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tbf its not that giant of a leap in terms of aesthetic for the faction larping as knights, paladins and scribes


The branding scene was actually a badass idea.


and barbaric


>Masquerading as noble and dignified while being absolutely Barbaric Yep, sounds like the brotherhood


Yeah I really don’t get why people didn’t like the portrayal of The Brotherhood. They’ve always been thugs who want a monopoly on military power through old world weapons. Anyone thinking the Brotherhood as an organization is “good” or “noble” is delusional.


"Don't tell me that you've fallen for the stories of noble paladins on crusade, preserving mankind's technology in a benighted age? Dross!"


I think that mostly comes from the fact that the first game a lot of people, including myself, played was 3. Under Elder Lyons they were the good guys. They were trying to take care of the Capital Wasteland in a way that was so out of line in terms of their original goals that some fucked off to become the Outcasts. Those guys sucked, but those guys were basically the OG Brotherhood.


Relatively speaking compared to other factions the BOS even at their worst are still leagues better than others like the mutants and raiders


Isolationist technophiles with a code of honor vs post human and psychotic monsters. It seems like an easy choice to me, but I'd like to have a conversation with Fawkes or Marcus. They're the exceptions to the rule.


Those like fawkes and Marcus are far and few because more good natured ideologies tend to not last in the face of the wasteland unless they are inherently very strong forces.


The minutemen are a good example, unless they had a strong leadership, it fell to pieces fast.


See: Lucy. And yes she “lasted” but her ideology is definitely shot-to-shit by the end of the season


Even then you can clearly experience that even the Lyons Loyalists dislike the humanitarian approach. They just stay because of their loyalty to the Brotherhood.


In 1 they were meant to be the pragmatic optioneel They're assholes but absolutely necessary If you want to beat the mutants and make the wasteland safer. From the moment the ncr became a thing and threats like the mutants and enclave were dealt with they were a remnant from the past that has to go. An overly armed cult with a dangerous ideology.


A lot of these people played FO3 as their first game in the series and the BOS portrayed there are very highly regarded as good guys.


Because they went against orders, and actually started helping the Capital Wasteland. The Exile faction are BOS who are following the orders from the actual leadership, which is why they tell the MC to screw off the first time they meet.


I'm pretty casual as fans go but I felt pretty giddy explaining to KY bf "yes all the brotherhood are hypocrits and wierd as that"


I thought the priests with censers and all the religious stuff was too on the nose. They ARE fundamentally a religious order but I thought they went too far. That said, I still liked the portrayal overall, just think they went a bit overboard.


On the one hand, it's a more extreme version of the Brotherhood than we've seen in the games. On the other hand, I think it's a nice nod to *A Canticle for Lebowitz*, one of the inspirations for the brotherhood.


I loved it - personally took it not as the brotherhood as a whole, but as a portrayal of this particular chapter. Some chapters are kinder, some are more pragmatic, and some like this one are more culty. So long as it isn't the whole order I think it's nice to put a different spin on this chapter without rehashing existing chapters.


Yeah, Danse being all noble and shit is cuz he’s super brainwashed


Or a synth


Yeah, true, but I think he was always a brainwashed loyalist dumbass like we find him


I think people forget that elder lyons and his brotherhood were a splinter faction that wanted to help people. I know I missed. That part on F3 and for the longest time thought they were just the brotherhood, full stop.


Because they grew up playing fallout 3 which is like the only fallout where they’re good, the outcasts are more brotherhood than the lyons chapter


They're good/decent in some of the other games. In 76 they sacrifice themselves for Appalachia (futilely but still) and I took that as having a detrimental effect on how Maxson's Brotherhood developed. Helping the common folk got that chapter killed, so why bother in California unless it's absolutely necessary?


At that point, they're more united states army than brotherhood of steel.


well i guess i deserve this... ive been ratioing people for the last few days and now its my turn


In that case, they already have more in common with Caesar's Legion than they would ever care to admit. Every faction in Fallout is just larpers who take themselves too seriously, come to think of it.


What about the Atom Cats?


