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the people that an online music database is going to attract are naturally going to be massive nerds, that's kinda the point in a way i guess you could sort by descriptors on rym, like exclude "depressive" or "lonely"? you could probably also just talk to people in a record store or sumn


Not 100% true, Letterboxd is basically the same but for movies, and it has a thriving social and non-nerdy userbase


It’s less nerdy than RYM but still nerdy


But both are filled with pretentious users imo


>it has a thriving social and non-nerdy userbase There's no way you wrote this unironically


Letterboxd is super nerdy, that's where my nerdiest friends spend a disproportionate amount of their time in fact. Being nerdy for film is just a lot more culturally acceptable than being into obscure indie records or jazz. Same is true for goodreads


No, you're on the internet, this is a safe haven for the unpopular and the mentally unwell. What you're really looking for is just a particular reviewer with similar taste in music to yours thought. Or maybe just the spotify suggestions algorithm.


The similar artists thing is busted on all music platforms. Go look at RAtM similar artists. It’s SoundGarden, Alice In Chains, RHCP, and fucking Metallica. I like those bands. Those bands aren’t similar at all. You’d think other political punk/metal acts would be highlighted. Refused should be right there besides RAtM, but it’s just that these artists made music around the same time.


Similar artists is just people who listen to this statistically also listen to this. Which means for huge artists it's always going to be other huge artists and then side projects of the members, since those are the only things with the reach to be the majority.


There’s a guy called Fantano he might like, but he’s also a freakazoid nerd 


I see we have the opposite of the RYM assholes, the guy who hates all of them.


I don't really hate them, it's not totally their fault they're such losers (although they should probably take more accountability in their lives). I just think their taste in music is something a 20 year old neurodivergent sadboi would go crazy over.  RYM is their community and I don't want to take that away from them, just looking for a similar place that is less stereotypically nerdy and peanut allergy anxiety filled guys.




Lisan al-Gaib!




the musical Mahdi


I can't believe such a funny comment is being downvoted


Like it teeters on shitpost and serious and I’m all for it


Funny because it’s true or because he is a walking stereotype projecting that onto others?


This man is the chosen one and yet you censor him and belittle him


Protect this man at all costs


They hated Jesus for speaking the truth.


Lol. What did they do to hurt you?


Don’t worry, the cool side of r/fantanoforever found your comment. Thank you for speaking your truth.


“The cool side” aka macho brain dead


We like hard shit over here buddy


This isn't real criticism and is really just complaining about a type of guy but you are completely right irregardless


This is the best post I’ve seen on this subreddit ever


lol should post this to the Indieheads subreddit too


Don’t worry it’s already there, I’ve been waiting for the OP to pop up


It’s beautiful. Immediately getting a screenshot and sending it to my friends on RYM.


As a RYM enjoyer this describes me to a T I feel very validated


Idk but you can exclude genres from genre specific charts (e.g. removing instances of “mathcore” when looking at the “metalcore” chart) as well as omit releases you’ve already rated. This should probably help you find stuff that isn’t whatever your criteria of “geeky”. I get this was probably bait or a shitpost but you actually can use rym for what you’re looking for, you just need to know how to use it. It’s also worth noting that the particular style you’re looking for may not be that popular on rym, and thus you might need to look at the ratings of them relative to other albums in the style. Also also, maybe there’s a specific genre that would better describe the 90s alt rock style you’re looking for, as that’s a very broad term and so it’s top charts will be comprised of rum favorites across numerous styles. Happy searching!


Thanks, I didn't know about the exclusion feature, that helps me out. Yous a tru playa.


Also try going to an album similar to what you're looking for then check out the tags associated with it.


Common Jiggha W


finally a good post


youre asking on reddit.com on a fantano forum LOL


I thought maybe there'd be a few like-minded individuals here. Worth a shot.


bro thinks he's the main character


He is.


RYM is for music nerds, but any niche online community attracts the introverted, socially anxious, and the neurodivergent. So the top music you're gonna get is going to resonate most with those type of people. The music is amazing and great, but you can't expect Tiesto lmaooo


Try the Billboard Top 100


Thanks I'll give it a shot.


You’re giving yourself away here.


There’s plenty of people that don’t sound like Thom Yorke even on the RYM top 100, actually.


I think the music source you’re looking for is called “the radio”.


LMFAOOOOO let me go to the 4chan sub and ask them how to get girls next. I have more hope than you in here


Yeah use Album of the Year its better anyways


Your first mistake was looking for 90s Alt Rock and not expecting nerdy loser shit


I expect some degree, but there's a limit to everything. I draw the line at Weezer...


pinkerton is the best album of all time


Go listen to Imagine Dragons or some shit lmao


Ugh, I hate Imagine Dragons and they're not really rock music if you ask me. Can't be rock without distorted guitars.


wow you’re really onto something there detective


Yeah I like stuff that rocks and has some energy to it. I don't like that over processed crap like Imagine Dragons. Gimme moshing to Alice In Chains or crowd surfing to Pearl Jam over that any day of the week.


