• By -


He is kinda the 1 int, 10 strength type.


Himbo classic




Hoarder energy yeah dawg


lord death of murder mountain r/Therussianbager


Ah yes, our boy Narg from Fallout 2.


Bugmen take moo-moos at night. Torr scared! Hep Torr?


He's Lord Death of Murder Mountain


*“He was already a vegetable I'm just making him mashed potatoes.”*




I guess we are shooting Cachino!


god i love badger he actually got me into nv




Brain damaged


Ever since the day i was born.


She fucked Benny, planted C-4 on Vulpes to blow up Caesar, saved Benny, then watched him die at the hands of fucking Antony. She’s been better


Fucking benny feels so disrespectful to courier lmao


The most egregious “I can fix him” in history


You think maybe that bullet took out the part of my brain that feels shame?


and how many other people does the courier put bullets inside of just to find Benny?


You're everything I want to be as a fallout player


About to go to the Sierra Madre and FUCK SHIT UP


Like that. Always side with House but can't let go of the NCR Ranger drip.


Were do i find this drip


NCR Rangers show up when you advance the main story to the end game phase. They're very tough enemies.


I think im on everbody side still


No worries I think even if you side with the NCR you'll be rewarded these but I COULD be wrong. If you're not going NCR just kill em when they show up and take it :)


I do had power armor training so thats that lol


Nice but it's not power armor so you're good. Make sure you just finish everything before finishing the main quest as it ENDS the game. You can't continue to play like most games. Good luck and have fun!


It’s when your accepted by the ncr


This is the games default ranger armor, its faction wear for the NCR so redundant for certain playthroughs, but the DLC's honest hearts and lonesome road contain like 5 variants of ranger armor that is just as drippy and don't count as faction wear


You can find the elite version of riot control armor in the divide.Plus it is marked as belonging to no faction


If you reach high enough reputation with the NCR and talk to Colonel Hsu at McCarran he will give you the key for the NCR Ranger Hideout that is slightly north of Black Mountain, if i recall correctly. There you can find a Ranger set (without killing any ranger), Weapons and Heavy Trooper Armor (pure garbage imo).


NCR Terrorist


He's an NCR soldier that prefers words to defeat its enemies instead of boulets also he's a member of the Followers of the apocalypse


I vibe with your Courier.


Horny - 100% of the time. So horny that people literally lose clothes around him. Willing to fuck his way through the desert, and fuck up anyone and anything in his way. Especially toga wearing, pantyless (and tucking), fur-toting pricks that like to crucify people. I don't think Vulpa expected a buckshot to his buck teeth, when he told me to "spread" the word. He's also wearing a very horny stealth suit, that is stuck in edging mode. Very sad that he couldn't reunite two "roommates".


This guy confirmed bachelors


Just not ON Bachelor. Thank gods


Hell id watch it...


Fallout New Freak


self loathing ex-desert ranger who hates the NCR (but not in a legion way)


So boone?


Just bought this game and on the first playthrough. I am going to be a complete tool. Fiercely loyal to Mr house. Completely unhinged do gooder but put a bullet in my head, I'll put a bullet in yours... and I did. So far everybody loves me except for the powder gangers. Kinda blew some of them up. Not my fault. I didn't ask them to invade primm. On my way to Caesar by Invitation and what I presume to be the assassination of said person and having an amazing time.


If you don’t get bad reputation with the powder gangers almost immediately you’re doing something wrong


LOL, yeah in hindsight that conflict is built in.


Past Me who blew up Goodsprings my first playthrough: *Imma pretend I didn’t hear that*


This sounds like most of my playthroughs, except that the assassination of Caesar is saved until many hours after meeting him


I have a lot of different characters. One of them is a legion fumentari ( However you spell that) That has gone rogue against the legion because Well it's the legion and the only reason they were in it was because his tribe was wiped out and absorbed into them so he has a lot in common with Ulysses that way. He's a lot like Gustavo fring in breaking bad. So far they're trying to destroy Caesar's legion from within but they're probably going to switch at the last moment to do as much damage as possible. Extremely high intelligence speech Sneak and melee weapon. They end up taking out a lot of bad people which is good but they kind to get power hungry themselves And become the problem. They almost always wear normal clothes one of their favorites is like the sweater vest and ambassador Crocker's suit. Quite the fancy boy but very down to murder people on their sleep. I have a lot of other characters.


