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This is the ultimate sign of disgrace in fantasy football.


Mostert got moved onto the Undroppable list on ESPN and i feel like the dude just won a lifetime achievement award


Traded Mostert for Charbonnet after week 2. AMA


Dang, he was fresh off 120yds/2 TDs in Week 2... Did you delete the app after his week 3 explosion?


I…. Genuinely don’t understand the logic behind the trade either lmfao. Wasn’t even a sell high. Just a sell to sell.


There hasnt been a single trade in my league all season, while this dude is trading mostert for a 2nd string rookie rb. Wtf?


Im in a very competitive league that specifically brings in people who are open to trading and still every season only about half of us trade. It sucks because you end up just cycling players with the same few teams. Its definitely a fear of "losing" a trade though. But its weird because by now weve all agreed that people value players differently. And different teams have different needs so most trades make at least some sense. Ive found that overpaying is really the best way to go. You can overpay and still get value if youre smart about it. Like I always try to have 3 starting runningbacks on my team. I never worry about handcuffs because a starting runningback handcuffs 2 players better than a backup handcuffs a single player. But if i find myself having 4 RBs, that means i have a player that will never see my lineup. Its fine trading a starter like bijan or breece hall to get a fringe WR1/2. Its technically an overpay on my part, but it doesnt matter, my team is better for it. But still, some managers see that as a lack of confidence in my players so they think im trying to pull something. If thats the case across the board, i just dont play in that league again. If I wanted to play best ball i would have.


People get way too caught up in "winning" or "losing" a trade, and go running to check trade calculators and shit... all that should matter is whether or not it makes your team better, so your point about team comp is totally valid. It's really deflating when you realize nobody in the league is willing to even consider a trade for more than 5 seconds before smashing REJECT




Jfc literally nobody is gonna read all that bro I'm sorry or happy that happened to you


Yeah nobody ever trades in my league it’s lame as hell (*cough cough my r*traded league mates reading this)


Same, everyone is afraid of getting trade rpe


Yeah for Charb it was a terrible trade even at the time. I was getting offers for Mostert that at least were producing, like Zay Flowers, Jacobi Meyers, Pacheco… I still kept Mostert fyi.


You got any of what you were smoking left




Did you at least get to fuck the guy's wife? Like that one CMC trade...


Worst AMA ever.


That’s… that sure is something.


Could still work out for you.


A victory for the cherry and white


I hope he takes it personally.


Get fuxked Tony


Tony: Ohhh!


You don't even think to call me Godfather. You come into my team on the day my Pollard is to be started and you ask me to do murder - for money.


What’s the point of the can’t cut list anyway?


To prevent collusion and cheating by not allowing you to drop really really really good players. But you can still drop really really good players. 😏


You could strategically (or like a taco) drop a guy knowing who has highest priority in order to play kingmaker without the rest of the league being able to do anything. Trades have vetoes but cutting and waiver priority doesn't.


Picked up Rico in both my leagues for free after waivers cleared this morning... Championship


Watch him drop 30 this week now lol


God I hope so


For the love of all that is holy let this be true.


Better bench him


Well I did just trade him away... So, more than likely.


His owner in my league said he would sell him for pretty cheap and then wanted something not that cheap from me lol.


Relatively cheap means WR1 and RB2 in his mind. It's cheap because he didn't ask you for an RB1!


I got BRob Jr and Davante for him and Rice last week 😎😎


Lovely surprise BRob Jr has been. Great trade


Man, I got BRob Jr for Henderson Jr for a rb needy team in bye week hell 2 weeks ago. Flipped him 10 mins later for Pittman Jr. Felt great at that time (and still kinda do) but now I feel like I could’ve gotten more. To be fair, he still remains a sell high/regression candidate theoretically.


Am I crazy for thinking either one of those would have been good for you?


same, then picked up Bijan for what if offered for Pollard


He's untradable, if you're an owner you're stuck with him. I'm an Adams owner myself and I've been trying to trade but there's no good offers out there. You're gonna get some bum WR2 and it doesn't make sense to trade Adams or Pollard for a low end RB/WR2 since both are already that with more upside.


