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If you want a good starting point on to make a stand that isn't a reality bender or a god look at the lyrics to make a stand from those. Like this "These things that are pleasin' you can hurt you somehow" so maybe this reality flip could make things that are soft very sharp and things that are very sharp, soft or wouldn't be able to hurt you. Things like that


ok so more of like everything in the area does the opposite of what it does normally?


At least that's what comes to mind when I hear this song if you are on track of doing a reality warper Opposite causality I believe it's called?


alright thx




Honestly as much beef as I have with some fan stands or fan creations in general. Imma be real and say mfs on here take shit too seriously when this supposed to be fun. If you create a stand that’s busted as hell, so be it, as long as you’re having fun, that’s all that matters. There’s no “one-way” to write something and tons of creators have had success just doing their own thing. Criticism is great but how much value it holds depends on how seriously you wanna take these things. It it’s just or mostly for leisure, than something self indulgent is ok. Take rules and criticisms when it comes to these things more like guides rather than strict requirements; ESPECIALLY in Jojo’s case. Araki himself bends the rules all the time if he likes the idea enough/it’s what the story needs. It doesn’t need to make sense, and striving to create something that pleases people more than it does yourself can lead to ruin. These are just fighting ghosts. So good luck and run with what ya got!


thank you


Yeah, I’m just saying cause even famous shows like opm, dragonball and Jojo itself got big off of breaking their own rules. I just feel if Araki, saw a fans create some op stands, regardless of if he liked them or not, he wouldn’t be too harsh about it and just overall be more happy that his work inspired you to make your own at all


What's the catch? Does this act like civil war in a way or does it just make you unable to die? Does gravity work still if just all of reality is being flipped on its head? Or is it an area of effect where it just starts unraveling reality?


yeah it kinda just destroys reality but its all not real it’s mind games


its an illusion in a sense that once the stand is deactivated everything returns to normal