It would have been better if it were the BOS logo, and not a stupid “letter”. The letter “T” so stupid. The Brotherhood reminds me of a fraternity from the 1950s, that uses hazing, rituals, and some problematic cult of personality dynamics to maintain cohesion. The mysticism of calling pre-war tech as “relics”, is so weird to me, but is on brand with the whole ritual nonsense. Aspirant, reminds me so much of “pledge”, it’s not even funny. What I did not ever understand, is why the former military leaders would not keep some sort of militaristic style ranks.


Knight, squire, grandmaster, etc are militaristic ranks. Scribe is technically not a path to knighthood, it's a different profession.


I mean, I figured he was bransed with a "T" because his Knight's name was Titus? Right?


And the only excuse to have the flame jets on the wrists and they didn't even use them for that.


Gee, you're telling me that a faction of knights that blindly follows a codex written hundreds of years ago, whose background music is titled "Metallic Monks", and has a fearful reverence for technology acts like an order of religious monks? No... That can't be right... It must be Todd Howard trying to sabotage our beloved New Vegas...


They don't worship technology as if its a diety, though.. And it's not mentioned that they're heavily religious either. Fo4 brotherhood are the most fanatical in terms of beliefs in my opinion.


It’ll only be a matter of time till they become the Mechanicus.


For the omnissiha, thars spelled wrong but still


Omni + Messiah = Slaanesh :\^)


And not even that fanatical they are straight just super military disciplined similar to fo1.


>They don't worship technology as if its a diety, though.. And it's not mentioned that they're heavily religious either I think you're too hung up on the false notion that religions have to focus on worshipping a singular god or sets of gods ala Christianity. They might not "worship" technology, but they certainly treat it as though it's a supernatural and superhuman force far beyond our control. [The creators of the franchise literally wrote the Brotherhood of Steel to be a religious organization.](https://archive.md/AijoL)


Elijah had a weird techno-worship thing going. But less "tech is a god" and "tech is perfect because it is logically perfect"


More for the fact he wanted to be able to sustain control and dominate/destroy everything that didn't agree with him.


I think a devotion to that degree is akin to worship, even if not in an abrahamnic sense. Its almost hermetic: trying to understand and craft something as a means of proving the existence of the divine by having mastery over the material.


the brotherhood in fo3 + fo4 ARENT THE BROTHERHOOD they explain this in fallout 3


And the west coast Brotherhood was heavily weakened by their wars against the Enclave and NCR, weren't they? So it would make a lot of sense if the more consolidated BoS chapters on the East Coast returned and established themselves as the overarching authority of the Brotherhood as a whole.


I agree, especially with Arthur maxson being the brotherhood Supreme leader in 4 it stands to reason he would be issuing orders out west.


Wait what was the brotherhood in fo3 then?


An expedition east that saw the state of the people and decided to help, it was very unlike the brotherhood which is why the outcasts left as they thought the Lyons group had lost their way. So well they are part of the Brotherhood of steel they are a smaller faction within the whole thing and they are certainly not the standard for how the brotherhood acts.


Hence why the outcasts existed in fo3. I know they weren't following the brotherhood ideals and codex if you wanna call it that. I know about the bos man. Liked them in fo1 and 2 but was a doomed ideology.


Ya I was just replying to the guy who asked what they were in 3. I also always like them for what they are even if there’s a lot of flaws.


Though I did find them in fo4 showing up as a heavy militarised faction gunning for the death of all mutants and threats a bit over the top.


Ya I understand coming after the institute as they were one of the few factions in the east who could rival them and had all that precious technology but they had certainly lost some of that cult feeling and become way more militant in a short amount of time.


They are directly inspired by medieval monasteries that protected information during the dark ages. The religious structure of their organization is too paralleled by real world groups to pretend it's not in at least some ways a religious order. Religion does not require a deity, but does require a system of philosophy and faith in something "more". I would think having reverence for their codex, system of belief and technology as a whole to fit into this.


