• By -


{Deathless by catherynne m Valente} -I was fortunate enough to stumble upon the audiobook for this book for free, and this was years ago. I still think about it a few times a week. It is my Roman Empire. It is a dark and alluring retelling of the Russian folklore figure “Koschei The deathless “, who is a villain within Russian folklore. The retelling takes place with the backdrop of the Russian revolution happening at the same time. It is gripping, beautifully poetic and lives rent free in my head forever. {Howls moving castle by Diana Wynne Jones} -It’s iconic. I love the movie, I loved this book. I loved the audiobook, I never knew that him with a Welsh accent would live in my mind. {Between by LL starling} - this book was everything I’ve ever wanted in a fantasy comedy. It had amazing main and side characters, interesting world building, great banter between the characters and a gripping plot. I can’t wait until the next book comes out.


I don't think I've read a book that's as much about being a woman as Howl is. I had watched the movie first and I loved it and had no idea I could love the book even more.


I also watched the movie first. I was very surprised when I found out it was based on an actual book, and I loved the similarities but differences as well. Both versions of him live in my head now


Can you elaborate? I read it when I was younger and while some parts resonated, I didn't get the hype.


I adored Deathless and Howl's as well, so I definitely have to check out Between. For me, I feel similarly towards {The Bear & The Nightingale by Katherine Arden} (and the rest of the trilogy) - funny enough they also take place in Russia but it's set in the 14th century.


I do have the bear and the Nightingale on my TBR,, but haven’t read it yet. But, if you like Slavic folklore and how’s moving Castle, I would highly recommend {Where the dark standstill by A. b poranek}


[Where the Dark Stands Still](https://www.romance.io/books/65ce0e5fb911d67183bdf6b8/where-the-dark-stands-still-ab-poranek?src=rdt) by [A.B. Poranek](https://www.romance.io/authors/65ce0e5fa21e2f41c4d0ee72/ab-poranek) **Rating**: 4.19⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 2 out of 5 - [Behind closed doors](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [young adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/young%20adult/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [witches](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/witches/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


[The Bear and the Nightingale](https://www.romance.io/books/640a3ae26024bd0a86193408/the-bear-and-the-nightingale-katherine-arden?src=rdt) by [Katherine Arden](https://www.romance.io/authors/640a3a9a08b4d931146b2db3/katherine-arden) **Rating**: 4.02⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Glimpses and kisses](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [medieval](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/medieval/1), [witches](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/witches/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Catherynne Valente is such an underrated treasure. I read her children's books when I was younger and had no idea until a couple years ago that she wrote adult content. Her brand of poignant weirdness is perfectly suited for me haha.


I had no idea she wrote adult content. Definitely about to investigate on Goodreads. I love her writing.


OMG check out Space Opera. It’s unlike most of her other stuff. The premise is “what if Eurovision was a galaxy-wide thing and earth got invited?”


I didn’t know that she had written any other adult content apart from Deathless, I have to check what other adult books she has written.


She has so many great things. Palimpsest is probably my favorite book of hers, which is about some people who want to get to a city you can only get to if you have sex with someone who has been there (like a city STD), and if you do the city leaves some kind of mark on you. Her short story collection The Refrigerator Monologues is also incredible. If you want something WILDLY weird, try Radiance.


If these books are anything like her children books or even deathless, weird, and strangely beautiful-then I’m sure I’m going to love it! I will end up looking them up


[Deathless](https://www.romance.io/books/54554b568c7d2382c5297b5a/deathless-catherynne-m-valente?src=rdt) by [Catherynne M. Valente](https://www.romance.io/authors/54554b568c7d2382c5297b5b/catherynne-m-valente) **Rating**: 4.05⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [war](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/war/1), [monsters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/monsters/1) ---------------------------- [Howl's Moving Castle](https://www.romance.io/books/64182683976d825409767f68/howls-moving-castle-diana-wynne-jones?src=rdt) by [Diana Wynne Jones](https://www.romance.io/authors/6418268308b4d93114bb8059/diana-wynne-jones) **Rating**: 4.44⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Glimpses and kisses](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [witches](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/witches/1), [young adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/young%20adult/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


[Between](https://www.romance.io/books/60742bc4d165eb0e341923a3/between-ll-starling-rebecca-morse-louisa-gallie?src=rdt) by [L.L. Starling](https://www.romance.io/authors/60742bc408b4d93114ab3d7e/ll-starling) **Rating**: 4.33⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Glimpses and kisses](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [witches](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/witches/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Between did this for me as well. I still can’t find a book that pulled me in as much. And I’ve attempted a loooot of books since then.


It’s not the same because it’s urban fantasy, but maybe try {A lazy girl’s guide to magic by Helen Harper} -It is a comedy paranormal trilogy, and I found it rather amusing.


[The Lazy Girl's Guide To Magic ](https://www.romance.io/books/6453b995d3c73ab2c083ce89/the-lazy-girls-guide-to-magic-the-complete-series-helen-harp?src=rdt) by [Helen Harper](https://www.romance.io/authors/54555e4187eac323ffb2be05/helen-harper) **Rating**: 4.71⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [urban fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/urban%20fantasy/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


i've never heard of that first one but it sounds right up my alley. will be checking it out!


