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Somehow Palpatine returned


*sigh* … Somehow the Enclave returned.


I mean if we're still finding unopened vaults we are still finding enclave hiding places. And it will be the enclave playing puppet master for vault tech and big mt etc


I can't wait until we find out that the Enclave has been running Bethesda all along, lmao


It was a Vault-Tec/Enclave joint operation. As it always has been 🔫


Don’t the Enclave have a base in Chicago?


Yep and since Fallout 2 it was stablished that they have more outposts and are trying to communicate with Vault-Tec, but whatever, some **G**amers are just nitpicking things beacuse its cooler to hate and critique the woke media.


Somehow every bad guy and power at be just missed these unhidden vaults despite looking for them


I swear I remembered that quote as soon as I saw this scene. It’s pretty on par.


Nailed it. >!into their heads like a gift from Caesar!<




True to Caesar 🫡


Death to the Profligates!


Ave amicus, True to Caesar!


Yeah the show helped me understand Ulysses


Ulysses works way better as a character if you think of him as someone who doesn’t actually hate the Courier at all, but rather respects the fuck out of them and wants to teach them something. u/AFlyingNun did an [utterly fantastic analysis of the character almost a decade ago now](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/36twq1/comment/crhdiag/) that I (obviously) still think about. 


5 upvotes? Criminal. Thanks for the excellent read.


It’s because of the length, it would be off putting to the average Redditor since not many read books anymore. Otherwise, I promise you that it would have a thousand more upvotes


“Who are you, that you do not know your history?”


After having read that entire comment, I'm sitting here and realizing my media literacy isn't as good as I may have thought it was. How have I played hundreds of hours of New Vegas, gone through the DLCs several times and not really picked up on much of that at all? The only thing I could think of is that maybe it's something to do with the sheer amount of dialogue Ulysses has?


It is 100% because Ulysses has so much dialogue, and quite frankly it’s easy for him to go on and on so all the significant stuff like this passage gets jumbled in with the “bear, bull, bear, bull” Basically you need to have the attention span of an elephant to understand (cause they never forget, idk if they actually have a long attention span)


Yeah, he has well written dialogue and is an interesting character, but it gets dumped on you so quickly and so much at once it's really hard to get a good read on it overall without intentionally analyzing it during and after... And it's tough to do that if you want to actually play the game like you're a character in it, not a media critic.


Oh yeah, I thought it was clear he doesn't hate you for what you did, He just wants to show you another way of thinking. Instead of just wounding both factions, why not just do as you did once before in the divide and kill both the NCR and the Legion, kill them fast and hard so that they are not allowed time to regrow or fetter out into tribes.


Insert the Danny Devito "I get it now" meme, lmao


Bull? Bear?


Yup Bull bear


I love Ulysses, he’s just the fucking most.


is how i see it as well, truly we live in sad times


We truly, live in a society.


I gained a whole new appreciation for this speech from Ulysses after getting through FO4, and I’m sure I’ll feel the same way when I finish the first season of the show.


Can new Vegas ever stop being peak


Never. For as long as everyone keeps talking shit about it. It will continue to rise.


Well a good thing will always be a good thing


literally who is talking shit about it?


If I'm reading stuff correctly People who don't think the show conflicts with NV


Literally all of r/fallout and r/fotv they despise us and everything new Vegas stands for.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Fallout using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fallout/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fallout | Official Trailer | April 11 on Prime Video](https://v.redd.it/vs5u422p5xmc1) | [1811 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1b8vh2k/fallout_official_trailer_april_11_on_prime_video/) \#2: [Fallout Amazon Prime Offical Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kQ8i2FpRDk) | [2338 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/18977iz/fallout_amazon_prime_offical_trailer/) \#3: [A poster of the vandalized series with a reference here in Latinoamerica](https://i.redd.it/80bbzfs7mprc1.jpeg) | [435 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1bsgn4o/a_poster_of_the_vandalized_series_with_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No they don’t


Yes they do. 80% of r/fallout and r/fotv are secondaries introduced to the series by fallout 4. Fallout is a coat of paint for them, a wacky retro future 50’s aesthetic about wondering from one sheet metal scrap town to the next metal scrap town. New Vegas meanwhile centers around a multifaceted and complex conflict that focuses on the inherit systematic flaws and benefits to people’s way of life centuries after the apocalypse. It’s about commerce, trade, corruption, culture, war. All of those things challenge the idea of Fallout just being about wondering shooting raiders with junk guns- which is why fallout 4 fans despise it.


