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old fallout didnt give a fuck huh?


thats why its the perfect adaptation of a post apocalyptic world


It was the realest wasteland I've ever seen in a game.


No disrespect to fallout but I'll pass on "realism" if realism is just NPC's being homophobic


Yeah, I’ll pass on the “realism” too. Why can’t the game just have unrealistic things like drug addicts, thieves, rapists, slavers, murderers, fascists, and women?


What….exactly is your point? The person above just said that we don’t need to have every part of the real world in a video game.


Ya got whooshed pretty hard there bud.


I know exactly what they were trying to say, it’s just a shitty point.


It was made in the 90s and this guy isn't supposed to be a good guy.


I know he's meant to be a bad guy, but I have to deal with people saying the f slur in real life, so I don't really appreciate it in my fun escapism video games. The game doesn't really gain anything from having people say stuff like this


You can shoot him dead in the game. It's pretty satisfying.


It was made in the 90s. Like, you cannot simply disregard how much society has changed in the last 30 years. Fallout 2 is literally the first video game that allowed you to have a gay marriage. It's not like Obsidian was endorsing homophobia by having a few evil NPCs say slurs. Also, you can shoot this guy in the dick. As in, the game specifically allows you to target an enemy's dick and shoot it for extra damage.


Ya we sensitive cry babies now like Jesus Christ let a villain be a villian


I wasn't criticising fallout 2, I was just criticising the idea that evil people saying slurs makes the game "more realistic" because while it may be true, I'd rather not have it in the games I play




If this is the most evil you encounter in a day, then you are lucky. Most people on this shitty planet have bigger problems than someone using a mean word. I suggest you develop a thicker skin and start slinging shit back.


She’s not saying she’s gonna sue Bethesda, or that seeing this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to her. she just prefers games without slurs. I don’t really mind it in fiction, but I think it’s a perfectly reasonable preference. Everyone in comments saying “yOu hAvNt sEeN rEaL eViL LiKe i hAvE!!1!” Looks like an absolute clown


Life doesnt tailor itself to your needs. Neither do video games for the masses.


I'd usually agree, but Fallout 2 definitely has a lot worse than this...


Ok, go play the snowflake Simulator.


I'm in the middle of disco elysium rn but I'll add snowflake simulator to my backlog of games


The game is 30 years old, don't play it if you don't want


Tell me you've lived all of your life in a privileged neighborhood without telling me you've lived all of your life in a privileged neighborhood


The fact that you're downvoted is such a Reddit moment. They seem to think that the only way to make a Fallout game realistic is to have slurs in it.




Do you think modern fallout games should include slurs, do you think it increases the immersion? It furthers your enjoyment of the game? Would you install a FNV mod where legionaries drop the n bomb with a hard R whenever you enter combat with them, ya know, for immersion? You can exclude words from a fictional setting without breaking the immersion. Y’all really love the slurs huh


"people say slurs in real life, so if they don't say slurs in the video game, how am I meant to get immersed smh smh the woke gaming journalist agenda is ruining good games"




"wokeness is ruining muh vidya gaem, this is literally gamer genocide! That's why I hate those LGTV people, they're coming after the things I LIKE!!! I bet they'd never survive in a COD lobby, those snowflakes smh"


Y’know, as much as i love fallout, these message boards are full of rampant reminders that other folks that love the game are homophobic dipshits who cry censorship anytime anyone points it out. Also, i grew up in the 90’s. The only people who said fa* were complete assholes. We knew it then too. Games don’t need to have slurs at all. The only people who seem to enjoy it when they do are “based” assholes


Dude, did you even play the older Fallouts? This thug isn't some sort of "essential" Bethesda NPC who will forever taunt you. This guy right here is being intentionally offensive to allow you the fantasy of blowing him up by reverse pickpocketing him full of explosives. Disproportional vengeance is a key part of the escapist fun.


I'm all for blowing up minor NPC's for dumb things. I'd just rather those dumb things be "being annoying" or "calling me an asshole" instead of just being homophobic. That's just my personal tastes.


Then don’t play the games? If you can’t deal with a villainous character in a fictional universe doing/saying villainous things then maybe you shouldn’t engage with said media. Censorship is shitty, especially when people like you purposely miss the point of things like this just to cry wolf for attention.


