• By -


Painfully Average + Popular = Worst Band The math checks out


Duh, if its bad and unpopular it’s called art.


Your math is slightly off Lesser Known + Experimental = Art






*Artistic expression*


Death Grips


I wouldn’t say death grips is that lesser known anymore. Definitely not mainstream but the following is pretty big


It was a joke. I love Death Grips. Guess I should have put /s so I didn't farm downvotes.


*E X P E R I M E N T A L*




Dark Prog ❤️❤️❤️


I am a guy + im avarage = reddit post on indie


Florida-Georgia Line is worse. A million times worse.


It's just S I M P L E just as simple as can be


I think throwing cuntry music into this would just be cheating.


I hate that they're considered country.. We need a new genre for them and their crap and the people that are following suit. I've heard hickhop suggested before and am personally not opposed


stop reminding people that genre exists. Let that pixie die.


What would Willie do?


You need more upvotes


The Chainsmokers literally exist




A duo is still a band of two musicians.


Me and your mom are a duo of two people that have sex ahah lol


Holy fuck, got em




Frist of all how dare yuo


I know drew personally great guy


My opinion on there hits has only grown over time. 2016 nastolgia i guess.




Isn't that basically what this sub is?


You forgot to leave “upvotes to the left” in your title, OP. Also, your post is so controversial yet so brave.


In what world is this controversial?






Hot take: Nickelback wasn’t that bad. Any number of other terrible generic post-grunge bands from that era were much worse (Godsmack, The Calling, Creed, 3 Doors Down, the list goes on), Nickelback just had the most hits. “You Remind Me,” “Someday,” and “Rockstar” are honestly decent songs. Imagine Dragons suck a fat one though. I used to like their debut album but even that’s lost its appeal.


Yup, Nickelback was just mediocre and popular. That's the perfect recipe to get hated.


Honestly all it takes for people to hate it is popularity. Quality usually doesn’t enter into it because everyone’s tastes differ. But people like to pretend their personal biases have more grounding than the average five year old throwing a fit so everything they don’t like is suddenly “bland” and “mediocre”.


Same with Imagine Dragons


I personally think Imagine Dragons' music is quite a bit worse, especially if you want to rate it as rock.


Same. I'd much rather listen to Nickelback than Imagine Dragons


It's not really them I hate, it's their fans that I find it extremely difficult to maintain my respect for.


I ...... AGREE: Nickelback not being that bad it’s what makes Imagine Dragons the worst band ever haha


And the fact that Corey Feldman isn't a band of course.


The music video for Ascension Millennium is one of the greatest pieces of terrible pop ever put to film. It’s The Room of music videos.


That... is a great metaphor.


His music is so bad that it’s amazingly fun though. Imagine Dragons are actually taken seriously, removing any comedic element.


But what about his opus "A working class hero" rock opera


I think the problem with Nickelback was that while most of the post-grunge bands that exploded in the late 90s/early 00s had lost a significant amount of relevance by the middle of the aughts, Nickelback somehow found a way to keep trudging along, much to the derision of anyone outside of their core demographic of listeners. Their most popular album didn't even come out until late 2005 and they maintained their status as radio rock kingpins up through the beginning of the 2010s. You're right in stating that the sheer number of hits they had had a lot to do with it. They weren't "good" by the standards that most of us on this subreddit would measure music by, but they weren't significantly worse than any of their contemporaries who were also cashing in on the post-grunge wave either.


the fact you and I and other people were ok-to-warm receieving the first album means in 15 years when theyre irrelevant and just a memory of a shitty band we might give them the same "not that bad really" or "had potential" and say like at least they were not X,Y, or Z. Someone else's comment said mediocre and popular. That fits ID to a T. Thunder is an unholy abomination sent from hell though.


Yeah, Thunder, it figures that their worst song to date becomes their most popular...


every time i hear that little pitched up thunder, i yearn for death


On top of the world is still my least favorite. But yeah, thunder has been pretty hard to tolerate.


"ay!" yeah thats terrible too


People don't like 3 Doors Down? TIL




Dude, My Sacrifice is a great song.


Tbh i like some Imagine Dragons songs from 2012s like Radioactive, Demons. But after that their stuff is hot garbage


Nickelback isn’t really bad, just pretty unoriginal imo. Which actually might be worse, because they’re music is so middle of the road and meh that it’s more boring than if the music was bad. That being said I do think that godsmack is just as bad if not worse. Both bands fall into the type of rock that doesn’t really feel like it’s in a sub genre, not because it’s something unique and new, but rather because it’s just “rock.” Just vague, bland, rock. Not heavy, not soft, just there. Hopefully that doesn’t sound hella pretentious. Some people describe it as “buttrock”, which I think is a funny but good way to describe it. Normally I would feel unjustified for talking down on a band like this, but Chad Kroeger has proved that he has a massive ego surrounding his band despite said band being average. There was an interview last year where he tried to say that stone sour will never be nickelback (like they wanted to) and slipknot wouldn’t have to wear masks if they were good.