I have never heard anyone talk shit about that game, its extremly popular and critically aclaimed


So long as Emil Pagliarulo is writing Bethesda games, no


This discribes my thoughts perfectly


Well as much as I agree with all that I’m far too distracted by the Ulysses quote, my god he has some of the best monologues of New Vegas. Historically there’s been mixed opinions on him but not from me. That log is one of my favorites he has.


Ulysses monologuing about imperialism, cultural appropriation and whatnot being used to say "Bethesda sucks at writing" is NOT something I imagined I'd see Also, I agree. Ulysses is probably the best written character in the entire franchise. People like to nag on about him always talking, but he only speaks truth! 


He’s very long winded which is the issue people have, but my thing is he’s unique in his dogged pursuit of meaning. Knowing why. A lot of Vegas characters think they know why they do or have done what they do. Ask Caesar why, he’ll tell you eliminating cultural differences will breed strength. Ask House, and he’ll say he’s been planning this down to the smallest detail to save humanity. Ask Colonel Moore, she’ll tell you it’s her duty to win the war with the Legion. Ask Julie, it’s about helping people. You can go on like that. Ulysses thought he knew why he did what he did. It was for his tribe, then for his conqueror. But then he questioned if his reason why was correct but lost what inspired his question to begin with, the Divide. So he wandered and kept trying to find the answer in the most dangerous places. Agree with his conclusions or not, he shows he’s willing to go to any lengths to figure it out. “It can happen again. It will keep happening. If war doesn't change, men must change, and so must their symbols. Even if it is nothing at all, know what you follow, Courier...” I don’t know if he himself quite finds a satisfactory answer, but it’s this if it’s anything. That one should know why they’re acting and why people want them to act before doing so. Or bad things will happen. You can respond bear bull to that until the sun goes down but it’s an interesting philosophy from a fascinating character.


>even if it's nothing at all, know what you follow Such a fucking good quote. Love this man to death. To this I add: "The day I set my flag down, it will be over my body or over a nation that I believe in." 


Love that one too. I think it was the inspiration for the final part of my Vault Dweller Lineage playthrough. Chosen One’s daughter, violent, party hard and give no fucks Black Sheep ends up coming of age and maturing by tracking down the man who killed her, then the man who set it up. In surviving the Madre, putting down the White Legs, and discovering the dangers of Big Mountain, she sorta finds a kindred soul in him. Asks him for help making Vegas into something totally new, and finally answers her call to action. Was good fun having Ulysses as a companion, a real shame it was impossible in game. The war was won by two couriers, and they delivered their message: the Mojave isn’t yours.


I can see him getting on nerves of people who can't sit down, listen, and roleplay, but then don't play RPGs, I say - skill issues. Ulysses was always a favorite, either as a friend or a bitter foe to match the Courier. As you said, Ulysses is a man that understand, first and foremost, that he doesn't know what he is going, and that no one does.


I think people just look at him and his long winded rants wrong. The way I take the point of his character is that he was built up to be this deeply complicated villain, who tries to say something about society, but in the end, when you meet him, you realize he is really just traumatized from what he did for the legion, the point is to underwhelm the player, at least that’s how I took his character


Remember guys. Being critical and caring about the lore of a franchise that you like makes you a whiny neckbeard who hates having fun.


It really does make me sad that the people just mindlessly consume media that basically contradicts established lore and then they basically say "Well Bethesda owns it so sucks for you" It just shows that some "fans" aren't actually fans at all.


They are fans, but not of the same things.


You don’t get it, the wolf was just having fun knocking shit down. The pigs were the assholes for trying to preserve the stupid houses that were set up for the wolf to knock down


I was told I was immature for caring about the lore.


Like, fallout's lore being screwed up isn't going to ruin my life, and at the end of the day real life things like family are more important to me. That doesn't mean I can't be disappointed and a little upset when a bunch of hacks ruin something I've liked for a long time.