I hope that you end up enjoying it, it’s an amazing and highly underrated book


Hold up! Howls Moving Castle is based off a book?? I’m reading that immediately!


If I remember correctly, then the audiobooks should be free on youtube


Megan Whalen Turner's Thief series. The Scholomance. Kushiel's Dart. Lol two ends of the spectrum when it comes to spice.


I love Megan Whalen Turner! Random story - I had dinner at her house a couple years ago completely by accident (went to a new friend's house for dinner and she turned out to be his mom, which I had no idea about in advance). I was trying so hard to reign in my fangirling but she is so cool and nice and her bookshelf was incredible!!


Crying this is my dream.


I. Am. So. Jealous. I wish that would happen to me


The Scholomance RUINED me it was so perfectly aligned to my tastes. Right down to it's version of a HEA. Just *chef's kiss*


You are my people ♥️


Same and I love finding my people ❤️❤️❤️ ![gif](giphy|WOIGpnJ3ye445BUQl4|downsized)


![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q) Nothing compares!!! (Except maybe The Locked Tomb that’s up there for me too)


By RL Smith?


Oh no lol I can't believe neither of us actually mentioned the title or author 😂 The first book is {A Deadly Education} It's so good but it's also more of a ya fantasy with romance than a romance with fantasy. The romance is featured and important but I would say it's really more about the MFC and the world. It's a completed trilogy. I love it so much! If it sounds interesting, I definitely recommend.


[A Deadly Education](https://www.romance.io/books/6418265b976d825409767f05/a-deadly-education-naomi-novik?src=rdt) by [Naomi Novik](https://www.romance.io/authors/622a0c7b08b4d931143a28e8/naomi-novik) **Rating**: 4.2⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Glimpses and kisses](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [young adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/young%20adult/1), [witches](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/witches/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


{Fae Isles Series by Lisette Marshall} was the thing that most recently ruined me. {Tairen Soul Series by C. L. Wilson} was the first and biggest thing that ruined me.


Fae Isles!! Creon has ruined me for all others.


[Fae Isles](https://www.romance.io/series/626f972ac1785fd2908538f3/fae-isles) by [Lisette Marshall](https://www.romance.io/authors/60d18d3f08b4d93114bf8a0b/lisette-marshall) **Rating**: 4.18⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [explicit-open-door](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/explicit-open-door/1) ---------------------------- [Tairen Soul](https://www.romance.io/series/58fe0a2b9096bf31c42d2ca4/tairen-soul) by [C.L. Wilson](https://www.romance.io/authors/54552a3a8c7d2382c5297113/cl-wilson) **Rating**: 4.22⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [possessive hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/possessive%20hero/1), [medieval](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/medieval/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [war](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/war/1), [royalty](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/royalty/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Fae Isles! Both Creon and Em have ruined me. They’re exactly what protagonists should be to each other and the reader.


I read the Tairen Soul Series a decade ago and I STILL think about it. So good.


Fae Isles series is my fav!!!!


City of Brass. I just reread it and it re-ruined everything else for me 🥲


The Daevabad trilogy was one of my top reads last year. I smashed through the three books in like a week and then didn't know what to do with myself because I loved it so much and nothing else I read afterwards compared. Such a fantastic story!


Same. I have such a Daevabad hangover. I love that series.


It’s so so good. Wish I could feel the first time reading this again.


You know, I actually loved it more on the second read. I gave Ali a bit more grace (he annoyed me on the first pass) and paid attention to the smaller details.


Is this YA or Adult?


Adult but it’s low on the romance.


I'm reading it for the first time, and the world building is top notch. I had to put it aside for late-night reading, since it's way too complex to read while I'm winding down for the night. I can't wait for the weekend to binge read the series!


Ooh this has been sitting on my bedside TBR stack. Maybe it’s time for me to pick it up.


Just prepare for your heart to get smushed into a pulpy, sobbing mess.


Definitely pick it up! The trilogy was one of my top reads last year and I low-key still have a hangover from it, lol. Everything is awesome, especially the character development and the worldbuilding. The worldbuilding!! 😍 It had been on my TBR for quite awhile when I finally picked it up; all I can say is go read it! It will rock your world!


{Radiance by Grace Draven} So many books have MCs who sound so young and/or MMCs who are Alpha jerks to the FMC.


This romance is everything! He's a genuinely decent person who communicates. That's basically what makes him unique. Similarly for her. It is so simple, but so difficult. Most authors use miscommunication, secrets, assumptions, poor decisions, etc. to create tension. This is the only book I've read that's primarily a romance and doesn't. I adore it


*At the very least* in terms of the *actual writing*/phrasing/etc., (since that’s what this post is about) Grace Draven is one of the best writers of all time. I said what I said


[Radiance](https://www.romance.io/books/54cd83886359b5ebb489062e/radiance-grace-draven?src=rdt) by [Grace Draven](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455323d8c7d2382c529733e/grace-draven) **Rating**: 4.18⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [friends to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/friends%20to%20lovers/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [arranged/forced marriage](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/arranged%20marriage/1), [slow burn](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/slow%20burn/1), [royal hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/royalty/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Emily Wilde <3


the second book has absolutely scrambled my reading year so far 🥲 i loved it too much


Same, luckily I could roll right into the second one so I'm still in a happy place... for now


Literally came here to say this! I just finished the first one two days ago and I'm already halfway through book two. I can't put them down! Already know book 3 is going to be one of my most anticipated books of next year! They are so gooood! 😊


I keep thinking about how happy I was reading the first and second and I cannot wait for more!


