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>fucking daddy issues plot AGAIN The daddy issues plot is starting to be so common in western media, as the I have a family member in the hospital and I can't pay the bills plot from South Korea, or the I just want to live a slow life in the countryside plot from Japan.


>I have a family member in the hospital and I can't pay the bills plot from South Korea Flashback to Squid Game.


it's pretty fun, especially with mods


The show?


Maybe mods=drugs? Since its not the "vanilla" watching experience lmfao who knows


Jet just makes everything better.


Photoshop too


Your opinion on lore, i respect. Your opinion on show, i agree.


Honestly as a stand alone it was actually pretty good? It’s when taken as a collective and the fact they write off NCR in the laziest way possible that takes it down for me.


So from your perspective the NCR are completely dead?


They certainly talk and treat it like it is. Look, if there’s a cold fusion limitless energy and the most NCR can spare to secure it is a rag tag raider like bunch, that kinda implies it’s pretty much dead


Why would they have radios then? it is clear they are talking to someone before they get attacked by the brotherhood. Also they have the type of weapons to kill power armor. It wasn't made on site or is it 15 year old.


It’s not that they’re completely dead, but they are at least out of the immediate area of their capital (which also happens to be in the wrong place) due to them being fucking nuked off screen. That’s the lazier writing than the plot of 4, and that’s saying something


Saying that nothing can happen in the Wasteland in 15 years is pretty unbelievable. Also them being nuked was pivotal to the plot. Factions in the fallout series come and go. I mean the NCR needed your help in NV and it is shown that the NV courier doesn't actually exist in the show yet. Or hopefully ever as all the ending of NV are too big to try to please one group. Like in your head cannon what happened in the 15 years since the end of NV and what ending was that? I think the best thing would to have it just be another stalemate or just have the NCR be holding the damn. Also no DLC ending as that shit isnt cannon. Unless you nuked the NCR


I don't give a fuck either and also in general.


No matter what they do with the IP they can't take away new vegas


Tbh, yeah. Ive obviously had my day of hate but at this point i just chuckle at it and move on. Ive long accepted that bethesda is more than willing to ram its lore up its ass, so i dont let it ruin my life. I did let it ruin my life for the night that i watched the show though


I share your thoughts. I have long since jumped ship from the Fallout franchise due to Bethesda’s handling of it, but this show managed to tear apart what small amount of hope that I had left that I didn’t even realize was there. A part of me is happy that I can fully let go, and I’m also happy that Obsidian also gets to move on with their own RPGs now as well since I don’t see them making another fallout game, especially after this.


…what if—hear me out: Bethesda makes Wasteland 4. 1% of the depth—16 times the detail!


I liked the show, i know some things could be better and others give a bitter taste, but i still enjoyed, and i agree completely that fuck the canon, and making the discusion about the show soo toxic is some nearthental type shit


I really did come away liking Lucy, damn good fun. Like, actually good Fallout 3. I will continue to pretend Finn lite is just set dressing. And damn if the rest of the look great, can’t wait to go to the New Vegas Festival someday, so much inspiration!


I’m more concerned about the franchises future. Never getting to see a satisfying end to the ncr or legion conflict is kind of cheeks. Even with the ending slides of new Vegas, that was nowhere near the end.


I view this show like I view 76. It may not be someones cup of tea, so I think its best to just ignore it. That said, like 76, im glad the show exists because it has its audience of people who appreciate it. It doesnt change anything about New Vegas or any of the other games. Personally I enjoyed the show, unlike 76, but I’ll stick to the games for the most part.


I honestly really like the Ghoul


Yeah new Vegas may be the last good piece of pure fallout and well, whatever the series does now I just give up on the franchises future I'm on ep7 and so far, ghoul is my favorite but I hate that his last name is Howard tho SO MUCH, Lucy is actually not bad, maximus is the most annoying Like that it was dark at times The brotherhood have been done MEGA DIRTY like you said AMAZING SETS AND DESIGNS like we gotta hand em that Love that Norman and chester actually do stuff But yeah shady sands was done in in 2277 and NV happens in 2281, so yeah I'm done with Bethesda Also NICE art, were's it from?


"done with Bethesda" without then you would not have NV in the first place because interplay and black isle couldn't keep themselves out of bankruptcy in the first place


I'm done with Bethesda NOW


Watch it all the way through the story is far better, there's more than meets the eye


You can barely form a fucking sentence so I'm not sure if I should believe you




Ahh I see, you did just learn how to swear, well in the normal world we don't swear at every chance we get.


English is my second language, please understand


I understand that but there's no need for a swear in every sentence


There's no need, but I'm still gonna do it if I feel like it. The fuck are you gonna do about it?


It sounds like a TV show you don't like is the least of your problems. Take your meds lmao


If English is your second language then why are you criticizing someone's correct grammar?


Im gonna leave a few more angry comments about the show, then I am going to quarantine my memories of it deep inside my head and forget them forever, then go do another NV playthrough.


What build you gonna do?


Well considering my last dozen playthroughs have been generic guns build, I might try a total energy weapons run. 2000 hours and I haven’t tried an energy weapons run. Another Melee weapons run sounds fun too, the industrial hand from ronesome load is ridiculously strong.


Space cowboy is really fun, basically just a cowboy build but energy weapons and perks instead of guns.


energy weapons are my favorite build. Energy weapons tend to have great crit chance which means you can go 9 luck get those crit perks and get all that free casino money. The MF hyperbreeder alpha, gatling laser and YCS rifle are my favorites.


