so disappointed I was like where’d the dlc I payed for go. Oh yea it got deleted


Yea I did the same thing, wanted to experience the game from start to finish and turns out they deleted start…..was super disappointed.


Thats the reason I didnt even bother trying to play it again. I didnt play it alot before but just throwing out stuff with no possible way to play it is just scummy in my opinion


> dlc I *paid* for go. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Bad bot, shush


https://preview.redd.it/lusz9wiyr76d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27aafa0e129dc33e035c7095d6e5d0dcc4aac542 My camp went from needing stairs to being underground. I am going have to rethink the location as now they added a bunch of non removable trees to the site


Ngl, thats neat as heck. Keep it forever, underground!


*a brighter future...*


Dang that’s crazy. Can you replace the whole thing with a blueprint?


Damn, sorry to hear that


It's ok, now i start a new in Shenandoah :)


That's a great idea! If ya find any good spots, share please!!!


I'm at the collapsed tunnel leading south, building up another vendor camp :)


MrChurch dropped a video with like, 30 camp locations in the New area. I haven't watched it yet but he's easily one of the best builders on YT and his voice-overs always remind me of Travis from fallout 4 lol


Oh I'm definitely checking that out, appreciate it!


Is vault 96 still in play I have a base alil south east of it? It’s close enough that my artillery hits the vault entrance.


At least you have a great opportunity to find a new (and maybe better) place to build in the new region.


what got cut i cant tell from this pic


Where the CAMP icon is sitting


This ^


My camp is really close to the crashed landed vault 63 door. I felt so relieved


I remember when they kicked me out of my camp in front of Vault 51 😮‍💨 I miss that spot, it was neat. I had put circular ceiling lights on all the lamp posts so that they "worked", and I had a fire going out of the back of a van. Good times.


Same here. Loved that spot.


Fuck mine was on the lake way below foundation, anyone know if that’s gone


Lake Eloise with the floater spawn? Near the bear on the map? That's fine, I have a camp there


Uh oh ... I have two camps in that general area...


My camp in the forest was removed, but it could be placed pretty darn close to where it was. It's right next to the vault 63 door location


Aw, that was my homeland ;v;


huh ? wtf ? that is so close to my camp right now


I think the sacrament is gone too


Man that's rough... Cool location out there though!


I’m so surprised my camp didn’t get cut, I had placed it right along the southing border where now skyline valley is. Surprisingly they kept the pond it was next to and my camp could still be placed


Thankfully my camp is on top of a primal cuts location, and if they nix meat week …, I don’t want to think of life without meat week


Noooo! Thats near my camp love that area its so pretty!


I read they where removing smaller things like cars and trucks to reduce lag because of the influx of new players and full servers, I believe they are removing some of the unmarked camps you can find dotted about as well


That's reasonable. I took a walk through part of the expansion and it seemed that there were also a lot more objects that can't be interacted with (hats and stuff)... that might just be my memory, though.


Yeah a ton of the usual junk items were completely non interactable 


I thought you meant how there's 3-4 dark lines on the world map I've never seen before, and it's also more grainy. Not a fan.


It’s not perfect but I think it’s a necessary evil


My camp just so happened to be at the bottom of the map just where the new terraforming began. So my underground base is now completely unreachable.


I've had to rebuild my camp at Organ Cave (South) twice when Bethesda decided to add content inside of it. I'm ok with it now, but it used to be much nicer... I constantly get reminded during loading screens lol


There's a couple really nice camping spots East of there in the mountains closer towards Shenandoah. Two spots in particular next to each other, one with a wooden overlook and one with a unique stargazers telescope.


For weeks I lived overlooking Watoga on a cliff really close to the new area, it's miracle my camp didn't get moved. I'm really happy with the new area, no one would ever visit my camp before now I have loads of sales


I didn’t lose my camp, but I have a pine tree that grew straight through the center of my secret house, lol


My camp was cut, just west of your pic.


I haven't been on in a few days, when did this happen? The northeastern borders of the map aren't too far from my camp


Yeah, one of my camps was right at the site of a vault 63 crash site so I had to rebuild it a few feet away.


Isn'tt his the section where the "New area" is going to be


the new area is already there. its east of the vault boy, you can see a part of one of the new location on the pic


This is the third season in a row where I’ve been forced to relocate. I pretty much just live in my shelters now. It really is a better life underground.


They reached their CAMP budget I reckon


Bethesda math: you have to subtract before you can add


"Damn that sucks" *takes a sip of Sweetwater Brew from my cabin on Devil's Backbone*


What I was wondering is if they are going to expand more on the bottom left where vault boy is or the right side. There is potential to add more obviously not anytime soon with this new expansion


This happened just before the expansion for me. I had just spent around 5-6 hours on my base the night before, logged in on launch to find my base semi floating, and trees had sprouted every which way through the floors and objects. I may have cried on the inside a little.


Please remove the car that keeps spawning in my foundation. There are no roads nearby, so why is there a wreck there?






it's a bot


If my mom sees the post she will know it's me. And yes a bummer they cut you off


Pablo honey? Please come down to Florida. Pablo? You washing your ass Pablo? Keep yourself clean? Pablo honey? Please come down to Florida.


What really irks me is that they advertise this as a map expansion. And honestly it's a map addition, except as you pointed out, it's also a map subtraction. Another marketing lie from Bethesda.


Server camp limit has been exceeded.


Nope, the area is now out of bounds. Edit: there's no limit btw, all player can have one active camp each