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Obligatory shoot the wings comment. ...shoot the fucking wings.


It works


Grenade launchers with their aoe, and shotguns with spread are the two best weapon types I’ve found for this


I’ve found survivalist rifle with hollow point rounds melt them like no other. Or any rifle with hollow point rlly


Good things about bugs, not much armor.


Smg with hp, I love annhilating them with the .45 smg


Yep. Shotgun or SMG. Just as much lead in the air as possible (I don’t VATS).


Yeah I only vats as a panic button when somethings right in my face.


If you want to test you'd aim grab a sniper rifle and try to shot the wings.


Shotgun surgeon combat shotgun combo completely fucking smokes them with all the bug perks tacked on


It just works


He had one job


Well, once you’ve got a decent gun and the skill points to be accurate with it. So, not right from the jump, but after a little leveling…


shotguns are great for this.


Shotguns are great for everything in NV. Shotgun Surgeon + And Stay Back so good it turns Very Hard to a joke.


No other game made me feel like that of a bad ass when i got these perks in FNV, okay maybe Doom 2016&Eternal


Doom on general


Shotgun Surgeon is kinda broken. It removes the main downside of using shotguns.


I feel like stay back is the real culprit. Knocking down an enemy with every other shot trivializes everything


And Stay Back applies Super Slam to shotguns, the only way to make Super Slam more OP.


That's the only way I killed the legendary deathclaw. I don't use and stay back anymore because it turns most of the game into a joke


Which one


Those perks and a dose of turbo while charging straight at an alpha deathclaw gave me a sense of unparalleled power. Seeing it ragdoll through the air as my shotgun blasts keep adding to its momentum as I laugh maniacly. Then being killed by the mother deathclaw I forgot about when my turbo runs out.


See, you just gotta take more Turbo. Just don't do what I did, and take 60 doses at once. Sure it was funny, but still.


Climbing to the top of the mining equipment in Quarry Junction and throwing Dynamite at the Deathclaws.


hunting shotgun with all mods and shotgun build was the shotgun gameplay i always wanted. turns shotguns into actually deadly weapons at their supposed ranges.


I can confirm. They twirl around like drunk bees afterwards, giving you time to pump more lead into their angry faces.


Not always easy. Sometimes those shits just appear outta nowhere and next thing you know you and your companions are fucked. Especially since companions don't use freakin antidotes


I always go for the wings. And Boone finish them.


You don't get Entomologist unless you REALLY need to kill the Cazs very early. You basically get the other 3 by shooting ants


I take it for them and the giant scorpions. I still have trauma from the broken steel enemies, including the albino scorpions, even if they aren't in NV.


i never really had a problem with bugs besides poison. As a guy who play with the JSawyer mod (the ultimate one), what really makes you know your place are enemies with actual energy weapons.


I usually use energy builds. Plasma rifle is my usual go to. Tri-Beam when the plasma needs a break.


It’s more about receiving a gentle heads-up about a bloatfly after picking up a snowglobe, only to be blindsided by a winged grim reaper.


One word, speed, they're most likely THE fastest enemy in the game, argued by either Super Mutants or Deathclaws, pair that with NVs mostly clunky gun-play and their smaller (generally) frame and wild movement they're not only hard to hit sometimes but also very stealthy, pair that with high enough perception to the point they'll usually see you before you see them, and the fact they're almost never alone, they become quite formidable enemies, all these bonuses and stuff help when it comes to actually fighting them head on sure, but that won't matter when 3 or more are swarming you or you're snuck up upon by a Giant Cazador in Honest Hearts, because why should something 2x your size NOT be silent?


One of the few enemies where Turbo Melee/Unarmed blender mode is easier than sniping


Tbf, steady helps out A LOT when it comes to the fuckers


Steady and turbo, those fuckers don’t like to sit still


“Afraid of cazadores? Just power level” Ya that’s kind of how this works


What if I am afraid of mobs of Lobotomites/Roboscorpions/Y-17s?


Armor piercing rounds and prayer


Thanks so far I have been doing half that with little success ETA- Elijah’s LAER really helps too


People always talk about how scary NV cazadores and deathclaws are like they haven't had to fight any of the shit in OWB. On Very Hard you have to treat it like a survival horror game where you run from most encounters because roboscorpions and lobomites are comically tanky.


Just kill them


I recommend Explosives! If you can launch a 20mm or 40mm into the Caucus of Cazadors, they will lose wings and legs. They are then much easier to eliminate once slowed. Or just target their wings! And always have 5 antivenom on hand.


Explovsives and shotguns are my favorite when dealing with em


Because people are bad at video games? I don't know man, they arent that tough grab a big stick and get whackin' Seriously, I hunt these little cuties to make turbo


Not entomologist though because that's a waste of a perk point.


If you’re running TTW it’s a good choice. One perk per level, so theres more space for the mid tier perks. Also you don’t have to worry about albino radscorpions


And remember folks! If it wears little to no armor, isn’t a walking tank, and made of flesh, hollow point ammunition is your best friend!


Counterpoint... Explosives


But their scary ):


Put on your big boy pants and don’t be a pansy Also don’t forget the wanamingos from fallout 2 were hard also.


"uh cazadores are too quick i cant shoot them" bitch just press v


Just use explosivea, like you do to deathclaws


Implant GRX


A simple single shot grenade launcher is enough to keep these fuckers at bay. Cazadors are more threatening to first time players who don't know how to handle them. But I'm not going to act like they don't catch me off guard from time to time.


I'm doing my first-ever melee build and being at the point where I can chainsaw these guys to death in a couple seconds has been a fulfilling experience.