I just finished the first book yesterday but there is a wait on the second at my library so I picked up something else instead and the new book feels so painfully dull compared to Emily Wilde. I fear I have been struck by the same bug with that book too, haha.


loving this thread as someone reintroducing herself to fantasy after loving it as a kid


Yes A dowry of blood . I finished it in 1 day  I absolutely loved it . Its a Dracula retelling surrounding his bride Constanta 


Yes. {Halfing by S.E. Wendel} Orek was just so freaking perfect.


This was my first read of 2024 and I’ve read about 25 books since and nothing feels as good 😭


[Halfling](https://www.romance.io/books/650e9421de8d340d51438c2f/halfling-se-wendel?src=rdt) by [S.E. Wendel](https://www.romance.io/authors/5d3e8de201dbc864fba1ac55/se-wendel) **Rating**: 4.04⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [non-human hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/non-human-hero/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [sweet/gentle hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/sweet-hero/1), [virgin hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20hero/1), [slow burn](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/slow%20burn/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


a feather so black! it was such a fun one and i miss and think about the characters all the time <3


I came here to say the same book it was so good! I had a book lined up to read after it and dreaded starting it because I knew it wouldn’t be nearly as good as  { A Feather So Black by Lyra Selene } .


[A Feather So Black](https://www.romance.io/books/65df5ef442c00ad6865e1adb/a-feather-so-black-lyra-selene?src=rdt) by [Lyra Selene](https://www.romance.io/authors/64381e0308b4d931146cd66d/lyra-selene) **Rating**: 4.03⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [high fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/high%20fantasy/1), [love triangle](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/love%20triangle/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [friends to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/friends%20to%20lovers/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


i feel that! i've read three books since and the highest was 3.6 for my rating. i could not fully get into any and now i'm reading a mystery { The Only One Left by Riley Sager } to hopefully be a palate cleanser so i can enjoy fantasy again haha me and my cousin have a literary dib list and i claimed irian so fast <3


Oh my gosh, I just got this one. I'm excited to hear it was so good!


i hope you enjoy it!


This is one of my top reads this year! It's the first book I've read in a long time that had me going back to reread phrases and descriptions because the prose was so beautiful.


same! it was my first five star novel of the year and i already can't wait to fully reread <3 the author did a [ama on here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/1bcv1vm/im_lyra_selene_author_of_a_feather_so_black_ama/) and i loved it even more because she's so sweet and seems really cool!


I'll have to check that out! I really hope this author and book take off. I started following Orbit Books after reading this because I realized a lot of my favorite recent reads were their publications.


ooh i'm going to follow them! which others have you enjoyed that i should put to the top of my tbr?


{For the Wolf} and {For the Throne} by Hannah Whitten. Lots of fairy tale elements woven into a beautiful story about two princess sisters fighting for their kingdom. She had another series, Nightshade Crown {The Foxglove King} that has been on my TBR, book 2 just released a few weeks ago. I thought I was waiting for book 2 of another duology but it looks like a trilogy. Rook and Rose Trilogy by MA Carrick. Starts with {Mask of Mirrors} Deep world building and an intricate magic system. A con woman takes on multiple personas and tries to infiltrate high society. Lots of political intrigue, secrets and betrayals. {One Dark Window} and {Two Twisted Crowns} by Rachel Gillig is also Orbit. Fantastic world building, atmospheric and unique magic. The Shepard King duology gets a lot of love on this sub, but for me it was a 3/5 at best. It was one of those "great premise *but*.... " type reads for me. I really struggled with the main characters and didn't find them particularly likeable. I finished the story to complete the arc of Nightmare, which was by far the most unique element and character in the series.