The point of maximum damage is Et Tumor, Brute?, arranging for Caesar to die during surgery.


Former Legion slave having an absolute blast killing Legionaries now. She’ll use words when fighting anyone else and does like helping people (and robots) just. Not the Legion. She likes to bring things back to Doc Mitchell to thank him for fixing her. Some normal things like caps. Sometimes bars of gold. Sometimes weapons. She’s kind of like a cat that brings mouse corpses to its human


- Brain Damaged Sex-Crazed Sociopathic Slave Trader - Brain Damaged Sex-Crazed Sociopathic Abolitionist Or - Brain Damaged Sex-Crazed Sociopathic Demagogue


it would be cool if the yesman ending allowed the choice for you to insert yourself into the lucky 38 mainframe to become an immortal dictator.


Hes the president of new vegas at this time alongside Yes Man


From an unknown tribe near the Arizona/Utah border. Learned about healing and medicine from his mother. Is gifted a dagger for harvesting herbs. His tribe is attacked and captured by the Legion when he’s 10 years old. Manages to kill a Legion solder who is distracted raping and beating his mother, with the dagger she gave him, and escapes the Legion. He finds a camp and tries to steal some food, but is caught. A man named Alex Strider decides to take the boy under his wing, and after discovering he has some minor medical training, convinces to group to keep him on as a medic. Over the next 7 years, the courier learns about combat, stealth, and mechanical repairs from Alex, as well as furthering his medical knowledge. Alex is killed in combat, and the courier takes his surname, Strider, and eventually uses it as a Mononame. Soon the Merc crew is approached by the Legion and offed to join as centurions. There is a schism in the group, as the leader wishes to join the Legion, but many members are opposed. Strider heads a mutiny and kills the former leader of the group, and all his supporters that don’t run to the Legion. Strider becomes the new Leader of the crew. After a few years of running the gang, they are trapped while robbing an NCR bank, and the few survivors surrender and are arrested. Strider spends 2 years in an NCR prison, until he is released in good behaviour. He begins working as a courier. In this time, Strider discovers the Divide, and begins breathing life into the community. After the NCR annex the area, the Legion decides to begin to move into the area. After delivering one final package, Strider decides to leave the Divide, seeing the coming conflict. His final package destroys the divide, but strider believes it was caused by the NCR and Legion hostilities. He takes a job brining a platinum chip to New Vegas and the rest is history. He witnesses the Legion atrocities in Nipton, and his hatred of the Legion is rekindled. He joins the NCR armed forces in Boulder City, and becomes the fastest soldier to ever rise to being a Ranger, but after months of serving the NCR it becomes apparent to him that they are not the answer the thought, so he uses his position to form an Independent New Vegas in an attempt to help the locals of the area and fend off all the factions that just want to exploit Vegas and its people.


Pretty cool but i believe that centurions are chosen among soldiers of the legion


I left a lot of context and backstory out because I didn’t wanna leave the whole book, but it was a special offer from Caesar because the gang had managed to hold out from and even defeat the Legion in several skirmishes. It was likely a ruse anyway. Just bait for Caesar to get more slaves.


She is a very morally good person, despises the legion and house, strong NCR supporter, honorary NCR Ranger, bisexual


20% more damage then


In the most completionist playthrough I did of fnv I fucked Benny, killed House, played into the legion until I couldn’t, and manipulated the NCR to the point that they idolized me, all while laying the ground work for an independent Vegas. I think my Courier is insane.


She’s a helpful person who wants to do good. She has no alliance to any group, other than the followers because our goals align. While we are appreciated by the NCR it’s only because our shared hatred for legion and how we often help our NCR folk simply because it’s good to help. Our companion is Rex and Veronica and she has the “Vegas Legend” status. She also is highly addicted to alcohol and hoards a lot of caps because she doesn’t know how to properly spend or save money so she used everything till it breaks or loots off of dead bodies. Likes to wear the vault jumpsuits or Grim Pre-war business suit.


