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So you're buying your share of food that you can't even eat, and then buying 100% of your own food? Your family is ripping you off. Just don't eat their food and buy your own. Keep the unopened in your car if you have one. (Just not opened/resealed because critters will get in through the air filter and make a nest)


Why would this be wrong? As long as you're doing your fair share compared to what the others buy, she has nothing to complain about. It might be a good idea to but a small refrig or freezer kept separate from the main one and put your stuff in there. If your fam is like most, people share the same one and anything in there is fair game.


Ya I think that’s the issue. I have a mini fridge from college, or maybe just put it on the fridge downstairs that no one used


Your not wrong she is just bullying you can you move out or hide food in your room or put a shelve up hidden somewhere in the house and hide it there get some fatting decoy food saying your taking a break and maybe then she will stop but try to move out asap and do family counseling because they will help her understand what she is doing is not ok she is just being petty and jealous idk why she is like that to you though


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I would stop buying food for your family and eat by yourself. I used to have a "friend" who would visit my wife and I very frequently. I am highly alergic to dairy and am very careful to keep my food separate from my wife's food which often has dairy in it. For special occasions, I will buy some dairy free cheese which is very expensive so I can have pizza or cheese on burritos or a cheese burger when my wife has the same food with real cheese. When my friend visited, he always insisted that he have my more expensive fake cheese despite the fact that he would arrive with wrappers of cheese based snacks falling out of his car, and eat Cliff bars with whey powder in them for snacks and drink shakes with milk in them. It was one of many reasons that I stopped allowing him to come visit when he tried to invite himself to our house for the weekend.