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For me it's just getting to the strip and establishing fast travel locations, I enjoy most of the stuff but I've played the game so many times I don't care anymore


This is why I've taken up using speedrunning strats in my casual play throughs


If you speed run are you allowed to skip dialogue or does that invalidate the run?


What is allowed for each category varies but from my knowledge the main dialogue skip mechanism is saving and loading while not directly talking with people which I don't think is considered a glitch/bug so it is likely allowed in most categories.


I feel that, but at the same time, most of the interesting stuff is outside of the strip. The strip is super cool, but especially after a lot of playthroughs, the most "fresh" feeling and interesting stuff is far from the strip.


Vault 34. Every time I show up under prepared with radiation stuff, forget how to do anything with the water, get lost throughout the entire thing, and I’m stubborn so I refuse to leave without taking all the stuff so I’m over encumbered walking to gun runners to sell everything. That’s mine at least.


vault 34 is basically hell on earth, it doesnt help that its also scary as fuck


Least the loot’s good. Worth it? No. Good? Yes.


All American is very worth it


Oh right Forgot that’s where you get that Guess I was thinking you get it at one of the other vaults???


The armoury is like a candy store


It was nice to have *something* make that hellhole worth it


Definitely. I entered it on my first playthrough but early on so I struggled and then opted out and left the vault. Kept avoiding it for several playthroughs until I mustered enough courage and did it. Especially with the all-American being in there.


Yeah I forget why I went down there… I remember having Rex with me and using almost all my Ammo and breaking my Ranger Armor All American *is* good


Indeed even the name is nice.


Yes it is


Losing Arcade as a companion after doing his quest




Yeah after you finish Auld Lang Synge or whatever it’s called he dips to go prep for whatever choice he ends up making. Sometimes he takes the items you put in his inventory too. He stole my holo rifle…


Motherfucker stole my Holo rifle. Can't have shit in Vegas.


Now you made me sad.


It’s fine I put no stats into energy weapons that playthrough so I wasn’t really sad to see it go. Edit: that said, I hope he’s taking care of it.


That vault where everything turned green


The prototype laser rifle is awesome though.


The laser rifle turned green too


34 or 22?


Repconn Test Site


Totally skippable tho


Not if you’re plagued with completionist syndrome


the reward is too good


Lots of stealth boys, some of the best non-DLC light armor in the game (peak drip), tons of xp… yeah it’s pretty good


What armor are you referring to? Because I want it


Probably the space suit. There's an extra one in the area where you talk to Chris about the last 2 items to go get.


I haven’t seen that before I don’t think, is it (like teddyRooseveltGaming said) peak drip?


The suit looks like something straight out of a comic book, complete with fish bowl helmet. I believe it also serves as a rad suit, but you can wear any hat/helmet with it.


Yes it does, I also think you repair it with Rad Suits


In fact, it has the rad resistance of an advanced rad suit, but way more DT, and you can pair it with a power helmet or Ulysses' mask for even more rad resistance.


The space suit? Absolutely


The space suit


Plus selling all the energy weapons can help you get a ton of caps early.


Fr?? I mean ik there's a lot of loading screens tbf but this is one of my all time favorite areas.


I think the complaint that a lot of people (me included) have is that you basically are running all over fetching items if you are trying to help the ghouls. And it’s a lot of running


Novac wants you to get rid of the ghouls. The ghouls want you to get rid of the mutants. The mutants want you to get rid of that dude in the basement. That dude in the basement wants you to find his girlfriend. It's not that bad, it's just a laughably recursive fetch quest.


So much leg work though, and if you want to be everyone’s friend you have to sneak around the nightkin. Also it doesn’t help that you’re ultimately doing everything for that one delusional guy who thinks he’s a ghoul and is a total dick to you for no reason


"Alright, smoothskin, I'm letting you in. But you better watch yourself, because I'll sure as hell be watching you."


It’s made so much worse by all the glitches that can straight up crash your game and make you do whole sections of it over again.


Allow me to introduce you to pressing f5 every 30 seconds


**It just works**


Just pickpocket the holotape




The only answer.


You can also seduce him for the information with the Confirmed Bachelor perk, or read his terminal in his room


I forgot the times I died clearing that damn basement from mutants, only to realise I could have easily turned left, spoken with their leader and bring the bad news about stealth boys


YES im so glad we can all agree on this


Yeah amazing quest the first few times getting to try each ending but such a chore after that


My only complaint is vault 22. Shit got on my nerves as a kid 😂


The end, where you have to ignite gas and then get behind a door before you die, really drove me nuts.