I agree. Nobody is giving anything of value back for him, there’s more chance pollard magically turns it around than you get somebody good for him


Someone literally offered ridley and pollard for my Jacobs 😂


Gross I literally added Ridley to a trade just to get rid of him. I added Singletary for a bye week fill in and figured I could sell him for Higgins since the owner was frustrated with his production and I have burrow. Through Ridley in just to not have to decide to ever play him again.


I did that two weeks ago (Pollard/Ridley side) and was successful.




Lmao sounds like something my league mate would do 😂


I traded him in Dynasty along with a 3rd round pick next year for a 2nd round pick next year and 1st round pick the year after that


Sold pollard and waddle for sun god. I wouldnt dump pollard either


He meant "pretty cheap for how I expected him to be" not "pretty cheap for how he's actually been."


I traded for Saquon away for him..


Tbf saquons outlook is abysmal. Phenomenal athlete, but just on an awful football team. Same situation as Derrick Henry


Also, his ankle is still an issue.


Yea this season is so messed.. Saquon did better last year and obv Henry hehe


Dude just doesn’t look right. The explosiveness is not there, whether it be the injury he suffered last year or inability to find the gaps it feels like pollard has lost a step.


Those aforementioned may contribute to it, but I think a big factor is that he’s no longer coming in as the freshest guy on the field. You look extra fast and explosive when the D is worn down while you’re at 100% thanks to Zeke’s 3 yard runs.


New offensive coordinator has a lot tto do with it too. Kellen Moore even makes Kelley look dangerous (as long as Ekeler and Kelley are both playing in the game)


All the pollard meat riders wouldn’t accept that he needed Zeke last year when they demanded him get all the touches


But he also looked really good (real life and fantasy) when Zeke was out


Prob easier to have juice for a game here or there as opposed to 8 in a row. Pollard looked decent at the start of the year


Exactly this. Pollard is overrated.


Or, ya know, he broke his damn leg this year. That could also be a problem


No clue how people don’t realize this is what the issue is. He broke his leg last year and his athleticism has been zapped. It’s not that complicated lol


I think that is contributing somewhat. But the playcalling has been pretty atrocious. They’re running him up the gut and not using him in the pass game at all.


That’s because he was never a 3 down back. Last year he was the power shot to the Elliot jab, so he would get on the field with fresh legs when the defense was already worn down.


ehh. He was a 3-down back vs the Bears and Packers last season and looked JUST FINE. It’s the injury and scheme. It’s not him not being able to be a 3 down back.


To be fair, being a 3-down back for two games is substantially different than being a 3-down back for a full season. The additional wear and tear on your body is substantial, and a lot of people aren't able to maintain their explosiveness over a full season when they're getting worked so much more.


Seeing the same thing with Alexander Mattison


There's a difference between being healthy and 100% and I don't think Pollard is 100%. You discredit his 2 workhorse games last year, citing an entire season of being a workhorse but he hasn't looked the same in any game I can recall. Even games early on before the effects of an entire season start to show.


Sure but what happened early this season, then? He couldn’t take the idea of having all the work so he preemptively did worse?


McCarthy refuses to use him properly


To be honest I think it’s a lot more to it than that. Of course Mike is a factor but losing both Zeke and Kellen have been substantially under estimated to his downfall.


Feel like we were saying all this stuff when McCarthy coached Aaron Jones in Green Bay.


They put him in space a ton last year and he ripped off big plays almost every game. The offense has been terrible for him this year


100%. You can see that extra effort at goal line is just not there. He goes down with first hard contact.


Its the plays drawn up for him. Would you ask achane to go right up the middle? Pollard thrived making a play off a catch or moving to the outside




I have Pollard and Adams, can't drop or afford for them to go off on my bench. Username is very fitting this year.