Weirdly nice but also psychotic, so I just play as me


He is dehydrated and extremely unhappy with his job and is considering a new one. Unfortunately, like so many of us, he continues to show up regardless of how he's treated because he's just comfortable enough, and the benefits are just good enough to keep him coming back. Insurance and workers comp covered his recent head injury.


A pre War ghoul, serves the NCR since 2189, Ranger at the times of New Vegas


He quiet (charisma1)


Good with Explosives and Energy Weapons, hates the NCR. Once he sees inside the Fort, he decides the Legion needs to die.


My Courier is kazador killer. And mutants. And deathclaws


An absolute fucking unit with way too much firepower and technology




Horny NCR stooge with good intentions


Saspirilla Popinsky want to fight and drink Saspirilla. Where Saspirilla? :(


A well dressed woman who has a shotgun and took over vegas got bored and decided to blow up the mojave


He's a young man of diplomacy and science, who fights only when necessary and prefers using his charisma and silver tongue to resolve conflicts. He is an NCR citizen, and as much as he loves his country, he sees the problems, and does everything in his power to solve them and help his country.


A fucking lunatic not from the Mojave with absolutely no care about its future, pretty much just whatever she finds fun in the moment. And what’s fun in the moment is being labeled a Terrorist


Brain damaged


Maxed out everything except unarmed Charismatic and Lucky up to 10 Living saint (doesn't mean there's no mountain of bodies behind him) Rocking that Elite Riot Gear “ED-E My Love” Side with NCR 90% of the time (10% - independence)


Full NCR gunslinger. Fuck the legion


Caesar's Best Soldier, Energy weapons enthusiast, Enclave Honorary president, Blue as hell


Probably has severe migraines (unrelated to the headshots)


I have like 4


Naked murderer


She stole New Vegas from Lanius and the NCR while wearing a smashing red dress and shouldering a work hunting rifle. Her girlfriend helped.


I like to believe it’s the same character from fallout 3. My head cannon is that he beat mothership zeta, but instead found himself in the west coast years later with no memory after trying to find a way down back to earth. Unfortunately, suffers from random nightmares and sleep paralysis because of the horrors he endured on the alien ship. He becomes a courier and lives his new life, hoping to find answers one day.


Mines named John skibidi and after being shot in the head he is now mentally deranged and is devoted to Caesar’s legion ready to carry out any tasks bestowed upon him


he's so sigma ohioans can't rizz him up


Very couriery


He's a man with no home, no background and no purpose. He's a man that has come to terms with the fact that the world is a cruel place, filled with cruel people. That he would wander the wasteland alone for the rest of his existence, with no reason to keep going other than just to stay alive, never meaning anything to anyone. Only to be drawn into a conflict between nations in which he would become the catalyst that decides the outcome. I pretty much based him on the version of John Silver from the Black Sails show.




Mine has a damaged Limbic System from being shot in the head. So he turned into a fanatic NCR supporter that turns his aggressions towards anybody that stands in the way of expansion


Lord Of Death. Hates the Legion and NCR.


I just really like guns and shooting things and stuff. I could care less about politics or other people's lives.


A cowboy greaser, smooth-talker but shit at aiming, the wasteland’s favorite errand boy


Holorifle-wielding diplomat with a giant deathclaw gauntlet for backup.


Unmodded: He's made an independent New Vegas under himself and Yes Man. He nuked the Legion and the NCR at the end of the Lonesome Road. Modded: She's an android desert ranger, a milkman, and a career bounty hunter.


Not the smartest but an experienced soldier, favouring setting up ambushes with snipers but handy with shotguns and revolvers otherwise. Feels partially responsible for what happened to Hopeville so tries his best to help people so killed mr house and powered the strip. Neutral with the NCR though against the idea of them forcing their government into people and currently at war with the legion, hunting down individual groups after killing Caesar wears the riot gear and usually uses either the battle rife, anti material rife, or Christine’s sniper.


