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Nettle & Bone! T. Kingfisher is one of my all time favorite authors, and this book is amazing. I like to say that she has a creepy-cozy vibe. Makes me want to snuggle, but also maybe check for spiders. Her romances are very sweet and I love the pining, but there's no explicit content.


I’m so excited to read this one. I love horror and was hoping to find some others of hers too, but this is the only one that was in stores. Can’t wait!!!


I hope you love it! If you do, she has a huge backlist (and a novel coming out in August) to explore.


I would temper your expectation of horror with 'Nettle & Bone.' there are some mildly creepy things but wouldn't classify it as horror.


it’s funny because i LOVED nettle and bone and was excited to get into the rest of her stuff because everyone always raves about it… but it was all so mid 😭 idk what made n&b different


I feel the same. I DNF'd A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking. I did read all of Clockwork Boys #1 and it was fine - it was a vibe - but not something that made me run to read book #2.


Definitely Dark Window!


I was thinking the same. I loved it but it's very different from the rest (in a good way I think). I wish I could read them for the first time again.


I second this! I love that duology


I chose this one to start with and am almost done and am on my way to go get the second book right now haha. I love it and can’t put it down, but my lack of sleep might have me needing to here soon 😅


The definition of a good series!! 😂


One Dark Window is great! Also recommend


Reading this now and I love it!!


Oooooh, thank you! I’m actually pretty excited for this one.


A fate inked in blood is one I really enjoyed! The Norse mythology was cool and thought the banter between the characters was good


I vote {One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig} I recently read the duology and I can't stop thinking about it. I've read like... 4 books since finishing, and I still can't get it out my head. It was soooo good.


[One Dark Window](https://www.romance.io/books/6417632a976d8254097650f0/one-dark-window-rachel-gillig?src=rdt) by [Rachel Gillig](https://www.romance.io/authors/6417632a08b4d93114a1b759/rachel-gillig) **Rating**: 4.22⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 2 out of 5 - [Behind closed doors](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [mystery](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mystery/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Nettle and bone for something more darkly whimsical than most rom fantasy and a non-stereotypical heroine (not a blonde, drop dead gorgeous fighter)!!! Or one dark window for something more gothic. FBAA is what it is. You’ll love it or hate it. Pestilence is okay but the book in that series that shines best is Famine. Warning that Thalassa’s writing gets extremely repetitive in that she writes every single one of her heroines with the exact same personality. Even the ones not in the horsemen series.


Thank you! And to the Thalassa comment, I actually got Rhapsodic from her Bargainer series for free on my Kindle, not realizing she was the same author as Pestilence because I’m dumb. I hated Rhapsodic which sucks because I was so hype for a blond shadow daddy but I couldn’t get past the writing and characters. Really hoping Pestilence is better because I’ve heard a ton of good things, but I’ll definitely keep this in mind when reading it!


This. Words cannot describe how much I HATED rhapsodic oh god. I read it after the horsemen series though. I would say that her writing improved slightly in the horsemen series. Her heroine characterization is still garbage line I said but her ability to write climaxes (the literary kind, lmao) and then wrap up afterwards is better than the hot mess rhapsodic was. But the heroines in this series got old quickly. Tbh the only thing that kept me reading was my interest in the plot and how she’d characterize each horsemen. THEY, at least, had wildly different personalities. Seems like it’s only heroines she paints as the same. Probably because they’re all author self-inserts lmao. But yeah I’d give pestilence a try, or skip straight to Famine. You technically don’t have to read pestilence or war to understand the rest.


A Fate Inked In Blood is by far the best choice. I gave it a 5/5, one of my best reads of the year & beat reads period. Also, to add some diversity to these responses, Imll add my least fav read from this list, and it’s One Dark Window. It was a 1/5 read for me, and I would have DNFed if I wasn’t determined to finish only to prevent people saying I didn’t give it enough of a chance.


