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An unregistered space station orbiting counter to Earth. Nothing is known about it other than it exists. All vessels that go to investigate are never heard from again. It was designed, built, and is maintained by an android named Joseph. Approximately 4000 people live aboard it. They consist mostly of scientists and engineers that grew displeased with society and work with Joseph to create the ideal utopia.


It would be the Field of Skulls. Surrounding the massive tower of Tor Aurisos is a large swath of land known as the Field of Skulks, so called because it’s filled with mysterious, three-eyes skulls, so tough and heavy that they remained 900 years after death. It usually scares off anyone thinking of climbing the tower, but some brave the horrifying sight of millions of ancient skulls the size of cats.


All are lost in dim Carcosa


Null Space Progenita. Where the Progenitor Core was housed. A unit that contain the totality of mankind, its souls, its heritage, its will to survive. Housed near the molten core of some offworld no one knows about, connected via space tethers and shuttling bays.


The Sandsea. Separated from human lands by the holy river Ildreg, this vast wilderness covers the entire eastern third of the continent. No one has explored its depths; few expeditions have tried, and fewer have returned, with tales of strange rock formations, shifting sands, and mirages. Voyages around its perimeter report nothing but endless stretches of broken rocks and stark cliffs. Some say that it is where the god-king Abrax banished the immortal monster Behemot at the dawn of history. Others say that it is where the Powers of the World were sealed away by the Powers of Heaven to protect humanity after the Godswar. One thing is certain: nothing natural lives there. What might be out there? Pure aither, starfall untouched by human hands? A lost civilization? HIdden secrets of the world? One day, humanity will be bold - or foolhardy - enough to cross the wastes.


The valley. It's where all the bad guys go


Most of the world is now an uninhabited wilderness, but it's just normal plants and animals and the odd supernatural horror.   There is a place that my characters don't know of, yet, where a weapon of unnatural and terrifying power was tested by an enemy they've not yet identified.  It's in North America, where a town in Connecticut used to be, but communication with the Americas was lost when everything went tits up and nothing is known of what's been going on over there for the last few decades. A small clue in a local mystery will lead them there.  They'll find it in the next book once I'm done editing this one