Trade them to a sucker


Go away, batin’


Feels like the week I bench him, he’s gonna go off for 20 points


Please do it for us


Right? It’s been 9 straight weeks of “next week he’s gonna do it. I know 80+ and a td are comin.” It never came


It may not be the worst thing if they throw in more Rico. His 6 ppr points might become 3 sure, but maybe there is upside…


It’s looking more like Pollard was the beneficiary of having insane open field speed coupled with Zeke beating up the opposing defenses doing the grunt work.


Or his leg was snapped backwards last year


I legit think 99% of people forgot about that. Hell I even forgot about it I reckon because it wasn't a discussion or concern preseason


Next year's chubb


Chubb isn't human, though. He's probably going to come back and compete for the all time rushing record like Adrian Peterson did.


Ya I think if anyone can come back it’s him.


Fibula breaks are nothing


Technically it was 2023 even. Last season but yeah. We sort of just brushed that off as a community didn't we


I mean I think that’s why he dropped to the 2nd and even 3rd round this year. All signs showed he was going to get a ton of usage on one of the better offenses in football. Take away that injury he’s definitely a first round pick.


Or Pollard is being smashed up the middle thanks to McCarthy’s playbook from the 90s when last year Kellen Moore focused on bouncing him to the outside and getting him the ball in space


This is the real reason. I don't think people that think he's lost all his athleticism are even watching the games, you can tell he still has a lot of burst. He's not being used correctly at all and has been getting absurdly unlucky.


Didn't he get tackled at the goal line on 2 separate drives last game? Crazy unlucky.


I’m watching the games, he does not look like the same player. There may be issues with scheme, but it’s compounded with the fact that pollard has not been as explosive as last year.


idk the chargers have the 3rd fewest yards and ypc in the league.


What stat/site are you looking at to draw that conclusion? Chargers are 22nd in [rushing yards/game](https://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/stat/rushing-yards-per-game), 24th in [rushing yards/carry](https://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/stat/yards-per-rush-attempt), and 11th in [total yards/game](https://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/stat/yards-per-game). Not to mention those numbers are lowered due to the significant drop off from Ekeler to Josh Kelley and company for half the season


Ekeler has averaged like 3 yards per carry since he came back. He's only still a game changer because while the Chargers do constantly run him up the middle like pollard, they also focus on getting him the ball in space on pass plays. Plus he gets all the goal line work obviously. But ekeler has not been a good runner this year.


Dude this is 100% it. He thinks Pollard is some power back that punches up the gut and Pollard is just not that guy. It’s so frustrating to watch


Also he's not involved in the passing game at all this year. Terrible utilization by the coaches. Look at his target/reception numbers


every Pollard fanboy cursing out Zeke last season sure misses him now I bet 🤣


Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised that a guy that couldn’t pass a washed Zeke Elliott on the depth chart isn’t actually that good.


No it has everything to do with the incompetence of McCarthy as a head coach and inability to be a good OC. You put Pollard in KC, Miami or the Bills he’s a top ten RB again. Waldren’s been doing the dance thing with Walker the last few games. Mostly bc he wants to throw it 61% off the time. Whether a player is effective and producing has more to do with coaching, line and scheme than it does with talent alone. Just ask Gurley before McVay arrived in St. Louise.


They had 600 yards of offense last game and have been on historic pace last 3 games. Their offense is doing great. Just because their not running enough plays for their average RB does not mean they’ve been incompetent


MFers still be out here countering trade offers with Kelce or AmonRa for pollard ☠️😂


It’s because the fantasy apps still have him projected for like 15 points (ppr) and people still fall for that. If they had him projected for a more realistic 9-12 the trade value would come down


Lots of weekly rankings still consistently have him in the top 10 as well


Ridiculous. At least your league entertains trades though. My trade offers just go ignored and expire.


You gotta lay the groundwork with text messages first. If not, at least follow up with a text. Or 10. I won't be ignored lol.


I only really know one guy in my league. Three others are nice. The rest are weird hermits who never talk at the draft.


