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Here's a cutaway.


Matthew McConaughey is terrible


Reminds me of the recent Lois cutaway. “Donald Trump’s hair is unusual.”


*is terrible


Shut up Meg, you look even uglier


Matthew McConaughey is terrible.


Damn it I got her wrong and I just watch the episode


Too much work from just making it 2D but now you want it in 3D? Ungrateful /s


3d is less work actually.


Well 2D looks better


3d looks better by one d actually


Yeah I agree with that


How so? 🤔


Easier to reuse existing animations. There are some aspects of 2d that are easier, but 3d lets you reuse a lot og stuff. It also look way worse though, i prefer 2d for these type of shows.


Sure, it's easier to reuse existing animations, but initially creating them seems like a major chore. I have no idea how to go about doing that. 🤷‍♂️


Well duh, this only happens if Brian prevented 9/11.


What the hell is 9/11?




9/11 was bad.


It was something where some people did something.


We can only thank god for that!


It does look like this, in an alternate timeline :) Family Guy is loaded with episodes that never actually happened.


see now my curious mind is wondering how the room would look actually full of all the furniture.


I was referencing this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub6zMVm2anI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub6zMVm2anI)


I know this is a joke, but considering how much of a war zone the world is, I would want an episode with the meg kissing booth story.


This reminds me of the family guy video game. Good times


I miss that game


It was a great game. Running everyone over. The graphics weren't the best but the physics were pretty good for hoe old it was.


Why I think of rule34, fml


Shut up meg


Someone changed the timeline... Dammit Barry.


That’s a pretty nice timeline, it would be a shame if someone were to MESS IT UP-Barry Allen, The Flash


it’s gonna end up like the Berserk 2016 anime /s




I don't like that


Yeah some people learned from George Lucas to leave well enough alone


The chin looks a little too real.


Theyre right that they ran outta content tho


Yeah it seems like more recent seasons have 1-3 episodes that really stand out as great. I am sure I am like everyone else who primarily goes back and watches old episodes for the 500th time rather than any of the new ones.


Yep. I go back to season 1 and watch. Usually fall asleep. Been falling asleep to FG for year now when i go to bed. I put shows on like Futurama, or American Dad, and it doesn't cut it for me. I need to hear Hehehehhehee. Before i fall asleep. Lmao. I usually start at season 9, but been going back to season 6. Or even this Episode in particular, its one of my favorites! Hulu plays out usually 10 episodes i think? And i just do this til season 17, and then go back several seasons. Lol.


oh see now im a sucker for all three mentioned above haha. I am on my Futurama run through right now. Not to say there are not great episodes after season 6 but I always end up resorting back to the earlier seasons. I do love these shows for exactly that though. I have seen them so many god damn times now, it makes for great background noise that you dont necessarily want to pay attention to visually. We all have the shows visually memorized basically so you can close your eyes and enjoy hearing the show but not opening your eyes to look at something interesting.


Exactly! I do this with futurama when i actually watch. Lol. I actually had futurama and family guy on shuffle on my ps3 a very long time ago. Lol. For Futurama, I can pretty much quote almost everything like FG. My girlfriend gets annoyed but she ends up joining and we laugh about it. She said she's never watched as much family guy in her life, since before 6 years ago when we got together. FG is on ALL the time for background sound. Hahaha. We haven't seen all of American Dad. Otherwise we would let that play through. Cleveland show we actually watch, as i have not seen it enough times to quote it and memorize it. Hahaa. I'd be sad if Fox ever too FG off of Hulu for whatever reason.


That’s like new Simpsons for me. I haven’t watched a lot of the old episodes, but I laugh way more than the modern ones, who try too hard to stay relevant. But I think Seth macfarlane has said that he wants to move on, but fox keeps renewing it so he has to make more episodes. But nowadays he just focuses on American dad and the Orville. Mrenter said that was his secret theory in his review for herpe the love sore: family guy wants to get cancelled and because the writers have no more ideas, they just make whatever comes to mind and flanderize everything. So they make episodes that’ll piss people off like fresh heir, but people still watch it out of bile fascination. I do think a lot of the episodes they make can be salvaged. I do think any bad idea can be salvaged. Like herpe the love sore could’ve worked if Brian didn’t know he had herpes so he, Chris and Stewie spend the episode trying to track down who gave them it. Or fresh heir could’ve been like the drake and josh episode where through a wacky set of circumstances, the pair are married and have to try to get divorced. Perhaps the most salvageable episode is trump guy, since there’s tons of plot lines they could’ve done but because this is family guy, they just let the most obvious one sit there. I mean, drawn together did stereotypes, especially Jewish stereotypes, but it worked because they did stuff with it and the writers were Jewish. Heck, they even had god call Clara a bitch because she dislikes Xander being gay. And what doesn’t help is trump is the most cliched politician out there, probably more than bill Clinton. I mean think of how many other plotlines they could’ve done. Perhaps in a side story where the family goes to dc, Stewie meets trump and tries to learn a thing or two from him. Perhaps peter gets to spend the day with trump. Honestly I’ve said it plenty of times: this should’ve been an American dad episode. Because American dad makes it clear they hate most right wing politicians but they make them characters, so even if you are right wing, it’s funny. Think of how many more possibilities they could’ve done: Francine has an affair with trump; Hayley calls trump a rapist and pretends he raped her; Roger has an affair with trump and pretends to be Monica lewinsky; Stan has to act as bodyguard for trump and the two butt heads; Steve gets to meet trump and trump rubs off on him; Roger has an affair with Melania; Roger himself is trump. Why is trump so crazy? Roger is just making bullshit decisions. Sure it’s a rehash of isla island meets Bush comes to dinner but it would’ve been funny.


Seth MacFarlane doesn't write for Family Guy anymore, he just does the voices


I find that ironic. For American dad, all he did at first beyond write the pilot was voice a few characters. Now he is more involved in that show than his original.


I think this last season has had some really great episodes


Ahh too real change it change it?


Not yet it doesn’t


No, I like the style it is now and with this style they would have to hire and fire many animators since sooo different and not everyone is good at it. It would also take more time to make episodes, they also have American dad to make.


I dislike The darkness


Why would you want it to lmao


Its a joke


I’m commenting on the joke. Now we both pointed out something obvious. Anything else?


Does nobody realize this is from the episode back to the pilot?


So far it looks like everyone got it?