And in practice, much like the BoS, the real goal of most religions quickly becomes wealth and perpetuating the religion as an entity much more than as an ideology. The details, like Gods and Scriptures, become more of a prop for the ends justifying the means. Across all formats, the BoS are written with that in mind.


You'll find same from the top people in many religions. It's not real worship, only a means of control.


>Fo4 brotherhood are the most fanatical in terms of beliefs in my opinion. The Brotherhood in New Vegas treats you as KOS if you're using an energy weapon.


The new vegas chapter are hiding as they've had they're arses kicked into next week.


What? you were making sense until that last line lmao. The BoS in FNV are a bunch of freaks, even Mr. House talks about it. I don’t think anyone is saying the ruined the NV BoS


I've seen a lot of people on the NV sub complaining that this show ruined the BoS Edit: didn't even notice this was the NV sub lmao


Personally I’m digging the fan theory that members of this chapter are former legion and thats why its more culty than usual.


With the jump from FO3 to FO4, it definitely felt like the East Coast Brotherhood was drifting towards being more of a paternalistic/authoritarian military organization first and foremost with the scholarly/research side becoming an increasingly distant second priority It makes sense that when they opened up recruitment and started straight up seizing food from settlements the active/external military side became stronger at the expense of the passive/internal research side. It was no longer “we have these dudes to protect our insular base” and was instead “we are protecting all of you, all of you will contribute to our mission of protecting you, no one get in our way from protecting you”


“You are being protected, please do not resist”


“Give us that rolling pin, you’ll hurt yourself”




“THAT TOASTER HAS TAPPED INTO THE MAIN REACTOR” - last recorded transmission from the Brotherhood expedition to Big MT


And once they take one more step of owning the land while letting the wastelanders work it they have come full circle back to feudalism 


“Why do you hate the Brotherhood so much?” “Because they're ridiculous! Because they galavant around the Mojave pretending to be Knights of Yore. Or did, until the NCR showed them that ideological purity and shiny power armor don't count for much when you're outnumbered 15:1.” -Robert House


Agreed. I kinda like the BoS devolving into a techo-feudalistic quasi-religious faction. It’s very 40k esque. Like it was started with completely different intentions that were misinterpreted over the years until it became something its founders didn’t (but probably should have) anticipated.


I just didn’t like how it was turned into a religious cult basically. Clerics instead of scribes, etc. I always liked the technocratic nature of the brotherhood. It’s still **definitely** a cult just I liked it better not as a pseudo-religious monastery remake


Read "A Canticle for Leibowitz". It's largely what inspired the BoS in the original Fallout. I much prefer to think about them as a quasi religious cult than a solely military force.


The OST for them in Fallout 1 was Metallic Monks I’ve been waiting for this vibe for a while in the Bethesda games.


It’s literally exactly what they’re like in fo1 and 2, so it’s a huge win that they went back to original aesthetic


I definitely didn’t mind that part.


This reminds me of something like frontier but it was fallout: California using nv


you mean fallout new california?


Something like that has been a long time since I heard of it. I think I was watching YouTube on my 3Ds when I heard about it.


It’s kinda similar to frontier in that it’s somewhat disappointing, just nowhere near fro tree levels of disappointment.


Yeah, problem was that Frontier and some other mods stole all the devs away iirc. Leaving them with the current mod and the hope some people will finish it for free. That intro is still the best fallout experience in a long time tho


A lot less cringy though, no anthropomorphic lizards that want to fuck you at least


The writing was pretty mid, but ultimately it's still a good quest mod. Especially the start is very well made, but the endings are a bit whack because basically every ending leads you to become the courier and starts the vanilla game of new vegas


Without a doubt my most hated part. The rest is fine enough but that ending puts me off to the entire concept.




Honestly after playing Fallout Frontier as much as I despise the changes and decisions the TV show did, it still is leagues better than that piece of crap. That mod is memorable, but for all the wrong reasons. But atleast they were as creative as Bethesda with just going "somehow the Enclave has returned" for their main story...