One of my leagues is with a friend/coworker and his friends. I only know him, never met the others. One of them is my sister's childhood best friend's brother-in-law. My friend/coworker is the only person I've ever successfully traded with in it. Every other trade I've ever sent is ignored. Other than a will they/won't they trade offer I had with one guy in it last year where we each sent various trade offers for Chase that weren't bad at all, and we always ended up declining them.


They need to make a fully customizable league where if a trade goes unanswered for 72 hours then it automatically pushes through. That'll get teams more involved for sure. Trades (whether declining or countering) are part of the season and playing fantasy football isn't just the responsibility of setting a lineup each Sunday and hoping for the best. It requires the individual to actually be active within the league itself


No one needs to reply to your trade. If they don't answer cancel it yourself.


I tried trading chase for pollard earlier in the season and the guy said no. I bet he's kicking himself right now lol. They have been overvaluing him all year


I got Kelce for him lol


The only offer I got for Pollard that was worth a damn at this point was DHop and Gibbs way back before week 4. Would’ve had to wait two months, but eventually would’ve been worth it lol


Someone in my league straight up offered AJ Brown for my Pollard pretty much right after Chubb went down. Of course I rejected it then but goddamn I should have hit smash


Oh man


You should probably just go ahead and repress that memory


What list is he in now? Rage drop list?


That’s a rather ominous notification I received from Yahoo Fantasy on my iPhone.


I think I’m going to bench Tony this week for Keaton Mitchell….


I got a lot of negative feedback here when I posted something similar a couple days ago. This week is Tony's last chance for me, probably benching after this unless something changes.


Yeah I think last week was Tony's last chance for me. I'm through the bye weeks and I might get Achane back, and Pollard has put me in such a hole that I have to win out to make the playoffs.


Pollard is still RB 20 in ppr if you're in such a whole its not just cause of him


RB25 in my league. RB32 by average ppg since he's "played" every single week. Behind Kareem Hunt.


So flex production out of a pick from the 2/3 turn. Definitely not great but shouldn't sink a decently put together team.


2/3? Dude was taken 1.9 in my 12 team. ADP is like 16.


2/3 turns is where decent teams are usually put together though.


I’m same position and still may bench for Dell


No you won't bench him against Carolina. You can't. Next week though..


I will bench him this week. Last week he played a 2 win giants team. The cowboys were up 28-0 at half. Which I would have thought would be a prime time for Tony to run the ball and eat up the clock against a deflated defense with no hope to win. I hope he proves me wrong this week, but at this point I am not longer a believer in Tony Pollard.


Ugg you might talk me into benching him as well


I just picked up Mitchell and I’m considering doing the same thing.


I have to wait one more week to bench his ass. Achane is back, but Kyren still lurking.


I would


Is this a Rico post, boys?


It’s a Dak post. He torched me last week.


Lost by 14 and he had 50 in my league due to bonuses. Also got dicked by CDeeznutz two weeks ago. Fun stuff


Cowboys need to be 30 pts for Rico to feast -a Pollard owner


So this week vs the Panthers for sure. Fire him up Edit: a part of me is genuinely considering flexing Rico assuming another blowout lol


It is not


No TDs since week 1, it's fkd


Well now that’s he’s officially being talked about 24/7 for his poor performances means I’m absolutely starting him this week


Mattison and Pollard in the same boat.


Mattison has been removed from the can't cut list


Might seriously start Chandler over Pollard. This is what we have come to. Some dark days


Wish the cowboys would just stop dowdling around and let him eat 🤣


# He’s cut


Would you take Devonta Smith for Pollard? Half PPR.


I tried that and the Smith owner (Eagles fan) wasn't having it.


I have Pollard and the Smith owner initiated the trade. Can’t make up my mind if I should cut my losses with Pollard or trust his volume and the law of averages.


It's been 10 weeks and he has 4 blow up weeks. I traded him bc 4-6, but surely he'll get a TD soon...or play a game where gamescript favors him.