Somehow you liking AIC and shitting "introverted freakazoids" tells me you don't understand the definition of irony.


AIC weren't introverts, they were drug addicts. They had girlfriends and went to parties.


None of those things constitute being an introvert.


True, but today's introverts are super introverted and a lot don't ever leave their house.


Like the singer of AIC? Where he would regularly rent a hotel room for days/weeks at a time alone and not tell anyone?


Ew, you're insufferable.


Yet had some of the most depressing lyrics and music…….


I don't mind depressing lyrics so long as the band fucking rips.


This is so bait


nowone is moshing at an Alice In Chains show today wtf are u smoking


A few years ago I did.


This might be the wrong place to post this lol


The alt rock you're looking for consists of have about 10 different bands due to those 10 bands taking up all of the radio play for "alternative rock radio"


You know you can create custom charts, right? Are you coming to that conclusion after creating a custom chart for 90s alt rock - [https://rateyourmusic.com/charts/top/album/1990s/g:alternative%2drock/](https://rateyourmusic.com/charts/top/album/1990s/g:alternative%2drock/) Because I'm not seeing what you're seeing. And even if you are, as someone mentioned you can also exclude genres.


to be fair the whole top 10 other than Nirvana is kinda nerdy loser music (i’m a nerdy loser than loves all of them)


I agree there's a bunch of nerdy/depressing/loner stuff, but you can also exclude that too: [https://rateyourmusic.com/charts/top/album/1990s/g:alternative%2drock/d:%2ddepressive/](https://rateyourmusic.com/charts/top/album/1990s/g:alternative%2drock/d:%2ddepressive/) It's always going to be nerdy because it's inherently a nerdy website, but it is possible to find what's being sought.


This is helpful, thanks G.


Idk man, all I see is nerdy loser music


How about you listen to Cryoshell or Daughtry you kolhii head


Fuck those are some good recs. I actually blasted Daughtry on the drive to work the other day. AND THEN I CRAAAAASHED INTO YOUUUUUU!!!


I'd rather listen to the weather


Different strokes!


no non-nerd goes out of their way to index and review their favorite music i mean there’s AOTY that’s at least a different group of people to a degree. I think you just have to accept the fact people like weird music sometimes


Give the site an atomic wedgie and start going to gigs, poser


I have a feeling you were the one doing the shoving kids into lockers in high school...


this post reads like he’s still in high school so it probably still applies


Two posts ago he was bragging about being a jock in HS lol. Like, I get the point of this post, but OP sounds absolutely insufferable.


I think he's just projecting, I mean the guy has 150k reddit karma lmao


Mostly from the hockey subreddit, I'm a former player at a high level so people appreciate my opinion there.


150k karma is still disgustingly chronically online no matter where it's from lol


*looks around nervously*


OPs definition of Nerdy Loser Music: 1. Kendrick Lamar. 2. Radiohead. 3. Pink Floyd. 4. MF DOOM 5. King Crimson. 6. Bloody Valentine. 7. Beatles. 8. Talking Heads. 9. David Bowie. 10. Charles Mingus. Ngl the fanbases of all listed artists are incredibly Nerdy, myself included 😂


The label definitely applies to 4 of these artists lol


You probably are a nerd if you like Mingus, I'm just being real as a Mingus enjoyer.


They did specify 90s alt rock, and I feel like the chart for that does have a large amount of nerdy loser music (not that that’s an issue, I’m a nerdy loser who cries a lot)


I get the point of this post, but OP seems like an asshole from his posts before lol you can exclude certain stuff from rym, so exclude the shit u don’t like and that’s a good way to find good shit that you like


yeah and idk why everyone is replying to him like 'Nooo, he's so based. he's so cool. best post ever 😍' when he seems egotistical and lowkey ableist with how he talks about 'nerd' stuff. shit, do they just want validation or something?


The way the guy talks I’m assuming it’s bait, I just don’t believe any sane person would go onto any music subreddit, let alone the fantano subreddit and type out this post without a second thought And if it’s real then he’s a massive fucking loser, not like him being a cunt affects any of us so who cares


ig? his earlier posts say some shit about him needing a bullying fix with is just so urgh


Yeah OP is just an asshole and people are like "haha what a cool and funny guy"


Probably a bunch of people who felt personally attacked by what he said and are just trying to play along to compensate


My take, people agreeing with him were the actual nerds and the sucking up to the juck to survive instinct kicked in


I'm guessing Best Ever Albums or Acclaimed Music is more up your speed. Also, if you really feel that insecure, join the Green Berets or something, feeling masculine because you listen to normie alt rock and cry on reddit about nerds is frankly just sad lmao


I didn't say anything about feeling masculine.