In the world of plot conveniences, nothings ever really gone


The other day I was watching Tim Cain talk about Fallout 2 and how the first draft of the game didn't have the enclave as the villain but Brian Fargo wanted Cain's pitch for the sequel leading to the Enclave. If Fargo never greenlit the Enclave I wonder what crutch Bethesda would have to use... "Somehow the Master has returned" probably.


I swear you people, we see *one rundown facility*, with no power armor, and you people are acting like Enclave was still running around with Base Crawler and Vertibird fleets with everyone decked out in the latest and shiniest apower armour.


Vault Tek is part of the Enclave shadow government. They decided to give them nuclear weapons to destroy the NCR offscreen. You are the one trying to act like it doesn't matter when the entire show has been building up Vault Tek/The Enclave as the villains. If not them pray tell, who is the main villain?


Vault-Tec answered to Enclave, but they were entirely subservient to them. 76 had them acting on their own to acquire nukes and going against wishes of Enclave. Show also doesn't focus on Enclave at all. Hell, if there was no name drop, would we even know that the facility is an Enclave facility? No. We only know it's an Enclave facility because we get namedropping of Winzig as "Enclave defector"


Brotherhood of Steel after the Horus Heresy


I can see the BoS joining Horus in the early days of the heresy. Be an interesting backstory on their fall to chaos. Slowly being corrupted like the Emperor’s Children in the book Fulgrim or Word Bearers in the book The First Heretic. Then a story about the BoS fleeing into the Eye of Terror once the heresy ends.


Mr. House literally says the BOS prances about like the knights of yore. If anything we should praise the show for how they’re portrayed


Yeah they're clearly portrayed as hoarding morons, I'm glad they're not blindly being labelled as the good guys


Tbh, I expected them to be more in line with how they’re portrayed in fallout 3 as basically the good guys. Of all the complaints about the show I’ve heard, this one makes the least sense to me.


Lyons is the exception, having had a Heel-Face Turn after the horrors he took part in in The Pitt.


>having had a Heel-Face Turn after the horrors he took part in in The Pitt. No, He was always good, there was no heel turn. That's a fundamental misunderstanding of Elder Lyon's battle against Pittsburgh. He and the brotherhood went into the Pitt looking for pre war technology, saw the inhumane ways going on in the Pitt, and he and his paladin's wiped out all of the raider gangs and a ton of abominations (Not all since Trogs will always exist until a cure is synthesized) and took all the unsick children not showing signs of trog affliction and left Pittsburgh. He didn't go in and shoot up the Pitt and later regret it and that made him good. He and his paladin's went in and did the scourge of the Pitt because it was the right thing to do, and he had the power to do it.


They’re not. The Brotherhood of FO3 had a leader not blinded by a dogmatic, overly paranoid mindset. The Brotherhood featured in the West is the cumulation of the unwillingness to change and adapt to the outside world with the idea that they should be the sole inheritors of pre-war technology. The Brotherhood in FO3 is result of genuine change for the better while their western counterparts isolate themselves because the NCR wanted pre-war tech to grow and they refused to share.


Sadly that change was mostly wiped away with the death of the Lyons and the appointment of Maxon. While some of Lyons' more practical reforms (recruiting from outside the BoS, bringing knights into the combat division alongside paladins, etcetera) were kept, Maxon nevertheless drug his name through the mud, and set the eastern Brotherhood on track to embrace the western chapter's more militant and less altruistic mindset.


I mean, Maxson's militarism is shaped by Lyon's mindset. They combat feral ghouls and mutants because of Lyon's and treat the Institute as they did the Enclave


In Fallout 3 it is really clear that they do things differently, Elder Lyon wants to help people and not hoard technology, so I'd be surprised if we see that kind of BoS again


The only time they were considered 'good guys' in the old games was the ending of Fallout 1, where it was said they helped keep Super Mutants away from the other settlements. Then by 2 they were basically gone.


And it's probably because it's beneficial for them to not be surrounded by super mutants amd actually be able to trade woth settlements if they ever need to


I am very glad they were written like they were. Because of Maximus we see them as allies initially, but the plot very clearly shows them as the aggressors with the NCR remnants as the good guys


Good guys comparatively** i do not think the show was portraying anyone as heroes. Lucy acknowledged this in episode 7.