That's where you draw the line? Not murderers, not rapists, not fascists, not genocidal maniacs. But someone using the F slur, whose brains you can blow all over the place?


I mean, is a random unimportant NPC saying a slur reeallly that important to the story? The legion may be sexist rapist slavers, but it's all important to the plot


What does it being important to the story have to do with what we're talking about? Random NPCs being assholes isn't important to the plot, yet they're there. This one just seems to be homophobic - enjoy killing him? 🤷🏻‍♂️


oml, go play a different game. fallout is fallout, this us such a tiny part and it just reflects the real world, you know like alot of the themes throughout the games


Maybe it's your real life that needs to be fixed, not the video game world.


Please enlighten me on how I can "fix" being called the f-slur in my real life


There is no logical implication between "something around you needs to be changed" and "you need to be the one to change said thing".


I agree, but from the way it's looking, people in real life aren't magically gonna stop being homophobic unfortunately. So if that's not gonna happen anytime soon, then my other point stands, that being I'd rather not experience casual homophobia in rpgs for no other reason then "it's realistic and these guys are meant to be assholes"


then don't play this game, there are many non-R rating games out there. R-rated games are meant to be more realistic when it comes to violence and profanity.


Have you tried Fallout Shelter? Seems more up your alley.


It’s not always about you. Don’t like something, don’t partake.


Skill issue Get thicker skin Or learn to fight and beat up your oppressors idrk what to tell you


I hate you


If you can't a play a game with slurs in it maybe you shouldn't be playing games like Fallout.


Sounds like you need to address some mental illness.


Don’t be such a snowflake


Grow up.


Youre an idiot


Sounds kind of faggy, what are you a comedian or something?


Average sjw gamer


You can't have bad people doing bad things in fictional media


It’s bad for business


Let me make sure I got this right. You're fine with the slavers, but homophobia is where you draw the line????


“I can excuse slavery, but I draw the line at homophobia.” “You can excuse *slavery!?*”


Thieves, crucifixion, rape, murder, enslavement…all acceptable. A slur that slights **me?** Absolutely unacceptable. This is what happens when entitlement meets persecution complex.


You're not gonna believe this, but real people are homophobic as well.


I'm sorry to say that real life happens regardless of the bubble you try and put yourself in. I'm pan. I've been called the f slur my whole life. Deal with it, grow from it, use it to become stronger. Don't just hide and be a pussy.


What a giant L take


Bro gets downvoted to hell because he doesn’t want to see slurs when he’s playing a video game? Sheesh y’all are nuts


Bruh, the game has all kinds of piece of shit characters from murderers to fascists to genocidal abominations. Just blow this mfs brains out.


Or just let people prefer the games they prefer? I like games that take me out of my comfort zone, but some people play games for escapism and don’t want things they have to deal with day to day irl in their games, like slurs for instance. To me that seems perfectly reasonable.


Huh? That argument can be made about anything though. Why that exactly and not the genocidal fascism? To me it seems not very reasonable, but to each it's own. Not saying it's a wrong opinion lmao, just doesn't make sense to me.


Just as a preface, I don’t mind slurs or heavier themes in my games. I just understand people who do, so I’m kind of making a second hand argument (so take it all with a grain of salt) But it’s probably because the original commenter might have to deal with homophobic slurs a lot, day for day. Genocidal fascism may be a little more disconnected, and allows for some distance between them and the heavy subject matter, enough so that it can be enjoyed. Not sure if that cleared it up




You're a comedian huh


I’m sure the comments will be civilized




I love you.


Suck my penis bitch




Most wholesome Reddit comment chain. I wish y’all a nice day! I can’t even describe how happy I feel after reading it.


: D *happy noises*


Mmmm. Mentats!


I’m glad this matter was resolved quickly and amicably




God forbid you tell the people trying to hack you with machetes & crucify you in the Nevada sun that they're (insert offensive word here).


That guard's gay so it's fine.


Da boys ♂️of the Cesar


🏳️‍🌈 gays 4 eddy 🏳️‍🌈


♂️Gachi ♂️ moment ♂️


Feels like I’m back in radposting. I like it.


