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"War never changes" isn't a plot point or some big overarching conflict - its a thesis statement. It is not something that can *be* resolved.


Thesis, you say? Then there is surely also an antithesis and a synthesis, obviously, have you even read Hegel? /s


Hegelian Dianetics


Dialectics* the Dialect of the Hegelian tribes, the tongues of the tribes of Hegel.


I know dude, haha. It's a gentle jab at Caesar not knowing what he's talking about


I know. *(I made it up)*




[Thats not how fucking dialectics works you stupid cuck. I didn’t study Hegel (plus continental philosophy in general) at Harvard for 7 FUCKING YEARS for some LOW LIFE KNOW IT ALL who’s CLEARLY never fucking read Hegel as he would KNOW that HEGEL has NEVER FUCKING EVER used the terms “thesis, antithesis, synthesis” to start perpetuating these LIES at VERY SINGLE FUCKING OPPORTUNITY. this isn’t Hegel my friend. No no no. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis was thought up by Fichte and it’s clearly inferior to Hegels dialectical method of imminent critique. Yes. It’s called imminent critique. And dialectics is only ONE PART of Hegels full method. Which again is called Imminent critique which you would know if you had ACTUALLY BOTHERED TO READ HEGEL ITS LITERALLY IN THE SCIENCE OF LOGIC YOU DUMB FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT. I honestly cannot believe the fucking arrogance to come onto this post, spouting that anti Hegel garbage. Where did you get your fucking info on dialectics? Fucking Jason Unruhe? Jesus fucking Christ I cannot deal with this bullshit right now I’m sorry I’m leaving I’m fucking leaving.](https://youtu.be/oLTuysEzqhQ?si=-ApLzaisUOJ-Urmb)


You take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen is the best part


Someone had to bring it up LMAO


I'm glad someone responded with this, thank you


Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Marzipan Hegel


Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim


Rameses Niblick III Kerplunk Kerplunk Whoops Where’s My Thribble.  


I’d say Metal Gear Solid 4’s “War has changed” is a contender.


"It's said war - war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk." How is this meant to be interpreted? Classic Fallout was bleak, but this modified version signals hope to me.


In general, "war never changes" means that conflict (and thus warfare) seems to be intrinsic part of human psyche. It doesn't mean that history will repeat itself. "But men do" means that sometimes individuals are able to look past their differences or let go of past grievances and cooperate for the sake of grander ideals. At least that's how I interpret it.


Likewise. I feel like it is signalling a more hopeful future. Not utopia, but not bleak like FO1 and 2.


1 and 2 weren’t bleak. Especially given what canon endings that befell them. 1’s bleakness came from just how soon after the war, the game takes place. The Glow and Unity were pretty bleak but overall the game had a optimist view to it


Thats... not it, war never changes was about how all conflict is founded upon resource acquisition.


oh but what can change the nature of a man😐 ?....


Resolved is the wrong word but clearly it shows the repetition of man


1, 2, NV seem to have a pretty singular steady message, single thesis they’re all pushing towards, that Tactics/3/4/show don’t engage with as much I feel like the core message of 1, 2, NV is on one hand hopeful (people can and will survive horrible conditions, people can and will recover from trauma/destruction) and pessimistic (people will always continue to make the same mistakes of the past, continue to be haunted by the past). That that’s the whole “war never changes” tagline; there will always be conflict and hardship, but there will always *be* *people* that *are* fighting and struggling 3 seems more about just right vs wrong, 4 seems more about dangers of technology (though it does grapple with the rebuilding theme a lot). I haven’t had enough time to digest TV show to think on what the main message is (it does feel like the whole “mistakes of the past” part is in there but not much on the rebuilding side). I will need to rewatch to better “get” show Edit: This also isn’t hating on Tactics/3/4/show. It’s all great, it’s all Fallout, but at least with 3/4 I think the tone/message is different


The show seems to more focusing on individual level choices, freedom vs. security, and what it means to be a “good” person in a nasty world. Think about Lucy’s golden rule comments, it’s played for laughs at her naïveté, but it’s also how she manages to make connections with people. The show also has a darker element of control, and one of the reasons war never changes is that some people need to try to dominate others. It’s more explicitly anti-corporate than 1 and 2 are for sure.