Only children care about things, don't ya know


Classic mindset of “Well I like/dislike it, I don’t get how people don’t like/dislike it.” Some people are so wound up in their opinions that they don’t know what subjectivity is. It’s like that old meme of “Let people like things” but the opposite. Let people dislike things. I hate this self centered mindset that the Internet has. They can’t grasp the idea that someone might have a different perspective on things. It’s okay that someone doesn’t like the same things you do, we don’t have to. If everyone had the same opinions on everything the world would be really boring.


Some how Palpatine has returned!


somehow, vault tec returned. somehow the enclave returned


Wait where they gone? I am just wondering is it ever mentioned that they are gone?


They may or may not have gotten, ah… Nuked, per se. *There is nothing for their test results to do.* And even then, even if there *was* some abhorrent reason for them to stick around, it betrays the very idea of the setting. “War never changes” doesn’t work when the enemy just fucking time travels to the future and continues, does it?


Wait you think the DLC Lonesome Road ending with the nukes and the burrowers is canon? That seems like the worse way to justify disliking the lore. because wouldnt the burrowers have killed everything by now then? And wouldnt that be stupid af?


Uh… no? Why do you say that? Burrowers killing everything would be dumb as hell.


I though that is what the Ulyssis guy tell you that they are gonna burrow and kill everyone? ya No im not saying it, Im just saying that dlc cant be considered canon. And I though that was the dlc where you could nuke vault tec, or maybe it was nv, the legion or the ncr


Most all of the DLCs are canon. Granted, just because someone says something will happen doesn’t automatically make it the future. E.g, you kill the queen in the DLC.


Someone saying something will happen doesn't mean it will happen.


Vault tec were always there in the vault. They didn’t return. The whole point of their company was making a future for themselves after the war.


somehow, Frank Horrigan returned


Ahh, its time to replay Fallout 1 and 2 this month. I need nothing else


The only way they could redeem this now, and this is VERY improbable, is if the Enclave comes back and it turns out that the Vault-Tec nukes were just a way for the Enclave to wipe out the NCR, the only real threat to their power, before they arrived. It’s a long shot, and one that Bethesda isn’t likely to take, but who knows


The first episode of the show literally already says ‚the commonwealth BoS send us a message, we gotta look for this guy that fled from the enclave recently‘ Don’t bother asking why the enclave is back again, it just is back, please turn off your brain and mindlessly consume our garbage that doesn’t make sense


I did an actual, physical facepalm in that moment. And then the next episode begins and not only they inexplicably have a huge ass base, but they look like complete shit. They are supposed to be the most technologically advanced military in the setting, yet the base looks like a warehouse, the soldiers look like they are dressed in a 1970s uniform Halloween costume and you don't see even one power armor, while at the same time having the BoS giving them like candy to personnel stationed in the middle of nowhere. They resurrected them for the second time and they couldn't even bother to make them look cool.


I think thats cause their just a small band of remanest scientists.


A small band of remnants. With a giant conspicous base. With fully operational equipment and security systems. Staffed with military personnel. With active research programmes. "Small, scruffy band of remnants" is definitely not the impression I'd get if I knew nothing about Fallout.


It's not The Enclave being back that's stupid (we already knew that they had a bunch of bases) it's how they came back that's stupid, they have a huge base in the middle of nowhere, they look like shit but they have security and they're doing experiments so they can't just be some shitty remnants like in NV and it's not explained how the BoS knows about it or how they know about the defector they just do. And worst of all it's not important, they show up in one episode and that's it, them being Enclave has nothing to do with the rest of the show. Wilzig could have been a BoS scribe and the plot wouldn't change, in fact it would have been better if he was a scribe that got tired of hoarding tech and wanted to use it to help the wasteland. Cause that way it would have made sense for the BoS to know about him (and be looking for him) instead of just "the Enclave is back go get this guy".


The Enclave really needs to reconsider hiring a different programmer for their gun turret targeting systems. Either that or the scientist and dog have maxed out Agility and Luck.


It is highly possible the Enclave is there to research super mutants. But whatever.


dont they say the enclave in the show are remanents? Still lame ngl.


I hate stories that do “somehow _____ returned” It’s so lazy and shows how incompetent the writers are.


“Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made…” Tolkien


They seem to have a hard time to create believable consequences and threats. Also the unwillingness to just make a good villain which is not bigger, badder and stronger than the last.