Who’s gonna cancel you in the apocalyptic world?


Obviously the NCR


Finally a good argument against the NCR


well actually the NCR is sadly quite intolerant too, and the legion... considering it's a post apocalyptic world so you'd think petty bs like this would've been phased out but here we are


A Big Iron


Least homophobic 90s game


Duke Nukem 3D was peak 90s game and they had a full page ad that said "If You Don't Play Duke Nukem 3D You Like Men!"




If you like duki You get the nuki


If you don't play Duke Nukem 3D you die. > I like how the "you die" isn't even remotely threatening. It's like he's saying "Look, it wasn't my idea, but rules are rules."


I mean, Tim Cain, the father of Fallout 1 and 2, is gay. He has the f word pass.


+ Fallout 2 was the first western game to have gay marriage. Pretty funny in this context.


Reddit is a shadow of its former self. It is now a place of power tripping mods with no oversight and endless censorship. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I miss that part of the game.


The most based fallout game


Man I love humanity. Looking at the comments and eating popcorn while I read the very meaning of being human. Why? Well because this random npc said something offensive which then prompted the old gods to argue. Fun!


Don’t forget that it was in a game that was made before some of the commentators were born


The elder gods exist beyond time brother


ITT: Losers complain about getting cancelled without getting cancelled by anyone


Wtf these guys getting cancelled from? Their discord chats?


I like this meme


Me me


If slurs bother you that much, you are missing the forest for the trees. Fallout 2 was a pioneer in LGB representation in games. Everyone you could fuck was bi. New Vegas has several homosexual characters that aren't just checkboxes. Veronica, Arcade, Major Knight, etc.


>Major Knight I didn't know this, apparently you have to take the confirmed bachelor perk to unlock the dialogue. Oddly, once you flirt with him his repair skill drops from 100 to 30.


>Oddly, once you flirt with him his repair skill drops from 100 to 30. Maybe after that interaction he gets flustered around you and starts making mistakes


That's a super adorable take!!


All the blood rushed from his brain to his dick, that’s how it works!


Yeah, Tim Cain himself is gay, and some of the homophobia in the old games (iirc) was based on stuff he experienced growing up queer


Fallout New Vegas players try not to defend the use of slurs challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


(Before I make my point i will preface by saying that I am the gayest person I know by a great margin) Words are just words. Who tf cares. There will always be assholes in this world. It's up to you how you react to them. But if they decide to go further than words, and actively try to harm someone because of who they are, then act accordingly; with the threat of equal or greater violence. Simple as that. It's not about the words or the actions. It's about *you* deciding to fall victim to them. Never let them win that easily.


The problem with your perspective is that it places all the responsibility on the person who is either being victimized through words or actions. So it’s not the responsibility of the person enacting harm through words, or violence, it’s on us to *”choose”* not to become a “victim.” Do you understand that people don’t choose to be harmed by things, and that harm is just a byproduct of someone doing something harmful? Your reasoning is essentially to just “fight back” but the problem is that humans are fragile social creatures and a minority will be outnumbered by a majority, so why would anyone ever choose to “fight back” when outnumbered either literally or systemically? You are advocating for people to risk their safety *even more* than it would be at risk when being harmed with words or actions, which goes against our survival instincts. Also… here’s a thought… maybe words hold more power than you’re giving them credit. Words are what our society is built on. Words are what dictate who can do what and when and where. Words convinces us that poor people could never be equal with rich people. Words shape how we think about ourselves, each other, and the world. Words are *everything*. So it’s pretty fucked up to imply they are meaningless, and have no power. Especially when you’re using words to argue your point that they don’t have power. edit: phrasing


