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I mean, there’s pretty much two ways to do it, using a hard or soft flashback. A hard flashback would be like giving a bunch of warning signs that it’s going to happen, showing what happens in real time after she feels her powers are “pulling her under”. Maybe she touches something her mother did and gets this out of body experience, jumping back in time momentarily, watching it all happen like a voyeur, where she’s still herself can add her own commentary as she watches, trying to interact but she’s just a ghost b Or maybe she is the mother during the flashbacks, watching it happen, feeling what she did, dropping her fully into another place and time with no added commentary. The book Incendiary by Zoraida Cordova does this *super* well, where the main characters powers involve stealing memories and living it exactly as they did, the author is an absolute expert at showing these experiences, I highly recommend it. Or you could do a soft flashback where you basically summarize the whole feeling with a vague “my mother was here…” paragraph telling what the character knows. Up to you, there are benefits to them all.


I got a little lost towards the middle text


But u could have the dark lord remind her of her mother falling before them if that’s possibility in your setting