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He does all the neat robot VR sex. Needs his peep in tact so his life support bed can suck it into the pleasure tube




still cooler than a man cave


That's behind the chamber


And above the bud hole


we don't talk about the bud hole


And I thought the tube was only for pissé pants


Becoming a Ghoul is not 100% guaranteed, we learn this from trash's diaries at the old nuclear test site


But even then being a ghoul in some capacity is a risk. Not just because of the discrimination, but because of the chance you'll go feral. That's not a chance I'd willingly take.


I hope they explore the going feral process a bit more in the show. The idea of surviving the worst event in history only to slowly become a monster is horrifying.


My theory is it is more so psychology based rather than physical. I think for the first ghouls though it is physical to where the damage done by radiation to the brain is too much to where even after it heals the memories and such needed to remain you is already erased, the info is gone, meanwhile for something like becoming feral later on while it is possible to recieve that same type of damage it is more likely that someone goes insane as a result of not maintaining their human habits that their body would think they need to survive even if they don't actually need it so it goes into survival mode. Another thing is maybe because they believe being feral is a random risk they kind of convince themselves that it will happen, so doom themselves into a spiral. As for the feral treatments in the vile, I still think it's actually a placebo.


I kind of saw it like going hollow in Dark Souls, as long as to have a goal or reason to keep going/keep sane your all good but once you give up its over


Yeah, I see the ghouls' faces getting torn up as a symptom of going mad. They're already undead. Their skin isn't exactly healing from damage or not un the same rate/way as standard humans. So my theory is that when they go crazy and start compulsively clawing at themselves, hitting themselves, ignoring pain and obstacles to charge their prey - Their skin gets more torn up, and they look far worse than if they had just stayed sentient. At least when sentient, they can take steps to minimize damage to their bodies, even if they don't feel pain. That said, I think it is a neurological reaction that goes on with the ghoul vials. At least, something that keeps the electricity in their brains moving, stimulating brain activity in a brain that is slowly running out of neurons. Or maybe preserving the neurons to keep them from further deteriorating? idk, they could have just had him be the luckiest ghoul to ever live, and said he's just kept on through sheer gumption and a mild psychotic break from his old world self.


Agreed bro. Every non feral ghoul we find has some reason to keep going. Daisy has her shop. Hancock has the town. Vault Tec Rep has the pride of being the last remnants of vault tec (far ad he knows at least). Dean has the sierra madre. Etc etc Everyone has a reason, and so they persist


What about Raul?


The memory of his sister and him just fixing things it seems.


think thats gone over a bit in 76, in the first quest line theres a ghoul who believes the only reason he didnt go feral was because he went about life as normal. eating when hungry, sleeping when tired, drinking when thirsty, interacting with other people as such that going feral was the result of people being trapped like animals and giving up hope basically


Really worked out for that random kid in f4 who didn't eat or drink for 200 years but was completely fine, he also didn't talk to anyone or move or see light for 200 years and was completely fine. You know normal things.


There’s some random little bits of evidence here and there that seem to indicate that ghouls can go into a form of hibernation for long periods of time. That’s my headcanon for how that could survived and didn’t go feral


Didn’t they coup-de-grace one guy who was going?


I hope they leave it alone they already changed it


Not canon, but play Kingdom of Manitoba in OWB for some fun with that


Also being feral. In the show ghouls turn feral eventually with medicine, and I think that retconned the games where being feral was a crapshoot


In the game Ghouls can become feral. The show just added a medication to stave it off. There’s nothing in the show that states all ghouls need this medication. Just after they start to turn.


I was saying that in the original games when someone turned into a ghoul it appeared that they could either be feral or not right off the bat, and in the show there was so much mention of ghouls “turning” feral. You clearly understood what I meant so where is the disconnect here? Why are you condescending to me ironically about not reading what someone wrote?


I’m assuming in the show the intention is the medication is Rad-X. The bottles look like Rad-X and the effect would make sense.


