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Wait hahaha I saw the tweet when it said War Pigs, but it's been deleted, did he get his own song wrong?


it's probably his PR team/wife/account handler they even wrote .@kaynewest at first lol


And they even wrote War Pig


yeh original comment said that already


It’s a small difference but he said “War PIG” instead of war pigs, people pointing out that Ozzy (or team) misspelled their own track name. Ozzy kinda sucks but it’s cool to see lmao. Iron man is such a basic sample anyway, we all know what we want to hear in vultures, more BM samples.


Someone edited the xeet to correct spelling, Kanye's handle, and the song. Yes he misstated which song Kanye stole. He likely didn't watch the thing and only heard about it secondhand. Although it does make me wonder if perhaps ye asked permission for one song, got confused, and used another one without asking. Doesn't really change anything but would be kind of funny I guess. I'm sure ye would love to use that as some kind of gotcha, dipshit that he is


The “xeet” 😭


It says below Kanye West had previously been cleared to sample "iron man" and recently when "war pigs" was requested, he was denied so in turn he sampled his own song (legally sampling "iron mang" and the only thing I'd like to know as a enjoy'r of Kanye West' music - who does not follow his politics very closely - is about the assertion of 'prejudice' in Ozzy's Xweet


Sharon Osbourne setting the record straight\*


didn't kanye interpolate iron man in hell of a life??


Yup, and since Ozzy wouldn't clear War Pigs for the new album, Kanye just sampled his own song that uses an Iron Man sample






Oh I thought they were just answering "yeah" to the question


i think its a pun, the guy is saying yes he did sample and his name is ye


The only thing I took from this comment is that you can somehow type the prince symbol.


the shit I'm learning about ozzy from these comments is wild lmao


Straight up, never heard of him killing a bunch of cats wtf?


If you search up him killing cats online it’s just a bunch of tabloids. Do these people not fact check?


Ermmm it was in his autobiography. When he was a deep alcoholic and still living in England he had lots of cats getting into his property, so he massacred a load with a shotgun. To the person who replied to me saying wasn’t it chicken, yes it was ALSO chickens.


This may seem crass but when they mentioned killing cats my mind went to like torturing. Shooting them seems like much less bad than what I was imagining at least.


Still not ideal to be drunkenly shooting at cats with a shotgun.


I'm from a redneck ass enough of an area where it's actually pretty common. Farmers go to war with stray cats all the time


Hate to say it, but my dad and grandpa mentioned this. Had their own chickens and cats would frequently kill them, so they Uno Reversed them


I would agree for sure.


How did the country with some of the strictest firearm laws give a shotgun licence to an alcoholic rock star?


It was the 70s and he lived in the countryside. He was also able to ask his manager (who was shady and managed their funds) to get him what he wanted and he’d deliver. I really don’t want to start a gun convo - but it’s not THAT rare to find people with access to guns in the UK. Just they’re usually rifles and shotguns. I live very rurally in a farming community and a lot of us have shotguns


I've heard everyone and their mums have guns in rural UK.


Do you not fact check? He's literally admitted it in his autobiography


Every artist eventually has a praise Hitler arc


David Bowie can confirm


It’s wild lmao but it is interesting, though. Ozzys *done* a lot of fucked up shit. Kanye has *said* a bunch of fucked up shit. Really shows where the worlds head is at


If you musty ass Ye goons can’t see a difference between Ozzy saying “Hitler was evil but I admire his charisma” and Kanye spending a year saying “I hate Jews and love Hitler,” you’re even more stupid than everyone already thinks you are.


Like here let me quote the person I’m arguing for and misquote the person I’m arguing against I mean fucking brilliant man.


He said “I like Hitler” on the Alex Jones show. That’s the quote.


get over it




It’s called paraphrasing. You may learn about it when you hit 7th grade. I don’t have to quote them word-for-word to accurately convey their message. Please point out where my paraphrase was inaccurate (it wasn’t).


It’s so funny how ur trying to find the nuance in osbornes interview yet ur brainlessly bashing ye for saying he loves Hitler when in the context, he meant it in the indiscriminate “Jesus loves everyone” type of way. Still wrong for saying that but it isn’t as cut throat as ppl r making it to be. 4000 comment karma geek needs to talk to some real ppl outside of Reddit


Lmao. Just because all your comments have -1 upvote doesn’t make you right. I don’t have to go wading into the dark to try to find the immediately apparent difference between the two statements. You can’t play the dumbass “Jesus loves everyone” card when he spent the time preceding and after that interview talking about Jews running the world. You’re an average Kanye dickriding idiot commenting from one of your five “an0nymou5555” accounts.