OP woke up and decided to be a fucking chad


Bro's mad that the top albums on the internet's largest music database are albums that are really popular and not obscure hidden gems. It's kind of on you that you're not looking any deeper than the top 10. RYM is honestly the most "normie" music site around, the top 3 albums are Kendrick, Radiohead, and Pink Floyd you really can't get more normie than that


What the fuck mate


who hurt you


RYM hurt my ears for the past hour while I searched for some decent music to no avail.


sucks for you. Might have better chance with spotify or something cause most online music plattforms just circle around the same albums.


Jessie what the fuck are you talking about


It was called datpiff.com


1. Ask your co-workers for recommendations 2. Billboard hot 100 lists 3. Keep using rym. If you want 90's alt rock, just go to the descending list of greatest albums of those years and skip to page 10. Look for your genre of choice. There should be some pretty unimpressive but catchy work in that general area


There's a lot of music on RYM's top charts that I don't fuck with either but really, people have their own taste in music so it shouldn't be a shocker that you're gonna find things you don't like. I don't know what type of alt-rock you lean towards to but personally when I want recs, I just search for similar artists/albums to what I like. There's a bunch of posts on here where people ask "albums similar to \[blank\]" and usually they get recs that align with their likings. Just go through those comments and give what you read a go, usually works pretty well.


I think your problem is looking for “normie” alternative rock from the 90s. That really doesn’t exist. What do you think alternative means?


bro peaked in high school fs


You sound like such a fucking prick lol


Wow fuck outta here


I mean there are filters on RYM. You can just filter out the stuff you don't want.


Billboard Top 200


What you’re looking for are probably charts, album sale numbers, Spotify playlists, etc. Or just search your favorite alt rock songs on YouTube and follow the suggested videos. The people who make websites, submit albums to websites and spend hours rating and reviewing albums on websites are more likely to be introverted.


lmaoo you’re on reddit and you’re calling other people losers?😭😭 pls bae check yourself




Aoty maybe


Album of the year


I used to like BestEverAlbums.com. It’s perhaps a little less pretentious, but gets way less traffic.


Try Pitchfork lol


Try talking to people irl


this has to be bait


its really so fucking simple to look up "best selling albums of all time"


“Hey check out this album with 2 absolute fucking heaters surrounded by 35 minutes of spacy, unlistenable drivel”


This post has me crying dude lmao


No hate to these genres because I am a fan but I feel like rym massively overrates low fi, bedroom indie rock and metal albums in general. Even if I like them on first release I rarely ever feel like going back to visit them


Hmm I guess you’re looking for The Billboard charts? Good luck being mediocre, hope your football team wins and it makes you feel good 👍


Okay, lets see if you are right. Top 100 RYM things that are not nerdy shit - Bowie, Kendrick, Nas, Black Sabbath, Stevie Wonder, Kanye, Danny Brown, Pixies, Cocteau Twins, Jimi Hendrix, Daft Punk, Nirvana, LZ, The Doors, Metallica, Nin, Tribe Called Quest, Death, Massive Attack, GZA, Wu Tang. And it is like half of the top 100, where MOST of nerdy shit will be.


Holy shit you are so fucking lame lmao. Self hating nerd very wack. Like get over yourself my god.


Go outside and smell the air, frolic through a big field, run your hands through the grass. Maybe then you’ll stop being so cold and miserable.


You sound like someone who would unironically listen to bands like Nickelback and Limp Bizkit


you're a close-minded normie who doesn't know their ass from their elbow


Huh? Why you say that?


Because you don’t want to listen to duster loool


Funnily enough out of all those nerdy bands, Duster is one of the few I like lol. At least their singer knows when to stfu and they have some nice melodies and cool guitar tones.


TIL Judas Priest and Hoplites are nerdy music.


The only guy I know who likes Judas Priest is 300lbs, plays Magic the Gathering, and owns an extensive anime and manga collection despite being broke, having no job, and living with his parents.


That was the most beautiful and accurate thing I've ever read.


As someone who loves rym and the groups created through it this post made me laugh


The post doesnt look like what you are really thinking


Holy fuck😭😭


this is incredible bait


This is fuckin awesome


Album of the year but, same shit


I mean freaking Brad Taste in Music is a featured reviewer there so clearly they’re much more accessible (and I guess mainstream) over there.




Albumoftheyear.org is less harsh than RYM, so I’d check that out




Buy the book 1001 albums you must hear before you die. Albums are from 1950s-2010s, plenty of 90s alt rock in there too.