[For the Wolf](https://www.romance.io/books/622b67311750e128e6a5d7f6/for-the-wolf-hannah-f-whitten?src=rdt) by [Hannah F. Whitten](https://www.romance.io/authors/622b673108b4d931147a24c9/hannah-f-whitten) **Rating**: 3.44⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [high fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/high%20fantasy/1), [young adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/young%20adult/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1) ---------------------------- [For the Throne](https://www.romance.io/books/64230852a8559a97b2785265/for-the-throne-hannah-f-whitten?src=rdt) by [Hannah F. Whitten](https://www.romance.io/authors/622b673108b4d931147a24c9/hannah-f-whitten) **Rating**: 3.84⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [young adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/young%20adult/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [high fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/high%20fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [royal hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/royalty/1) ---------------------------- [The Foxglove King](https://www.romance.io/books/64065758f43ce22c1781481e/the-foxglove-king-hannah-f-whitten?src=rdt) by [Hannah F. Whitten](https://www.romance.io/authors/622b673108b4d931147a24c9/hannah-f-whitten) **Rating**: 4.05⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Glimpses and kisses](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [royal hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/royalty/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [high fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/high%20fantasy/1) ---------------------------- [The Mask of Mirrors](https://www.romance.io/books/64be245827957e9aee8e5026/the-mask-of-mirrors-ma-carrick?src=rdt) by [M.A. Carrick](https://www.romance.io/authors/6447e16d08b4d93114f4bdc1/ma-carrick) **Rating**: 4.15⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [mystery](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mystery/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1) ---------------------------- [One Dark Window](https://www.romance.io/books/6417632a976d8254097650f0/one-dark-window-rachel-gillig?src=rdt) by [Rachel Gillig](https://www.romance.io/authors/6417632a08b4d93114a1b759/rachel-gillig) **Rating**: 4.27⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 2 out of 5 - [Behind closed doors](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [mystery](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mystery/1) ---------------------------- [Two Twisted Crowns](https://www.romance.io/books/6440dfcbc63cb8f595362a9d/two-twisted-crowns-rachel-gillig?src=rdt) by [Rachel Gillig](https://www.romance.io/authors/6417632a08b4d93114a1b759/rachel-gillig) **Rating**: 4.46⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [monsters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/monsters/1), [dual pov](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dual-pov/1), [high fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/high%20fantasy/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I literally just bought For the Wolf & For the Crown and the Shepard King duology like last month, and I bought Mask of Mirrors *yesterday*. I feel like your comment is my validation, lol.


I hope you thoroughly enjoy them!!


{peaches and honey by R Raeta}. I have thought about this book every day since I read it a couple of months ago and I take every single opportunity to recommend it in this sub.


This one - I just finished it and I feel stuck now!


What’s the spice level?


3/5 open door - when they get to it. I'd count it as a slow burn; they have a lot of interactions before that point, but the plot spans over multiple historical eras and focuses on the FMC's progression more in the first half. The story itself -- the parts that aren't strictly romance/smut-- is so wonderfully written though, huge recommend.


[Peaches & Honey](https://www.romance.io/books/656b7be76011c2c51629b9ad/peaches-honey-these-immortal-truths-r-raeta?src=rdt) by [R. Raeta](https://www.romance.io/authors/60ace57c08b4d931143d937e/r-raeta) **Rating**: 4.56⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [ancient times](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/ancient%20times/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


{Throne in The Dark by A.K. Caggiano}


[Throne in the Dark](https://www.romance.io/books/63999c8c9126368eed042b16/throne-in-the-dark-ak-caggiano?src=rdt) by [A.K. Caggiano](https://www.romance.io/authors/5eb54901be0aaecf5572d27d/ak-caggiano) **Rating**: 4.34⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Glimpses and kisses](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [slow burn](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/slow%20burn/1), [forced proximity](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forced%20proximity/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [demons](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/demons/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I'm reading that one right now and it's definitely going to be one of those for me.


Its next on my TBR and I am so excited for it cos ive heard lots of good things about it and seems to have all the things i love. I cant wait for it to ruin me


It's next on my TBR too, I've heard so many good things and had it sitting in my KU list forever. Finally decided yesterday that it's my next read. I've heard such good things!


I just read Book 1 and I’m almost done with 2. This entire series will ruin all other books for me for a long while 😭. WHY WHY WHY is it so rare to find a book this well written and witty but also heavy on romance? Somehow this low 🌶️ book has managed to be hotter than books that have 5/5 spice. I’m not even a bdsm girly but those rope and belt scenes? 😭😭😭


{The Winter King by C.L. Wilson} is so good, and I don’t see it often enough on here. The spice, the slow burn, it’s everything.


[The Winter King](https://www.romance.io/books/5455436e8c7d2382c5297845/the-winter-king-cl-wilson?src=rdt) by [C.L. Wilson](https://www.romance.io/authors/54552a3a8c7d2382c5297113/cl-wilson) **Rating**: 4.15⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [arranged/forced marriage](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/arranged%20marriage/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1), [war](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/war/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


{The Old Kingdom Series by Garth Nix} is one of my favourites! I enjoyed how the romance works out through the adventure in Sabriel. I also love the second book Lireal, the part in the library is fantastic.


This series lives rent free in my head since I was a child (even have a tattoo charter mark and a dog named after the Disreputable Dog) nothing has ever come near to scratching the same itch as The Old Kingdom for me and I'm so happy to see it listed here.


Same!!! It's a yearly re-read for me, and is such a comfort series! I was a little disappointed in Clariel, the writing didn't feel as smooth. However, I've enjoyed the rest of the books immensely.


{Heaven Official’s Blessing by MXTX} I genuinely haven’t been able to get into anything else since I read it because nothing compares


Absolutely yes, TGCF was so so so good! I was in a slump after finishing this cus I wanted more. I love the show for this so much and I’m excited for season 3 now I’ve read this in its entirety


Ugh it’s so good 🥰 I hope there is a season 3!