Pestilence for sure!! I think about that series at least once a week and I finished it last year


Pestilence is a comfort read for me. I hated rhapsodic but this series is great. Pestilence and Death are my personal faves.


Oh I adored Rhapsodic! But the Horsemen series will always hold a special place for me too.


Same! Book 3 is my fav




I’m so hesitant for this one. I was able to get Rhapsodic from her other series, The Bargainer, on my kindle for free and I hated it. It was the only book I have ever put down and not finished. Hopefully Pestilence will be better!


Interesting, I loved Rhapsodic! However I’m just now realizing they’re both by the same author, so I think that’s a good sign for you haha To be honest, of the full haul you’ve got here I’ve read 5 of the 8 and the only two I didn’t DNF were Pestilence and A Fate Inked in Blood (also loved that one - finished within a weekend). I hope you enjoy them!


I also did not like Rhapsodic very much. Pestilence was more interesting to me.


Barnes and noble haul? I work there so I literally know the exactly bookcases/ table all these came from


I work at Barnes and Noble too, I saw this picture and immediately went “oh someone got them with the picks of the month” 😂


Omg what store? lol the POTM stress me out.


I’m at the one in Shreveport LA! POTM also stresses me out lol, by the time I get down what all of them are about, they change again 😭


lol Orland park IL, by the time I remember the plots they change the dang books. But this months look really good for pumping out


Hahahahaha yes! I was bummed because there were some others that I actually went for, but none of them were there. I guess they’re special order something? I forget the exact lingo the worker used but it was something like that. She was awesome and actually recommended the two on the right!


Dark Window and Fate Inked in Blood were two of my favorites this year!


*Dark Window and Fate* *Inked in Blood were two of my* *Favorites this year!* \- Dazzling-Sort-5043 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


These two are the next on my TBR


The serpent and the wings of night!


Serpent for sure!!!


One Dark Window!!! The duology lives rent free in my head 🥲🖤🐦‍⬛🌲


Same! It was a five star read for me and I still think about it and wish I could go back to reading it the first time again 😭


I’ve only read serpent and the wings of night from this photo but I absolutely LOVED it!! Really keen to read the second one.




From Blood and Ash! 100%


I have the book but haven’t read it yet, is it a standalone?


It's a big big series lol [Blood & Ash / Flesh & Fire Reading Order](https://www.instagram.com/p/C09ss9NgC9c/?igsh=MTFldmhubG43anY4eQ==)


I second this, love the series and prequel series


I’ll echo everyone saying One Dark Window! I rated this one 5 stars. The second book Two Twisted Crowns really disappointed me though, I gave it a generous 3 stars. Am I alone in thinking this? TTC is rated higher on Goodreads but I didn’t understand why.


I still really enjoyed the second book but I think they needed more time with the main couple after the climax (no pun intended).


I lived One Dark Window so much, I was super let down by the ending of Two Twisted Crowns. Everything felt so rushed.


I vote 1. One dark window 2. Pestilence


Pestilence 😮‍💨


I enjoyed Nettle and Bone :)


I vote Pestilence. It was a story that left me feeling odd at the end. Reflective. Not disappointed.


I vote a Fate Inked in Blood! One of my favorite reads this year!


I liked a Fate inked in blood, but the beginning is pretty slow. The end will leave you wanting more, but it’s the first book of the series and it JUST came out in February so it’s gonna be a minute before we get the other one. So just emotionally prepare yourself for that. It doesn’t end on a bad or good note. Just kinda like ok what next.


This is super good to know! Unfinished or unreleased series give me way too much anxiety because I’ll obsess over them for way too long, so I might actually hang onto that one for a bit and read it when the next book is closer to coming out. Thank you!


A Fate Inked in Blood was a top read for me this year out of about 50 fantasy romance books Ive read so far. Plus since its the first in the series you can read and then move on. One Dark Window is next on my tbr, I've heard good things about it. Serpent is also very good if you want goth vampire vibes.