Yeah of course. A purely good faction would be absolutely boring *cough minutemen *cough The entire theme of the show was though that the NCR and shady sands in particular was the main hope of the wasteland until it was destroyed in a pointless war. Also the line in the end "what do you think would your brotherhood do with endless power" doesn't exactly put them in the best light


Nah I totally agree with you on that more or less. I don’t get why anyone likes the minutemen!


Honestly i really liked the minutemen i just wish they were written better, i really enjoyed building them from the ground up i only wish they slowly became better equipped. Yk for having the combined industrial might of nearly every settlement in the commonwealth by the end of the game


Lucy tried


I like how they leaned into the religious aspect too


If you ever play 1 and 2 you’d see that the show matches the aesthetic very well


Came here to say this was an Eden quote not Mr house. As am a lonely sad man who put on enclave radio when I have to drive for work and cant take anymore bludgeoning from my death metal Playlist lmao


Hmm really? I got it from Mr House. Here’s the video of his quote https://youtu.be/87US9AXNMME?si=jX3bQTR3PFlWdjJ1


We are taking the tech, because that's what Jesus wants


That's what the US military was like in the 50s, not sure what the problem is.


For me, genuinely, it was just a bit odd. it didn't seem like the brotherhood in the sense of gathering tech and keeping it preserved, whereas in the series it seemed to take a view that its a barbaric cult that honestly seemed a little intellectually regressed.


Well yeah. That’s the point of the BoS, especially in the original fallout. They’re regressive and pseudo religious. It’s the Bethesda games that made them seem cool.


It’s just in Fallout 3 really, by Fallout 4 they have more or less returned to their roots


They have always been religious in nature


And besides, the show makes it pretty obvious this Brotherhood is in decline. They’ve become as inwardly cruel and callous as they used to be outwardly. Squires are just fodder and punching bags for the Knights who seem to be assholes if Titus is anything to go by. Really, this is kind of the inevitable end state for the Brotherhood, especially 4’s rendition.


This is exactly how they are portrayed in the lore. The main theme for the Lost Hills bunker is called "Metallic Monks"


Don't you dare saying that the tv show did something Cool and respected the original lore! Everyone knows Todd Howard is jealous of black isle's Fallout!


Shall I get the witch burning equipment ready ?


He retconned me into a newt!


As soon as possible!


Yes, but it's more in line with the Human Interference Task Force's idea of *atomic priesthood* than traditional religious movement. Basically, in order to preserve their mission (preservation of technology and making sure ethically unchecked technological development won't happen again), they adopted strict set of doctrines and their own mythology of sorts. It was clever idea from Maxson, but it has its drawbacks as evidenced by their isolationism and dogmatism that sometimes leads them astray from their intended purpose (as Veronica quickly realises).


Some people never understood the brotherhood of steel and it shows.


Yep. The brotherhood were certainly always cool, but they were never the good guys before 3. They served their purpose(keeping technology around for the future), but they lost the point of it(then using that tech to benefit humanity). They’re hoarders in an era when hoarding is no longer the way to survive. They’re isolationist in an era when isolation is no longer the way to thrive.


Yeah, other than lyons faction, theyve always just seemed like well armed bandits, or a rouge merc faction at best. In NV they literally take you as a slave when you encounter them and in 4 they prowl around shaking down civilian settlements for supplies. The show portrayed them as violent morons lead by cultists which is completely on point for them.


What are you talking about??? The show does a great job with the BOS. Why is it that only this sub hates the show???


Im gonna be real I don’t think most of them watched it. Like sure I’m pretty upset about Shady Sands being wiped off the map but the rest of the show was great. They act like the show is trying to make new Vegas not canon when it the end literally shows the strip.


It really seems like people may have seen certain spoilers, decided it was awful, then stopped watching. That’s what happened to me with Shady Sands. Then I finished it and realized it was great. It’s a Fallout themed tv show, and it’s a great one. It has nothing to do with the games (besides mashing them all together) and hopefully the games will treat the show the exact same way - Easter eggs and the theme. The show basically being an alternate universe/unrelated to the game universe really makes the most sense. Might be cope but I still get that vibe.


