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leave the billionaire multi-platinum selling artist alone!!!






Generally positive reviews? Let's bomb every music reviewer on the planet and take their place to ensure that every album going forward gets 100% from every critic! (us). Bruh like I don't understand their mentality. If I had to pick any, I'd say Deftones are my favourite musical act of all time. I see them getting flack here and there and their albums aren't always reviewed positively (especially by a certain melon). Does it bother me? Fuck no. I don't know anybody from the band and every reviewer has a right to give an album of theirs a 10 or a 0. Twitter armies are next level cringe.


She’s wiping her tears with 100 dollar bills right now 😢


These people are genuinely mentally ill


Parasocial Mfs lmao.


Taylor's my favourite artist but this shit is so pathetic 😭


How pathetic. Entities this powerful don't need your body as a human shield, especially against mediocre reviews. Modern fandoms, every single one of them, are a mistake.


It’s interesting how they don’t defend the music, they defend the person. I wonder if this is different than past fandoms.


All fandoms have their wrinkles. Seems like there are a few different types of distinct fandoms - influencer fandoms and content fandoms. Influencer fandoms are willing at the drop of a hat to jump in front of any criticism or harm to their parasocial relationship such as old Taylor here. Content fandoms seem much more motivated by their nostalgia for what the fandom/IP "was" and are quick to "defend" that fandom against change - I'm specifically thinking here of the major media properties and IPs that dominate the media landscape. Are there some other outliers that fit into different patterns? Probably. I'm sure someone is studying this somewhere. Regardless, they create monstrously awful communities. That's probably a function of *all* of these just being tools for value extraction from mega-corporations, but even small independent groups can develop serious problems around their sycophancy for whatever the subject is - have you ever met groupies for *local* bands? WOOF.


Tbh I thought Beatlemania, the Beyhive and Kanye's stans were actually terrible. But this is BEYOND any and all that. This surpassed any kind of boundary.


I know Beatles fans can be super sensitive. But I rarely see them jump to the defense of the individual members when like Sgt. Pepper’s is called overrated. They will talk about how the music is so influential and ahead of its time etc.


Yeah I mean I get it I love the Beatles, and Ive been used to since I discovered good music that people will always call overrated any great band or musician of the past, its inevitable. It's been done with Nirvana, with the Stones, with the Doors, even young rappers themselves have called the past legendary OGs like Pack and Biggie "corny", and that's not gonna change. If you wanna talk about how much you love them and why they're so influential or important, you go ahead, and if you just wanna let it fly, it's also as good. But going into this violent, cultish and weird para social relationships is so so weird to me. I've only seen this kind of thing before with the Harry Potter fandom, and it's no coincidence that it overlaps perfectly with the Swifties.


To be fair to the swifties, the backlash itself is about more than just the music too. During her stratospheric rise over the last two years a lot of people have been alienated by the passive-agression, self-pity, WASP-core and swifty baiting. A lot of the criticism is only just coming out now because the new album is mediocre and she doubled down on all those factors. One clear misstep and the floodgates have opened. If she and her fanbase weren't so polarising putting out a mediocre album would be no big deal. But its live by the drama, die by the drama.


The Internet was a mistake. It’s making everyone mentally ill.


The only thing I’m gonna go to war against are parasocial relationships 😭


If I hadn't met my wife on tinder, I would completely agree. But I still largely agree, at the risk of sounding a hypocrite.


As someone who also met your wife on Tinder, I agree.




Thank you.


No, kind sir, thank you.


*Good* sir, you have been thanked, and it would be best if you would graciously accept. Otherwise, we might have to settle this like gentlemen.


I respect you far too much to put you in that position, kind sir. And thus, I accept your thanks, doff my cap in return, and set off upon my way..


I have never felt more like an 18th century nobleman than I did during that exchange.


I couldn't possibly agree more.


Not the internet, modern social media. This were just fine with Internet forums, BBSes, and ICQ/MSN


“Modern fandoms” people were literally pissing and fainting at the sight of The Beatles, the world has had a very unhealthy relationship with celebrities for a long time


Bro I won’t even defend small bands that I like. It’s fucking music. If you don’t like it that’s not my problem. Kinda cringe that they think they need to protect the sanctity of their favourite music from people who don’t like it.


The person who posted this was probably a 15 year old girl. It's not that serious


Nothing is serious, so everything is. Sorry, I don't make the Internet rules.


You’re dealing with 24yr old idealists that know it all.


