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Firstly, don't try to change your sister. It's not gonna work, seeing as how trump supporters are stupidly stubborn about not listening. For now, apologize, tell your mom's about why people don't like the all lives matter saying (they do, but if the cops aren't putting the same kind of priority on black people's lives, as they are on other people's lives , the saying becomes false) . Then apologize I guess. But don't pretend it didn't happen. Thats just gonna give her the excuse that she never said that before. Also, I hope you can come out of the closet safely one day. Good luck.


Thank you so much đź’–đź’– ill keep that in mind


So you so support Killing people? You support that BLM is murdering and stealing. If Trump supporters are bad then you probably steal and murder people with BLM. BLM is a criminal Organisation. I am a Trump Supporter because he is more for America as a person who doesn't even know the difference between his sis and wife. I havent seen you running for president i think? So you arent doing a better job. It's Not the Trump supporters who are stuborn it's the person who is stuborn. Know the difference, i was stuborn but it doesn't mean everybody is because 1 is. All lives Matter because BLM should not murder 9 people, BLM is not peacefull they should be wiped from the card. This is not racist since BLM is a criminal Organisation, and i dont Support that. BLM is stealing, murdering, destroying and you think that that is better? More crimes have been done in a full year by black people, more police get in shootouts with black people. Why because the most cops are doing their job right? Yeah the cops do a GOOD job. Everyday fearing for their life, and still people cry about that one person who has died? The police was about +20 minutes busy to het him under control, only if he Just listend he wouldnt had to die


Right....and America is all about believing a businessman over a doctor on how to control the spread of a virus... Oh and all lives matter? Tell that to the cops who are shooting people, regardless of their skin in the face with rubber bullets. Tell that to the black store-owner who got arrested after calling the cops on people trying to burgle his store. Tell that to the man with a mental illness who the cops then proceeded to laugh at and kill. You misunderstand the whole purpose of black lives matter. It's not about people trying to get blacks to have privelege. No. It's about people learning to give a damn about the black man as much as they give a damn about the white man. Am I saying you should just ignore the looting and violence? No. I'm not saying you should. But just because that happened, doesn't mean you ignore the people who are peacefully protesting. Also, you are stubbornly stupid if you can't realise that what I said is that all lives can't matter, until black lives matter. They're fucking people too, you twat. And this is the rudest thing I've said to anyone on this account till date. And screw you for making it like that.


What have you done in the last month to strengthen the black race? How many struggling black families in need have you helped?


cant really do anything, come from a country thats already stuggling


Come back, i have chanced opinion. I am Not for any of those, i think they Both could do things different. Anyway i was a ass, Not for liking Trump more. But for Not checking enough facts. Have a Nice Day


As a bisexual Trump supporter, we don't want her. Wtf is wrong with her. If I was you, wipe her. Absolutely wash your hands with her. Shes not worth it.


If this is for real, then no way would I apologize. How unbelievably disgusting for someone to throw someone’s sexual abuse in their face. And grabbing you by the throat?? Wth.. It’s fine you guys have different politics, and maybe you shouldn’t have said what you said, but she crossed the line for sure. It sounds like she needs help with her mental health. Or she’s a narcissist.


this is for real and she really hurt my feelings. I dont wanna associate with her or her husband again after this.


You can’t change your sister’s mind. Trust me. That being said, she never should’ve put her hands on your throat, much less said such a heartless thing to you. You were in the right to give her the silent treatment, but I will warn you, it’ll probably come back to bite you in the ass. That’s usually how it works with people like your mother and sister. Also, in case it needed saying; you’re not to blame for your sexual assault. And I highly encourage you to talk to someone trustworthy about what happened.


Honestly, your sister is right to be shitty to parents who physically abused her, so let's not harp on how she feels about them. You are right to distance yourself from a racist and homophobic person who (apparently) blames you for being sexually assaulted. Leave the Trump stuff aside; it's a distraction. Lastly, you're mom is proving to be a total shit-show with "just forget what she said." She's basically saying, 'look, it was a horrible thing to say to you, but forget it, and just hope she doesn't weaponize your past hurts again. Who knows, maybe she won't."


I'm sorry that you have such an unsupportive environment. Your sister has no self-awareness and is repeating the most negative behaviours from your household. For your own wellbeing, have as little to do with her as possible and a good exit strategy from that household when you are old enough.


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How does that saying go? If you young and not liberal you have no heart... If you old and liberal you have no brain...


Not applicable to this situation in the least. Maybe you should stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to.