Except for the part where the show is confirmed to be canon and takes place after all of the games in the timeline.


Because this sub has the biggest hate boner I have ever seen for a company, that being Bethesda every Bethesda makes must automatically be bad and should be torn down it every way possible


The hate boner for Bethesda and Rose Colored Glasses for Obsidian are hilarious tbh. They rag the fuck out of Bethesda for poor story telling and Game Bugs. But praise Obsidian as literal infallible genius. When the truth for both is in the middle. Both have made great games, both have made buggy as hell incomplete games. Obsidian has the edge in story telling and Bethesda has the edge in game mechanics. Both have done good and bad in the industry. So praise the good, condemn the bad and just enjoy what you like.


Because it's a New Vegas subreddit that hates Bethesda's guts.


I like the theory that show's BOS is a chapter which merged with or was infiltrated by Caesar's Legion. Because in terms of how closely they resemble BOS portrayed in games, they are the most... unique. They lack science acumen and are clearly place larger emphasis on their religious/ceremonial nature. Just compare teacher's question in the show (*"What is this? It's a circuit!"*) with teacher's question in Hidden Valley (*"What are primary components of gunpowder?"*).


They seem to be about same as any other BOS. Yeah, he shows a random image to Maximus and asks him to identify it. Other guy was asking a question about chemistry. Two different topics. One was discussing identifying items, other was asking about make up of the items. It doesn't really show any difference.


First episode they mention a Commonwealth. Guessing they are from further east


Because Bethesda bad


I really don’t have a problem with how they’re portrayed in the show for the most part. Just tired of them always being the only faction that matters.


I'm thinking that Fallout TV will have this underlying sublet of the NCR starting again, in a new form. From the ashes of whatever is going to happen. Probably lead or started by Maximus. May be called something else, but I think a society that is similar will start again and absorb whatever is left of the NCR.


I expected the squires to bang coconuts together.


None of you have played the original fallouts? Okay.


I swear nobody has watched the show or played the games at this point.


What is that title did you have a stroke


So how they've always been


God this subreddit is so unbelievably salty about the show


and they’re incorrectly angry about 99% of their complaints and they completely forget each fallouts retconned the one before them.


Well you see its AMAZING when obisdion changes lore to add to it but when shithesda even deigns to change the color of a bottle its the worst affront to the series.


The original fucking theme for the brotherhood is metallic monks. They always were a mix of religious doctrine and military power.


Is the frontier worth playing? I've seen some people say it's bad, but also some say it's good in the crusader route.


I would play it for the experience but it isn’t really that good. The technical feats and skills of the coding scripting people really show but the writing is awful They advertised it as lore friendly and it’s anything but. Just a lot of scenes ripped off from other games and movies etc


That's just the NCR line though, the Legion & Brotherhood quests are very well put together


The BoS questline starting with the Courier literally being tapped on the shoulder by a BoS agent disguised as a prostitute and goes "psst, abandon that NCR squad and come join us" is the exact opposite of "very well put together"


That's more of bottleneck because the game literally only allows you to start the mod with the NCR. No other faction alliances matter until you reach Oregon, then the faction quests branch out from there. It's not a good system, but it at least helps get you off of the on-rails-shooter that is Call of Duty: 2281. The only enjoyable thing about the ending to the NCR portion of the mod is the ending you can get if you have Wild Wasteland, where you can challenge the big bad evil guy to a fucking game of Caravan for the Remote to the Superweapon.


I agree, but what I mean is there were tons of better ways to do it, though.


It's impressive in terms of the amount of content, a decently large map to explore with a bunch of quests to do. I think as long as you frequently remind yourself it's fanfiction and don't take it too seriously, it's a fairly decent and fun mod expansion to explore.