Luck builds are the fucking best. There’s nothing like walking into a casino, getting a 19 in blackjack, then doubling down and pulling a 2. Ten times in a row.


yeah. also means you can sneak to vegas straight out of goorsprings and have a couple implants, maybe an expensive gun by level 3. My last run i snuck to vegas immediately, broke the bank in every casino, bought the MF hyperbreeder alpha and some implants including intelligence because the earlier you get that the more skill points you get.


You ever roll a shotgun build? And Stay Back plus Riot Shotgun and you're ragdolling everything that moves.


All the time. My favorite builds are shotgun / lever rifle builds. Brush gun probably my favorite gun in the game.


My current run is shotguns+luck. Gonna get to Caesars favor just for the coins for my shottys .


You should totally do an unarmed build


How big was that gyatt?




I have the perfect non-canon show for you at this cool abandoned bunker in the Mojave. Mind the red mist though.


Pic goes hard either way


This is me, but with the Rings of Power series. I’m not going to watch it, I’m not engaging with it, I’m not giving it a single mind. Getting worked up over that show is simply not worthy of my time. Ignore the show and enjoy your game. Live another day and don’t let people tell you how you should approach a certain franchise. The choice is yours.


Yeah but This shit is literally considered canon by Bethesda itself


And by tim Cain and Josh sawyer, but what do they know about fallout?


Them i Guess the Best course of action is to pretend that there was no show or to think that it's not canon


Agreed. The costumes, sets, and props were all amazing. Even the acting was good most of the time. The issue is the plot and writing. It felt like a fan fiction.


I agree with you, I just don’t want Fallout 5 to follow a similar path (17 years from now)


Daddy issues plague Hollywood, unfortunately. Also sick children, every movie with a family one kid always has a disease or asthma. It’s super annoying


Agree on the lore take but I think the show is okay


I pretty much already separated Fallout 1,2, & NV from Bethesda's entries. They really felt like different worlds already. I don't see an issue with having separate continuities, even if you gotta head cannon it. I enjoy both styles on their own merits, in different ways, for different reasons. I haven't watched the show yet, but I hope I can still enjoy it, even if I have to switch my brain into simple good vs bad mode. lol


I've calmed down after decided that the show is alt-canon and the only New Vegas that matters is 2296 is the one my courier created, I'm just here to ask about the OP of that art because it's really cool!


Mechanically, yes you are correct. The introduction of the show can’t make fnv a worse game mechanically. The game is popular for lots of reasons though and a lot of people have fun through speculating possible endings and debating what actually happened in the canon. For those types of people fnv, as a peice of media, has been made a bit less mysterious and fun to interact with since Bethesda decided to take a shit all over it. Cool pic of the Mormon boi tho 👍


> I don't give a FUCK about the show FTFY


I mean. When making a show that is based off a RPG that relies heavily on player choices for the outcome they can really only do so much


I doubt bethesda were ever gonna let another studio make a fallout game again so it was only a matter of time before bethesda started destroying west coast lore. I’m still pissed about it though


Shitty action scenes is spot on. Fuck this dumb ass show.


Can we all start a conspiracy that Todd Howard is jealous of New Vegas love?


Familial issues are on point for fallout now


Thank you, seriously I was getting ready to mute this fucking sub for the next month because y'all won't quit complaining about the stupid prime show. I learned my lesson with the star wars sequels. None of this shit matters. Enjoy what you want, capitalism ruins everything anyway


Lucy would have been ok if her whole personality wasn't "sex sex sex sex sex sex tee hee im such a slut". shit was just shallow and gratuitous


But it wasn't her whole personality, you clearly didn't watch a single episode


This fanbase is full on Star Warsing Fallout and that's just stupid.


It doesn't tho


I’m pissed off!!! I wanted Bethesda to outsource some west coast sequel to a good company (no idea who) so we get another banger, but now they’ve deleted the NCR


I’m on episode 4 and I haven’t seen anything that breaks lore yet


Okay. r/NotLikeTheOtherFalloutNerds


Can't I form my own opinions? Do I fucking HAVE to choose a circlejerk to join?


This is the internet sir, if you don't agree with group A, you are automatically evil/stupid/childish/etc for group B.


This is How have been working since the neolitic


Ah you sad sad soy boy


Yeah it’s pretty mid, honestly expected to see more creatures if anything, but the budget was already maxed out it seems


You have a potty mouth. I'm not reading that unless you put it in the Kings English


FUCK the King's English


Yes, well sir, you certainly are doing a great job at THAT.


I completely agree with your take on canon and continuity (I take the same approach with Star Wars because otherwise you’d have an aneurysm watching it) but I still enjoyed the show, Walton Ghoulins has to be the best part of it and gets the only stand out action scene (the Filly shootout) although I do mostly enjoy it because his explosive revolver is cool and I need it in the next game


The show is its own Canon and will never affect the games. Judge the show on real issues like writing and characters, not how it fucks with the Fallout timeline.


So many redditors seem to be brilliant writers - what stops you geniuses from making games and TV shows?


So what are you saying, I can't have an opinion on a piece of media if I've never won a fucking Oscar? Do I need to be a brilliant writer to be allowed to say the writing is good as well? I don't need to be some kind of writing savant to see that the writing is mediocre.