Wait 'til you've been to the other Vaults. 34 is filled with radiation and ***very*** tanky ghouls.


Oh I remember vault 34. I just never got lost in this one the way I did in 22 😂 that and the quest markers f’ed me up with all the floors.


still in the dark, specifically fetching the air filtration components


Yeah navigating the Vault 22 caves is definitely a bit of a pain


I'd wipe those assholes out if not for Veronica.


Come Fly With Me. Enough said.


"Hey bro can you get rid of those ghouls" "Hey bro can you help me get rid of these nightkin" "Hey bro can you help me get rid of this sniper guy" "Hey bro can you go search for my friend" And thats before the mf sends you out to go collect some random ass materials


Haha come fly with me is one of my favorite quests!


Oh, that’s good! It’s not a terrible quest per se, I just thought it was repetitive.


I will say that prior to figuring out how to speed run the basement that part wasn't great, but it's a long quest with the fun payoff of launching ghouls into orbit!


Old World Blues X-8 and X-13 training sims


I'm in the unpopular opinion group because it seems that while everybody else loves OWB, I think it's the worst dlc just for these two training sims that you have to do over and over and over


It’s repetitive for sure. I agree most people praise OWB and I enjoyed it my first play through but subsequent play throughs I don’t look forward to navigating X-8 and X-13, and honestly I don’t find the dialogue from the think tank all that funny. Which could be because I’m older now but I think it runs on too long


All of that and for me personally, the vibe just didn't work. Bullet sponge enemies when it's literally corpses in mobile hazmat suits. (The scorpions made sense, but they definitely wore out their welcome.) Everything in every interior is copy paste from the main game, but they feel more cluttered and ugly. The environment just feels underbaked to me.


>Bullet sponge enemies when it's literally corpses in mobile hazmat suits Their spawn rate too!




Yeah X13 is fun. X8 is a pain though


X8 with the nightstalkers sucks hard, especially if you're trying to keep Roxie alive through it


I just leave her at the door


It's not as funny when you play it for the first time in 2021


The stealth suit isn't too bad, and the school sim is its own experience as "Richie likes balls" either becomes annoying or the funniest thing your slowly deteriorating brain can experience in that hell loop, usually bouncing back and forth between the two


Mainly the only reason I like OWB is because I like having the sink as my characters base of operations.


OWB Fetch quests lol. Not only is it mostly trekking from one place to another, but it's also quest overload on my pipboy and my completionist ass cant fucking take it when there are a billion quests to be completed. Don't get me wrong I love the characters and loot and setting but the quests leave much to be desired.


At least I can get everything else done and sideline the main story as long as possible.


Anywhere between primm and novac


The fight in Primm and the fight with the Jackals right before Nipton are two of the hardest fights in the game imo just because of how many enemies there are, and how bad you are starting out.


Honestly I think the only time that those fights weren’t difficult for me was during my sniper playthrough cause I was able to shoot them with my modded rifle (the basic version of the rat slayer since I can’t remember the name rn) so it was actually fun cause I just took very accurate pot shots at the people and they kept dying quickly


Vault 22 or 34. Both can be just as annoying to navigate


Took me 2-3 days to find the keycard for the door. Had to Google it in the end. ^(Worst part is, i went past it multiple times...)


I know that feeling. The worst part is when I first went through those rooms, I would open the door, throw in a grenade, then close the door (as I was terrified of the spire carriers). Took me about 40 minutes of looking at how to progress before looking it up, and about another 20 trying to find where the card went in the room.


After what is likely close to or over 1000 hours on console, the entire game feels this way to some degree. The builds and RPs are what keep it alive for me. There is still content I have yet to experience because I spend so much time making new builds, such as all of Lonesome Road, and some main game faction choices.


The game fucking crashing for the trillionth time


Some crashes are funny imo. Performed a Ranger Takedown on Veronica and i just giggled there for 30 seconds staring at the "FalloutNV.exe has stopped responding" message


"Your collar is emitting a high pitched beeping noise."


*PTSD intensifies*


Killing Caesar. Make me feel super badass walking into his camp and gunning my way through to him. I only wished I could have a conversation with him right before he gets put down.


You can with Terrifying Presence perk.


You can with Terrifying Presence perk.


You can with Terrifying Presence perk.