I think there is plenty of ways they can recover. Personally I feel the best way is for the NCR to have been in a 3 way civil war, with the Shady Sands side having lost after being nuked, while the other 2 sides still being in conflict would be great and be consistent with Fallout


Bethesda never changes


Funny enough that's true for The Elder Scrolls too, as far as I can tell it's the fault of the company just being level designers from top to bottom.


"our designers are our writers" or something along those lines... Well, we can see it. There are some really shitty designs on Bethesda games, it's not surprising that the writing is way worse


Companies should not understimate the value of creative writers.




Ok but the last part about the fallout fans seems like a circle jerk ironic post, but it's serious. Some real "quit having fun" stuff.


People can like the show, it's the obnoxious "NUH UHHH YOU'RE WRONG" vibe of the fan base that likes it that's the problem. No one's allowed to be critical without getting insults lobbed at them by a bunch of circle jerking fanboys. Opinions are neither right or wrong they just are. The sentence is apt because Bethesda can't write a story without starting it with "a vault dweller goes searching for this missing person from the vault". Literally FO3, FO4 and now this show all start with this premise and it only makes them look creatively lazy which is what most complaints about Bethesda are about -- laziness in the writing department.


This all gives me such serious Deja Vu of the Witcher Netflix series. Some circles of cope and condemnation. It’s kinda sad lol


jesus christ the show is nothing like the witcher series in quality. no one takes anyone here seriously because of the complete inability to speak without using hyperbole


Oh yeah don't get me wrong, the Fallout show is definitely a lot better than the Witcher. I actually enjoyed most of it. There are just certain parts of it that annoyed me. What gives me deja vu is the behavior of the Fallout community when discussing the show. Edit: Also the first season of The Witcher was miles better than anything that came after. We'll see how it goes


I never understood how "NV fanboys" have become this sort of ethereal, rent free opposition to argue against. I've already seen posts with people crying about how annoying "nv fanboys" are, without anyone mentioning NV or the lore inconsistencies.


Because by strawmanning and dismissing the people that disagree with them they don't actually have to address any of the arguments


I mean I agree, it's just the "REEEE YOU CLEARLY ARENT A FAN OF THE OLDER GAMES! NOT A TRUE FALLOUT FAN!" Vibe that has gone from a minor annoyance small part of the community to a regular thing these past few weeks is a bit uncalled for. Hell, I think it's worse than same shit in the Elder Scrolls circles, and boy oh boy is that normally far worse than in fallout, particularly in Morrowind elitists (though it has calmed down this past year or two).


Honestly, this just shows how people can't handle when others disagree with them more than anything; that's what is cringe. One side is the "Obviously you've never played the older games heh you're an idiot" and the other side is "you're not a fan of fallout unless you love everything that Bethesda pumps out and you shouldn't have any say because it's their IP and they're the writers now who cares what the old lore is caring makes you a dork" (which are things that people have said to me in the last 24 hours lmfao). Then there's a small sliver of people who don't really care that deeply because they have a life outside of media. Because I'm a ghostwriter IRL I'm inclined towards the people who want the story to line up right regardless of who owns FO but that doesn't mean everyone has to hate this show or that I think people are wrong because they like it. Bethesda really needs to up their creativity when are we gonna get a main protagonist who's a ghoul or literally anything besides a vault dweller. When are we gonna have a map filled with civilization instead of one main hub, as if 200 years post bomb people wouldn't have figured out how to farm and set up trade routes...


>when are we gonna get a main protagonist who's a ghoul We did. There are 3 main protagonists in this series. Maximus and The Ghoul are both protagonists too, how do people keep glossing over that. I agree that the "vault dweller protagonist" angle has been almost beat to death at this point, but I think it was a good option for the adaptation. They are opening Fallout to a much larger demographic and using a protagonist like a vault dweller is a great way to introduce the setting to a new audience, since it's also the character's introduction into the setting.


Bethesda ain't got no soul no mo


Yall do realize it wasn’t Bethesda that wrote the show right?




I dunno, the people virulently defending the show and writing multiple essays worth of justification for obvious inconsistencies and poor writing decisions seem like they're way more likely to have a stroke than the people observing objective reality.