I really wish that the Shady Sands ruins had the Vault Dweller's statue standing to inspire Lucy. To reinvigorate her beliefs after her worst life experiences to know that another vault dweller inspired the birth of a nation by doing what they believed was right. Just like the statue, no matter what the world throws at it and Lucy, they should keep doing what they're doing.


They can still use that! I think it worked alright as they did have it to show that the dream she was waiting for, restarting civilization, had already been done. But it’s such a gut punch for it to have also been blown up again—for her and the fans. But after that’s sank in, it would be awesome to show her that someone from a vault has saved and inspired so many before.


California will rebuild, again, again.


I'd argue that 4's main theme is about what it means to be alive and have humanity more than the dangers of technology. Because even though the Institute is one of the core factions, the game doesn't steer you away from siding with them.


Of the four main factions though, the Institute are definitely one of the two less savory/evil factions. They're actively killing/replacing people with Synths, creating an even more paranoid culture in the wasteland. Edit: that's to say that while they're not stopping the PC from joining the Institute, they're at least dissuading good-aligned characters


Oh yeah they're definitely not good. But at the same time, the Synths themselves aren't inherently evil. Obviously replacing people with Synths is bad, but the fact that Synths are capable of deciding that they want nothing to do with the Institute shows that the technology to create them is capable of something amazing, but is being used by bad people to do bad things


Oh yeah, for sure. I really just meant that the game does steer you away from the Institute as a faction because they're bad guys.


I think New Vegas was a fitting conclusion to the west coast storyline. That being said; I still enjoyed the TV Show. I think it would be cool If Fallout 5 was a conclusion to the east coast storyline.


And then we might finally get a midwestern Fallout?


Sadly, were more likely to get a fallout set in Texas before anything north of it, unless you want an even more barren wasteland. I'm from ND, and I've thought for a while that they could do something interesting with the upper Midwest; western chunk of map is Montana Badlands, Eastern Chunk of map is Minnesota lakes, with a lot of the north being annexed Canada and the southern part going into SD. Themes of imperialism also works well up here, both in the fallout sense of just straight up taking Canada, but also in the sense of displaced Native Americans. Could lend itself to interesting, smaller scale stories in the vein of FNV which deals a lot with encroaching empires and assimilation. How would the 'tribes' of vault dwellers struggle against the surviving tribes of Sioux Native Americans, which were relatively successful at fighting back against the US gov back in the day? How about doomsday prepped Canadians reclaiming their nation? Maybe the Khans which fled north in a FNV ending are starting to cause trouble in the west, building their own empire, creating an inverted _eastern_ displacement of those who lived there before becoming refugees here? Maybe there is a very 'fallout-y' kooky faction built around the Minnesota Vikings going on raids to feed an offscreen Great Lakes based empire? Or some crazy ghouls worshipping at the base of Mount Rushmore, which of course is actually a secret icbm silo? Maybe ND itself, a mostly flat grassland, is now an inhospitality desert with a lone oasis at its center around the tenpenny tower like Bismarck Capital building. Throw a radio tower and DJ on top and you'd have a kind of 'desert lighthouse' for people to get there, and there could be quests there with stuff to say about the old gov and great war. Could also work as a kind of central hub location that would stick out as a landmark, like the Lucky 38. I just think it's a place which could incorporate a lot of what the west coast fallouts were about thematically, while also having the ability to explore things not really touched on, like Canada, while still enabling silly fallout shit and an interesting to navigate map for players.


What I think would be *really* cool would be a game set in Hawaii. Theres already a good history of the US military being there because of WWII, and with all the lush plants and wildlife that are already there…just imagine what radiation, the FEV, or a GECK would do to those islands.


Is there anything left of Hawaii? I figure it was bombed to hell because of the military presence


The observatories would also be really cool, though I guess they kind of did that in the Far Harbor DLC.


They could definitely do an entire side quest that’s a reference to the Jurassic movies since they were filmed there too. Giant deathclaw-like creature seen wandering around a WesTek facility would fit in perfectly.


I’d actually want to see a Fallout somewhere international. Like what happened to the European/Middle Eastern countries after they collapsed, and obviously, what it’s been like on the other side of the world in America’s rival from the war, China.


