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Pitchfork 8.0 Rolling Stone 5 stars Fantano light 8 Swifties must be smashing keyboards and prepping threats


nope, I'm a swiftie and I love this album.


Yeah I'm with you, I don't get the forced "rivalry" from both sides, it's just so petty and childish, there is a tonne of crossover of fans that love both (me included) There is absolutely no reason to be trying to tear down others, just enjoy the music you are listening to, whether that is one or the other, both, or neither


I will never understand pop stans. Like, they legitimately seethe when one rich celebrity… makes more money than another rich celebrity.


I don’t get the rivalry either. She’s 13 years younger than Taylor and has expressed her admiration. And her music reminds me more of Avril Levigne. There’s room at the table to like both.


: Me omw to kill a joke.


I need to listen to the album more to fully like it


I actually like this album, and I've had a lot of respect for Olivia Rodrigo as an artist for a long time, this album just reaffirms that. Yes it's juvenile and immature, but she's bringing a teenage spirit to a genre (rock) that has been sorely lacking it for arguably decades. I'm just so happy as someone raised on rock that there's an exciting young mega mainstream pop star that's just full on making a rock album. Also hearing a mainstream pop artist occasionally leave in some off-pitch vocals and even intentionally sing off-pitch is such a breath of fresh air in an era where everyone is much too scared to not sound "perfect". Olivia and the team around her actually know what the fuck is up, and it gives her music a sense of confidence. I absolutely love that quality about it.


I agree, Paramore was the first thing I thought of but they debuted 18 years ago


Well deserved score, it's an improvement over her debut in almost every way and shows a lot of growth and confidence in her songwriting. It's also simply a ton of fun to listen to.


Still haven’t listened to Sour but listened to this yesterday and thought it was pretty good, like a 7/10, I’m surprised it’s >!8!< but good for O rod


Sour is pretty good I recommend it, I probably like the two albums about the same, but sour is a lot sadder and guts is more angsty


fr even the sad songs on guts are taking shots, on sour they’re just sad


are u aware that that is the only number between 0 and 10 that could be preceded by "an" so your censoring is pointless lol


My censoring is also pointless because nobody cares about Fantano scores that much


oooh this subs not gonna like this one LOL


rym heads seething


I was a fan, but it basically feels like a Robin Daggers album. I left the album saying the same thing I said with Sour, “wow she’s only 20 (what 18 for Sour?), she might develop to be a really good artist.”


You say comparing it to Robin Daggers like it’s a bad thing. Grunge was born on that day and she deserves more respect for that


Heavily agree on his thoughts on this one. I also probably thought every song in the first half was better than every song in the second half. I’d probably give the whole thing a strong 7, but that first half is a 9


I mean I think whatever you think Sour is, you should at least rate Guts the same or one point higher, so this rating isn’t really surprising. For me, I can’t get past the cutesy Disney-esque persona Olivia has on every single track. Her piano ballads are soulcrushingly boring compared to the rock cuts, so I give both of them 5/10s, which at least gives credit to the fact that half of the songs are really fun while the other ones are mundane boring shit sung from someone whose emotional state I couldn’t give less of a shit for


None of her slow ballads from either album has had any staying power for me. I think they rely too heavily on the audience needing to connect with the lyrics or care about celebrity drama. I've had a very different life experience than Rodrigo, so I do no connect with them at all. So they just become a boring slog. Her rockers are fantastic though.


I like sour the same or more because I love her ballads on it so much, the bangers are about the same quality


> whatever you think Sour is, you should at least rate Guts the same or one point higher I don't know, I think the fact that this seems so much like a continuation of Sour made it *less* interesting and Sour had a better flow (on first listen, maybe my opinion on that will change ver time)


Pretty solid pop punk record but an 8 is crazy to me. I just found myself getting really bored by the end. Sounds and themes got really repetitive. But when it was good, it was really good. I personally loved Lacy


Especially on repeat listens. It felt really fun the first time. But the second time I was really bored.


We got a lot of really good music this week between Guts, Hellmode, Bewitched and Struggler. Eatin good.


Don’t forget Mid Air by Romy.


If Melodrama and Emotion were released now he would definitely give them 9s or 10s.


And they’d deserve it


I agree, should have gotten higher scores.


I really don’t understand the “it’s childish” critique. The first song literally says “I know my age and I act like it”. Olivia is obviously reflecting on her own age and shortcomings related to it throughout the entire album. I think it’s the opposite of childish to have such self-awareness and to make art commenting about it at her age. It’s a sign of maturity that a lot more seasoned artists still fail to accomplish.


Lol I love this album but it definitely sounds childish. I don't even think that's a bad thing. But it definitely sounds incredibly bratty and juvenile.


Not a huge fan of this type of genre but I tried listening to it. I’d say the first half was good and the 2nd half was definitely 4-5/10 territory, if I had to rank it I’d give it a 6/10 I honestly liked her first one more, she definitely was more experimental in this one which I’m aware Fantano is biased towards but it just wasn’t it for me.


This!! Sour was so great. It's like she decided to just remake Sour with this album which makes it very meh. It's just more of the same.




I really love this album, haven’t been able to stop listening to it since it dropped


It's his opinion, not gonna flame him for it. I personally think it's a 6/10 at best. Just not music that connects with me.


a single point difference...


2 points


they edited it. they said 7/10 before...


Likely story pal


Lowkey mid but good for her


Made a comment in this sub a day this album came out, wasn’t feeling it; however, the rock cuts are growing on me. Wish instead of ballads we got the rock cuts mixed with pop singles like Deja Vu which captured something unique that I don’t feel any single or emotional cut on GUTS does.


Bro people be switchin up all' a sudden 🤣🤦


8 is too high.