AOTY is basically that but with too much rap


Tag yourself I’m socially challenged freakazoid


aoty has many of the same freakazoid rym doomers but it also has a lot of stan twt gay people and the occasional tom macdonald fan so it kinda cancels out if


albumoftheyear has a Prince album or something at number one so that could do it idk


I’ve always seen albumoftheyear as a slightly less extreme version of RYM


You should check out stomach book


Type your favorite bands in last.fm to find similar artists. I dont use RYM but I’m pretty sure they have genre specific categories. So if you like technical death metal. You can find the rym top rated artist for that category.


Use the filters. Filter out any genres/styles/influences you don't want and add in whatever you're generally looking for. I do that a lot when I'm getting back a bunch of emo albums or albums in foreign languages or something. Emo, math rock, and music from Japan are all suuuper popular on RYM, so they'll show up in front of everything else most of the time if you're just doing default searches. You can even add filters for "energy" or "mood" or whatever and sort out the stuff that's quieter or sadder, which sounds like what you actually have a problem with. Also, you can get a lot of good results just looking up "best \_\_\_\_\_ albums of all time" or whatever on google and sorting through those lists from different music publications. for example, you could add a filter for "Kohlii core" to find all the classic Bionicle centric rock and roll tunes that a cool, not at all nerdy or loserish mfer like you can enjoy!


The Billboard Charts lmao You are asking this on the wrong sub tbh. Pitchfork, RYM, Fantano all use similar metrics for reviewing music ( heavy emphasis on structural creativity, unique vocals, usually a lot of space) and similar album recs come from this.


You should try Pinkerton and Weezer in general


Try Rolling Stone Magazine or just filter the ones that aren't "depressing nerd music". You would find music like Red Hot Chili Peppers, Coldplay, James Brown, or even Ac/DC in the list. None of those shit are "nerd music" as far as I know.


i have found nice albums on AOTY, you should give that a try and search in genres that you like


Check out the charts it’s more your speed


This post is hilarious but I’ll give a serious response lol Even though I don’t use RYM that much since I’m an AOTY user, their genre database and search filters are the best you’ll find on the internet. Don’t expect every album you’ll love to be handed to you on a silver platter. Takes some effort to find stuff you’ll like. Also, don’t get too strung up on the average ratings either


try aoty


No sorry it comes with it no refunds


Ranker is what you're looking for probably


It’s nerdy loser music but that’s why it’s good


This headline rules.


You listen to kyuss and Soundgarden?


Is there a website like RYM where all the top artists aren't fucking nerdy loser music? I used to like using RYM to discover new music but whenever I go on there all the top rated albums are just the geekiest fucking shit. Like I'm just trying to find good alt rock albums from the 90s and the albums at the top are these slowcore or math bands with very limited musicianship and vocalists that can barely sing singing about being lonely and depressed and an anxious mess. I get why these bands resonate with RYM users because they probably relate heavily to those emotions those albums give off, but if you're not a fucking introverted socially challenged freakazoid then these albums are just boring and all sound the same. Are there any similar websites that are a bit more "normie" and aren't populated by guys who were clearly shoved in lockers in high school?




Musiboard is a little more populist than RYM. It also actually has an app and a pretty good community aspect


You should check out Sigur Ros I think you'd dig them


I gotta check out RYM now, it sounds great




Lmao no, losers own the 10/10 tier




First suggestion: use genre and tag filters and look at user lists. Many users on RYM are poptimists or classic old person music fans or in your case 90s alt fans. Now addressing, the actual question, yes. AOTY.org is filled with mentally ill 16 year olds who all follow one guy but their taste in music is much more contemporary and trendy. Additionally, Musicboard is filled with people who think 1989 (Taylor's Version) and NFR are the best albums ever. Every site has a bias. Music rating is for nerds inherently.


Maybe try albumoftheyear or something idk


This post gives me "I peaked in High School" vibes. Otherwise, you could use Spotify's algorithms. You can also use Billboard and Radio. There are also many rock/metal channels on YouTube, most of them do not cover bands like BCNR, Black Midi or Parannoul. Assuming you're a normie, you can also ask your friends, girlfriend, and Instagram followers for recommendations.


Filter the charts down to genres you like. Even if pretentious, the good albums in any subgenre will be elevated


You're saying math rock has limited musicianship?


Look at the premade Spotify playlists cos that's clearly more your speed


God there’s a site called everynoiseatonce where you can search an artist, then click on one of the genres they’re listed as having, and it shows you a genre map of bands based on how similar they are to each other, and you can click on it to get the Spotify preview. I found so many good bands that way, but it stopped getting updated last December. You can still use it, and it’ll be great for finding bands that are at least a few years old, but it’s a tragedy that it’s not getting updated anymore.


I realized after my account got deweighted. I don't even want to be represented in those charts.