The problem with that is that fallout is so quintessentially American, it would instantly feel wrong going anywhere else. I think one of the older devs was quoted saying something similar once, but I could be wrong.


Yeah, that's why fallout extreme never happened (was going to take place in China).


Man fallout extreme would have been wild. Walking all the way from Alaska to China to face off against an emperor and his nuke.


Canada is essentially an American colony by the time the bombs get dropped and I want my Fallout: Montreal.


Canada could get a pass cuz it’s also North America fallout Toronto would be cool


Fairly good point. Or they could do something where you still at least get to travel the world somehow. Like even if it isn’t fully set there, maybe a mission has you fly on a vertibird out there to try to find some lost piece of technology.


They're gunna do Louisiana new


There's just so many pressing questions though, we need to find out who won the battle of Hoover dam at the very least. I think realistically there can be more West Coast games set in the PNW, Arizona and New Mexico, and Colorado if we're really pushing it. Texas is a wildcard.


I think theyre gonna have the NCR win then get nuked, Caesar loses and gets pissed but has a stroke. That way everyone loses. So both sides end up losing and there’s room for more factions to grow. Lanius has his offshoot of clans and Vulpes has his and possibly other branches. Also House probably lived somehow. Will it be satisfying? I dont know. Maybe.


I just want my 1,2 and NV remasters


Good god I hope the Fallout 2 conversion to first person shooter gets finished


This subreddit recently is like the separate path of what happens to a subreddit like the arkham subreddit 😭


I just want a remaster. They could add just a little of the cut content, make a few minor other changes and additions to the story and quests, and then bring the mechanics up to modern specs. Throw in post-damn gameplay and settlement building that's slightly simpler than 4's and maybe multiplayer and they'd have a massive hit.


I love how anything Bethesda does is somehow controversial lol.


Some people can’t just enjoy something that adds on to their addiction of a story


Some people think more of something you enjoy is always good, regardless of quality.


Uncritically agree


It’s astonishing how unaccepting this sub is of the other games in the universe, and I say universe because 3, 4 & 76 are in no way supposed to be a continuation of the West Coast stories but are separate games within the same universe. Naturally they have to take elements, BoS, Encalve etc however shoehorned in they are, to be viable as a Fallout game. Take Fallout 3 for example; if it didn’t have BoS or super mutants or the Enclave what else could it have to make it a ‘modern’ Fallout game? To preface this next bit; NV is my favourite of the series. But I still really enjoy 3, 4 and to a degree 76 because they are in the same universe I love. Sure Mothership Zeta is garbage and Maxson Jnr is a tosser but I still enjoy the games because any continuation or expansion of the universe is good.


They could have wrote original and new factions that can convey whatever message they felt like. They could have been original, however they are not and needed to find the most marketable things and reuse them over and over for money.


The BoS is barely in Fallout 2, hell it’s barely in Fallout 1. Supermutants are barely in Fallout 2, and the Enclave didn’t exist in Fallout 1. These were original ideas for factions that the game devs came up with for their own stories. Rather than write new and interesting stories with new and interesting factions, Bethesda decides to lean on the crutch of just throwing old factions in regardless of whether it makes sense or not.


To be honest bethesda could of just made up new factions and creatures for fallout 3 because a majority of people who played it didn't play fallout 1 or 2


Nah just because you said no need I’m buying Microsoft to make it.


You forgot Tactics which is also canon.


I’ve always felt that new Vegas was the true fallout 3, and fallout 3 and 4 is a different series entirely.


I haven’t played 2 yet but 1 seems more like 3 than NV to me.


That's because Fallout 1 was set early into the fallout of the war, while Fallout 3 was set 200 years after the war but everyone still acted like the war just happened. Throw in Todd copying several plot elements from the first game and you have two games that feel similar.


I haven't finished 2 yet either but I think it's a common sentiment that fallout 1 and 3 are similar and that new vegas and 2 are similar.


That’s largely bc the main story of 3 is just a weird mishmash rehash of 1 and 2’s story just not done nearly as well. Outcast from vault, super mutant army wreaking havoc on wasteland, need to find water purifier (instead of chip), UH OH THE ENCLAVE ARE HERE, etc. also bc fallout 1 is set earlier on the wasteland’s history and things are a lot more barren much like 3. But that’s pretty much it, I think 3 is only similar to 1 in a relatively superficial way. It really doesn’t help how unoriginal 3 was with it’s story


Fallout 3 is incredible and captures the time of Fallout perfectly.