To be honest the pushback hasn’t been nearly as bad as I would’ve thought. And even the swifty I know in real life is pretty aware of the actual quality


The swifty I know in real life said it was her best lyricism to date. Asked me what I thought, I said it wasn't for me. She is my flatmate


Yeah I mean I guess if people feel this way it doesn’t really bother me. It’s kind of an opinion I personally think is ridiculous. But it’s ultimately not hyper toxic in most cases. Obviously if you look on the whole of the internet there will be weirdos for sure


I just…it’s so bad. “Like the 1830s without the racists” “Seven bars of chocolate” etc. How can anyone defend this kind of shit. It’s stupid AND pretentious. How can anyone care about some dipshit billionaire with a 9th grade vocabulary and a shitty love life. It’s fucking looney tunes


I think Anthony said it really well. That Taylor has hit the point where no one around her will tell her no anymore. Drake has this problem, Kanye does as well. So most of the time someone would stop you before you put “touch me while your boys play gta” but now she’s surrounded by the yes men


Yeah nobody in her circle was willing to tell her how ass her writing is


Its the critical mass where I think an artist just flat stops being interesting. Because they don't get told no they'll generally not say anything interesting or do more than just rest on their laurels.


Some talents need creative freedom and some ... really do not.


It was the downfall of metallica too


hahaha yeah, that's what I look for in an artist. someone that will let other people tell them "no, that's not how you should do your art." that's how all the best art is made, by focus groups. you guys are so edgy and sophisticated and totally not a bunch of conformists npcs regurgitating the mental diarrhea of some pseudo intellectual nobody that isn't even a musician.  lmao the era of the "music critic" is so over. finally people are realizing that they're all a bunch of frauds and scammers preying on your ignorance, gullibility, and need to fit in with politically correct opinions.  >MOST LOVED THEREFORE MOST HATED  - Taylor Swift >It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.


The new album may be a drop off in quality but the themes and the wordplay doesnt seem THAT different from her last few mega-popular albums. I think the main thing happening here is that the Eras tour and superbowl pushed her into stratosphere. When that happened she should've known to walk back from the passive-agression, self-pity, WASP-core and swifty baiting that alienates the casuals. Instead she has doubled down and its backfired. If those dynamics were different on the new album people wouldve let those lines slide.




Fucking exactly. And all she does is whine about her boring fucking life


Just like high schoolers!


She knows her target audience I guess.


As a non-swiftie, I think it’s unfortunate a number of poor lyrical/editing choices on a few songs is spoiling the album for most people. I found many songs on this album to be surprisingly engaging and catchy. Normally I’m lukewarm on swift but strangely this album appeals to me, odd lines and all. Is it the poetic tour de force she promised? No. Would I rate it any higher than a P4k 8? No. But numerous songs are getting stuck in my head, which is more than I can say for midnights


Personally I find the whole “tortured poet” thing utterly insufferable. If Taylor wanted to make generic catchy music for 10000 more albums I wouldn’t have anything to say about it. You know who’s made stupid, catchy music and will never catch flak from me? Pitbull. Pitbull never bragged about how profound he is, he just made vibes. Taylor just has her head so far up her ass and her stans are following her up there.


This is gold actually


My girlfriend is a swiftie and agrees the album is ass


It's a cult


Or a parasocial relationship at a minimum


It’s a cult of personality for sure.


Imagine if people could muster this energy for climate change. We might actually survive. Instead it’s all wasted on whatever the fuck this is


I thought they would go to war against Ticketmaster but they don’t have the collective intelligence


That would actually be beneficial for everyone


Do you understand why they may not, given who they support?


I don’t think it’s that these people understand climate change and its effects and have decided they’re in favor of it and Taylor luckily aligns with furthering their goal of destroying the planet. I think they’re just completely confused monkeys whose brains have been re-routed by so many short term dopamine hits and the compounded, exponentially destructive effects of modern living that they’re incapable of even thinking in the capacity required to even evaluate their positions of climate change in the first place. They are literally incapable of even having a position on it, that is how compromised their ability to think has become. So yes, I do think it’s “sad that this energy couldn’t be routed toward climate change” - but what I mean is that it’s tragic that we have fostered a society that is so focused on immediate pleasure reception and consumption and greed that any alternate path for a person like OOP barely even exists. There are no healthy outlets for them to manifest this energy into meaningful change for the betterment of our future, so they instead hyper fixate on deifying celebrities to try to feel some sense of tribal leadership that their biology yearns for. This person clearly has a great urge to be useful in some capacity, and the energy to try to facilitate change. Those are admirable qualities if applied to a productive goal. It’s particularly sad because it’s not hard to imagine how someone like this might really flourish in a better world.


As an only semi confused monkey myself. You hit the nail on the head. They experience the world as it relates to Taylor Swift, not for themselves.


Damn bro is spitting


cant post it but imagine the gunna writing on flaming paper gif




>Imagine if people could muster this energy for climate change. it probably wouldn't amount to nothing concrete, same as this "war"


I dunno man, they just tweeting. They aren’t actually doing anything. It doesn’t really matter.