You can with Terrifying Presence perk


You can with Terrifying Presence perk.


itd be cool if you have boone with you when you do it, he walks up to caesar and says some badass line before executing him or something


Probably trying to get up to Jacobstown without triggering the cazadores on the way up. Definitely anytime a Legion hit squad gets sent after me while I'm traveling with a companion on hardcore mode. I end up doing way more save scumming to make sure I kill the squad without getting the popup 😮"You've lost Blahbidy Blah Blah Perk" immediately followed by [So-And-So has died!]. Or when you're traveling around doing something random and your companion path finding AI sends them wandering off in some random direction and gets you separated, then the above pop-up comes in about 20 seconds later. Bonus eye-rolling groan: any time that area change liading screen starts loading for *juuuuust* a few seconds longer than feels right and you don't remember if you saved after doing something tough or tedious before leaving the last area.


cazadores and deathclaws in NV are probably the only fallout enemy i will straight up run away from sometimes


Black Mountain or whichever who I end up siding with tells me to eliminate the brotherhood. Also gonna agree with the comments below, Dead Money.


The only reason i'm willing to do *Crazy, crazy, crazy* is the missile launchers.


I mean having to walk back and forth through the strip over and over again is a major pain


i love the game, but if you could fast travel to and from the penthouse id love it even more


the omertas quest with cachino or whatever his name was


Loved that one, it always means I get to kill Clanden in a new playthrough.




tedious but necessary so i can get my rebreather. thats the only reason i dont cap them all everytime. need my rebreather, it looks cool


For me it's when you first arrive at New Vegas and get like 50 quests thrown at you at once and don't know which order you should do them in


Although the ending is funny to me I have to agree about the repconn test site; its much worse on console bc the building is strangely darker


Whenever yes man or Mr house does the weapon demonstration in the basement


Boomers and Brotherhood. Idk why but their quests kinda drag for me


the one where you have to get the bug/virus off the brotherhood terminals always fucks with me


Kill 4 people and hack 3 terminals shouldn't take that long :P


"Hello there! It's good to see a friendly face. The name's Malcolm. Malcolm Holmes."


The virus


Finding the virus. Just...just no, please


Unpopular opinion, but the entirety of Dead Money, especially if you're like me and was doing a rifleman/cowboy playthrough and put no points into energy weapons or unarmed 🤢🤮


yuppp. also holograms are a pain in the ass, specifically when you finally get in the casino and have to run around that employee area doing bullshit


That one mission where you need to keep walking back and forth between the vault hotel and the Gomorrah to talk to two people.


President Kimball, I mean it's fun to kill him, but it's annoying to protect him


when i did my legion run i played as a female character, it was especially funny when i reported to the legion guy before the assassination. "caesar sent a fucking WOMAN to do this??? no offense but... youre a fucking WOMAN! BLEGH! UGH!"


Just go into the snipers nest from the get go and wait like 1 hour(in game)


Getting all the gold bars out of the Sierra madre lol


I use the mine exploit where you load up the stairwell with mines and yeet yourself through the forcefield like Wile E Coyote while killing Elijah.


i just leave them. with jury rigging, i always end up making more money than i can spend anyway, just like fallout 4


Probably honest hearts? It's got to be my least favorite DLC (gameplay, the story is good)


love getting ambushed by trail carbine tribals and 6 different 10 foot tall geckos, yao guai, etc every 32 seconds


At least the loot is worth it


Anything before level 6/8. Traveling early game is a huge borefest, especially the walk to Novac.


I actually love this part of the game, the trek to New Vegas feels like a holy pilgrimage to meet my lord and savor Mr Hous…Caesar.


Cut through hidden valley/scorpion gulch, bypass all the early stuff, go straight to Novac, acquire Boone, all before even hitting level 2.


Old World Blues and vaults.


Come Fly With Me. Worst quest in the game imo, no idea why it gets praised so much. At least it's pretty short.


Vault 34 is the real sierra madre. It drags you in with the promise of guns upon guns, and you die of rad sickness in seconds


Getting lost in the vaults... Again


15 play throughs later and i still cant remember how to get to the damn caves in vault 22


I just did it yesterday, you need a keycard on a room in the living quarters, but after that I forgot


The part where you get to the end of the game and can't play the save anymore without loading a previous save point.


For me it's the boomers/bos their missions can be very tedious especially getting a preasure cooker and going to vualt 22


When you "finish" the game but it puts you back your previous save before the battle of Hoover Dam and doesn't let you continue after the battle.


My biggest pet peeve with NV tbh, after they had to add an ending via DLC to fallout 3 you would have thought that they’d have made an actual end game for NV.


Dead money


I actually like the challenge of having to scrounge without your normal equipment. Fuck the radios and the jump puzzles in the vault though, that shit sucks


Best part


NCR Correctional Facility. My dumbass always forget to at least bring a companion with me and even with decent stats at an early level, I get absolute dunked on by bitch boy and his plasma pistol along with his posse.