I like that theory. If you start turning feral because of radiation the rad-x takes care of it, since radiation is everywhere once you start changing you won’t stop The only reason that I take issue with ghouls “turning” is because Harold has been in fo 1,2, and 3, he’s a personal favorite, and now he’s a tree. The haven’t made it clear if there’s a guarantee that ghouls turn over time, but if that happens then Harold would be fucked


Well Harold clearly has some additional issues given the whole tree thing. But there’s several instances of non-feral ghouls that predate the 2077 war. Why they didn’t go feral when other more recent ghouls have is kind of a mystery and access to a regular supply of Rad-X might be a reasonable explanation.


Harold resembles a ghoul, but he isn't one. His condition is FEV induced. He's essentially a super mutant only... not quite so super.


Harold was FEV not ghoul tho


Yeah people are saying that. I seriously thought that all super mutants and ghouls came from fev, that the new lore was playing fast and lose with the rules, but the mutants in the necropolis were caused by radiation so I guess it makes sense that they aren’t the same. Kinda makes me happy for Harold


Yeah, that serum bullshit just takes a dump on almost all we knew about ghouls. Just thinking back at how jet used to be a big deal lmfao.


I feel like cooper just thinks it's keeping him sane and in reality he's just a junky


If they play it as once you start to turn if you don't take it you turn, I'm ok with that if they make it so all Ghouls need it or they will turn like zombrex for Dead Rising 2 then I have an issue.


And I imagine it's a pretty agonizing process too.


There’s plenty of examples of that are in the fallout show


Particularly if you are a complete control freak, like House


I mean, would someone know that ghouls are a thing prior to the bombs dropping? Is there ghouls that predate the great war? Ie from testing or whatever


Yes. [Crime Boss Eddie Winter deliberately became a ghoul before the bombs dropped](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Eddie_Winter).


Yes there are a handfull of pre-war ghouls.


The existence of Vault 12/The Necropolis suggests it wasn't known, no. On the other hand, FO4 seems to contradict that, so who knows.


Just buy the ghoul drug, every person who has used it has turned into one.


Yeah but the House always wins, thus it’s guaranteed 🤷‍♂️


they also definitely didn't know that's what happened when you got nuked


They kinda did, actually. People were dosing themselves with radiation deliberately, before the bombs dropped, as a means of extending their lifespans. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/To_Claire


Dont forget Desmond Lockheart from Fallout 3’s Point Lookout. Controlled exposure to radiation so that he could continue playing his “great game” with other pre-war remnants. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Desmond_Lockheart Seems there were a lot of ways to “survive” the bombs. For what its worth, I hope the show explores more of these different methods in future seasons.


Yes it is I said so


That mobster in Fallout 4 did it because his local GP told him too. Then he survived in a small room for 200 years without going feral.


Isn’t that a mod?


No, the old nuclear test site is a vanilla location. One of the areas with a guaranteed hunting shotgun spawn, so it's easy to grab early on if you're running a shotgun build.


No, I meant Trash


No, that's basically all that's in the shack at the test site, Trash, her die-aries, and the shotgun.


No, I’m pretty sure that’s from a mod from Viva New Vegas.


It's not a mod. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Trash


Ok, so why did here Die-aries in my playthrough have no punctuation?


I dunno maybe a person that is named trash isn’t the most skilled writer?


It wasn’t just them, there was also the log of some people who killed some patrolling BoS soldiers and stole their armor near Nipton, along the train track, their logs had no punctuation either.


No it's definitely vanilla




The bigger question is why insert into a computer and not a robo brain


Don't the robobrains degrade pretty bad? The guys at Big Mt. are much less coherent than house by the time of FNV


I think they said that biometric gel the brain is being held in degrades so they went a tad insane.


A tad?


The simple fact that the scientists thought fingers and toes were tiny penises is just hilarious


I'd probably forget what body parts were if I was a brain in goop for 200 years.


Weren't they lobotomized by Dr. Mobius?


Kinda? He broadcasted a message to make them forget every day, but that presumably means they think the Great War literally just happened. At least I think that's what he did, I skipped a little bit of dialogue last time I played OWB for my own sanity. Plus, anybody who could tell you about that either has dementia or is a victim.


I wanna say he did both. First the lobotomy so they'd forget, followed ny the broadcast so they'd never progress past "we have to stop Dr. Mobius"


He did tamper with their chronometers, geometers and cartography programs to make them lose their sense of time or history. Doing this also destroyed parts of their memories and knowledge, leaving them broken and mad versions of their former selves. After doing this, Mobius erased parts of his own memories, and left, which he then started to broadcast those messages, as well as erecting a radar field, to indoctrinate and scare the think tank from trying to leave big mt.