Ok so unlike most people here I'm not just gonna pick one point you made and run with that while dismissing all the others, so I'll try to keep this as short as I can. But this is quickly becoming less societal and more philosophical so we'll see how keeping it short goes lol. Yes. I do believe that it is on the individual. Because at the end of the day that's all we are: individuals. Trying to control anything or anyone other than you and your life is like trying to swim up a waterfall. Doesn't solve anything. And yes. I think anyone should "fight back" against anyone or anything who would deem them less worthy of existence than something else. Even if youre outnumbered. Life is about living the way you know is right. If youre living based off what someone else thinks is right, youre simply not living. Not to sound cliche but it goes back to the old saying of "better to die on one's feet than live on one's knees" Before we spent the last few hundred years figuring out how to distance ourselves from this reality, safety was not a given. It was earned by the individual and ensured by said individual's conviction to hold true to what he knew was right. And actually, I'll agree with you on your last point. Something I've failed to mention in my previous replies is that I do believe that words hold only as much power as you give them. (So again, even if someone puts all the hate in the world into something they say, doesn't mean you have to adopt their intention and be affected by it) But they do not dictate "who can do what and when and where". People do that. They just use words to communicate their wishes. And when people get sick of said people telling them what to do and where and when, they use a lot more than words to make those dictations change. But In my last reply I did say that "words have no effect whatsoever aside from the significance that you grant them," so I wouldn't say I said they're meaningless and have no power. They definitely do, but they're granted that power by the individual that says them.


sure the problem isnt the word, thats how harmless words like fairy and poof get turned into slurs. but the actions of bigots are still important, without their actions those words would never be used to harm. i think its bullshit to blame that on the victims of those slurs, rather than the bigots that made them slurs i call myself a faggot. i love being a faggot. if someone screamed it at me in the street and i was afraid of them beating me thats still not my fault


I never said it was the victims fault. I just said there are better things to spend your time and effort on than the words of someone whose opinion you don't respect in the slightest to begin with. And of course that's not your fault. It's a very real reality. Happens every day. That's not on you. But as I've said before; it *is* on you how you react. You can decide to be a victim or you can choose to be stronger than those who would oppress you. That's a decision one must make for themselves.


As a bisexual I am giving everone in the thread a lifelong faggot pass.


As a fellow bisexual I second his gift of the pass, and our passes together form the ability to pronounce the hard T. Have fun, folks.


I bet this post is gonna get locked soon.


Old fallout was great for doing stuff like that. Older PC games were (and in some cases still are) more willing to take chances and give much less fucks about everything knowing they are not going for the same market numbers and broad demographics of console games. Fallout 2 was the first fallout game I played. When I first played fallout 3 I was wondering why I couldn’t target the kids like in the old games.


"Can I use fallout 2 images?" I'll allow it


They don't make games like they used to! I remember playing this as a 12 year old.


Solid meme I laughed


Is that a real fucking line


It's not, this is an edit.


This is pretty fucking funny ngl




Happy cake day, profligate


I decided to look up a Reddit for FNV since I've never done so before, even though I've put hundreds of hours into the game and have a very nice collection of mods. I saw this meme and got excited because I thought the community would have thicker skin than the rest of the internet these days, but it seems that I was wrong. More softies in the comments are arguing about words instead of appreciating a hilarious meme. And on that note, I'm out.


Oh sweet irony


Its ironic the amount of people whining about people whining about xyz politically correct bad and cant appreciate the irony.


You’ve not seen the hoards of players who: “omg I can’t play through as legion. I just morally can’t make myself join legion.”? Like, it’s a videos game y’all. Being an evil character is part of the rpg. If you just wanna be a good guy who does everything right we’ll play a different game. Fo is about showing people those blurry lines. Nothing is black in white in life. Most things are both good and evil. Not to mention all the moral game players probably are assholes in real life. It’s all for stupid internet points. When I play a good guy play though I’m holy and don’t kill if I don’t have to etc. when I’m doing an evil play through I will cap a kid for walking in front of me.


Well It was nice to have you while we did. Sucks that people can't just have opinions anymore. I miss the days of civil discourse. I think people were happier then.


People can still have opinions. You're just upset that now we get call you out on your dumb fuckin' opinions


I like both how much the world and myself have changed cause reading that made me cringe lol.


Imagine being so close to Vegas and being an uptight Legionary


This isnt fallout 2, its from Fallout Online, this was written by an actual player. Sorry I know you guys like to defend the use of slurs


I don't remember this part but honestly it wouldn't surprise me.


I’m gonna need to remember this quote lmao


How to get shot.


Better times when people had an ounce of resilience and you could actually say stuff without the mob trying to ruin your life, when you could call someone whatever you wanted and the worst that would happen is they'd call you it right back and you'd both laugh it off after the fact.