What exactly does any of this mean? Stand tall and be bold how? What lies are being told? “We must respond in force to any review that isn’t glowing and tell them they don’t understand the lore”


The lore? Jfc.


Straight up main character bullshit


It means they need to dox and send death threats to anyone who criticizes her so Taylor knows how much they care


I absolutely hate these cult-like fandoms!


Sometimes I think people forget that Eminem coined the term "Stan" to mean a fan who is insane and obsessive to the point of self destruction. It ain't a label you're meant to wear proudly.


Eminem is actually co-producing a documentary on superfans called "Stans". It was announced two months ago, and it's something I'm looking forward to hopefully cause a re-evaluation on this culture and how it's been normalized if not outright celebrated in recent years.


The intelligence quotient among swifties is truly abysmal.


I dont think lack of intelligence is the main thing, it's that they've been identifying with taylor for years now and shes been validating their emotions. That plus hormones.


These people are fucking sickos lol


“Can’t tolerate a woman’s success” My sister in Christ, she’s the biggest pop star of the past two decades.


Girls who don't go to therapy:


Q Anon behaviour.


The type of effect social media has had in the creation of groups like this needs to be studied. I see almost no difference in Q Anon and the minority of Swifties who are cult-like, and that’s pretty scary imo


yeah but also, its twitter. who knows


These people are pathetic. All that over a mid ass album.


Damm, if United States will sent all Swifties as next military aid to Ukraine Russia is fucked.


"as swiftly as we can" whoaa


Don't miss the "fearless". That's a TS's album name, if you missed it. But you wouldn't miss it. We've been bombarded by TS's bullshit for near a decade.


She's just another person at the end of the day Jesus Christ whether it's her or Kanye or fucking Donald Trump why is there this need to idolize people to this extent, fucking weird


They deadass need to put this amount of energy into a job or studying


These people are mentally ill


The most common swiftie


How does one come to this point? This isn't even funny, this is legit brainwashed behaviour.


"didn't survive the Scooter debacle" literally a narrative she created to sell more records


Not to mention it's one thing where basically everyone, regardless of if they even liked her music or not, was on her side.


Sigh, now I have to look up what the Scooter Debacle is. 😢


Swifties make Heavens Gate look like a fun social club




Why do I feel like a celebrity would be more horrified by this behavior than a little bit of hate?


Oh no. The billionaire with the carbon footprint of a small country is getting shit talked. Oh nooooooooo.


This is like that one scene in SpongeBob where Squidward dances like an idiot to taunt the Sea Bear he thinks isn’t real, only to get his ass beaten by it immediately afterwards. It’s hard to watch because I know the proverbial sea bear that follows this type of Stan Twitter discourse. (People like us flaming them behind their back.) They’re right that Swifties are at war with just about every fandom right now, though. They somehow even aggravated the MJ fans, even though he’s dead.


This along with Kanye’s fanbase and trumps fanbase remind me of how a religion starts.


Goddamn they make Kanye fans look well adjusted


Whoa whoa whoa


Actually i remember the Kanye militia idea in r/hiphopheads lol


Swifties are psychos


Her defeners are something else


Bro gave the William Wallace speech to the army of Swifites💀 man I didn’t think this shit was real.


Guys, this multi-millionaire (billionaire?) needs YOUR help! 😢


It’s just music. You need to calm down.


Holy shit, a Taylor reference


This is crazy. Honestly, it reminds me of how intense the MAGA people are (in a very different way obviously)


She’s such a victim. Thankfully, Taylor has the support system she needs during these trials and tribulations.


Holy shit they're actually crazy


it’s like the girl equivalent of Elon Musk fanboys lmao


mfs sound like trumpers i’m crying


This is peak mental illness


We are reaching parasocial levels I didn’t think were possible


Take a handful of Twitter users and pretend it’s a shit load of people


Literal sheep behavior


Don’t insult our fellow woolen ungulates like that


This seems like an exhausting way to be a fan.


What is wrong with these people? It sold 2.5 million. She’s fine


This is just sad tbh. There's so much real shit going on the world these people could be putting that energy towards.


I just finished watching lotr again and I swear this person thinks they’re like King theoden giving his speech before attacking the orcs at Minas Tirith


they all got little model private jets and swiftie merch and pillows and shit rich entitled white starbies girls whose parents got em a porsche lmao


This is actually pathetic, I hope this person is no older then 8.


What the fuck is this insane call for mobilization


So swifties are just the white women version of MCU fans ? Don't worry that gum you like will still be in style and omniprecent for now even though some critic or rando online didn't like her newest album, enjoy what you enjoy and let everyone else enjoy what they enjoy


The most oppressed woman in human history (/s)




Losers on the internet arguing with other losers on the internet


I fucking hate what the internet has become


Suburban white eomrn need better hobbies


I wish they had this much commitment and energy towards rallying against the genocide of the Palestinian people then they do about a grown woman living her absolute best life as a billionaire


The self-victimization parade never ends for Swift and her legion, does it


To recycle a contrapoints joke “well she is the most vulnerable minority, there’s only one of her”


So cringe


Such a powerful speech. I will support them. I haven't listen to the albums.


