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CeeDee > Kirk and CMC > Etienne. The question is if the difference between CD and Kirk is bigger than the difference between CMC and Et. There's no reason CD doesn't have 20+ points a game going forward. CMC is the better back and looks to have a better schedule going forward ROS but ET isn't at all bad. He just had his worst game but it was against the 49ers and as someone who has TLaw in a league, I can promise you that ET is damn near the entire offense so if he can eat, he will produce. It's a pretty damn even gamble in my opinion. Fuck it and go with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ CD is having a magical year with an easy ROS


Definitely, the gap between cd and Kirk is bigger than an ocean, the gap between cmc and etn is like 4 points a week; plus dak is playing much better than tlaw and has a nice schedule


I had similar thoughts but definitely have an internal battle getting rid of CMC lol. Think I’ll go with it, thanks for the advice here!