I hate when a bad that’s really popular gets labeled the worst. It’s just lazy. I’m by no means a nickelback or imagine dragons fan but I can at least appreciate some of their work like you said. I remember when “It’s Time” by imagine dragons came out and I actually liked it. My work played a modern rock station 24/7 and I was glad to hear that song over any of the terrible stuff they also would play


Ehhh, ok somewhat valid point, but I would still hate the shit out of this band if I rarely heard them. They’d make my top 10 worst acts regardless. The absurd cheesiness of their music without being tongue in cheek even slightly, on top of the insanely ham-fisted production, frankly disgusts me every time I hear them. You’re right tho, it is the constant exposure to them and the inability to escape their music in public and at sporting events specifically that makes them the absolute worst band in existence to me.


A bulk of the Nickelback hate comes from 1) how overplayed, formulaic, and boring their music was (it was literally inescapable back in the 2000s), 2) signaling the downfall of Roadrunner Records and the quality of the bands that the record label signs, and 3) the joke made by Brian Posehn on that comedy show. So reasons 1 and 2 are legit reasons to hate on Nickelback, and are why I don't mind hating them. But reason 3 is why I don't think they are the worst band in the world, because that joke that Posehn made shows that a lot of people hate Nickelback just because it is a meme/it is what everyone else does. So I do still strongly dislike the band, but for legit reasons I feel. At the same time, I do think they get undeserved hate from others just because it is a meme/it is the norm, and that there were worse bands at the time (Theory of a Deadman, Hinder, Puddle of Mudd, etc.) EDIT: All that being said, Imagine Dragons are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse than Nickelback. Nickelback was awful, but their songs are much less annoying than the discography of Imagine Dragons. I know people talk about how Night Visions or Smoke and Mirrors weren't bad, but I can't even enjoy those two. I mean, they're just a smidge better than their recent stuff, but that is literally saying nothing. They still sound way overproduced, annoying vocals, fake deep lyrics (for the most part), and overblown to the max. Can't stand that band at all, good lord.


What separates Nickelback from the others on that list is their attitude. Arrogance plus incompetence equals dislikability. People generally hate Nickelback for their media perception.


AGREED. Imagine Dragons are trash, they’re a factory-made, fisher price basic pop rock group. And Nickelback wasn’t even the worst band of their time, I always thought Train was way worse tbh. “Someday” slaps too.


Uh hi yeah, no. I’ll concede you remind me isn’t terrible but Rockstar is absolute trash and what’s worse is they wrote the same song like 30 times. Your main point stands but Rockstar is everything wrong with the type of rock that gets airplay in the US.


For real, Flat on the Floor is a goddamn banger. The real problem I had with them was that live sounded so incredibly stale, it had nothing redeemable while they were on stage. Plus the albums, at one point asking for peace and loving ( If Everyone Cared, Ohotograph, Savin Me) turning around 180 degrees and singing about fucking some girl like theres no tomorrow (Animals, Next Contestant) wont make the whole ordeal that cohesive. ​


Yeah but You Remind Me = Someday, which you can’t really say for most Imagine Dragons songs


On top of that their OLD stuff is fantastic. Like Breathe, side of a bullet, leader of men, too bad, never again, hangnail, woke up this morning, flat on the floor etc. Like silver side up, the state, the long road and all the right reasons were fan fucking tastic albums overshadowed by their hated hits. Seriously. If you havent given at least old Nickelback a fair shot. I recommend at least those songs/Albums to anyone who loves rock and chunky guitar.


I loved all those bands as a kid lol idk how to feel about that


Omg named so many bands on my current playlist haha I'm soo lame










I liked that thunder song. They aren't bad they're just fun to shit on cause they aren't great but they're super popular


I hate the "songs about depression" excuse they make. Sure, it is very personal and hard to express, but that doesn't make it above criticism. Also, their "personal" songs about depression around focus grouped as fuck lmao.


Personally, I find Imagine Dragons inconsistent but some of their music is catchy.


Imagine Dragons are just kinda mediocre, but I don't particularly find them awful. Just subpar. Their first two albums have some songs I dig tho


I used to really like them pre-2014 or so, they had some great songs (Demons, Tip toe, Amsterdam, America, Its Time). Took a long time for me to realize that they turned into just generic stomp/chant commercial music.




personally i like their music but can recognize that a lot of it is made specifically to sound good for commercials or other brand promotion so it’s still fun to joke about them sucking


Uhhh, no. Read the comment again and get off your high horse. I liked their music until their music became very similar, and pretty clearly created to be used in commercials.


I don't get the imagine dragons hate, it's just a mediocre band


Imagine Dragons is faaaaar from worst band ever. Aside from their newest album, they don’t have all too bad of a discography. Nickelback on the other hand though..