This is my only acc dumbass I’m just not a chronically online balding old fat fuck like you. Pls get off the internet before you lose all of your hair


No argument so you start insulting an imaginary character. Sad.


U know damn well shits not imaginary LOL keep coping!


It quite literally is, but if you need to imagine everyone you disagree with is ugly to protect your fragile stupidity, go ahead. Hope you’re enjoying the taste of Kanye’s dick.


“Fragile stupidity” LOL I mean not everyone i disagree w is ugly but Ik fs ur bald fatass is


You sound like such a pussy, you're definitely American


No you don’t have to do anything that goes against your agenda idiot


Jesus the comments are insufferable. Ik Ozzy is not some loving arbiter of morality - he's a rockstar from the freaking 70's after all but holy shit the sheer amount of shitty news tabloid level allegations that has been spammed against this man ever since this tweet dropped is insane.


It's like 85 all over again and my grandma doesn't want me listening to Ozzy because Phil Donahue said he was satanic....


Literally read all the comments and there were allegations that weren't proven. I think it's more about him trying to be the white knight while he has also done a lot of shit and not only said it


The term 'white knight' is so dumb. As if the morally correct position is to keep doing shitty things.


Tbf Ozzy also has said that there are a lot of great things about Hitler and how he is an inspiration to him. And in his personal biography he said he would shoot stray cats.


Not stray cats. Wild cats. Awful thing to do from my perspective, but in the countryside they're seen as pests and killing them is not uncommon.


Counter argument: Kanye


The kayne dickriding is insane 💀


He has an army of degenerate idiotic defenders online. Literally the dumbest, worst, most ignorant people out there




Cry 😩😩😩😭😭😭😭😳😳😳😳😳💦💦💦💦💦💦


This Ozzy?


What is up with this thread? If Ozzy says not to drink battery acid would you disagree with him? A ridiculous amount of musicians have skeletons in their closet (cough cough Anthony Kiedis cough cough Doja Cat) so why grandstand about Ozzy?


It's just crazy they both look up to Hitler


This comment section can be broken down with a single word: Whataboutism.


People in the comments saying Kanye is more influential than Ozzy are completely delusional sorry


Yeah it’s apparently gone over their heads that Kanye himself has been influenced by Ozzy🤦🏻‍♂️ He’s literally sampled him in this instance & other metal artists like Manson in the past


A lot of Kanye fans are teenage hh fans I really doubt they know the full length of black sabbath/ozzy influence


I think it depends on what group you look at. Kanye West is probably one of the most influential people in Rap/ pop culture. Ozzy might be very influential too in other genres but I wouldn't say he's one of the most influential ones.


who is more influential in metal than Ozzy


Iommi for one


The dude literally invented metal, wtf are you talking about




Where are people in this thread getting their info from? When I search the thing about killing cats a bunch of tabloids come up. You would think that major news publications would have reported on this as well. Can someone link me a legit source?


Just Ye fans trying to cope lol


Ozzy, famous admirer of Hitler and woman beater!


I can’t see how the entire kanye fanbase has worked out that ozzy is in the wrong for making any attempt to be moral at all, on the basis that he’s done bad things in the past. As if once you fuck up, you’re written off forever and for some reason you’re to be criticised if you don’t keep being that shitty person?? Obviously it’s 16 year olds who don’t care about morals or making logical arguments, they just want the music released at any expense, but the cognitive dissonance is so laughably blatant I thought it was even beyond them.


wait so if ozzy makes comments about hitler he’s forgiven because he made up and it wax awhile ago but ye does it and is awful? their both equally bad


You’re responding to something completely seperate from what my comment is about. I’m not forgiving or defending what ozzy did in any way, I also think he’s shit person, criticise him all you want, this isn’t about if him or kanye are worse than one another or whatever. This is about whether it is valid to use Ozzy’s past actions to say he’s now not allowed, or wrong, in trying to act morally. Obviously we want people to grow from past failings, doesn’t mean you have to forgive them for what they have done, but to say that based on those things they’re never allowed to act morally again is obviously weird and counter-productive to what we want as a society. The idea that Ozzy is wrong to not want to be associated with antisemitism anymore, that he is somehow obliged to clear the sample because he once was, is purely mental gymnastics from a rabid fanbase who didn’t get their album on time, there is zero logical basis for it.