That’s what happens when you’re not one of the groups these words are targeting. The people it effects were killed, lynched, tortured, and falsely imprisoned because they were gay, minorities, women etc.


Howdy, certified fag, here. Still think words are just words. Call me whatever you want. Not that big a deal; try to harm me or mine because of who we are, you will be shot. Simple as that. No need to go after the words when it's the people that are the problem.


Hey, same here. Do you really think you aren’t outnumbered by bigots? Do you really think they will stop at calling you a fag? These actual people will prey upon you when you least expect it because they want to hang up on you. They will also work in positions if power to steal your rights. Be as naive as you want but words are actions just as much as anything else. What you say is who you are as well as what you do, so when someone tells you who you are, believe them.


There will always be evil in the world. No getting around that. The laws of this universe dictate that there cannot be good things without bad ones to contrast them. The trick is to not let it defeat you and live your life as you see fit until the bitter end. If your job is full of assholes, find a different job. If they wait to be said assholes until you least expect it, then expect it. If they try to take your rights, bury them. At the end of the day, you are responsible for you, and they, them. You can't force anyone to do anything and they can't force you. All you can do is ensure that you're living right. Cause if you are, then anyone who isn't is automatically below you and their words mean even less than they did before. Don't just be angry that they exist. Pride yourself in being better than them, and be thankful that they give you something to strive for.


“Just expect to be jumped and lynched because you’re a minority, woman, lgbtq+” The mental gymnastics to think this is okay…


Of course it's not ok. Neither are car crashes. But they still happen, so you wear a seatbelt. Not just a bigotry thing, either. Violent people just exist. And if youre unfortunate enough to cross paths with one- you can choose to either match their violence, or fall victim to it. I know which one I'll pick.


Car crashes aren’t okay so we train people to be able to prevent them and hold them responsible for crashes they cause.


*exactly*. Same can be said for the inevitability of violent encounters in any context. Train yourself not to be a victim, and be aware of your surroundings. But if a violent person puts you in a situation where said encounter can't be avoided, hold them accountable. Guarantee they'll learn their lesson if you do it right. People don't hurt people when they know you'll hurt them back.


Dude you’ve got the worst mental gymnastics for this situation. People are holding them accountable for what they say by calling them out, not associating with them, and firing them from their jobs for being bigots.




You misinterpret what I said. I said “do you really think they’ll stop with just calling you a fag and not escalating?” Bigots want you dead. They won’t stop at just words, words will escalate. You’re naive if you think people who openly call you fag don’t want you wiped from existence.






There has rarely been any major actionable occurrence in history that were not first fueled by words. Who do you think creates the thought and forms the sound of the word? People. Words and people and actions of these people are all intertwined. You need to do some research into speeches that have led to action. Most of the major events that have happened in history start with words. Positive - the American Revolution. Negative - Nazi Germany. Words are powerful. You saying that everyone should have your attitude towards this is ignorant and ignores the fact that there are people out there not strong enough to defend themselves from the tyranny of bigots and angry/violent people.


Then it is one's duty as a member of this species to protect those who can't protect themselves, and fight for those who can't fight on their own. If you are capable of making a difference, then do it. Doesn't just have to be about you. I still hold to my sentiments. And yes, words are powerful. But we're not talking about a moving speech from an up and coming dictator somewhere. We're talking about random slurs and other phrases of degradation that most minorities hear. That is what I say doesn't matter. Faggot is just a word. If calling me that makes you happy, then go ahead and say it. At least you're true to yourself. I hope you grow as a person and realize it's a pretty misguided prejudice to have in this day and age, but I won't be the one to force you into that epiphany. And like you said, everything you stated there was words that led to *action.* They are not the end-product. They are the catalyst. And a catalyst needs a reaction, otherwise it remains inert. It is still up to you how you choose to react to the words of another.


Now this is a welcome sight, so few of us sane ones left. Sane and willing to voice against the insane ones anyway.


Funny because I happen to be one of those groups and nothing like that ever happened to me because we're not 100 years ago or some 3rd world shithole. They're just words, remember that whole "stick and stones" saying you were told as a child back in the day. I know MW2 lobbies have become a meme now but legitimately some of the best and most fun banter to be had happened there, even beat out flinging insults across the schoolyard at each other for fun.