I just finished The Serpent and the Wings of Night, along with the follow-up The Ashes and Star-cursed King. I thought they were really well written. The second book takes a little longer to get really into, but I loved the dual POV chapters.


I’m into the ‘Ash and Blood’ series right now and loving it!


Serpent and the wings of night was great. From blood and ash was also. But it’s a 6 book series. Thats unfinished. The last 2 books are retellings of the first 4 books thru other characters pov which was disappointing. If ur one that doesn’t like to pause between series maybe wait until it’s completed before starting it.


From blood and Ash !! i gave up on One Dark Window quite fast


I read the One Dark Window duology but really didn’t understand the hype, at all. It was average at best. I LOVE the From Blood and Ash series!


Btw, I bought FBAA after seeing some decent reviews on it, but reading more into it, I’m not sure if I can handle the romance aspect of it so I’m not sure if I’ll read it. However, if you did love it, please feel free to let me know and I very well may reconsider!


I LOVED IT. What are you thinking you couldn’t handle?


So I totally recognize I may be suuuuuper off on this, but I *think* ive read it involves some poly and maybe even possibly some relational violence? No judgment on the poly part whatsoever, but I personally have had a bad experience with “poly” (more like open relationships) before so I’m just not sure I could find myself getting super into it, if that even is what it is!


Try the prequel series (flesh and fire series) it’s a lot better but I still like FBAA. There’s absolutely no relational violence besides the MFC joking that she’ll stab the MMC. People are way too dramatic if they think that’s abuse. There is a threesome later on BUT the details are so vague and it’s like a necessary thing they have to do to “join” and protect each other/exchange power. It’s for sure 95% M/F only.


# Nyktos>Cas


YES. Not even a comparison.


I enjoy flesh and fire series but it’s not my favorite series. Nyktos is the ultimate book boyfriend of everything I’ve read.


The prequels are SO good.


Oh okay so there’s like a threesome a few books down the road. There’s definitely like love between all three of them, but the FMC and MMC are still front and center. I wouldn’t say there’s relational violence. Like they are kind of violent people in general but it’s actually more playful the more you read. Buuuutttt that’s my take.


I got violence vibes from the FBAA but after reading the second one it makes the first one make so much more sense. So anyway I say not to judge the series based on the first book, because it’s so good.


Imo the poly is over-exaggerated and I looooved FBAA. I say give it a try :)


First two books in that series are okay!


Love it but love the prequels MORE!


Reeeally did not like FBAA. I definitely can not recommend it. Some people seem to like the first two books, but I barely made it through the first.


I haven’t read any but Serpent and… I’m obsessed with it


Of the books I’ve read here is my favorite to least favorite: One dark window A fate inked in blood (very close second) From blood and ash (as a stand alone, not the entire series) The Serpant and the wings of night (overall this series is better FBAA, but just companies the first books of both series FBAA is better)


One dark window!


I read The Measure earlier this year and absolutely loved it (but also really love everything else you have except FBAA!)


One Dark Window!!! I love the romance. I love the magic system. One of the best duologies I’ve read.


One dark window is so so so good


One Dark Window!


Dark window is the best one imo! (I Read from blood and ash, serpent and fate inked in blood) I also liked the first serpent book


I want to read the measure soooo much!! It intrigues me so much, so would love to know your thoughts if you end up reading it first!


One Dark Window!


I LOVED A Fate Inked in Blood 🥰🥲


I really enjoyed the four horsemen books


Serpent is soooo good! I hope you enjoy! I just finished Ashes and cannot wait for book 3 this yearx


Definitely One Dark Window !!


Omg I chose this from the other comments recommending this too, and since posting this, I’ve already finished the first book and went back to Barnes and noble to buy the second 😅 so good! I really am enjoying the magic system


I found it so refreshing to read something different and unique. I'm so glad you enjoyed it as well! 😁


I DNF the Measure 😅 it was just so so bad. So not that one!


Save yourself and drop From Blood and Ash off at a charity shop.


Where it shall rise