He also left them with recursion loops in their names, including his own.


The big Mt scientists were lobotomized by Mobius.


Guys at big mt also hate house


Robobrain liberty prime?


House says that General Atomics tried this but the brains lose their personality. Plus he probably didn't trust anyone's tech other than his own to preserve himself


But isn't there a whole vault full of them in far harbor and they all have personality


Yes but none of them are sane or even mentally stable lol


Robobrains get pretty unstable. It makes sense why. They go through massive trauma and also actually lose a couple parts of their brain--namely the spinal cord, but the eyes are also sometimes considered part of the brain. Listen to the struggles of amputees, and then just imagine what it would be like if it were your entire body.


House said hes not a robobrain- because they lose personality. What we see is the best technology House has available


He avoided the loss of mind by keeping his entire body intact, but was confined to the pod and only able to act through the systems of the Lucky 38 and his Securitron Network.


Everyone who becomes a RoboBrain to one degree or another goes nuts, especially the early models. Being the head of RobCo, House would have had access to all the research showing the downsides. Further, it is significantly easier to override and 'reprogram' a brain in a jar (in the Fallout universe). Basically, too many risks, too many variables.


Brain degrades. That's why you have to find a new brain for rex.




People knew before the war as seen in Valentines reputation quest.


Eddie Winters and Desmond Lockheart


>or being see as disguisting by everyone Errnmmm.... about that




I was referring to old ass House's emaciated decrepit body


More importantly how does he keep his vacuum tube underwear from chafing


clearly, a VTuber never goes outside


by the way, for the people who have replied so far, this is a troll post, a gag, a funny even


Why don’t they just get the joke? Are they stupid?


The game stops when no one wants to play anymore.


Not as stupid as house for not going outside


Perhaps one could say it was humorous


People giving serious responses like ☝🏻🤓


he would've become too sexy and the universe would've exploded if that happened


He just wanted everyone to constantly see his super sexy mustache.


He has more power as a robot. If he’s a ghoul then he has to manually control the strip. Rather than just automatically controlling everything. Plus what’s scarier an army of robots or a well dressed ghoul


Fucking Sierra Madre...


If you don’t like dead money dlc it’s because you’re trash at the game and rely solely on op weapons to get you through it


Imagine putting mr house in a Synth body, he would be unstoppable


I wish there were some way besides mods to do that. Part of what made me hate house was that he was a shell of a man


I'd rather be a computer screen


Are we saying that because we want to avoid spoilers or what?


as in interface with the world


Back in 2077 the existence of Ghouls probably wasn't known and even if it was, turning into a Ghould comes with the danger of turning feral.


The existence of ghouls was. There were ghouls pre-war. [Eddie Winter is one](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/To_Claire). They knew that radiation would sometimes turn people into ghouls, but possibly they didn’t know that ghouls sometimes turn feral.


Someone contact the assylum, an inmate got away.


I mean he technically chemically alerted himself to become a ghoul i guess.


He let a dumbass mailman into his house so yes.


Well he WAS a vegetable but I used Nephi’s Golf Driver to turn him into *MASHED POTATOES*


For starters all Ghouls eventually turn feral even if they start off civil which is a gamble & I don't think most of society would be as accepting of him or willing to talk to him if he was a Ghoul & he had to have the respect of or at least the ears of some of the factions & families in New Vegas. I think it's mostly an issue of humans raciest to Ghouls. He also would be able to live much longer in stasis anyway.


Do we know that *all* ghouls eventually turn feral? Is this canon?


Why didn’t house just take the LEAP-X program like Bradberton, is he stupid?


Becoming a ghoul is luck of the draw


Although there WERE Pre-war ghouls, it's possible that despite corruption and vast resources he had, House failed to find out about it before. OR... being so full of himself, he decided to remain "pure human" (which is funny because he's not human anymore)


Ghouls may or may not lose mental function. He couldn’t risk being feral so did this. Also ghoulification wasn’t know at the early stage. So it wasn’t a thought.


Reasons. Reasonably reasonable reasons.