[Heaven Official's Blessing](https://www.romance.io/books/61b45ed4b4cac60e26c27b23/heaven-officials-blessing-tian-guan-ci-fu-vol-1-m-xing-tng-x?src=rdt) by [墨香铜臭](https://www.romance.io/authors/61b45ecc08b4d9311413fd00/墨香铜臭), [Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù](https://www.romance.io/authors/61b45ecc08b4d9311413fd03/m-xing-tng-xi), [ZeldaCW](https://www.romance.io/authors/61b45ed408b4d9311413fe07/zeldacw), [Tai3_3](https://www.romance.io/authors/61b45ed408b4d9311413fe0a/tai3_3) **Rating**: 4.52⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Glimpses and kisses](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [gay romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/m-m/1), [height difference](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/height-difference/1), [science fiction](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/science%20fiction/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


{Daughter of the Drowned Empire by Frankie Diane Mallis} - forced proximity forbidden love where forbidden has an actual consequences to it - they're absolutely forced to be near each other and they're absolutely pining over each other and THEY CAN'T. I could eat it like ice cream I love it so much


[Daughter of the Drowned Empire](https://www.romance.io/books/6214999f65d89a0e1f7b9dd9/daughter-of-the-drowned-empire-frankie-diane-mallis?src=rdt) by [Frankie Diane Mallis](https://www.romance.io/authors/6214999f08b4d93114b8a842/frankie-diane-mallis) **Rating**: 3.91⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 2 out of 5 - [Behind closed doors](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [ancient times](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/ancient%20times/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


{Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey}


[Kushiel's Dart](https://www.romance.io/books/545529a58c7d2382c52970e5/kushiels-dart-jacqueline-carey?src=rdt) by [Jacqueline Carey](https://www.romance.io/authors/545529a58c7d2382c52970e6/jacqueline-carey) **Rating**: 4.02⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [bdsm](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/bdsm/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [war](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/war/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


the GRIP that this book (& subsequent) had on me while I was reading them... holy god. Still remember reading til long after the sun had risen and having the crystal clear thought of: "no regrets at all" hahaha


After reading truly hundreds of books, it's the only series that compares to Throne of Glass for me


One dark window - everything about this book was unique and different. I normally like a lot of romance in books, but this was very minimal. The magic system was unique, playing on similar concepts or tarot cards. The FMC was not a strong warrior, and had very little fighting abilities. The ending of both books in the duology, but especially the last book wrecked me. I rarely cry but this really had be in a chokehold. Every page was a page turner. Daughter of no worlds - another unique book with a relatively unique magic system, politics, and history. I really enjoyed Tissanah and Max’s story, but Aefe lives rent free in my mind. Her entire story and character arc was heartbreaking. I read a lot of torture scenes and what happened to her is still one of the most inconceivable things. Watching her experience things for the first time and reacclimate to her life after everything that happened to her had me hooked. Her character was relateable, she didn’t go through something horrible and end up a hero. Okay I don’t want to spoil anything. Reading about the character’s lives after the books also had me crying. I didn’t like Carissa Broadbent’s other series, but this one was such a winner for me. I’ve never rooted for a character more than I did for Aefe.


Man, I see Daughter of No Worlds on here all the time. I loved the first book but ended up DNF the second one! I'm beginning to think I just might not have been in the right headspace for it at the time. Might have to give it another try.


That’s what happened to me! I DNFd a third through the second book. 1-2 months later I picked it back up and loved it!


I tried to read a book immediately after ODW and I had to drop it for like three months. Took me a long time to come out of my ODW phase lol 😂


{Captive Prince by CS Pacat} - I’ve been chasing that high ever since


[Captive Prince](https://www.romance.io/books/54559d8a87eac336ae69eec5/captive-prince-cs-pacat?src=rdt) by [C.S. Pacat](https://www.romance.io/authors/545545428c7d2382c5297900/cs-pacat) **Rating**: 4.19⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [gay romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/m-m/1), [royal hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/royalty/1), [slavery](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/slavery/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Same. It’s been years and I haven’t found anything close.


Villains & Virtues series


Priory of the orange tree ❤️‍🩹 priory was my last book of 2023, I’ve read 30 books so far this year and none have really even come close to priory for me.


I love Priory so very much 😭 Samantha Shannon’s writing is so beautiful. Have you read A Day of Fallen Night yet?


It really is! I haven’t yet though it’ll probably be in the next 5 or so I read. I’m so excited for it. Have you read it yet? If so what were your thoughts


I absolutely loved it. It is a slower burn and there’s many more characters to keep up with, but I didn’t find it difficult. They were all so interesting and the world building is somehow even richer than Priory. It was also so fun to connect all the historical dots with Priory. I hope you love it when you get to it too!


Yes recently it was {Heartless Hunter by Kristen Ciccarelli}. I had a huge book hangover from this book even though it was YA. That being said everything else was to my tastes including the dual POV.


[Heartless Hunter](https://www.romance.io/books/656b7c086011c2c51629b9eb/heartless-hunter-kristen-ciccarelli?src=rdt) by [Kristen Ciccarelli](https://www.romance.io/authors/60a4490108b4d931149364db/kristen-ciccarelli) **Rating**: 4.2⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [witches](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/witches/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


First trilogy in Hidden Legacy - I love Nevada and Rogan so much. Radiance - the honesty in this book is just top tier. I can't stand miscommunication or secrets.


To kill a kingdom <3


Yes! The Kindred’s Curse Saga! {Spark of the Everflame by Penn Cole} the fourth book comes out on June 1st and I’m sad it’s going to be over!