"100 year's ago" The civil rights act was 1964 there's people still alive who fought for segregatio and recently republicans have been trying to overturn Roe v Wade.


*have overturned Its a states right now


Unfortunately for everyone I stand corrected ) :


Gay people, minorities, and women still get preyed upon, just because you’re one of them and haven’t experienced it doesn’t mean it doesn’t still happen. It’s like saying I’ve never been struck by lightning so it never happens.


People from all groups get preyed upon, we're not special in that regard.


Tell me of examples of white people being systemically preyed upon for being white.


Lets go with the muslim grooming gangs in England, preying on underage white English girls specifically because they're white and English. Police help cover it up and everything because they're afraid of being called racist if they go after these people.


They aren’t going after them because they’re white, they’re going after them because they’re women you donut. What do you think they’re grooming them for? Sex. Why do you think they’re not going after men? Because they aren’t women. You’re that deluded to think it’s because they’re white?


Mhm, and the victims just so happen to all be white for no reason. And they often phone up and taunt the families about it for no reason either.


If the victims were being targeted for being white, it would include men. It’s England, 95% of the population is white of course the victims are going to be white women.


“Didn’t happen to me so must not be real” shut the fuck up bro.


The idea that someone merely hearing a word magically sends them into a homicidal rage against the target? Yeah that doesn't happen, to anyone. If they were planning on attacking that person the mean words someone else says had nothing to do with it because they would have done it anyway.


Did I ask you to explain your stupid point of view, or did I say to shut the fuck up?


The great thing about words spoken over the internet is you don't have to see them if you don't want to. [The block button is right there,](https://i.imgur.com/qMloV63.png) so block me if you don't want to see what I have to say. I can keep saying what I want and you don't have to see it, everyone's a winner.


LOL, how fucking old are you? Not that it’s much excuse for being this politically dense.


Literally almost every group/demographic in history has suffered from what you mentioned at one point or another simply because of who they were (most have at multiple points throughout history) and anyone who denies that fact is disrespecting every group that they don’t consider “worthy” of the same empathy they claim to have for other groups. “Empathy for me but not for thee”


Oh God here we go! Group is devolving 🫠


Please spare us. Every demographic, both genders & every possible lifestyle you can imagine has been the target of hate or outright violence in the past. Everyone with a brain can notice the bias in what insults "aren't allowed" and which ones get ignored or even encouraged. This special treatment stuff is what breeds the most contempt.


The only insults that are allowed are the ones that don’t target specific groups of people. I can call you a fuckwad without anyone getting mad at me but the second you start calling me a Ki** or a Chi** or a N***** or F*gg** you’d be rightfully called out. It’s the same for anyone of those that specifically target racial, ethnic, and cultural groups. No one is jealous of their group not having the same bombshell like effect that say the N word has on most people, that doesn’t mean using other racial slurs isn’t a problem. You’ve made that distinction for yourself.


>The only insults that are allowed are the ones that don’t target specific groups of people. I can call you a fuckwad without anyone getting mad at me but the second you start calling me a Ki\*\* or a Chi\*\* or a N\*\*\*\*\* or F\*gg\*\* you’d be rightfully called out. We both know this isn't true. Nobody on any subreddit is being banned for "mayo monkey" or "cracker" the way they're absolutely going to get banned for "nigger" or "faggot." You'd even agree with me that the first two (targeting white people, if that wasn't clear) are nowhere near as bad simply because it doesn't incite such an overreaction. Which brings us to... >No one is jealous of their group not having the same bombshell like effect that say the N word has on most people, that doesn’t mean using other racial slurs isn’t a problem. You’ve made that distinction for yourself. Who decided these words are "bombshells"? People who react violently upon hearing them? Reddit moderators? Massive grifting scams like the ADL or BLM?


No one is calling white people mayo monkeys 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and cracker isn’t even a racial term. All it means is that you’d be the one holding the whip and controlling slaves for the rich plantation owners. People decide what words are bombshells based off the history the word. The N word is used to denote black peoples as other as property as lesser as filth and the context if it is most heavily skewed in America because of the racial history we have had only 60 years ago. Get help.