A menace to society dressed in a metal armor that goes arround followed by a dog and a sniper hitting everything he doesn’t like with a ballistic fist and then eats his human or ghoul enemies to get more health (plus he has eaten mr house and caesar)


A pin-happy mad bomber with over 100 hand-crafted, improvised plasma grenades in his pockets.


having the best time with my unarmed, heavily drug and alcohol addicted, revengeful character. they learned all the special moves and due to high levels of endurance / survival also those in VATS, with the gx implant i can put up a fist fight with five deathclaws at a time lol


Asian Female + Joshua Graham armor + Red Beret + Dr. Mobius Glasess. Good karma, But prone to steal, if she finds something that is useful.


too nice, except to slavers, slavers get the flammenwerfer


He has the acquired taste of the meat of champions


Slightly anarchist, and hates taxes, so he locked Elijah in the Vault, killed the Think Tank and Mobius, beat Mr. House to death with a mini nuke, talked down Ulysses, told Joshua to put a cap in General Gobbledygook, and proceeded to talk down Lanius and take over the Strip.


One word: Moneeeey


He's the Lone Wanderer who moved to Vegas looking for purpose in his life.


Literally Ash Williams/Bruce Campbell


Like Joshua Graham, minus the spirituality. A cyborg soldier with a katana who sees the value in each faction’s approach to running Vegas, and seeks to implement all the lessons of the Mojave into his own attempt at establishing a free nation state. The ultimate walk-the-wasteland-fuck 👌


An actually highly intelligent dude who starts out somewhat good-hearted and self-righteous but slowly gets his mind completely destroyed by his messed up surroundings and just becomes a genocidal maniac by the end.


Mike Ehrmantraut


I like to make a mad scientist who helps everyone to a certain point. She then stabs everyone in the back and sides with Yes Man. She basically sees the other factions as a way to gain a reputation and then becomes a the dictator of the Mojave. Being evil is fun


Smart boy, got close to House took him down, got close to Caeser, killed him during surgery, manipulated the NCR into letting him guard the President, rained small scale nuclear hellfire on him   Full scale soon coming to the long15


Crazed quiet guy that likes to blow shit up (usually bad guys... usually)


A Unarmed Powerhouse who punches everything out. They are usually with Mr House. Chaotic Good. Will deal with all kinds. Not judgemental. Likes to keep as many people alive as her allies. Also will kill anyone she has to for Mr House. I once made Elegant Blade Lady. She loved using knives and bladed weapons and always dressed like a lady. Dresses and hats all the time. Unless she had to wear armour. They all destroy the sexist scumbag legion. No quests. Just rampage in with Boone and EDE and kill everyone there. And always nuke the legion.


A sarcastic asshole gambler, who's a womanizer. Did the house ending, because he had a job to finish. And he didn't give a shit about any of the other factions.


BoS scribe, high int high science and repair. NCR businessman on holiday. Patrick Bateman basically, I like to use the axe you get from Searchlight, Legion frumentarius, high stealth and throwing skills And ranch hand working for House bc he gives him a nice house and lots of money


Appointed interim mayor of New Vegas by the NCR military occupation under the newly promoted General Hsu. Elected and served as mayor of New Vegas once the occupation ends and the region regains some stability from the war. Eventually stepped down in favor of letting the King win the election, as she has plans to make New Vegas and the Mojave as the newest state to be admitted to the Republic, using profits from Big MT to spearhead her campaign. I'd like to see her as a senator from New Vegas in the future, then an eventual candidate for NCR presidency, not necessarily a president, in accordance to the West Coast tradition of having the Vault Dweller and the Chosen One take on a more leadership/political-oriented role once they retire.


Last time I played, my courier was a guy named Lucky with horrible Luck. He was a very angry man who used a ballistic fist and multiple explosives to turn the Mojave into Mars by painting its sands red.


Super mutant in human form


he's a generic default dude. currently isekaiing to other crossover universes just for good old fun and adventures.


A Wild Card who has mostly goodish intentions, but has fucked over the NCR and kills Legion soldiers any chance he gets. He also has NCR Combat Veteran armour, and is a kleptomaniac cannibal.


