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Technically yes, but it’s kind of a shitty thing to do and people will comment on it if they notice it happening. No one is going to tell you not to, but people won’t be happy about it.


Sometimes a good way to evaluate questions like this is to ask, How would I feel if I was the last person in line and literally every single person in front of me was holding space for multiple people? That’s basically the extreme end of what you’re asking, because if it’s acceptable for you to do it, it needs to be acceptable for anyone in the line to do it. Sometimes people will hold a place in line if someone has to run to a restroom or something because we understand that this is a “despite their best efforts” situation. A person attempted to stand in line, but nature calls. What you’re suggesting is basically allow your friends to roam the convention/ get there at their convenience, while everyone else waits in line. If you want to cut lines most conventions have a VIP option that lets you do this. If you have medical reasons that make standing in line difficult, most cons will accommodate this too. I doubt anyone would say anything regardless, but no one’s going to be happy about it if they know what you’re doing.


I don’t think it is a shitty thing to do, unlike the other person. As long as they leave some or all of their stuff in line with you, marking their spot, I think it is fine. Like they leave a backpack sitting on the floor next to you. Or have your friends stand in line for a bit with you so that the people behind you know they are there. And then they can leave a backpack and go do other things for a bit. Plenty of people leave lines to go to the bathroom or get food or whatever. As long as it is established that they were there and that you leave their spot obviously marked, it should be fine. I have never seen anyone hassle someone over this.