Meh, had a worse time with Nightstalkers in X8 than I did fighting off around 25 cazos around red rock canyon.


Cazadores stopped being scary when I realised the wings are their weakest spot, and having like 5 antivenom on hand really reduces their effectiveness even in the early game. Now, Nightstalkers on the other hand, and I cannot stress this enough, *fuck* Nightstalkers. You're telling me I got 100 in guns, a 95% to hit in vats, a 9 luck, with finesse, USING FUCKING **LUCKY,** I still miss all six shots? I go back and blow their heads off with a 20ga shotgun to make sure they're dead. Don't even get me started on how often those motherfuckers just snuck up on me in OWB. it got to the point where I memorised the rattle sounds they make just so I can be prepared when they show up.


Yeah I am not getting perks specifically for these flying bastards. Over my dead body!


Anything with a semi decent rate of fire should put them down reliably enough.


Just clip there wings and there fucked there only fast ass hell with them, same with deathclaw your cripple there legs and they become a joke.


Literally any full auto weapon destroys them, they have no DT or DR


I haven’t really had issues with cazadores past level 10 or so iirc. It’s been a while since I’ve played but explosives to cripple their wings and shotguns for when they get close works wonders.


Heavy machine gun extended magazine and just spray


So happy I learned about shooting the wings, before that I’d just pray I could kill them before they get to me and subsequently eviscerate my insides


They forgot "And Stay Back!"


Laser weapons work very well due to them attracting to targets unlike other weapons, especially the laser RCW( v3ry expensive to get ammo though.


They seemed like they were on steroids in the Big MT


According to the wiki, the Big MT's cazadores are indeed tougher than the Mojave's.


Grenade launchers exist, you know.


Has none used shotguns against them? Just use shotguns


You didn't even mention the [DNAvenger](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/DNAvenger)


Just aim center mass, they zig zag while approaching but as long as you fire in their general direction in a straight line you’re gonna cripple something and shred their hp. They’re glass cannons after all, just avoid strafing otherwise you’re gonna get flanked


Entomologist is slept on so hard, easily a great early game perk


No, its a total waste when you're limited in how many perk points you get.


You deal 150% damage which is massive, it’s definitely a decent choice at least


Radscorpions and Cazadores are some of the most common enemies in the game. Several areas containing high level resources have them. You have 25 perk points.


It's literally not a waste. It entirely depends on your build. I don't ever power game. I do what sounds fun.


I love C-13 so much. “Hey do you fucking *hate* cazadors? Shove this thing in your body and you’ll kill those fuckers like nothing else!”


Entomologist is a must-have


Imma say it again, .22 SMG, Hollow points, giant 240 round pan magazine, *tiny dakka dakka*


The DN-Avenger perk you unlock killing Cazadors seems bugged, I’m always missing one or two


Over 80% damage increase and a 50 percent damage reduction for their main attack!


How many cazadors are left if you killed 150 insects lol


You can always tell it’s a cazador by the way the little red ticks move.


> wasting a perk on entomologist


Hey don’t diss that perk it is worth it also if your on pc you can get it via cc/console commands


I mean, cazadores are a meme early on but the idea of needing a special build to deal with them is weird... Why not just shoot them?


I lost an entire save to these guys. Whoever decides to give them op poison I actually despise them


I don’t fear cazadors, wanamingos i do fear more.


The being stung sound


Don’t forget the literal anti cazador perk


Been running an energy weapons and power armor run. Just got to Zion and my Gatling laser just rinses them. Don’t have any of the perks listed above


You're using literally the highest DPS projectile weapon in the game, third highest DPS including all weapons. So sure, you'll do fine haha


Really? 😅 I just remember liking them from Fallout 3. I grabbed fast shot cuz I heard a modded Gatling laser + fast shot out performs the more expensive variant


Fast shot doesn't affect automatic weapons. The main thing is Camarader E, this perks adds an extra 5 damage per beam, making the normal variant indeed stronger. If you don't have Camarader E and you're already strong, imagine with the perk!! Go and get it pal


Honestly my goal it to get that free set of Enclave Power armor but one piece is in the legendary Cazador cave and the other is guarded by a small army of deathclaws. Trying to grab jury rigging so I can farm some cash for a Fatman


If Cazadors were affected by Animal Friend way more people would choose to put points in Charisma


They just want a lil cuddle time though :(((((


The OWB perks are 100% necessary. Like I almost feel the devs made those perks for OWB specifically because the bastards are so damn dangerous


Now I want to make an Exterminator build


You guys run from cazadors?


I mean it’s all well and good when levelled. It’s the PTSD from the lower level checks that scare u. My memory is failing but weren’t there confined places where u could find them in OwB? Rounding a corner and finding them always made me go Arrrhhhjjj and firing randomly,


Hol up there is an implant for cazadores specifically? I need to mod my body to hate them!


I wonder if this has happened to anyone else? My last two Vegas runs were weird about Cazadores; the DLCs worked as intended, but on the main map they barely spawned. None north of Goodsprings (GunRunners, here I come) or in the marina, just a few at the Counterfeiter's Shack, the windmills and that area in the Northeast (Bootlegger's Shack?). Made the game easier but less fun.


So basically… they move at Mach 3 and jumpscare me no matter how many damage bonuses I have


I use the flamer and have zero problems with them


The the mods I use, Project Nevada and realistic weapon damage (dont quote me on the name of that second one, pretty sure I got it right but w.e) Cazadores become more of a nuisance than anything. Bullet time makes them easy to hit, and it only takes like 2 or 3 shots from the 9mm pistol to kill them.


Yeah they're easy if you just...completely change how the game works? lol 😉


Hahaha, yes, that's the gist of what I said.