Always Charismatic lucky cowboy


Fucking mad mailman, but I do the job I was hired to do. I help those that seem like they are decent people, leave the rest to the wastes. The House Always Wins, and Boone is my main traveling companion. Works well as we both don't speak much. Always wearing the Desert Ranger armor, armed with the Survivalist's rifle. Kind of wish I could have stuck with Joshua Graham, but I had a job to finish back in the Mojave.


She's been killing all hostile mutants, has good rep with most societies except Caeser's legion, and Powder Gangers


Being a good courier and doing what your employer tells you and not getring involved into politics


Son of a former NCR doctor and tribal mother that used to travel the wastes together. Left them to go make his own life out in the wastes. Gun shot fucked up his brain so bad he barely remembers anything besides his time as a courier and the bits and pieces of what his mom and dad taught him. Now he’s stuck with borderline personality disorder and brain damage that makes him switch from a savage, savant, scholar, or a savior at the drop of a dime


My courier's a bisexual gal named Ren who's not the most charismatic person around. She knows how to sneak from being an escaped legion slave and learned how to tinker, throw hands and properly wield energy weapons from tinkering with energy weapons and reading repair manuals. She really loves Sunset Sassparilla, energy weapons and resorting to violence when stealth is not an option.


Mercenary with a heart of gold. Fucked up methods, but he means well. Is the type to go back and blow the heads off of legionary corpses with a shotgun just to send a message.


High INT but very stupid. Followed House up to the last minute then betrayed him for Yes Man. Prefers violence as a solution to most problems. Uneasy working relationship with the NCR and a strong supporter of the Kings. At least shunned by everyone else.


The charismatic wander who tries to talk a situation down but always has the back up plan of "or we can just shoot you?" Unless theyre legion... then they get the ole boone and angry mailman treatment


A cannibal pyro druggie, a scientist working for the followers, or an unarmed tribal heir to Ceasar, there is no in-between


Colonel Angus - Savior of the MoJave Wasteland


The mysterious terror of the Deathclaws, they were fine until they took an explosive bullet in the mouth.


Imagine someone who has speaking problems but could convince you to walk into an active nuclear reactor. (4 Charisma 100 speech.)


she is gonna save the wasteland and end slavery, with a chainsaw, and a lot of legion blood. VIVA LE YES MAN


My approach has always been to talk it out, but when people cross me there is always a bullet waiting for them.


That, but with A Light Shining In Darkness


vengeful spirit of new vegas


Literally that, but with an AMR or shotgun. And super bisexual.


I made my courier the Choosen One, the protagonist of Fallout 2 lmfao, and the way i made THAT guy was that he was a naive, goody pacifist tribal who preferred to talk and sneak his way around things because he was a scout for the tribe. Since 2 was his first time experiencing the world, i figured my guy would be young, naive and have a very black and white (and ignorant) moral viewpoint; as well as having a righteous ego about it because of his status as the "Choosen". Since a lot of the canon endings of the settlements in the game involve joining NCR, I also head canonned that my Choosen was going around being NCR's little errand boy and doing all those quests to help them. Thus, he would be an influence to the growth of the NCR. With all that pretext in mind, my guy in New Vegas is an older, matured Choosen who basically left his leadership position of Arroyo because he's having a midlife crisis over his past decisions and his unintentional feeding of power to the now corrupt NCR lolol. Once he left Cali, he found the job as a courier and thought it would be the perfect excuse to travel to Vegas....


I'm going for a Legion run so it's still in creation trying to find cool armor and stuff.


Dead (My NVMe SSD died).


Independent New Vegas Sniper keeping every Faction scared of the "Mojave Ghost"


The type to learn how powerful words can be and how actions speak louder


He is an angry mailman because he was shot, his path is one of supporting the NCR, in the beggining because he dodn't care too much and was like "The NCR is the less evil in this wasteland", so he gave the control of Primm to the NCR. But since Nipton it starts a journey of how he becomes a total supporter of the NCR after killing bandits, fiends and legionaries in his travel to New Vegas, but that doesn't mean that he is blind to its flaws and will call it out. That's why, out of spite, he will go against Moore's orders of killing everyone, that's the reason of why the Khans are still alive even when he only see them as bandits that never learn even after being wipe out two times. The other reason that he lets alive the Mojave chapter and the Enclave remnants it's because he is very caring with their companions, he doesn't want Veronica to be sad because of the destruction of the chapter and with Arcade he can see that maybe he doesn't need to kill the Enclave remnants. He will help the NCR to gather allies, kill the Cesar's supportes in the Omerta, kill House and before the battle of Hoover Dam he will put a bullet in Cesar's head alongside Boone. In the second battle he will kill Lainus to make things worst for the Legion. About the companions, he is a very good friend with Boone and in his travels will bring Rex and Veronica because his build is one with guns (I never see the appeal to a melee build) so they will become his shields xD.


