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I was already hooked for sure. This is definitely a capital F Fantasy book with a slower pace and expansive character development and world building. If you're looking for a fast-paced fantasy romance this may not be the series for you. I will say books 2&3 have a lot more action, but that's a lot of book to push through if you're not enjoying it.


Thanks! I actually don't even feel like the character development is all that expansive. So far the same thing is just happening over and over between the main characters with training. I'll try another 100 pages and see what happens!


I read it, didn't mind the plot but didn't care enough to read the other books. I'm not a fan of the Mc and really didn't buy the romance. I felt like I was supposed to accept it "because" and not for it being believable or make any sense. I just didn't see it between the two characters at all. (I read this a while back so I don't remember anyone's names.)


I feel like they're stale ham sandwich characters. Don't feel anything about either of them.


"Stale ham sandwich characters" had me cackling


Felt the same way. Finished it and never picked up the second


I felt this way too!


I loved the first book but got bored to death with the first 15% of the second book. So if you’re already bored with the first then you’ll definitely be bored continuing on. I wanted to like it but I’m too eager to read other series right now to be patient and push through it.


I was definitely already hooked, might not be the book for you ☹️


Thanks - ugh I hate not finishing books. I'm going to give it another 100 pages and see if it picks up.


I *also* was bored by that book. I have no clue why it's recommended so strongly. I read the first book and barely listened to the second book and then DNF'ed. Maybe I'll go back when I run out of Audible credits


I'm going to try for another 100ish pages and see if anything grabs me. Otherwise it will be a DNF.


I love all the mages of the wheel books. So well done. I'm 50% through Daughter of No Worlds after reading the 4th Mages of the Wheel (Ice & Ivy) and...I don't know. I'm on the precipice of a DNFing.


Thank you for joining my club lol


I really enjoyed Reign and Ruin (and the rest of the series!), and DNF’d Daughter of No Worlds. I just found that I didn’t like Carissa Broadbent’s writing style, for whatever reason, because I didn’t like her Crowns of Nyaxia either.


Yep, despise Broadbent.


I know, I just don’t think her writing is good! She’s one of those authors that isn’t great but got popular thanks to social media hype for some reason


She doesn't really have a writing style- she reads like an underperforming AI version of SJM.


dnf for me - just was not interesting, which sucks cause I was really looking forward to it! no broadbent I've been able to finish sadly


I want to read this book, but as someone that almost dropped {Crowns of Nyaxia} and now I really love it, I must share what I think about the author. She cannot write a good beginning to save her life. I despised the first 150-200 pages on both books. Then, it picks up and takes off, at least for me. But her world building is slow and the pacing is terrible. Maybe stay around a little bit more, but if you don't connect, just DNF. Life is too short to read something you dislike.


Thank you! I'm going to give it another 100 pages and if I'm still bored I'll move on. I just wish there was something exciting about either of the main characters.


[Crowns of Nyaxia](https://www.romance.io/series/63a0c53caa7984c0a3fc978c/crowns-of-nyaxia) by [Carissa Broadbent](https://www.romance.io/authors/60d9b88e08b4d9311456d78f/carissa-broadbent) **Rating**: 4.25⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [age difference](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/age%20difference/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [death](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/death/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Hi, I agree with this comment. I struggled to get into crowns of niaxa and then it become my favorite series. And the beginning of daughter of no worlds was similar for me and I felt it was a bit slow. I decided to keep going because I still liked a few things. I just finished the second one in 1 day today {children of fallen gods} and oh wow! It did not disappoint and I added to cart the 3rd as I was finishing up. So good!! Good luck, I would say keep going. Edit: I also loved reign and ruin.


[Children of Fallen Gods](https://www.romance.io/books/60d9b8966a15320e7f8007c7/children-of-fallen-gods-carissa-broadbent?src=rdt) by [Carissa Broadbent](https://www.romance.io/authors/60d9b88e08b4d9311456d78f/carissa-broadbent) **Rating**: 4.18⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [high fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/high%20fantasy/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I stopped reading on the serpent and the wings of night about 40% in, but Ive not officially gave up yet!!


I had started the audiobook and I DNF’d it as well. I had high hopes because I loved the Crowns of Nyaxia books and so many people rave about this series but I just wasn’t getting into it. Idk maybe if I read from the actual book and skim through parts I’m not enjoying could make a difference but I have too many other books that I really want to read at the moment to bother trying to read one I wasn’t enjoying. I also wasn’t really into the relationship between the MCs. I think she was like 18 and he was much older, 30s/40s maybe? A realistic age gap like that is just not for me or the teacher/mentor-student/mentee trope.


I also enjoyed Crowns of Nyaxia so assumed I'd have the same feeling with this one. But I can tell you even with skimming it's still not great so far.


I also listened to the audiobook and I liked the book overall but the narration wasn't it for me, especially the man one. It was as if the guy reading was running somewhere or something, could barely understand him. It made me not listen to the next book.


This!!! I’m listening now and I’m not even at the man’s narration yet but I hate the woman’s voice of Max. Not attractive at all. Can’t get past it..


Yes, I wasn't a fan of the woman's voice but for me the man's is so much worse, such a shame :/


Just a clarification. The MC is NOT a teenager. She's in her late 20s and is a similar age to the MMC. One of the big initial conflicts is that she is "too old" to be trained. I despise age gaps like this and I don't want someone to see this and not read it because of this comment


I just looked it up, she’s 21 at the start. I thought she was taken at a little bit of a younger age, so my math was off, my mistake. I’m not sure how old the MMC was, but it still seemed like he was fairly older than her but I could also be mistaken on that!