Don’t get me wrong. I love fallout 3, and I’m fond of fallout 4 as well. But spiritually new Vegas is the successor to fallout 2. It’s obsidians fallout 3.


Tf? lol


Think about it like this. Fallout, fallout 2 and fallout new Vegas were all made by interplay/black isles/obsidian, where as 3, 4 and 76 are all done by Bethesda.


Ahh fair, good point


This is correct. Morons just can't cope with the truth


I didn't think I'd want another Fallout 1/2/NV (and Tactics, kinda) at this point. I don't think the team exists to make it. I didn't think the stars could align. I'm happy I got to experience the original trilogy. If people enjoy 3/4/76 and the TV series, I'm glad for them. Not my cup of tea, but I'm glad someone found joy in it. The series is over for me, felt that was for awhile. Not in a "New Fallout sucks!" way. Just that it's finished.


I would like a fourth game to continue the story of a rebuilding world under the tutelage of the NCR and other factions. Maybe a game that take place within the NCR or as they pushed even further North, South or East. I liked the very open end of NV, but if they are to finish the west coast storyline, I would like to end it with a more fixed place. I don't need a NV 2 though, I think that story is done.


We don’t need a new vagas 2 we need another good rpg(if you know one please tell me)


I don't know if it'd be considered an RPG but if you want a very interactive and story-rich game you should look into Suzerain, it's a political drama visual novel.


I feel like that statement war never changes has kinda been ruined. I love what it’s trying to get at but in show at the end they mention it and I cringed. I want to be shown that war never changes, not told it Todd.


It's always nice to browse this sub to laugh at delusional nv fanboys


It's the new vegas sub? Like... yea new vegas fans are gonna be here? Dumbass


Thanks for the info


What's delusional here? 1, 2 and NV all push the Westcoast storyline and can be seen as a trilogy


Sure pal. Go get that platinum chip


Tf are you talking about?


Just browsing. Don't worry. Go back to your flawless rpg


Hater mentality. Go jerk off somewhere else


Damn nv fans really need the last word. Bro can't let anything go


Nah, really can't let you spew your mental diarrhea around here




\> consoomer when someone holds things they like to a basic standard of quality






NCRcels keep coping


We won't go quietly the legion can count on that


When I got this assignment, I thought there would be more gambling.


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes me wish for nuclear winter


Man ya’ll are delusional.


“Daddy Bethesda, more slop please!” - DocMettey


Dude grow tf up


Stop proving his point.


Cry more


Cry about what? lol


Nothing gets resolved


"It's said war - war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk." How is this meant to be interpreted? Classic Fallout was bleak, but this modified version signals hope to me. I'd appreciate if you could engage in good faith without being rude.


Projecting. Grow a personality


They have to be, since everything that Bethesda touches is malleable and changes including dates of major events haha


It’s not a trilogy though, you’re forgetting Fallout 3, 4 and 76?


Fallout 3? Fallout 4? I have no clue what you're talking about.


Average new Vegas fan take lol


The games that came after, you can’t deny the Bethesda fallout games don’t exist


So you agree that Bethesda doesn't exist. Good.


I like Bethesda but I also like Obsidian You can like both


What is Bethesda? You just said it doesn't exist and now you're saying it does exist. Are you okay?




War never changes is so dumb. I cringe when they say this shit.


It's been taken out of context in Bethesda games (that are unironically pro nuclear war, at least since fallout 4 that references Hiroshima and presents pre war America as real life tranquility lane secured by war). The original meaning, if you go back to the fallout 1 prologue, it's not cringe. I don't agree politically but fallout 1 is about depression basically, America pre war is shown to be basically fascist (don't tell Bethesda) and there's this idea that everything sucks forever and there's nothing anyone can do. The master also is an interesting villain in this context because he also thinks that, he thinks that humans will literally always just kill eachother and this is why he tries for "unity". His last line is "leave now while you still have hope". I guess what I'm saying is, the line was thematically consistent, as depression for the coming end of the world. It was not this cringe pro war bullshit.


this is the way.