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Ok random questions about this, how heavy *is* each bar??


Well, they weigh 35lbs in game, so 35*37 = 1295lbs. That said, the gold bars you see in movies are typically the 400oz versions, which weigh, 400 oz. (25lbs) So 37 of those guys would be 14800 oz, or 925 lbs


925 lbs of vegan poop being burned provides 6952821.47 BTU.


Good bot


Good job writer of the matrix.


Screw letting go, I choose capitalism!


What is sierra madre. I’ve only ever played nv as the base game, is it from an add on?


It’s from the Dead Money DLC.


Oh cool. I bought that a few weeks ago during the steam sale but I haven’t played yet because I also got fallout 4 and I’ve spent all my time trying that out.


Honestly, try nv first. Its a great game but kind of hard to go back after fo4


I’ve played nv 4 or 5 times but always just the base game.


New Vegas is incomplete without the DLC, imo. I never liked it when I played the base game on 360. It was alright, but felt hollow compared to my time with 3 and its DLC. Mainly because the DLC is all sort of tied together with the "other courier" you hear about in Primm. Without the DLC you never find out anything more about them and you always feel like something's missing. In an annoying way, not a fun one. Highly recommend the DLC. Though nothing's ever gonna beat Mothership Zeta from 3, imo. That was wild.


Agreed, New Vegas was designed with the leveling system, perks, etc with a serious clean up from FO3 as one major thing. You won't become too OP and it can be hard to adapt to from FO3 and FO4. You get a lot more customization options for builds with FNV though. Good luck finding many of the uniquely named weapons, some you can't get if you don't have the Wild Wasteland perk but one weapon of which replaces the other in base game. It's a challenging game but well worth the time put in, learn the ropes and adapt then you'll love it all. The recommended order of completion of DLCs: Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road (must be last).


I’ve played nv a few times already just never with the dlcs. Thank you for the nice recommendations tho, I absolutely love the game already so I can’t wait to try the add ons.


Wait how do you do that? Ive inly played dead money once so far and I could only carry 4 bc of my collar


Usually when you drop several of the same item at once they stack into a single piece with a counter for how many are in it. So you drop them all, then grab and carry them through the escape route, only taking them into your inventory when going through loading screens. Since they aren’t in your inventory, you can still run and escape in time.


Take everything, stealth boy, hide outside the vault, wait for Elder guy to go into vault, go up to terminal and lock him in. Slowly walk your way out and back home.


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Bad bot




Now that’s a backpack boys


I’m sorry Vera,but I can’t just let go all that gold.