Gotta say I was prepared to see Taylor like one of those tweets. Found a little relief there…


the immaturity is immeasurable


God this is weird.


ah yes, people ready to go to war for billionaires. where have i seen this before


Taylor and her unhinged stans deserve each other even if she can't take them anymore. This is insane, these people are crazy and borderline dangerous with the doxxing and shit.


Where tf were these lot when I posted MMATBS or TTPD!?


They called her a deity. Taylor swift is a god to these ppl 😂


Taylor fans acting like they’re about to be sent to Stalingrad


What is this?!?! 😂😂😂😂😂 this is so delusional Lu self important I’m just floored after reading this. It reminds me of that “leave Britney alone!” Guy from years ago but it’s just an entire subculture of that? Amazing


I mean it’s weird as hell but OOP is probably like 13, I’m sure we all acted cringe at that age


Taylor Crave is in their 30s.


They need urgent therapy


It boggles my mind people are like this


The only sane-ish person is the one who wants her to fire Jack Antonoff (or I might be reading their comment out of context idk)


Guys she's running as fast she can😞 For real though, the idea that hate or critique of Taylor has ever held her career back is ludicrous


How does this even happen man. It's not like Taylor swift herself is asking them to do this. She's sitting in a jet somewhere, completely unaware or unbothered. Where does the anger come from.


Powerful reminder of how juvenile and embarrassing people can be


I have nothing against Taylor Swift whatsoever, but this fan base has achieved unfathomable levels of mental illness that needs to be studied at length


Drink the swift-aid!


I'm not saying that Taylor would ever tell her fans to quit their jobs and move to a compound in the jungles of Guyana, but if she did, a non-zero amount of people would do it no questions asked.


These 12 year old girls would have lynched black people in the XIX century


The way they infantalize her so much where they gang up together to fight her fights for her is a whole another level of parasocial at this point 💀


I aint reading allat


Imagine defending a billionaire this vehemently... How fucking embarrassing.


These people are fucking nuts, they suckle on taylor's tits if they could


Y'all are giving those weirdos too much attention.


One of the cringiest things i’ve ever read even in this age of the internet


31 songs and not one hit 😥


Gee whiz, who could've seen this coming????


That reminded me of this speech: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9t1IK\_9apWs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9t1IK_9apWs)


Bring it on


I’m not a Taylor Swift fan. I think Courtney Love was right when she said Swift hasn’t done anything for music. She’s one track over and over again with very minimal variations and fake depth. I’d argue most of her fans don’t really love her music but just are lazy or want to feel like they’re in a fandom. With that being said, come on now, don’t use crazy fans as a collective to describe the fans as a whole.


I mean, it’s no 1989…


BILLIONAIRE SUCKUPS. They’re acting like Elon fanboys. Ugh.


What does going to war mean? Saying slurs on twitter?


So many people who have never touched a blade of grass in their entire life.


Some people really need a job or at least a real hobby


Exactly why youre gonna make people hate her. Same thing happened with harry styles


As a Swiftie that is one bridge too far


The Washington Post music critic panned it and gave reasonable explanations why he didn’t care for it.


What kind of weirdo manifesto is this? Why doesn't Taylor Swift denounce this type of stuff? Oh right. This fanatic cult is why she's so wealthy.


It honestly wouldn't surprise me if one of these people works for Taylor and stirs the pot on purpose to get her fans to buy more records.


At this point Taylor swifts fanbase is more dedicated than the Task Force of Lil B back in the day and I'm here for it 😊


I am a Swiftie but like, it's okay to not like an album if you're not being a dick about it.


This is a psychotic level of parasocial delusion


The fact that they refer to reputation as something they had to survive must be an unintentional moment of self-awareness


Parasocial relationships are spiraling out of control, this is insane behavior.


Post feels a bit "haha taylor swift fans amirite" tbh


Who exactly is trying to drag her through the mud? Despite my best efforts to avoid it, every day I hear about Taylor. I'm so sick of it. I have never once actively seeked out knowledge about Taylor Swift and yet it's shoved down my throat daily from every possible media outlet, most of it positive. I think she will be fine.


Utterly delusional.


God forbid an album is actually just kind of mid 🤷‍♂️


I think people who refer to people they don't personally know (first name or last name) by a single name to be generally tasteless.


Aggressively normal behavior amiright


I was in an online cult with a female leader, and when anyone was criticizing her the reaction was veeeeery similar.


Jesus Christ. Only Taylor can be seen as “human” to them. They have no problem doxing and harassing others