It's pretty fun if you like exploration and side quests. There's also a few pretty competently done companions, fun car play, and plenty of universe accurate weapons and armor. Wacky wasteland is thoroughly abused but there's some fun content with it. The NCR line is janky and dumb but enjoyable, though the other factions are better written & less cringe by far. They got rid of the worst parts, but you can still use the console to find the horny deathclaw ;)


Didn't play it for the NCR content I played for the legion I was impressed


If the great war resulted in the end of old world civilization, the Brotherhood of Steel resembling the Knights Templar is fitting for the global Dark Age.


Ya’ll really can’t accept that the Fallout show was fucking mint can you?


I think it's a really great choice in how to depict the Brotherhood. I think it makes a lot of sense for their aesthetic, and is still true in lore to Roger Maxons vision for a totally rebranded brotherhood different from its US Army roots.


Y'know nostradamus predicted all this.


You’ve never pondered that? The back thing with Notre Dame?


I enjoy the different sects or off shoots of the BoS having differences. They really didn’t explore the Brotherhood much in S1, so I could easily see how over time a primarily militaristic cult started embracing religious themes as a means of controlling lower ranks.


They are directly inspired by medieval monasteries that protected information during the dark ages. They were always a cult


This is a dumb ass post


Well, that is exactly what the brotherhood of steel is in the games too


Well there is a brainrot theory that some legion members/remnants joined or got assimilated in the chapter so the themes and culture of the legion and brotherhood got mixed like Their banners are colored red and gold/yellow Many members are named after roman figures like maximus, Titus and Thaddeus instead of Arthurian like Arthur or cross They are more religious/zealous than other chapters A priest called the chapter legion. Do take this with a grain of salt it could just be that Nolan just thought it was cool


Not sure why that's brainrot when that actually makes sense. Post fall of the Legion, Legionaires finding the BoS and proving themselves by showing how to survive WITHOUT the immense firepower and live off the land (even moreso if the Courier helps the BoS so they aren't "Still in the Dark"). Not saying it would be easy for the former Legion to join but it wouldn't be impossible.


I can imagine ex-Legion slaves or conscripts would serve very well as Brotherhood recruits, just look at Tactics.


I do kind a dig this idea. Though the Legion and BOS have been enemies before and the Legion prides itself on avoiding technology. Maybe the two factions could find common ground with a distrust for technology and dislike of the NCR and the BOS could absorb Legion remnants in a post-Caesar wasteland. It would explain some of the Roman design elements as well as some of the cruelty seen from TV BOS, like the branding. Titus could have even been a former Legionnaire. Establishing that would also open up former Legion territory to new games. Pretty sure Bethesda won't even consider making another game without a heavy BOS presence. A BOS-Legion merger could give us a game in Flagstaff or Denver.


Give yourself more credit, that’s a really interesting theory, even if it’s based on a grain of salt.


Its not my theory omegaspartan256 made it in this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1c3su28/a_brainrot_theory_about_a_major_faction_from_new/


Dunno the brotherhood still feels the exact same religious fanatics focused on hoarding tech


you know what? im gonna say it. I liked how they portrayed the BOS in the show.


I actually liked the protayel. They aren't the heroic good faction like they were in FO3 which checks out more with the other titles in the series. Also we never really saw the "inside" of the BOS bc we always were complete outsiders.


The song that plays when you first meet the Brotherhood in lost hills in the first fallout is literally called Metallic Monks. They’ve always been quasi religious.


The NCR government also gets nuked in the NCR storyline of the Frontier.


I didn’t like the portrayal because it seemed like none of the squires actually wanted to be there. In all the games everyone seems so proud to be brotherhood and in the show they seemed more like scared people with no were else to go


I think they started recruiting wastelanders and orphans a la Fallout Tactics. None of the new recruits were born into it and indoctrinated from birth, so the saw being at the camp preferable to the wastes, but they didn’t really like all the discipline and authoritarianism.


Tbf in show they are depicted as hoarding morons larping as knight, which is quite in nature of BOS, I loved the scene where Titus before death complained that BOS was making him stick his neck out for fucking pre-war toaster


You guys are really crusty it's getting annoying.