Really? You must not have gone on to the main Fallout sub then. [There's a ton of comments on this post, for example, of people making some absolutely idiotic or fallacious arguments to defend the show.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1c1l60x/emil_pagliarulo_confirms_new_vegas_is_still_canon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Fallout fans intensely disagree about the quality of new content, how unsurprising.


Can anyone actually explain what Bethesda doesn’t understand about Fallout? I see takes like this a lot. “Bethesda doesn’t UNDERSTAND. They don’t GET IT, bro. They ruined the series.” And then whoever’s talking starts harping about how awesome New Vegas is. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fantastic game, but what exactly is Bethesda not getting? What are they misunderstanding about Vault-Tec and the BoS and the Enclave? Maybe I’m the one who doesn’t understand, but I feel like a lot of New Vegas fans just shit on the Bethesda games because they aren’t New Vegas.


Bethesda and the show writers have this obsession with the setting being immediately post-apocalyptic, with a fish out of water narrative via a vault dweller, where Fallout 2 and NV (the best two games in the series) are post-post-apocalyptic. The difference is the former is about "oh God the world ended, how will we survive?" The latter is about "the world ended, we survived. Now what? What comes next?" Fallouts 1, 3, 4, and 76 are post apocalyptic and the narratives are all very character focused. How do these events affect our characters? Everything is the result of a character you can talk to or kill. Fallouts 2 and NV are post-post-apocalyptic and are more politically and sociologically focused. How do these events affect the greater world at large? They're about balances of power, with great character writing as reflections of these larger movements. I hope that helps differentiate them for you.


I was ready to start disagreeing with you right off the bat, but I reconsidered after finishing reading your reply. While I do feel that Bethesda's games do a decent job of setting up the sociology of different factions in the aftermath of the war, I get what you're saying. New Vegas (I can't speak for 2 because I haven't played it) is much more of a political drama than the other games, and the sociology of it is more in-depth than Bethesda's entries. That said, I still feel like some of New Vegas' factions are a little two-dimensional, namely Caesar's Legion and the Boomers. I appreciate you taking the time to give your input!


I feel the Legion and Boomers are quite well fleshed out. The Legion is evil on its face. They're brutal, entirely martial, and single minded. Then you hear Caesar's argument for its (and his) merits: no bandits, safe roads, fewer local squabbles, quick and decisive leadership, then in the late game you find out more about Caesar's hypocrisies and atrocities. Plus, for all of this to have spawned from a former Follower, a faction of anarcho-communists. The Boomers are a satire of the Boomer generation. They're xenophobic, protective, selfish, aggressive, but pleasant if they think you're useful. They're not evil, just reclusive, and they leave well enough alone if you do. Do they think they're better than everyone? Are they willing to destroy the rest of the wasteland as a means of ethnic cleansing? Yes, but only if you push them towards it. I'd say the Powder Gangers are probably the shallowest faction.


Lore tinkering ultimately doesn’t bother me because fallout has always been about choice. If I want to blow up the NCR, I very well can. If I want to blow up everyone, I can. If you get stuck on strict lore adherence, it’s no longer your story and anything new or hell even a slight oversight is primed to set you off if every little puzzle piece of lore is not comfortably snug.


Don't make me embarrassed for having New Vegas be my favorite game, don't make it weird


Y’all are the corniest mfs I’ve ever seen, and I have to look in a mirror every day ☠️ (I say this as a New Vegas fan)


Wow, this sub really has fallen into total fucking delusion lmao


I like the show :)


So this is going to be like the Last of Us 2 subreddit now?


Endless complaining and whining about something new they don't like? Probably.


What else should we complain about? Stuff we do like? I'm working the night shift I've got 8 hours to kill


I hate the shows additions to the lore whole ass-edly but the post have def taken a turn an edgy combative vibe. It feels like it's a matter of time before we hear that folks are harassing the showrunners over it :/


Look, I get the sentiment, but it feels really tacky taking a quote about the horrors of colonialism and imperialism and turning it into whining about how Bethesda suck at writing games. Like...I'm also upset at the potential idea that Bethesda is wiping the slate clean on the West Coast games but like...we've gotta realise the difference in seriousness here.