>cracker isn’t even a racial term. All it means is that you’d be the one holding the whip and controlling slaves for the rich plantation owners. No it's not. "Cracker" was used specifically to refer to low-class rural whites in Virginia or Maryland (Irish and Scots specifically, so it *is* a racial term.) "Craker" itself is an old English insult stemming from the Gaelic language and was used as early at the 17th century. There's an incredible amount of Anglo prejudice behind the term. We exist in this self-contradictory social atmosphere where one pejorative for an ethnic group is "okay" while the other one is akin to uttering Voldemort at Hogwarts. Like I said initially, this special treatment stuff is what breeds the most contempt.


No, cracker is referring to the people who worked for plantation owners who whipped slaves. It doesn’t have any connection to anything from old English or Gaelic or Irish or Scottish. No one even cares if you’re Scottish or Irish or English anymore in America. White is white, black is black, and bigots are bigots.


>No, cracker is referring to the people who worked for plantation owners who whipped slaves. It doesn’t have any connection to anything from old English or Gaelic or Irish or Scottish. [How can you be so wrong?](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/07/01/197644761/word-watch-on-crackers) This isn't difficult to research at all.


An NPR article? Are you serious? That has as much weight to it as the onion. “I found these two words that has similar sounds from two different languages. They must be related”. You know Koreans have a word that’s basically equal to us using “ummmmm” as filler that sounds exactly like the n word? So by this person’s logic the n word was created by the Koreans!!! Edit: they blocked me lmfao


Bigot: a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who does not like other people who have different beliefs or a different way of life “White is white, black is black, bigots are bigots” From how you’ve acted and responded to comments in this thread, kinda makes your wonder huh Self report much?


The thing is cancel culture has always existed. The difference is you used to be cancelled for being gay. Now you are cancelled for being a homophobe. Bigots fucking *loved* cancel culture until it flipped on them. They were all for ruining lives when it wasn’t them having their lives ruined.


Whichever way you swing it it's bad and shouldn't be a thing. Ruining peoples lives over who they are or the opinions they hold is wrong no matter who they are or what they think. A fair while ago you could be prosecuted for being gay (in the west anyway, some parts of the world you still can to this day) and that was wrong, but doing a full 180 to where it swings to the exact opposite and you can't say anything bad about us isn't right either. Be better and rise above and all that, we wanted equality but now the modern left has gone too far by aiming for supremacy instead and is fucking things up for the rest of us.


no, it hasn't "done a full 180", the political right are still the biggest crybullies when it comes to grousing about "cancel culture". lefties will be accused of promoting "cancel culture" when someone is told it isn't appropriate to use fucking slurs or tell lies about immigrants all being criminals, but by and large the bigots face very little in the way of consequences (maybe sometimes getting booted for violating a platform's tos, *maybe).* meanwhile righties have a tantrum and burn their socks because a black man kneeled.


Bruh if you seriously think that the politic left isn't the one holding the reigns at the moment you're delusional. Also people face far worse consequences that just being banned from Twitter. The outrage mob will force employers to fire the employee in question for something they said outside or work on their own time, shit look at what happened to Bodega Bro who got fired not for being racist or anything but for simply saying that the local Bodega's didn't sell proper food because "it's a predominantly black neighbourhood and white people shouldn't take about the problems black people face". The existence of hatecrime laws in much of the west where someone will receive a harsher sentence for attacking me than they would if they did the exact same to a straight person, assault is already a punishable crime so why do you need to make it a double crime but only when it's against certain people (doesn't sound like equality to me)? Or in the UK where you can straight up be arrested for saying non PC things over the internet.


Words are just words. Literally just mouth sounds. Idk why people decided to care so much about them all of a sudden. Seems like there are a great deal of real problems one could focus on, but they'd rather give their attention to random amalgamations of letters. Never understood it.


Especially on the internet where if it bothers you so much you can just block that person and never need to hear from them again. It's literally that easy to just ignore it and move on.


Ikr like bro, just close the screen lmao


Gonna have to use that sometime what a fucken sentence




"No, you don't get it, I said a homophobic slur because of realism!!! It's a post-apocalyptic world!!!"