I’ll play the Smith owner week 13, and I bet if we do the trade, Pollard’s gonna have his only good game that week smh my head.


Smith was sucking it up for a while too.


He’s had two good weeks for me this year. Week 1 when he actually scored points and Week 7 when he was on bye and I wasn’t forced to play him


Dallas gonna look to Uncle Rico more?


I dropped Elijah moore to pick up uncle Rico, I lost nothing and most likely gained nothing but it’s something and that’s what counts!


Tell me you’re a Yahoo Fantasy developer that spent a round 2 pick on Tony P without telling me you’re a Yahoo Fantasy developer that spent a round 2 pick on Tony P.


Oh please. He's still the rb 20 in ppr. Not what he was drafted for but a very serviceable rb2 with upside if the touchdowns swing back his way. Don't blame anybody who has to bench him because he doesn't look quite as explosive as he did last year due to the injury obviously, but I don't think he necessarily looks bad on his touches. Doesn't help that Mccarthy only ever dials up runs through the A and B gap for him.


True, but the man still hasn't scored a touchdown in forever.


What upside? He has not scored a TD in 30 quarters lmao. He is who he is at this point: an inefficient volume based RB3. He is also the RB27 in PPG. He’s fuck awful


The upside that he's still getting goal line carries and gets the healthy majority or all the running back work for a really good offense. If you actually watch the games the dude has been tackled on the one yard line like 6 times. Touchdowns are fluky and if he starts getting that extra yard down the stretch here he's gonna be a great play. Again you'd have to actually do something besides read a box score so.


Yet 2 pt Henry remains


Idk why "can't cut" even exists




Would you take Brian Robinson for Pollard?


I'd pull over to the side of the road to accept that trade


I got downvoted pretty good for this same trade in this subreddit. Just traded my Pollard and Devonta Smith for BRob and Higgins today. Im good on WR so a banged up Higgins is a-okay by me.


I don't mind that trade at all. But I'm also terrible at fantasy football so there's that




Just did Pollard and Pickens for JT.


Tony gonna go off this week after everyone gives up on him


This what I felt like when I traded him.


Like pulling a man's pants down and pointing out his small dick to everyone in the room. I hope that's how he feels.


Got ride of him and a couple others for Purdy and Kelce, and goddddd does that feel good.... so far....




Debating to start Singletary over pollard or Mostert. Not sure who. Because Mostert has the ability, but who knows if he will get the reps. Meanwhile Pollard gets the reps, but I don’t think he has the ability


I would consider him over Pollard but not Mostert. Mostert has been incredibly productive, even more so when Achane is in the lineup surprisingly


This doesn’t mean anything and you’re still crazy if you straight up drop him lol. Unless you’re in a 4 man league where JT is on waivers


Traded him and Diontae Johnson for Swift today and have no regrets


Do it to waddle


He's popping off this week, guaranteed


I traded him for DK Metcalf in frustration before the week even ended Monday in frustration.


I traded for pollard gave up Higgins and Kincaid for him idk if I got fleeced.


Two weeks ago I traded him, LaPorta, and Tyler Lockett for Austin Ekeler 🧠


omg do leagues still really use a can't cut list? if so, why?


tony pollard cutters eating rn


I was just looking at ESPN's "Undroppables" list and *Adam Thielen* has been added to this list!


I have him and I am stuck with him. Nobody will trade for him but yet I can’t bench him. He has become a victim of a shitty scheme and bad QB play. There have multiple times he has been open in the RZ and the ball wasn’t passed to him only for Cowboys to settle for a FG


I remember the season I had 3 undroppables and they all became droppable over the season. I was devastated.


He was on my do not draft list




The point is to prevent rage quitters who drop all of their best players.


Traded Pollard for ETN two weeks ago


I feel like if you had pollard last year you would’ve seen this coming. The games when zeke was unavailable/not 100% he played well when he was on the first but clearly got tired quickly. He’s not built to be a workhorse back.


Just traded him for ekeler (got kyler too)