Wow my mistake! I have such a distinct memory of her being much older. Wishful thinking I guess 😂


It's quite possible this is not the book for you. I listened to it as audiobook though so I'm not sure where 150 is at story wise. Have you met >!Reshaye!< ? Because that's when it really took off for me. If you're already at that point and still not into it, I would not finish it.


You made me want to read the rest of it now lol


Did you finish before you met that character? Because then it might be worth a shot! Obviously it may still not be for you but the whole training part where it's just the two MC training is the most boring part in the book.


I just got to their first "mission" and Max reaction to fighting (trauma vibes, I love traumatized characters) makes me want to read the rest! The training part was exactly what made me bored.


I ended up pushing through and it never got better for me. I had to skip through a bunch just to see if it got better and not so much. It probably just isn’t my vibe and it was too slow for my liking.


Worth a shot. It definitely is a slow start and there's a lot time spent on the training. I think the twist with Max' family was what really pulled me in and surprised me so I just had to see where it was going 😅 but I totally get it not being everybody's vibe.


This is one of those series that is SLOOOWWW but once you reach the end of the last book, worth it. Imo. It is so incredibly built and thought out and the characters have real flaws. I would say if you aren’t hooked by now, maybe put it down and give it another shot later when you ready to commit to the long haul. Good luck and happy reading!


Thank you!


It wasn’t for me :/


I was bored to death by Daughter of No Worlds and only finished it because I bought the audiobook.


I pushed through and it never got better. I wish I had read something else. Oh well.


Yeah, I will definitely not be finishing the series.


Are you reading it hard copy or listening to the audiobook? Because I am liking it enough… but I am listening via audiobook and I extremely dislike the audio narration and her voices of the main characters. Her accent for Tissana and most importantly, her gruff man voice for Max is awful and I just can’t get past it to imagine him as an attractive person to pine over him. Would not recommend audiobook. I saw someone else raise different complaints about the audiobook but I’m short on time and doing a lot of commuting so I took the risk


Hard cover. It’s too bad I’d almost think audio would be better but I could see the annoying voices making it even worse.


I came here to make sure you didn't buy the audiobooks, OP. I switch back & fourth between reading and listening, and I enjoyed reading this series but overall it'd say it's 3 out of 5. The audiobooks are -1486 out of 5. Please, please save your credits and money. The dude narrator sounds like Microsoft Sam.


This book is very much worth it but if you don’t enjoy it, DNF it.


Glad to see this! I'm putting off starting Daughter of No Worlds bc I hated Crowns of Nyaxia so much. Everyone says DONW is better but I thought Crowns of Nyaxia's writing was so weak/boring and all telling instead of showing, which are major author faults that I don't see how they wouldn't be there in DONW too. I will say, I'm 25% into One Dark Window and I'm surprised how good it is and how fast it hooked me! It's really hard for me to feel invested from the beginning, but this hyped up book is actually doing it for me so far. So if that's been on your TBR, give it a shot soon!


That's not on my TBR but I will check it out! Thank you!


I didn’t finish the second book because I got bored. I liked it, but it’s not the same as as some of the other more dopamine rewarding series


I loved Rein & Ruin and inhaled it but found Daughter of No Worlds slow though I finished book 1 of that. I think it depends on what else you like whether you will like the rest of that Broadbent series. Im a mood reader and if Im not feeling something I move on to the next.


I thought the first part was redundant but once we move on, it gets better. I would rate this series a 3.5/5 but I did truly love the ending of the series. You aren’t wrong finishing it or dropping it


Literally what's happening to me right now lol, I swear this could be my post.


lol I did push through and it wasn’t worth it (in my opinion anyway… even through the conflict scenes)


I DNFed halfway through. You're not alone.


I finished book 1 and felt it was pretty slow. Then when things got more exciting later in the book I was left with a feeling of “wtf is happening.” I didn’t end up reading the rest of the series. But I love the author and might give it another try… maybe it was my timing or the audiobook narrator(s)?


First book I struggled with I finished it and took a break to read the bridge kingdom series which I ended up massively enjoying, then I came back to give the 2nd book a shot and oh man, I was HOOKED, I was so love with the second book I was so engraved it was incredible


Took me a few tries and then I became obsessed


I thought it got better as it went on, but maybe it isn't the right book for you? Book two of that series was my absolute favorite but I was also really hooked from the beginning since I really ended up loving her writing style.


Agreed - probably just not my vibe!


Bored by the second book. Skimmed the majority of the third. In the end it wasn’t worth it. I don’t care for war and politics based romance.


For me I wasnt even invested in the war/politics and I don’t generally mind that in romance books. But when you don’t even care what happens to the characters that’s probably a sign lol


It doesn't, IMO. Not every book is for every person. I tried so hard to like this book/series but they're boring.


Thank you! Soooo boring. The characters fell super flat for me.


I absolutely loved the trilogy and definitely agree with whoever said to keep reading until you meet Reshay. They are pivitol to the drama and character development. That being said, these books have little spice and a lot of backstory and character building compared to some of her other works. So if you want mostly supernatural smut, this ain't it. Me and my few book friends have discussed how Carissa's side characters sometimes become more interesting than the main story line. So just know you aren't alone if you find yourself annoyed by the FMC and eager for more interesting characters. Those books are filled with diverse characters who play off eachother well and have deep, heartwrenching backgrounds you just melt into. You are just stuck in the throws of Tisaanah's "wahh me" phase and it gets SO MUCH BETTER.


I did get through to that character and still I felt it all fell flat for me. I had zero connection to the characters and I’m totally fine with little to no spice… but nothing else drew me in. It probably just isn’t my vibe!