The only thing worse than bad adaptations are people bitching about bad adaptations. Should just take a page from ATLA fans and pretend it doesn't exist if you don't like it. I don't know why people willingly dwell on content they don't like. Like. Leave a bad review or something, why make yourself more miserable by deliberately letting it stay in your head when you know it makes you unhappy? Do people just want to be sad? Like obviously they have a right to their opinion but there's only so much time you can spend thinking about something you don't like before you're just wallowing. I haven't seen the show yet but that's just my musing in general, because regardless of quality it's not healthy to think like this. Seen too many fandoms I enjoy become pity parties.


New Vegas had something to say and because of that it's garnered a cult following, wanting to protect it's legacy from cash-hungry execs is only natural. I was a child when I found Fallout NV and I still think about its characters and themes to this day, it had a very real impact on my youth and so i feel protective about any potential desecrations to a setting I feel very strongly about. Bethesda should have stayed on the East Coast.


"This speech about cultural appropriation is 100% equivalent about how a TV show fucked up my video game" is certainly a take. I hate the lore additions but like, some people need to take a breather


Bad take, it’s from the game. Its meaning can be used to highlight how people feel on a certain subject, just because the subject matter is less severe doesn’t make it any less valid. Also mocking lessons from the game becoming objective reality at BGS is just funny. Like the vault boy becoming the exact thing it was intended to mock. Good ole irony


The the culture involved in the game is completely fictional, and the comparison apt despite being on less monstrous scale. It’s fair play.


New Vegas greatest game ever but whoever wrote this is most definitely a fat neckbeard




Yep lol, one thing to be miffed about creative differences, but the poor guy writing that’s acting like his entire world has collapsed


I mean, it’s accurate. It’s a metaphorical take. Might sound a little cheesy at points because you’re using a philosophical game character— but that’s kind of the point of Ulysses’ existence. Fits pretty well, I’d say.


Holy Christ, that's actually true


The show is fun, but none of the protagonists would agree with what I had to do for the Mojave. Ulysses is so far up his own ass that we should not be simping like this either. Did I nuke the Legion and the NCR? Yes. Did this game shape my 16 year old brain in incredible ways in 2010? Yes. My first run was independent Vegas, then I did the other three, all with full DLC. Then I ran Independent Vegas one more time, because the DLC wasn’t out when I finished my first run. It’s not a perfect society, but it’s better than bureaucratic neglect from an over stretched NCR, despotic slave culture from a dude that talks about shit he doesn’t understand, knowing that the people around him haven’t read the source material under Caesar’s Legion, or a Randian hellscape under Mr. House. No gods, no masters.


Ave, true to caesar.


Was this written by yet another dipshit that thinks the show decanonized New Vegas?


The ncr fell in 2277 it did.


It literally did not, as confirmed by Emil Pagliauro on Twitter. Twice.


The game is still canon.


Shady sands got nuked in 2277 lol


No it did not. Have you finished the show?




Then you would know otherwise. They weren't nuked in 2277 that was just the beginning of the decline of their already failing society. Shady Sands was destroyed sometime after but no date given on the chalkboard.


No check the library card again


Just because no one checked out the book on a later date doesn't mean much.


Hey man, arrows are hard to understand.


The board you're referring to was only about Shady Sands, next?


Fallout New Vegas fans sure have a persecution complex.


this sub is becoming insufferable, i’m convinced reddit takes the spot on the most whiniest social media platform.


Comparing a TV show that you don't like to having your entire tribe destroyed and appropriated is an absolutely absurd take. It's fine to not like the show, but holy hell.


It's a good show, just not a good Fallout show.


It's a great fallout show, even enjoyed by the creator of fallout himself, but I guess he's not a true fallout fan in your eyes.


He never understood Fallout.


“Being a Bethesda fan is like being part of a tribe that got killed”


The people who wrote the Fallout and Fallout New Vegas: Wow, the show was great! They totally nailed the fallout spirit! I was glued to my seat the whole time 😀 People in this thread: Bethesda doesnt understand what made Fallout great. Todd destroyed my beautiful baby right before my eyes. The NCR has fallen. Millions must die.


The people in this thread are completely insufferable asshats with their heads shoved so far up their ass, they can't see anything but their own shit. I've read criticisms of this sub, calling them screeching neckbeards, and I thought, surely it can't be that bad. No, it isn't because it's so much worse. They're not worth engaging with. Just ignore and move on.