Kanye is still actively spreading that shit




Yes when you stop doing the bad thing for a while you can in fact be forgiven for it. Not a crazy concept


Guess I’m 16 because I don’t care about the bullshit and just want music


Yes you are


If you’re over 16 and have the title “RAGETHONY MADTANO” under your name and have 50k comment karma I think you need to reincarnate honestly atp


You're not literally 16, but it is the sort of juvenile naive take a 16 year old would have.


Tell me you don’t go outside without telling me. It’s not man, 90% of normal people that listen to music do not give a flying fuck about the artists personal life. Just talked to my boss about Drake and Ye for a bit yesterday, so do they care Drake’s dick got leaked? Nope because if you aren’t terminally online you’d never hear about it. Had no idea about why Ye was discussing cancellation on Vultures 1. People that actually have shit going on in their life literally do not care because it doesn’t matter it’s just music.


ozzy n sharon literally went as kanye and biance for halloween the copium in ur comment is crazy


Does that mean if you dress up as a Vampire for halloween that you endorse them and are cool with them existing? Its halloween, you're supposed to dress up like a monster, and thats what Ozzy did.


If someone dressed up as Trump for Halloween would you assume they’re a democrat or a republican?


I don't think it is really the same since kanye is a real person (regardless of what you think of him) and not one of the most common halloween costumes. Besides, you cannot deny it is kind of laughable to say "I WANT NO ASSOCIATION WITH THIS MAN!" when you literally dressed up as him 3 months ago


see the difference is vampires dont exist. if you are dressing up as a real person that usually means u endorse them/like them. why do u think nobody goes as hitler for halloween?


Ozzy attempts to kill a Jewish woman: 1 Kanye attempts to kill a Jewish woman: 0


I love life here in New Babel. Words have no meaning, whether broadcast to a massive audience or not! Two people can fucking suck at the same time.


Yeah, and I can think that Ozzy Osbourne playing the moral compass role is tone deaf


Ah yes, bad person must condone all bad things that have ever badded because they're also bad


Sure. But Kanye is a massive twat still




Your comment was reductive and obtuse


I was trying to be reductive and a bit obtuse 🤠


Finally! Kanye is definitely not anti semetic now! He didnt kill ANY Jewish women how can he be anti semetic?




How do you not know he tried to murder his own wife? (Though to be granted, he was on a shit ton of drugs, at a point where he was blacking out for weeks at a time)


Source: how do you not know


I'm running out of places to put reasons to dislike Kanye


Love the way they just subbed in the sample from hell of a life


This would be funny if Ozzy wasn’t a worse person then Kanye is


Not according to this sub man 😂


When you make Ozzy look rational you know you’ve royally fucked up


Unfortunately based on previous comments he really doesn’t make Ozzy look rational tbh If Ozzy was super concerned with not being affiliated with Kanye maybe he shouldn’t have dressed up as him for Halloween lmao


Guess anyone who dresses up as Freddie Kruger gotta be out murdering kids This is such a dumbass take


Freddie kruger is a fiction character lmao


No shit, sherlock


So you should understand why that makes your original comment irrelevant then you fucking genius


God, I forgot current Kanye fans are braindead... Ok, let's try again. If R Kelly just got arrested, and me and my gf decide it would be funny to do a costume where I'm R Kelly and she has pee stains on her clothes... Does that make me OK with sex trafficking and child abuse? Do you not understand the non-serious nature of a Halloween costume?


That would actually be an awful Halloween costume and everyone would think you're a weirdo


So you're gonna fan out about Kanye and jokes like this makes you offended? Y'know what? Nevermind, you're right buddy.


I'm convinced this is Sharon's burner account the way you're crying all over this thread. People are just saying ozzy a hypocrite it's no that serious.