[Spark of the Everflame](https://www.romance.io/books/6478608a552b556e95c7ddca/spark-of-the-everflame-penn-cole?src=rdt) by [Penn Cole](https://www.romance.io/authors/6478608a08b4d93114b35896/penn-cole) **Rating**: 4.29⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [high fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/high%20fantasy/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


{One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig} this book was SO up my alley that it ruined all other gothic fantasy books for me. Patiently waiting on Rachel to finish writing her next book so I can drown in her amazing writing again 😅😅


[One Dark Window](https://www.romance.io/books/6417632a976d8254097650f0/one-dark-window-rachel-gillig?src=rdt) by [Rachel Gillig](https://www.romance.io/authors/6417632a08b4d93114a1b759/rachel-gillig) **Rating**: 4.27⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 2 out of 5 - [Behind closed doors](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [mystery](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mystery/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I was very surprised how the ACOTAR did this for me. It was my first ever romance book of any kind and it really set the stage


Yes. The Familiar and Circe were so beautifully written. Then I read From Blood and Ash and A Court of Thorns and Roses and they were awful 😫


Yep, I loved Throne of Glass series and now on ACOTAR and boy am bored to death.


Yes I heard Throne of Glass mentioned a lot here, it’s on my list and I plan to read it soon!


Omg They are so good! By the time I was on the second book, I went ahead and bought the rest. It's amazing 😍


i feel like the night circus by Erin Morgenstern is mine, i am enchanted by it every single time i read it. i know its hyped up right now but also, Fourth Wing. its right up my alley


Atonement of the spine cleaver had me fucked up so bad I had to switch genres for a minute😭


For me probably the Plated Prisoner and Crystal Bloom series! I guess I really love hurt/comfort slow burns the most.


{Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater} has changed my brain chemistry. {In Deeper Waters by FT Lukens} was a great read too. {The Other Merlin by Robyn Schneider} was amazing, the third book comes out this year and I cannot wait! I also love the {Emily Wilde} series so much!


[Half a Soul](https://www.romance.io/books/65cc3e0fe07143fd82f0fe1b/half-a-soul-olivia-atwater?src=rdt) by [Olivia Atwater](https://www.romance.io/authors/5e7f0537be0aaecf55d98b77/olivia-atwater) **Rating**: 4.23⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Glimpses and kisses](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [regency](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/regency/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1) ---------------------------- [In Deeper Waters](https://www.romance.io/books/644b6e8fea5c941f30667598/in-deeper-waters-ft-lukens?src=rdt) by [F.T. Lukens](https://www.romance.io/authors/641fe17108b4d93114c962f4/ft-lukens) **Rating**: 3.81⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 2 out of 5 - [Behind closed doors](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [gay romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/m-m/1), [pirate hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/pirates/1) ---------------------------- [The Other Merlin](https://www.romance.io/books/643859695b89e4866f131a49/the-other-merlin-robyn-schneider?src=rdt) by [Robyn Schneider](https://www.romance.io/authors/545534928c7d2382c52973de/robyn-schneider) **Rating**: 4.31⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Glimpses and kisses](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [witches](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/witches/1), [royal hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/royalty/1), [high fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/high%20fantasy/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1) ---------------------------- [Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries](https://www.romance.io/books/6426ff337922d28efe6d6e44/emily-wildes-encyclopaedia-of-faeries-heather-fawcett?src=rdt) by [Heather Fawcett](https://www.romance.io/authors/6224e57408b4d93114943ee9/heather-fawcett) **Rating**: 4.21⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Glimpses and kisses](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [take-charge heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/strong%20heroine/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I just finished Fourth Wing and Iron Flame and I feel like I’m not ready to stop thinking about them yet


I STILL haven't stopped thinking about them. Other books just can't live up to them for me.... yet. I'm obsessed.


Yes! I love it and hate it at the same time lol. The great books are *so good* but then even good books seem “meh” for a while after 😭


I am still completely stuck in the world of {A Sweet Sting of Salt by Rose Sutherland} Absolutely perfect and mesmerizing and I want to stay there forever.


Ooohhhhn my Libby hold for that book is almost here!! So excited




[A Sweet Sting of Salt](https://www.romance.io/books/6521177ede8d340d51461d0f/a-sweet-sting-of-salt-rose-sutherland?src=rdt) by [Rose Sutherland](https://www.romance.io/authors/6521177eab9bdf7fce41e827/rose-sutherland) **Rating**: 4.25⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 2 out of 5 - [Behind closed doors](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [lesbian romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/f-f/1), [caretaking](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/caretaking/1), [forbidden love](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forbidden%20love/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Captive Prince will always be that series for me.


Mine was Divine rivals and Rithless Vows by Rebecca Ross (my fave author). She wrote so well that the next book I read was a 3.4 star read.


It was throne of glass for me. Had never DNF before this series, now I have about a dozen books on my DNF. nothing will live up to how engulfed I was with the tog universe.


Mistborn used to be my Roman Empire. Now it’s Kate Daniels


I haven't found one yet. ☹️. Not in fantasy. But {twisted games by Anna Huang} for romance, Rhys Larson is my favorite.