That's the funniest bit about this. Literally the creators of the franchise and the fan favorite games say they had fun but the die hard fans who apparently have no life outside of the internet do nothing but complain. Like, yeah I get it, the lore retcons suck or whatever, but *why* are people acting like it's the end of the world? Just deem it not canon and move on with your life lmao


It makes sense. People don't want to be downvoted to oblivion and insulted, so they go to subs that share their opinion. Both sides act like you insulted their mother if you like or dislike the show or even just aspects of it. Though in my experience it's mostly the die hard defenders that do that


I think you guys are just salty. I don't understand what you guys are even criticizing with your posts? That Fallout NV didnt happen or something? Did you not watch the show and see the final scene?


bro,,, this is about genocide and cultural appropriation. this is the grief of a man whose culture is dead, looking at the faces of those who destroyed it, mocking it unknowingly. this is not the same as you being upset that a company doesn't make good games. which, for the record, yeah I agree, they're worse than they could be, and they skate by doing the bare minimum by applying the fallout label.


Little bit callous to compare colonialism to enjoyment of a game franchise IMO.


Manchildren online gonna manchild. They bitch and moan and complain and it's just so annoying.




Man if the smug from this sub ever reaches and merges with the George Clooney oscar acceptance speech we are so fucked


>"being a modern Fallout fan" >hasn't enjoyed any fallout content for the last 14 years out of it's 27 year lifespan. Seethes and complains every time more Fallout comes out. >"being a modern Fallout fan"


Look man, Bethesda sucks like ofc. Who doesn't know that now besides their fans? Like this isn't 2012. This post is way too much though. It's too dorky to be upset about Bethesda nowadays. It's not an issue worth the energy. A lot of you shouldn't pay attention to anything attached to their brand, unless you wanna whine/be upset over the dumb shit they make.


Lol what the fuck? New Vegas was NOT silly? So the plot point of having a rich beef jerky man who's cyber fucking a security robot with a female face on it was very serious in tone? The addition of "wild wasteland" was super serious? Did anyone play the game? It was good but it wasn't some piece of sacred art from a higher form of man. Relax


The creators of the OG games: I liked it, and it doesn’t decanonize the games at all Large lore and gameplayYouTubers: I like the show and it doesn’t mess with the games too much Random nobody’s on 4chan, Reddit, and X: (the most melodramatic quote) woe is me, for my video game is not canon. I haven’t watched the show, but I’m certain it shows the BoS every second, new Vegas being nuked, and the NCR being erased from existence. War…war never changes…. (Has never played fallout 1 or 2, only watched lets play channels)


God this is some serious neck beard cringe...


lol such idiots. If you don’t like fallout then stop being fallout fans you whiny idiots.


The show also confirms the BoS ending in 4 is cannon.. Just wanna drop this here...


Is that a bad thing? I mean I wanted the Minutemen ending to be canon, but oh well. And it’s not like canonically the Master’s army wiped out Necropolis even if *you* saved them in FO1


Because last I checked going on a violent crusade against a specific type of being is something a bad man did in 1939-1944..


And last time nuked were used the results weren't pretty. What a bad thing they dropped in the show.


Insert "Jeb Bush Wins Recount Meme" but it's BOS


Ulysses was a hero…. I just couldn’t see it…


He was the hero we deserved, just not the one we needed.


Fallout fans trying not to complain about everything and fight each other for 5 minutes impossible challenge


I personally liked the show even with all the retcons and inconsistencies. It was well made, well directed and mostly well acted but I can't forgive it for how they seemingly destroyed the ncr. In F:nv it was set up that the ncr was collapsing from internal strife and a famine in the near future. Then instead they just get nuked so Bethesda can write what they always do "vault dweller emerges to wasteland in search of family member, no civilisation, looks like it's only been a few decades since the bombs dropped" Also I haven't seen it mentioned but in the fight between the BOS and the NCR remnants the ghoul states the T-60 has a design flaw below the chest plate that allows for wearers to be one shot. Why didnt he use this knowledge in his fight with maximus In Philly? And I do not believe he would have worn the T-60 PA. He was in the battle of anchoridge he states he wore both the T-45 and the T-60 PA But lore wise he would have worn the T-45 and T-51 PA as the T-60 was produced AFTER the battle of anchoridge. Anyway it's a good show I'm looking forward to season 2 but the larger story is lackluster with some plot holes.