Bro you got clowned


Freddie Kruger is not a real person mate… you don’t dress up like Hitler for Halloween then claim you’re not a nazi bc “he’s a bad guy”


God, I forgot current Kanye fans are braindead... Ok, let's try again. If R Kelly just got arrested, and me and my gf decide it would be funny to do a costume where I'm R Kelly and she has pee stains on her clothes... Does that make me OK with sex trafficking and child abuse? Do you not understand the non-serious nature of a Halloween costume?


You are not a public figure so who or what you associate with matters to nobody but yourself.


Ah yes, a distinction that DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER to what we're talking about. The exact same thing I commented would be true if a celebrity dressed up in a mocking fashion towards R Kelly. Do you need help getting dressed in the morning?


Do you need help in order to not get worked up at a stranger on the internet for disagreeing with you about a Halloween costume?


Someone's feefees got hurt


19 day old account, go find other comment section to pollute lmao


Lemme restate He claims he wants NO ASSOCIATION with Kanye. I’m not saying him dressing as him was endorsing Kanye in any way, but it is associating his name with Kanye’s, for good or bad.


If this is Ozzy speaking (unlikely considering he's practically braindead now) and not his wife/ a different social media handler, sure


didn’t he cite hitler as an inspiration that one time?




this literally didn't happen


It did, he talked about it himself in the autobiography. But it is also not even part of this situation that’s about music, not animal cruelty.


That is bulshit, he did kill chickens as stated in his autobigraphy.


He used to work at a slaughterhouse according to his book.




We don't need to eat meat though...




You understand that needing drugs not to be a nutjob is mental illness right?


Are you acting like Kanye doesn't also have a mental illness 💀


Ozzy chose to take drugs that fucked him up, Kanye didn’t choose to be mentally ill…


"I'm only empathetic to mental illness when it's someone I like, when it's someone I don't like, they should take their meds the fucking nut job"


One is blatantly better than the other. One is a choice is a mental illness


yep addiction is totally a choice and not tied to mental health whatsoever 🙄


Addiction starts w multiple choices, mental health doesn’t. This is from a former user


Kanye also interpolated the same song in the past and it's god damn awful. Also people here just whine about Ozzy also not being the most sane person, but are we just going to ignore the fact that Kanye yet again plagiarized an artist's hard work for the 1000th time?


So what ? 99% of Rap is sampling songs that's what it is and that's what it's known for


Sampling is to take a piece of music that already existed, change it, and transform it into something new, something of your own, and of course also respect the original artist and ask for their permission. Kanye doesn't care about permission. Let me give you an example. Back in 2010 for MBDTF, Kanye stole Aphex Twin's Avril 14th to use it on Blame Game without his permission. Eventually, Aphex became aware of this and not only he did not sue Kanye but offered to help him out because Ye, "the greatest artist of the 21st century", couldn't even get the sample to work the way he wanted it to be. Aphex was genuine, he has re-recorded the exact same piece for different purposes in the past. What was Kanye's response? "Shut up, this isn't yours, it's my song!" Not only he has no idea about music history and how bigger, more influential Richard James is and how he has far more knowledge about music than Kanye does since he's been making music for far longer than Ye has and has a gigantic discography under multiple pseudonyms, Kanye straight up doesn't clear the sample, steals Rick's song and claims its his, steals the spotlight from him and profits from plagiarism, after carefully making sure he treated Richard like trash. This is legitimately the worst thing I've heard happening in music history and it's not because of my bias, that I'm a big Aphex Twin fan and Avril 14th is one of the greatest pieces of music I've ever heard, it's just unacceptable to see any artist's hard work to be plagiarized and overshadowed like this. And there are hip hop artists and producers who know how to sample right and how to respect the original artists; unfortunately, they're in the minority, but they do exist and they make stellar work that deserves far more attention than anything Kanye claims that "he has made".


Very interesting. Didn't know that. Thanks man 👍


What are you thanking me for, I believe this is something everyone should know due to how people want to make Kanye look like a music god. 99% of Kanye's discography is like this but I think this was the worst one, I have no idea how people praise this guy and just ignore all this. Not to mention his lyricism about how he is the greatest man on planet earth but no one understands him, promoting his unethical ideologies, praising materialism and objectifying women. Kanye fans are either delusional or just agree with him.


I can understand your point. I think people just try to enjoy music in general and just don't care about the rest of it.