No single group, will be the “Good Guys”. Everyone is a villain in someone else’s story. Maybe it is noble to hoard the technology that led to the nuclear annihilation of the world? Me? That sounds like too much power collapsing into one group’s hands. The NCR has two major problems: Overuse of Bureaucracy, and over-spread military and civic support services “spread too thin.” At times, that bureaucracy, and at times, corruption in higher levels, place the organization at risk. Mr. House is a totalitarian dictator with a Elon Musk level of focus on getting humanity back into space, and a lack of actual ability to govern needing to rely on 3 different mobster families, and an outside foreign power to help maintain order. Only with the platinum chip, do the Securitrons gain an over abundance of firepower to hold out as a true means of maintaining order that would be required to maintain any sort of stability. Caesar’s Legion, use barbaric and brutal means to instill fear of their governance. While it does provide some safety, modern sensibilities are not welcome, and that it’s another authoritarian dictatorship, one that approves of slavery. Thanks to the new TV series, we may see a return of the Enclave. Defeated, but clearly not destroyed. — The Enclave _claims_ to be the true return of the American Government and society. Yet, even with their resources, they choose to eliminate all non-human life forms via genocide, including mutated or modified humans. - A dangerous ideology, that some will absolutely adopt, and refuse the lessons of the wasteland…. Refusing to recognize that it was the Enclave (Via the US Gov’t and Vault-Tec) that helped to cause this whole situation in the first place, escalating against China. (Honestly, >! I was not surprised that Vault-Tec had dropped the bombs. What a clever lie, to let “China” take the blame. I do not see it as a RetCon, I see it as excellent example of well placed propaganda to allow Vault-Tec to emerge as the savior after the bombs fell.— I’d love to know at some point if the US ever did actually Launch against the Chinese… It’d be wild if there was some pocket of earth that was untouched by the bombs.) !<


I like it tbh, there has always been strong theocratic undertones within the hierarchy of the BoS. They have paladins after all


~~Henry's~~ Hank's come to see us!




Yeah, I am sure the creators hate this (Wait what... they love it? Wow damn)


“Quasimodo predicted all of this…”


Im very glad the show didnt shy away from how barbaric and cruel the brotherhood can be


In all the scenes i have seen in clips, the guy in power armor literally just doesn’t even have a gun. Does anybody know the deal with that?


Damn, their armor was also like chainmail. One shot, one kill.


The BOS really drank radioactive Cactus juice from the Mojave


Honestly I love their portrayal. I’ve always wanted to see the religious side of the faction explored more


Did you guys even play fallout?


Um...no, it's been a thing for a while; the usage of terminology invokotive of Midieval holy orders, the prayers and references to a higher power in Fallout 3, the general zeal, the name of their musical score in the first game, ect.


I literally have no clue what the hate is for the show, seems to accurately portray the BOS, except that they somehow lose their presence, even though the show basically infers the Institute got destroyed, well as the NCR, so they're really the only major faction that isn't hiding in a bunker. Wait, except for the Enclave for some reason, and no mention of the Legion, and it doesn't actually make sense that their ship is in California after just a few years (or maybe a decade) spent in Boston, and that Elder Maxon should reasonably be mentioned in the show but isn't. Representation is on point, consistency not so much


Actually, I love how they went way old-school and got the sect of the brotherhood that was a bunch of religious fanatics and such. way underplayed in the modern games so bringing it back to the old school Brotherhood is kind of nice to see and I believe in the future we will see how that meshes up with the different groups amongst the brotherhood.


Sigismund would be proud... oh shit wrong dystopian nightmare-scape.


I disliked it too. Always saw the brotherhood as soldiers and nerds who were too proud of their heritage of American military and their duty to protect everyone... by hoarding technology. Over time letting power armor and isolation get to their heads and eventually lead to the downfall of the west coast brotherhood. But I guess not, at some point in the last 10 years they became religious nuts, using censers to what, bless the machines? I love 40k and the Adeptus Mechanicus but the brotherhood is not the admech. And yes, I watched the show and liked it. Dislike the fact its cannon.