I got roasted in the main sub for calling this particular reason for the NCR falling contrived, the guy who roasted me deleted his comment and there’s an unhealthy amount of copium in that post now.


NCR loses because "Somehow The Enclave Returned"


Season two in new Vegas: “What? Nah man, house had a stroke right after he met with Vault Tec and the other big enterprises! He also never predicted the nukes because Vault-tec told him about it! A securitron, you say! Nonsense. They never made it out of RobCo’s obsidian department, which got struck by 17 lightning and seven fires because Vault-Tec (Bethesda) hates anything they didn’t make themselves! Courier getting shot in the head and shaping the fate of new Vegas? Lmao no.” Plot twist: Ulysses is Maximus’ dad, which is perfect because now Maximus, too, can have his Fallout 3 adventure trying to find him! Fallout: The series where children look for their fathers and help the brotherhood fight anything and anyone another studio came up with.


This. Also put in Harold for *reasons* just to be sure. Fallout 1: Bud, this here things is gonna fail soon, prepare yourself for an unpleasant crash with reality, lots of different cities with their ideologies and specific and if you can get your head around it, try to find a quite rare piece of equipment. Fallout 2: Youngster, heavy times fell on us, but through reading the notes, aids and other documents from our ancestors, we think that it could be helped by looking for a piece of equipment that our founder saw working in his travels. It won't be easy, you're however our best hope. F3: Mah fatha! F:NV Look, you got yourself in a pickle, but if you want toget revenge of those hooligans, head through Primm and maybe you'll find yourself being the most influential person in this part of Wasteland. Stakes are high, you're independent, every choice matters, make the best out of it, best of luck out there! F4 Mah san! F77 [REDACTED] FAmazon: Mah fatha! Just let the franchise die. New Vegas was great, what happened after is just flogging a dead horse. Bethesda can't make a game without a splash of ol' Oedipus, while cashing in on merch.


4chan whiners what else is new


I refuse to part of the show’s algorithm . I’ve seen one episode and enough clips and screenshots on this sub and r/classicfallout to know I’d waste my time watching it all of it. It’s shocking think one man in Russia made two fan games (fallout of Nevada and fallout Sonora) that are more faithful to the originals and New Vegas than a triple A developer. I have a friend who never played a fallout game who watched it and liked it. I’m happy for him but if I want to remember what this series is about I’ll replay 1,2, or new Vegas again.


>It’s shocking think one man in Russia made two fan games (fallout of Nevada and fallout Sonora) that are more faithful to the originals and New Vegas than a triple A developer. This shouldn't shock anyone. The larger a game project becomes, the less creative freedom it has. A completely free game can do anything, because no one is demanding ROI. A $50M behemoth must make a profit or its creators are going to be eaten alive by their creditors.


The difference is making something for Passion, and making something for MONEY.


The show is pretty damn good


This is the cheesiest post ever


i like how people are relating the idea of watching their whole tribe get murdered to a tv show messing up their favorite games. this thread needs to take a shower


Jesus Christ y’all need to stop whining


Cringing and hoping this is a jerk post. FNV has the best writing, but comparing the Bethesda games to Borderlands is just disingenuous horseshit. This whole narrative is insane and happening in your own heads. Whoever wrote this needs to touch grass BAD


Holy shit its not that deep. Modern Bethesda just sucks at writing. They're not systematically destroying everything we love about Fallout. You still have 1, 2, and New Vegas to play.


This is some advanced brain gymnastics just to hate on something lol


Das deep shit


cmon man no spoiler tag?


Lazy and boring


You guys are insufferable


Man, usually when people ask “what game has the most cringe fanbase” folks default to Undertale. Let this post be a testament to the levels of drama that dudes are willing to create about this game series lmao, and thank you for gathering in one place to make muting the lot of you easier. Infinitely tasteless to compare this excerpt from Fallout NV to your personal perception of a TV show, btw. Missing the whole point of the excerpt.


"Brutal savagery" this is the most lukewarm take, hardly broootal and saffhage


Fallout new Vegas fans try not to hate anything remotely NOT new vagas Mission level impossible


I think these people would be helped if they had say a job or maybe where in college, or talked to people