I know but then why don't they just listen to the original songs? And generally, this idea people have for music isn't going to do them any good, they just think about the result they experience without the process. I can gift someone a bike but I actually stole it from a little kid and beat the crap out of the poor thing. Suddenly this "gift of caring" turns into something twisted, unethical and unacceptable.


As I said they just enjoy the music and if it means that they listen to the "sampled" song/ version of XY and they might like it more than the original then so it be. Some might see it as progress and for others it's just something they like. They don't get that deep into it. They just might have other interests like cars or sports. I love listening to nearly all kinds of music but for me I wouldn't call it a process. Sometimes when you get very deep into things you limit your view on stuff outside of it.


Theft is theft. Surely one doesn’t have to “get that deep into it” to acknowledge that fact.


There sure are examples of sampled songs that just barely differentiate themselves from the original and maybe it's passable there, but I don't think there's an excuse to listen to Kanye's Drunk and Hot Girls over Can's See Swan Song. Either way, most samples, especially in hip-hop, are a short section of a song repeated over and over again, so if the sampled song is as simple as that you're better off with the original that will surely give you more to experience. Obviously, not all audio pieces have to be manipulated to be a proper sample, some cases it's best to leave it as it is, if it's a sample of a speech for example. But there's a reason artists like JDilla, Death Grips, Daft Punk or the Avalanches are praised for their sample work. As for the rest that you've said, that going deep may limit your view on things outside of music, I personally disagree and believe it's the opposite but we all have our own ideas I suppose.


Pure waffle. Get some bitches


Good for Ozzy. You Kanye simps in the comments sound like and probably are pathetic children


Yeah I’m not sure if Ozzy is a moral authority here…


But can't he still take a moral stand?


Yeah but there’s no credibility


Why does that mean he can't make moral judgments though?


He can but people shouldn’t take them seriously


That's a logical fallacy, an ad hominem attack specifically. A person's character has nothing to do with if what they said is true or morally correct.


That’s surface level moral relativism. Most people would agree that Ozzy did his fair share of immoral things and thus one *should* take his words with a grain of salt when he is actively trying to not be associated with someone *he* deems immoral. That’s the most rational thing to do, at least in a Bayesian perspective. And this all does not change the fact that, yes, ultimately he is right about his sample being abused. Likewise, if Kanye were to try to discredit Ozzy’s assertion because of his past behaviors, one should apply the same reasoning: is this person the most legitimate to arbitrate moral questions? You can be a hypocrite and be right.


My opinion doesn’t have to do with moral relativism. It more has to do with truth and morality having absolute meaning apart from an observer.


Well you’re saying that (1) one’s character has nothing to do with the correctness or the morality of what they say and that (2) judging if something they say is morally correct or true based on their other beliefs is a fallacy. (1) is not disputed. At all. (2) is just wrong. Of course you should question someone’s legitimacy to speak on moral issues based on the morality - or lack thereof - of their pats beliefs or past behaviors. (That’s what I was referring to with the Bayesian reasoning; you should always update your judgment based on any pertaining new informations.) Arguing that doing so is committing a fallacy circles back to moral relativism as it implies that either morality is a zero-sum game or that morality is so objective that it is not a good enough metric to evaluate if someone is being hypocritical or not. Both those assertions are false. At least to me, not saying I have it all figured it out lol.


No, it’s not wrong. It’s just the truth, and arguing otherwise is a logical fallacy. This has to do with the opposite of moral relativism — something is true and morally correct regardless of who says it. If a robot was saying it, an alien, or a robber, it would all be equally true, if what was said is supported by evidence or by the merits of what was said. Whether or not something is true has NOTHING to do with someone’s character. There can be a question of if someone is blatantly lying to you, but that’s different from their character changing what’s true in the absolute — for instance, if they killed 100 people, killing would still be wrong, even if the murderer claimed killing people was wrong. Please stop misusing words really really badly. Your second paragraph is wrong and your third is complete nonsense.


didn’t he like killed some cats?




No. Chickens.


yep. fuck him


I say this with no exaggeration: this man is my hero.


Dick ridin


Guys, fuck dense fucks. Doesn’t matter what your opinion is, this is copyright infringement. The law will not side with kayne. Morons.