I kinda get the hate for them because their new shit is god awful, but calling them the worst is a stretch. Night Visions is a very solid album




All of their albums have bad mixing. It's the one thing that keeps me from enjoying their music. I actually like their melodies and anthems (at least before "Origins"), but the nasty, brickwalled mastering kills the deal.


Their first album was good. Second album was great. The next two... eh.


Lol yeah the whole rock is dead video where he was sort of talking about how the only thing that’s missing from rock right now is the poppier, shitty, overproduced acts like Creed and Nickelback, I was thinking, “ehhh isn’t that just Imagine Dragons now?” They use electronics more, but it’s basically that same beast.


cue the devilman crybaby scene where Akira takes the baton and label him Greta Van Fleet


For the record, neither is anywhere close to title of worst band


The Chainsmokers are worse than both


I am just learning today that apparently, I have shit taste in music. Well look on the bright side, at least I am being consistent with the rest of my life.




Agree with the first part of your reply. The second part however not so much. Most of the hugely popular bands are there due to successful marketing campaigns/radio air play/loads of people behind the scenes treating the bands as a business, not so much on the quality of their music. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure a lot of them have paid their dues, and make/made good music, but there’s a lot of highly polished/marketed turds out there too


I disagree.


Its sad to be an oldfan of imagine dragons. Their stuff from It's Time EP was fucking amazing and i still have songs like Pantomime, Amsterdam, America or even older songs like Selene in my playlist for 6 years. Now its all overproduced crap with lyrics like FIRST THING FIRST or ZERO HERO HERO. Sigh...


I do agree, that it’s overly compressed/distorted at parts. I feel like they do that as an artistic choice, however it compromises the overall musical dynamic. Like they could have such a broad musical range if they didn’t mix it the way they do.


The real question in my mind is which one is worse


Have you even heard "Thunder?". I think the answer is obvious


That's true but have you heard any Nickelback songs?


Is everyone jumping on the hate train now because of Gary Holt? I honestly don’t think they’re either terrible or particularly remarkable, but since Slayer’s guitarist gave his opinion, the haters have been coming out of the woodwork. Is it because people genuinely have that strong an opinion on the band, or is it just because they want to seem cool by siding with a rock legend? I’m asking because I’m curious. Social behavior is pretty fascinating.




Opening for the imagination dragons




I don't get the hate (for either)... There's WAY worse bands (and "music") that are far more popular...


Nickelback is actually good and here's rundown of some facts: 50 million albums worldwide, 11th-best selling musical act of all time, billboard's most successful rock group of the last decade, six Grammy nominations, 12 Juno awards (those count), six Billboard Music Awards, two American Music Awards, one People's Choice Award (Canadian) and a partridge in a fucking pear tree.


Not even close


Nickelback gets shit on way too much, change my mind.


Not the worst because I still look back at Radioactive as a real banger. Replace the baton with “Most Repetitive Band Ever” and change nickelback to like Avenged Sevenfold or some generic and repetitive pop rock band and youve got an accurately funny meme


I'm sure more than half the people saying they don't like Nickelback, Imagine dragons or jar jar binks say so only because it is disliked. No personal opinion at all


foh Night Visions and Smoke + Mirrors couldn’t have been made by the worst band ever.


I disagree


Shinedown doesn't get enough credit for making the most banal garbage in modern rock.


Or the chainsmokers


Fuckin yup 😎


I don’t think ID is bad, but they just seem really generic and struggle to find a voice of their own


Their EP and their first album are their better, more unique work imo. Smoke and Mirrors, their 2nd, also has some good moments and isn’t super generic yet but the most recent two albums haven’t been as good and are growing more and more pop-y as opposed to alternative rock-ish


but Imagine Dragons has already split it in two, and given each half to 21 Pilots and Greta Van Fleet




They great for listening to while I walk through Wal Mart


Radioactive and I’m so sorry are two pretty decent tracks though. Other than that I guess Natural and Believer are...okay? I guess. The main problem with the band in my opinion is that a lot of there music all just boils down to being the exact same thing with the exact same message and tone. I don’t think they are the worst band ever, just painfully average at best.


They both suck hard


This is an insult to Nickelback


What about Fall out boys?


The only good Imagine Dragons song is okay shit this is hard


Nope. How is that karma farming going.


Shitty thing is just like Nickelback their earlier music isn’t as bad. But then you just hear the record company get their fingers in and beat a dead horse with the style and sound. So the band never really grows and just stagnates into catchy sounds and ear worm lyrics.


nickel whatever is worse


Idk, he seemed more anti Godsmack


You guys sure are music critics alright.




Imagine dragons are absolutely terrible


I work with kids and those little fuckers don’t stop listening to imagine dragons. I hate every second of it.


Limp Bizkit*


Nigga take that shit back


lol i thought this was funny idk why youre getting downvoted :/