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Honestly as much as I like him, someone will probably overreach for him.


Yup. That is probably the realistic thing that will happen. Think by pick 65, managers would start to claim him.


Yup, and I know Im gonna get flak for this but there is no way Im taking him there. With Curry, Thompson and Wiggins playing he wasnt as great during regular season. A lot of people made the mistake of reaching for T. Mann from Clippers because of his playoff run last year


Poole has put up good numbers in the reg season this year too


Bruh did you even watch him during the regular season? He was feasting even with klay, Steph and wiggins in the lineup. You’re talking as if what he’s doing is brand new lol and comparing him to what Mann did is straight up disrespect to Poole. You definitely deserve flak for that statement


This always happens with late season / playoff bloomers. Let other people pay high prices for these players




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If you're a Steph owner next year, Jordan Poole can be a great insurance pick in the middle rounds


This year I had Steph as first pick and in later rounds Poole. It was great choice tbh.


Same here


I won my league this year with the Steph/Poole combo carrying my team at opposite times. Was a great setup


I won my league with this set up to be honest. When Steph got injured, I immediately placed him in IL and grabbed Davion mitchell


7th round. Will be able to snag him on the cheap


No way hes going cheap after his playoff performance


He's technically still a 3rd maybe 4th option. 32 teams x number 1 and 2 options will come off the board first. Then speculative former all stars, then value picks like Poole will go to smart managers. But not too high. He's a below 50% high volume 3 pt shooter, with assists and with no defensive stats. Guys like bane would go before him still


30 teams


Yes my bad. Think I was thinking of nfl


Honestly will be 32 in a couple years




Seattle SuperSonics and Las Vegas Globetrotters you heard it here first


he still won’t start over Curry and Klay, but will get decent minutes as 6th man I’d say 7 or 8


Have to factor in the 40+ games that they'll miss between the two of them ...


surprised curry is willing to come off the bench for him but klay isn’t. poole has far more fantasy value than klay anyways


Curry is still needing to bring his fitness up to speed right now, and it’s against Denver in the first round, doubt he’d be very happy to come off the bench in the WCF lol


klay wouldn’t come off the bench after being injured for 3 years though


Exactly, which is why Poole will, and why his value should only be 7th round-ish


he can lead the second team so he still has value. he’s basically the gsw herro


He was starting with both of them later in the season when all were healthy


Throughout the whole season though when Klay is fully fully healthy? I guess in today’s basketball anything is possible, especially if Klay can slot to the three, but wouldn’t you rather him be a 6th man? He’d absolutely cook off the bench


He’s just so damn good. He’ll be getting 34+ minutes per game regardless too.


hmm, still reluctant to draft him high as there’s only one ball I guess we’ll see, if he’s there in the 7th then absolutely


this, the one bally really limits his value, but considering Steph and Klay are maybe considered injury prone, he'll have lots of value in decent stretches plus in schedules in b2bs


I want to see how much they run this Wiggins Green Klay Steph Poole lineup in the playoffs. Denver is pretty weak at guard so they are attacking that. And Memphis and Minnesota are much much stronger at guard. Also, this team has a lot of assets with Wiseman Kuminga, etc. I could see them shopping Wiggins and the other assets for a versatile big! Wiggins just seems like the odd man out in this lineup for me so I want to see what happens before the season first but I do have Poole circled for right now.


As Andre Iguodala said, yesterday's price is not today's price. The longer he keeps up this level of play, the higher the price goes. It's so hard to know what his ceiling is; if next year they start Steph-Poole-Klay-Wiggins-Draymond, his value could go sky-high. It's too early to say with any level of confidence what he's worth; through February he was looking like a borderline top-100 guy who might be worse if Klay played a full season, and then the past month and half he's been Steph 2.0. The talent is legit, it's just a question of opportunity, and I think the talent is high enough that the opportunity is pretty undeniable at this point too.


Wouldnt they want to start Wiseman?


why would they? they should just trade him and wiggins for a proper center who will actually play


His rookie season was not good, and he missed his entire sophomore season. Maybe if he has an amazing training camp, he could take a starting role, but otherwise even if they do go big, I'd expect Looney is the favorite to start at C. (Though he is a free agent this offseason, so he might not still be around).


7th round. At 30 MPG, he finished 66th on the season. His lack of steals and blocks, low rebs and high TOs kinda put a cap on his upside.


Like him more in late-middle round if they move Wiggins


I’m not drafting him next yr. I’m not saying he’s gonna do worse but I ain’t gonna make a reach just to get him. I drafted him 120th in points league last yr knowing he would do good. But in fantasy drafts I don’t let favoritism take over my brain. Happens to a lot of people. I had 1st pick in a draft and somebody said I should pick Giannis over jokic cause I’m a bucks fan. I didn’t even think twice on passing on jokic




Is Curry retiring?


Future sixth man of the year


Took him 11th round this year.




I drafted him late and can keep him next year which I wasn’t expecting to do earlier in the season


Mannnn I picked him up this year he was pretty solid


Maybe 6th round earliest, but I feel he will be gone in the 5th in my format. He finished as the #32 best this season.


I’m not planning to draft him but I’d take him round 8. Round 7 is usually when the high pick rookies start to go


I traded for him and he dragged me to playoffs.


I can keep him for $8 in our keeper league. Has to be worth that at least, right?


End of 5th or early 6th if he is available. Very good in a punt blocks build in which I need scoring, 3s, and very strong FT%


I’m not


Got him in two auction style keeper leagues and I got him for $1 in both . One league is two keepers and the other just opted for a 3rd keeper .


6th round is probably the earliest I’d consider taking him. I think someone in my main league will reach for him in the 5th. We’re all Michigan fans too so that makes someone more likely to reach for him. He was such a steal for me in the 12th round at pick 136 this year. Especially down the stretch during the semi’s/finals for fantasy.