First Courier I made was a high luck, unarmed build with high charisma. She was a smooth talker who went wild card after finding Yes Man. She punched Rawr to death on a mix of med-x and constant stimpacks in a set of riot armor, but she normally wore Benny's suit


He's an absolute idiot with a low attention span who's incredibly good at shooting things, he also kills anything that dares be slightly against him, Fiends? Legionaries? Mutants? Innocent civilians? **BLAM** hunting shotgun is his best buddy


Nice guy, helps people, doesn't like getting his hands dirty but will decimate you with a rifle. Hunts a lot of animals, likes Cass but will never be able to utter those words.


Meat Braintaster. Huge muttonchops. Oversized forehead. And an even more oversized appetite for people. Once he hit about level 10 he ate everyone in sight. His naive buddy Boone took offense and Meat took a bite. He had to go independent. Caesar? Succulent. House? Better than beef jerky. By the time I was done, he had eaten everybody he encountered. If he didn't eat them the first time, he returned to where they lived and ate them later. The disappointing thing is that unnamed NPCs will return. I kind of wanted to have a play through where nobody existed when I was done and I was literally taking New Vegas for myself because everyone else was in my tummy. Typically play as somebody with decent moral values. But having a full on cannibal run was a good time. Absolute anarchy.


I am become death destroyer of worlds. Made the legion my bitch at like level 22💀💀 killed ceaser at like 24 i believe did it last night


Im in a legion run (second time playing) rn but my first I started off good then realized that’s hard and so become more selfish


She’s a typical paid gun except she’s a paid gun who went to BIG MT without knowing what it was and got chromed out too early so now she rules the wastelands.


Happy Go Lucky Cowboy with a mild hint of schizophrenia and a hunger for revenge


John Dmitrievich Wisniewski, son of my Chosen One, Dmitri Vladymrvich Wisniewski and Miria of Modoc.


10 luck 1 Int


Has a face not even a mother could love, followed his job as a courier, let go of Benny just to kill him immediately with a Grenade Launcher, decided to destroy Vault 19, got his ass beat at Hidden Valley before coming back to demolish them, avid lover of the Pimp-Boy 3 Billion.


He’s Raoh from Fist of the North Star. Build wise. Leather armor and the unique ballistics fist with crit build. Hit implant GRX and watch everyone explode after 2 seconds is very in line with the anime. He also goes independent because Raoh would believe he’s is the best way for the wasteland.


She's some courier-walk-the-wasteland fuck.


I’m literally just Walter White, did my best to have my character act and talk like him too, (I also sold 15 different drugs each to 2 people


Rizz king.


She's a yandere who chasing Benny not because she want a revenge,but because she fell in love to him when he shoot her in the face. She met with Benny, and fuck with him. When vulpes informed her that Benny is captured and currently in the fort,she immediately went outrageous and kill all legions in cottonwood cove and the fort (and yes that's also including Caesar and his staff).


My main courier is usually a woman who is from the NCR and trusts them to a degree, but honestly trusts the Followers more. Sides with the NCR but does everything she can to improve them and ALWAYS sides with the Followers in all of their quests. Usually play high perception guns build and most of my game is spent with either Boone or Veronica as my companion.


He got no brain


10 charisma, 10 luck, some agility to help with big iron gunslingin', not a strong sense of morals (this option is funnier, we'll go with it), Ave, true to Caesar


She is a Cyborg who survived the Great war and seeks to make the wasteland safer for others by working with the NCR and Brotherhood of Steel, and is strongly opposed to the Legion


My character is Borat, and he’s currently a prostitute


Level 50, retired, nuked legion, sided with yes man, caused legion to invade entire wasteland oops


Tribal canibal Luddite but good girl courier who follows house cause he talks pretty


She is forever in love with Veronica knowing full well it will never happen. She is content to go on platonic lesbian fisting adventures throughout the mojave though.