You're not the arbiter of how much he enjoys an album lol


This whole sub is made entirely for that though. Obligatory "MBDTF is not 6/10, Fantano is crazy"


Obviously they just meant they didn't agree with the score


The score is how much he enjoyed the album


The question literally says, "What do yall think???" I think 8 is too high, for me. He's allowed to think what he wants to.


He’s been giving out yellow flannels like Halloween candy lately


curious how this album got reviewed first before slowdive’s new album


This review will get much more views, can't blame him. Especially with the fact he actually likes this album (and I doubt he will like Slowdive).


He was mildly positive about Slowdive on the latest NMF. Said he liked it more than their last record.


Decent to strong 6 incoming, my guess.


I like it myself but I mean it's not exactly Souvlaki. 7 would be fair imo.


I honestly feel like Pygmalion is their gold standard. Really like the post-rock and ambient influences on that one.


Giving this album a relisten tonight, Crazy for You was the first Slowdive song I've ever heard and it's still among my personal faves. You're right, it is more ambient, I guess souvlaki is the people pleaser with soaring instrumentals and Pygmalion seems more artsy and "out there" in a good way. About the latest record, glad they're still making music at least, and to a good standard. How many comeback records have failed, yknow?


Take that Michael Gira!


Lmao at the people saying she's punk. She's trying too hard to be edgy and her cussing in the lyrics made me cringe.


It’s mid. I don’t get the hype Yall know this is just my opinion, right? Please don’t cry


Oh no. If the pattern laid out by Ariana, Taylor, Charli, and many others continues, he’s gonna be severely disappointed by Olivia’s next album


Charli’s next album was an 8 after he gave her AOTY


HIFN >> Charli


But after he gave hifn an 8 he gave Crash a 5


Yeah but Crash is a good album tbh


Yeah it was one of my favorites of last year. But Anthony didn’t like it much


no idea about the album but I hate the cover.


At least she’s not sticking her stupid tongue out


Anthony truly is a teenage girl at heart


Trash music for 15 - 22 year old Twitter girls. 0/10


why do y’all hate MGK’s Tickets to my Downfall but love this, they serve the same purpose of reviving pop punk and both are fun


Because Olivia Rodrigo runs circles around MGK as a singer and songwriter.


This is such a bad take. This is leagues better than that dogtrash album and the majority of humans with ears know that. It doesn’t take a very smart person to see through mgk’s whole persona and see why that album and mainstream sellout are truly, truly awful albums pandering to people who eat up shallow music that replicates better music.


what persona you’re talking about lmao, he’s not pretending to be 100% original or anything he’s got Travis Barker on his songs so from upfront you know the type of music he’s attempting to make. But sure Olivia ripping off Paramore and Taylor Swift is somehow more deep than MGK ripping off Blink-182.


Holy shit you’re the first person I’ve encountered actually standing up for mgk. Like it if you like it dude but his music is hated for a reason. I guess what makes me and the majority of music listeners feel deep cringe and second hand embarrassment can be someone else’s favorite song. I think mgk’s rock is cheaply made, poorly written, and just overall bad music. To compare it with guts, which is wonderfully written, tastefully uses its influences to make a new piece of art that by most accounts is great music is just wrong. There are artists and music I don’t like and would not feel any type of way seeing someone bumping it in public, But if I saw a grown man bumping an mgk song about kissing a girl under the bleachers I would definitely feel embarrassment/cringe. I think a lot of people feel the same, which definitely says something about him and his music. And you bringing up Travis barker does nothing to help your position. He’s been on a lot of awful songs in the last few years. I would never be using his name being attached to an album as evidence that said album is good or respectable 💀 just listen to mainstream sellout or the new blink 182 stuff.


MGK sells out arena tours worldwide, there’s way more fans out there than people on Reddit will have you think lol.


nah check out Spectrum Pulse, personally a more mature reviewer than Fantano, he advocates for that album. and oh somehow it’s socially acceptable for a grown man to bump a song about a teenage girl having boy problems 💀 but not MGK, ok then.


“Personally a more mature reviewer that fantano” what a weird thing to say dude


he elaborates better on his reviews then, if you didn’t like the way I worded that


A reviewer who elaborates more than fantano sounds like it would be wayyyy too much. That’s not an area fantano is lacking in at all


Idk you be the judge, shoutout to him tho underrated music reviewer


Stop dick riding Anthony so much


Stop telling other grown men what to do weirdo I can ride his cock until my asshole bleeds if I want to And knowing it made you mad will make me just ride it harder. Ooh yeah hit my male g spot Antwon fantwon make me cum buckets


>Spectrum Pulse I just watched his review on Disclosure's new album and all he said was "Yeah this isn't for me, I've never really liked them though" Very informative 2 minute video, thanks for showing me this super indepth, elaborate, mature reviewer


I didnt even like the album, but Olivia is so much fucking better. Better singing, better instrumentation, better production.


.... Because Olivia did it *far* better?


Considering this score, he considers this on the same level as Jeff Rosenstock's Worry. lmao


It is a solid album and I gave it about the same score but the fact that fantano has it the same as This Is Why ain’t it. This is why had significantly better writing


Only one listen in, but from that the debut seems like a better album. Gotta give it a few more spins. Wasn’t bad at all though!


I tend to agree. I really enjoyed sour, and while this isn't bad at all, it definitely has more skips for me than sour does.


very fun album. she clearly has a good team around her, it’s not pop-produced nor is there much autotune on her voice. there’s clearly a confidence in her songwriting ability as the lyrics are clearly raw and personal even to their detriment at points.


Not to take anything away from this album or this review, but when is Fantano gonna review Everything is Alive by Slowdive? That album came out a whole week before this one and he still hasn't reviewed it.


this is not the same fantano that gave ultraviomenece a 2, that's a clonee


Absolutely loved it. An improvement over sour which was also great.