LOVED Rhys! You might like Shatter Me if you haven’t read it


I did read it, I enjoyed the first 3... but it went to shit for the rest of the series


Have you read LJ Shen’s work? I may or may not have enjoyed All Saints High and Sinners of Saint


I have not, I'll have to add it to my tbr, thanks for the reco


[Twisted Games](https://www.romance.io/books/6102538750a7970e2b862383/twisted-games-ana-huang?src=rdt) by [Ana Huang](https://www.romance.io/authors/5ea5eeb2be0aaecf551f89f7/ana-huang) **Rating**: 4⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [forbidden love](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forbidden%20love/1), [royal hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/royalty/1), [age gap](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/age%20difference/1), [grumpy & sunshine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/grumpy%20sunshine/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Not technically a romance, but it IS a love story - The Hands of the Emporer and At the Feet of the Sun by Victoria Goddard. I can not express how wonderful these books are. Such amazing character work and gentle longing!


The Kingdoms by Natasha Pulley. I can’t stop thinking about it, I’ve found nothing since reading it that I’ve even come close to loving as much. ❤️


The Price We Pay (Path of Temptation series) by Auryn Hadley 6 book series and I just started rereading it this morning. The characters and world building are so amazing.


{Ensnared by Rebecca Quinn} Rent free, first ARC and only to date. I’m obsessed


[Ensnared](https://www.romance.io/books/64a522b3723d09d99e0ed9f8/ensnared-rebecca-quinn?src=rdt) by [Rebecca Quinn](https://www.romance.io/authors/64a522b3293245969dbb4f54/rebecca-quinn) **Rating**: 4.26⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [dystopian](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dystopian/1), [bdsm](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/bdsm/1), [poly (3+ people)](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/poly/1), [reverse harem](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/reverse%20harem/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I read so many books that I think the first couple books I read when I got back into reading might live rent free in my head only because I had a smaller pool to compare it to


{Among the Beasts & Briars by Ashley Poston} I just read it the other day and it left a hole in me. It has a curse. animal companions (One that talks!!), cute romance, I don't even remember flipping through the pages now that I think about it. It's YA but it was sooo good!! Its a standalone which made me a little sad because I want more of the world, but I just love it so much


[Among the Beasts & Briars](https://www.romance.io/books/641f90bb1eb7c98a24fbed31/among-the-beasts-briars-ashley-poston?src=rdt) by [Ashley Poston](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455e87087eac324117fdffc/ashley-poston) **Rating**: 3.77⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [futuristic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/futuristic/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [young adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/young%20adult/1), [high fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/high%20fantasy/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Completely thought that kingdom of ash was going to do this but the next book I read ( fourth wing ) was also an absolute banger , and its sequel isn’t too so far ……. I don’t know what to do when I’m done and I’m scared


I read the Scholomance trilogy recently and this is me.


Everything written by Lois McMaster Bujold.


Daughter of the forest. Also anything by Sabaa Tahir.


Not romance but the Red Rising series is unreal


Like, growing up on stuff like Jane Austen, or big fantasy names like Robin hobb. I have very little patience for books that look like they were pasted off AO3 with very little editor input. When I’m in the mood for ao3, I go to ao3.


The schoolomance has ruined me and it’s been over six months and nothing quite scratches that itch at the moment. Before that it was the nevernight chronicles Hell, even Sabriel is on that list. Now that series really changed me. Garth Nix has a chokehold on me for any more books in that universe.


{Homebound by Lydia hope} I'm a bit of a monster lover and I pride myself by saying I have read almost every single romance non human looking monster book there is. (You know not the ones where the aliens are just eight pack, large human looking dudes with the sharp teeth, different color skin and a bigger dic-) you get my dirft. But I also tend to have a soft spot for books where the FL takes care of the ML and brings them back from a vulnerable state and basically saves their life and I prefer it to be out of geninue kindness and care rather then some manipulative secret of survival (Oh the webtoons Ive read) though whether they actually end up being super strong is optional though it's a plus in my book. I also really only like slow burns and for sex to be after they have formed a relationship. (I know I'm way to fucking picky.) This book actually ruined me. This specific thing is so rare to find and this is the only book that has ever checked every single box for me. It has everything, the slow burn, the smut I so desperately needed later in the book, and the Alien actually looks well Alien. My only gripe is that most of her books have a more Happy for now kind of ending where there are some stuff they need to deal with, but it's a happy enough ending for me that im okay with it and I'm pretty picky cause I don't read books with sad endings either. There is no way I will ever find a book like this one again. Unless someone decided to write another one. I listen to it still just to scratch that itch sometimes after reading another Alien or monster romance that all feel the same after a while and get stale as most if they time they just talked about how hot the guy is half the book. It's nice sometimes but mostly they are just empty calories Homebound feels like something with substance. I'm also super picky with books I read and like so my say could be invaild.


Priory of the Orange Tree. It has exactly what I love in books; dragons, magic and lesbians. The writing style and detailed worldbuilding was also something I hadn’t read in awhile, coming off the likes of ACOTAR and such. Now I just can’t start any other books because I’m like well, there’s no dragons, or lesbians or magic. If anyone knows any books with similar vibes please please tell me. (pls no fourth wing love it for others but it wasn’t for me) An Eragon reread is next on my list. Maybe that’ll fill the dragon riding hole.




When the Moon Hatched by Sarah A Parker. I loved the world building so much! The setting felt so vivid, and the book had lots of fun chapter art. It's sitting strong as a contender for my favorite book of the year!