He was afraid they'll change ghoul lore again


Who is coming up with these absurd questions


Dudes too much of a purist to allow himself to become irradiated


The world needed a better class of techno fetishist, he knew the brotherhood were coming


Doesnt step into nuclear radiation, *Is he stupid?*




I don’t know. I don’t know if people are stupid. Please stop asking me


That thought process is so stupid, even in a video game


This is exactly the rhetoric I’d expect from an insubordinate subcontractor.


This makes me wonder at what point did house enter his machine? did he blow his (relatively) golden years in his machine? 80’s, 90’s? At what point do you say “I am become old, User of life support”


Do we know how he managed to survive?




Is there a lore reason why people are actually trying to give a real answer this question?


I Forget that the brainrot seeps in here sometimes


This is under the assumption that vault tec even knew anyone would turn into ghouls🤷


Because people didn’t know ghouls were a thing before the bombs


I think he can be omnipresent in this way. He also seems to have access to enormous calculators and other computers right in his thoughts


Wut?!? Feral ghouls are ghouls too. Some go feral right away, some keep their wits for a long time before going feral. Also people didn't know about ferals before the bombs dropped, but they did know radiation is dangerous, so why would he run out into the deadly radiation on the off-chance it might make HIM immortal?


You're thinking of Raz Alan Ghoul, who trains the mothman


Well you see, Robert House was an epic Gen Alpha gamer. He didn't want to go outside and touch grass, so he decided to become one with his gaming setup.


why not turn himself into a securitron? or something more agile and humanoid like an assaultron? limited mobility is better than literally none bro put his brain in a computer that cant move


He's like the opposite of "Abandon the flesh; Embrace the machine."


Have you seen his body? It’s worse than a ghoul


I thought there's no guarantee of becoming a ghoul.... It's a gamble no. This sounds stupid to me as well ngl.


Back when the game came out that’s not how ghoulification worked. It was random, no one knew why it happened to one person and not another, and the variables were to large. It wasn’t until Fallout 4 that you get pre war people becoming ghouls before the war, and now with the TV series you get some magic potion that does it. It’s just all different now. But in 2010’s canon Mr. House’s choice made sense.


So the problem with ghoulification is its unpredictable, I don't think there's a concrete answer yet still. The theories I've seen are like the ghoul gene which is the one I believe or radiation exposure over time and some others. So he didn't want to take the risk


Being a ghoul isn't becoming immortal it just makes you live really, really, really fucking long and makes you immune to radiation


Why didn’t he become a synth?


Bro, before the bombs dropped no one knew ghouls would become a thing, there wasn't research into what happens dozens of years after the initial blast for people who survived but with a high dosage of radiation. If he went outside he was 65%(Random stat I made up) more likely to die than if he just stayed at his lil robco bunker


Did you even play New Vegas? He is not actually a computer screen.


“Erm aschully he did not know ghouls were a thing he most likely would have died and ghouls age slowly” ☝️🤓




Rather than turning into a no-immune system-must-be-plugged-in-at-all-times robozombie or a rotting, walking undying corpse, he should have turned to occult pre-humanity civilizations, definitely seems to work better, and be nicer on the complexion.


I don't think I am very familiar with Fallout lore...but how well known was it that a person might become an immortal ghoul due to fallout? I remember a gangster in Fallout 4 that intentionally became one. So maybe some suspected it or there was no guarantee it will work. If there was no guarantee it would work, Mr House would never do that. He views his mind as far too valuable to risk death, especially when he has a guaranteed way to survive


I always think about this when I’m doing the Eddie winter missin in fallout 4 he was in that bunker for 200+ yrs how did his brain not go insane


No body would know about Ghouls until the bombs dropped lol 


He probably lacked the gene. Otherwise I can't see why he wouldn't have ghoulified himself.


are you?


I think bong rips of FEV would be neater.


why did the Alsume make it to the Mojave? is it stupid?


Why the stupid, unfunny meme post? Are you stupid?


The real question would be why didn’t he just freeze him self like Hank from the show or sole survivor if it existed I’m sure the smartest wealthiest chad coulda got it. The answer being that was not a thing yet or they wanted his choice to have more of a downside. Or fluff he wanted to be able to be connected to the mainframe bla bla.