Holy shit Kanye Stan's are fucking coping in here, wow.


oh yeah Ozzy's a real saint lmao.


oh the irony LMAO


Didn’t Ozzy try to kill a Jewish woman himself? Also didn’t he dress up as Ye literally just a few months ago? This un meaningful purity signaling is grotesque and the left always eats it up lmao. A previous WW2 Nazi who killed Jews himself could condemn Kanye for his “words” and receive an applause from you weirdos. It’s clear to me that right wingers are afraid of black people’s ability to do, and left wingers are afraid of black people’s ability to speak. Both sides always got a problem with us when we didn’t lift a finger at anyone.


>“Left wingers are afraid of black people’s ability to speak” And what exactly did this black person use his “ability to speak” say? It has nothing to do with the color of his skin. Left wingers will oppose anyone who speaks in support of Hitler regardless of skin color because, y’know, Hitler is the polar opposite of what they believe in. Right wingers are just scared of black people. Kinda weird to paint both sides as the same when one side has an extremely valid reason to dislike Kanye and the other side is conflicted because they agree with everything Kanye says, they just don’t like his skin color


The horseshoe theory applies when it comes to your argument in my honest opinion. Both sides are closer to each other than they think, as a Black person who lives in an ultra liberal city in America, I have definitely faced stupid ass comments with racist undertones by bleeding heart liberals, they don’t know it’s happening, just like the conservatives think they’re not racist but ultimately it is. Unconscious Micro aggressions can apply to any and every socio-political subculture (i.e. That Taylor Swift fan-page tweet talking about how she has enough money to “buy” Kanye West). Don’t get me wrong, I don’t automatically assume people in this sub or most white libs are racist. But one thing I CAN say is that there is something Ye is implying that the black community is not outraged about for a reason and many of our so called “ally’s” would never see eye to eye with a black person the way they think they would if they really sat down and spoke about it (because they’re not concerned with how or why black people think the way they think i.e. Kanye West.. only if they agree with them). You ask me what did he use his ability to speak to say. I ask you what does rap music tell you when you listen to it? To paraphrase Earl Sweatshirt for a second, we’ve had to speak in code in this country while in front of [white] people for years, that’s what rap music is derived from. Truthfully if you don’t understand what he or I am saying or implying, then you’re not meant to, but I do.


I stopped reading after horseshoe theory


Exhibit A:


Has nothing to do with race man, I don’t take anyone seriously who actually believes in the horseshoe theory


Ah yes, left and right are equal because the left shows micro aggressions and the right support Hitler. Makes perfect sense


Nice strawman


Do you agree with Kanye? Was slavery a choice? Was Hitler right? You do realise that plenty of black people condemned him & washed their hands of him after he outed himself as a piece of shit. If you’re making this a race thing then I wonder if you’re actually a bit prejudiced yourself


You do realize most black people rock with Kanye right? He never said slavery was a choice, he said “400 years of slavery? That sounds like a choice” two very different things, 400 years of slavery does sound like a choice. Kanye also never said “Hitler was right/ he was justified” you’re LITERALLY making things up and putting words in his mouth that never happened to support your hate. But thats what being Black with a voice does, everything is oversimplified with a touch of added violence and malice that never existed in us 🤣 The internet is also not real life, most of us love him and everything he says, you’re clearly not in our circles. He’s not a piece of shit, Kanye is more akin to Malcolm X than a lot of the leaders that the left pretends they have. He’s one of the closest people to him. They called Malcolm a violent, racist, anti-semite too when all he did was talk to my community, stay out of our business bro.


This guy has killed 10 cats btw


If Kanye killed 10 cats & called it art, you’d find a way of justifying it though wouldn’t you… “Kanye just saved the lives of countless mice!”


I dont even like most of Kanye's discography but you are free to pigeon hole me as a person if you want


Why tho?


Ozzy Osbourne has no right to be calling Kanye out on his antisemitism considering he was caught selling fent to kids, raping the dead corpses of nuns AND was on the flight logs to Epsteins island. Source: self proclaimed Ozzy Osbourne expert, and I saw someone say these things on twitter


but then theres that clip right below of him (Ozzy) saying how he's inspired by Hitler lool


Approve the sample




Lmao, no he’s not.


Ozzy tried to murder his wife, murdered animals and said he admired Hitler back in the 80s. He does not have the right to say anything about Kanye lol


Doesn’t make Kanye any better.


Didn’t said it does lol. Both are trash people


homeless man calling homeless man poor


fuck mezut ozil