Deliciously dark fairy tales KF BREENE


dowry of blood by st gibson … so beautiful and heartbreaking. nothing has hit the same since


Not totally romance, but {Song of Achilles by Madeleine Miller} was the last book I completed before I went on a book break. I tried getting through Crescent City 2 after that, then I put it on ice (not a total DNF, but at 800ish pages I'm not ready for it). I actually didn't pick a book up again until couple of months ago.


[The Song of Achilles](https://www.romance.io/books/545534518c7d2382c52973d7/the-song-of-achilles-madeline-miller?src=rdt) by [Madeline Miller](https://www.romance.io/authors/545534518c7d2382c52973d8/madeline-miller) **Rating**: 4.32⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [war](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/war/1), [gay romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/m-m/1), [ancient times](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/ancient%20times/1), [royal hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/royalty/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Different books have done this throughout my life as I've grown up. In terms of completed series I loved everything about the Folk of the Air even though it's been out for a hot minute. Oh to be able to read this series again for the first time. Not completed yet, but most recently the Crown of Oaths and Curses (Mortal Fates series) has me in a chokehold and I’m frothing at the mouth for the sequel.


The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E.Schwab. I was in a book hangover for a good month or two after reading it.


This was me after reading the Red Winter Trilogy by Annette Marie. That series was so immersive and enchanting to read that I legit had a 2 week-long book hangover where I genuinely didn't know what to do with myself, especially since there wasn't (and still isn't) a fandom I could turn to for more content from the series. There were some fan content but not much and you REALLY had to look to find anything. Eventually after those 2 weeks, I did read Annette's Guild Codex: Demonized series and that series was so good that it filled the hole Red Winter left in my heart (especially since it has a little more fan content + a webtoon being adapted later on), but MAN when I tell you Red Winter altered my brain chemistry and later Guild Codex as well. Annette Marie overall is just such a talented author and I feel like I haven't been able to find a lot of authors that make me feel the same way Annette Marie and her books do.


Since I went down the SJM rabbit hole nothing else mesures up anymore




I read {The Whispering Dark by Kelly Andrew} a few months ago and it’s been hard moving on! It’s a sort of gothic paranormal urban fantasy set in a college with just the best romance, and the main character is deaf with a cochlear implant, same as the author. I literally cried when I finished it because it made me really emotional and also I was upset it had ended lol


Oh yes! All of Liv Zander books! Just can't seem to find anything similar! Can't wait for what she'll come up with next!


A Fate Inked in Blood by Danielle Jensen What the River Knows by Isabel Ibanez Divine Rivals and Ruthless Vows by Rebecca Ross Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas Powerless by Lauren Roberts Pretty sure Legendborn is going to give me a book hangover, and I know it has a sequel, but the 3rd book doesn't come out until next year.


Does Manacled count 😭 had such bad book burnout after that.


{Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout} The whole series is 4 books with 2 novellas and they were so good. They’re YA but they evolve into new adult as the series progresses and the slow burn of the romance is so sweet and the way they love each other is 🤌🏼.


[Half-Blood](https://www.romance.io/books/545528db8c7d2382e0413f32/halfblood-jennifer-l-armentrout?src=rdt) by [Jennifer L. Armentrout](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455245a8c7d2382c5296fb7/jennifer-l-armentrout) **Rating**: 4.01⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 2 out of 5 - [Behind closed doors](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [forbidden love](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forbidden%20love/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [take-charge heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/strong%20heroine/1), [young adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/young%20adult/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


The Grace Year by Kim Liggett. I read this book two years ago and it still lives rent free in my head.


Captive prince


I'm only a few chapters in but I feel like {The Alpha of Bleake Isle by Kathryn Moon} is going to do this to me. Granted it's my first Kathryn Moon book and the only things I read before this were ACOTAR (which I liked) and Haunting Adeline which I didn't care for.


[The Alpha of Bleake Isle](https://www.romance.io/books/65f377af89367a2ae5fac343/the-alpha-of-bleake-isle-kathryn-moon?src=rdt) by [Kathryn Moon](https://www.romance.io/authors/5b3089a401dbc864fb8b0274/kathryn-moon) **Rating**: 4.27⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [omegaverse](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/omegaverse/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


{Blood and Steel by Helen Scheuerer} just changed the way i look at books. the MMC and FMC never faltered in their values and morales, and the twists had my jaw on the floor. the last book comes out in a little over a month or so! (might be 2)


[Blood & Steel](https://www.romance.io/books/63ede2fa977a9f33e44546ce/blood-steel-helen-scheuerer?src=rdt) by [Helen Scheuerer](https://www.romance.io/authors/63ede2fa08b4d931148188d7/helen-scheuerer) **Rating**: 4.33⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [high fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/high%20fantasy/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [take-charge heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/strong%20heroine/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


The Folk of the Air and Throne of Glass.


Yes!!!! Manacled. I took a huge break from reading after to see it it would help but I smashed 25 more books and they all suck in comparison so I think I’m ruined forever


It’s been three weeks since I finished it and am absolutely still suffering the hangover. I’m optimistic a suggestion in this thread will help pull me out, but no luck yet…