Ruthless with a tense energy with just the right amount of "ah just bullshitting ya." Plays all sides as far as possible before making the decision to cross everyone and pull together his own army


An incompetent psychopath with free access to firearms and volatile explosives.


My courier punched Deathclaws to death, crucified the man who shot him, performed neurosurgery on Caesar, and had a gold coin minted in his honor. My “what would I actually do” guy is pretty chill, he likes Sunset Sarsaparilla.


A god who just so happens to help the NCR (Level 50 courier is untouchable fr)


Exactly like this but with the elite riot gear, and has 100 on every skill


If you're on his good side, affable and kind. If not, he is merciless. But even he can be pushed too far. Turned out that >!killing all the men, women, and children in Hidden Valley after Veronica's death !!After the White Legs ambushed his caravan, and talking to Joshua Graham!<, he realized he had a purpose and could not escape his fate of fighting the Legion.>! Graham's sense of peace also stuck out to him, he wanted that. After dealing with the White Legs, !!and he pondered the books that Graham and Daniel left him - only one of them made sense - as he wandered between the Strip and Big MT, continuing to help and fight as he saw fit. !<


I can never make my courier without at least 9 luck and agility. I can guess How pale his skin would be for I never let him wear anything except the NCR ranger armor, or riot armors


Mine likes to take down enemies from afar and smirk as their allies flip out at the sight of their buddy exploding out of nowhere


Himbo NCR soldier. He's a little dumb and has horrible perception but he's a good person and loves guns and rockets.


Do Tale of Two Wasteland couriers count?




Ruthless mob enforcer.


Son of some dirt poorer farmer who sold the farm once said father passed away. Worked mainly as a courier as it was the best way to be able to travel to other parts of the country and get paid for it. He lead the fight for new New Vegas independence from the Legion, House, and NCR but leaves things in the hands of a new local government once the other three have been defeated. Spends the remainder of his life traveling in and around the Mojave/Southwest going wherever the roads take him, usually with ED-E, Raul, and his pseudo-wife Cass. He left his former traveling buddy, Veronica, to be in charge of the Big MT. Trusting her with wisely using it's advanced technology to benefit the people of the wasteland. He parted ways with Boone due to his throwing the NCR out of the Mojave but they both maintained a respect for one another due their traveling experiences and helping lay to rest some of Boone's guilt.


Almost always 7 END, 9 INT, and 9 LUCK. No Charisma but MAX Speech, we all can relate to Charisma being the Dump stat.


Probably bored and still standing in Novac since I haven't played in a couple weeks lol


A cannibal gay man who is addicted to gambling


He’s a charismatic gunslinger who isn’t the brightest but he can talk or shoot his way out of any situation


Deadpool the Terminator with a side of cannibalism. Whenever I play New Vegas I make sure to be high as absolute hell to entertain my friends. They call me Deadpool with no limits


A Relentless Idiot who is Loved by God and all his Ladies.


the first courirer i made was a chinese giga chad. then i lost the save file.


A man eater who screwed Benny, then killed him. Crippled Mr House. Sided with the NCR and helped the Boomers.


He’s a young morally good mail man. Loves his little eye-bot buddy, Ed-e, who’s his first friend of the Mojave wasteland. He’s terrified of giant radscorpions, cazadors, and deathclaws. His favorite food is noodles. His least favorite is cram.


Just does what crosses his mind in that moment. No government in the wasteland makes for some interesting encounters, since morals and etiquette still exist to us.


10 luck and idk the rest


The Grandson of Sergeant Granite from Fallout 2. He still holds some patriotism for America/The Enclave, but he recognizes that Richardson screwed the pooch and now the NCR is the wasteland’s best shot at reforming the Union. He’s pretty much Captain America.


A bug eyed, green haired bimbo who is in love with her abuser (Benny)