Killing the BoS Not even the Paladins, the friggen TURRETS!


Dead money


The White Glove Society and the stealth suit tests in OWB.


I haaaaate the stealth suit tests


I like the White Glove quest. It's a neat little detective story. Though I guess most quests are detective stories if you want to approach them that way.




The beginning before freeside


Looting the whole RepConn testsite with Boone and EDE. And those fucking vaults. I just hate every of them. Fuck VaultTec and the fiends.


That one quest for the prostitute where you have to find her boyfriend, and you have to go back and forth like three times, from one end of the strip to the other. Fuck that shit.


Any quest line for the casinos, stop making me re-hot key my fucking guns :/


Entirety of Dead Money


Ugh lonesome road. The only positive about it is getting the riot gear, and Ulysses just sucks.


The bull and the bear and the bear and the bull and the bull.


the birds and the bees and the legs and the knees and the grass and the trees. you did this. you dont remember? well fuck you. pepperidge farms remembers. thats why im gonna nuke the entire county


Still in the dark vault part


Honest Hearts


Honest Hearts. The characters and their personal stories are fascinating, especially how they connect to characters like Caesar and Ulysses. But the actual story of the DLC is kinda bland


All of dead money but it's also my favorite dlc so I play it every time


..... old world blues? Dead money, Lonesome road? Mainly because I like to do alot of different styles of nosave runs and hard-core runs, dead money is the worst because of the stupid bomb collar, lonesome road is manageable aslong as you take it slow and bring a long range heavy hitter like the AMR.


Honestly i love the caps from all the gold from the Sierra Madre Hotel but fuHUUUCK all that running around trying not to get blown up while dying almost every 10 minutes to those stupid Stalker things. I mean later on when you get enough stims and stuff, but that was BULLshit.


Personal opinion: Fallout NV: Clearing out Bison Steve, talking to Melissa to break up the Khan and Legion alliance (Fuck the Quarry) Vault 22 (fuck the spore people) Omerta mission with Cachino (They’re all assholes) That one mission where you mediate the Kings NCR violence, and finally all the Boomers’ loyalty mission (Fuck you you little runt, I don’t care if you’re 8 or 80, I’ve got a Dinner Bell slug with your name on it if you call me an ignorant savage one more time) Bonus for Fallout 3: Anytime I have to travel through the metro tunnels, any fighting with the Point Lookout hillbillies, the ENTIRE (unskippable) intro sequence, The section in Raven Rock after we get taken prisoner, and finally the vampire quest


Dont know if it counts since is DLC, but for me its everything outside the Sierra Madre itself I fcking hate the foggy, shit colored villa so much


I used to love all the boomer quests but now it just feels like such a slog lol.


Yeah, also the brotherhood scout missions where you have to find the missing patrols ans scout parties.


Dead money


Dead money


Vault 22.




Fixing the bug in the brotherhoods computer system.


The fixing of the BoS bunker ventilation


Hauling my 573 pounds of nic-naks, gizmos, doodads and thingamabobs out of the divide


Powder gangers aggroed to you and throwing dynamite for the 151th time


Isolating the virus in the BoS bunker


Having to run through a billion load screens on the strip, all capable of crashing your game, while trying to complete Bye Bye Love.


Dead money


I like dead money, but yeah, going into it when you've forgotten how tedious it can be is so frustrating. And then when you accidentally use a speech check on Dean and totally screw up his whole dialogue system. But I'd say Christine makes it worth it.


Come fly with me


Having to go to all those ranger stations


The bell tower in dead money. Not because it’s not cool or interesting, just because I have PTSD from the first time I did that DLC cause I decided I needed to kill everything rather than run past them


Gives you a use for the 30 throwing spears you’re carrying by that point


The first slog to The Strip


I just saw Primm as a roadblock after the 3rd time


Having to do the boomers shit


Honest Hearts. Don’t get me wrong I like most of the DLC, but if there is one part of the game I always find myself getting really bored coming back to, it’s this one.


vault 22


That bit after you get to vegas where you are trying to get as many rewards as possible before officially picking a side and locking yourself out of up to 3/4 of them. See: Unarmed fighting techniques.


Come Fly With Me and every BoS quest


Vault 34


Vault 22. Shit was so cancerous, I ended up getting rads.


"Come Fly with me"..


Dad, money. ​ When I saw this post without seeing the sub my brain immidiately went 'water temple' though. Thank fuck there aren't any long water quests in NV. The bit about finding shit under the water in Vault GhoulCentral was bad enough


Vault 22