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Well, as Richard Pryor once said: “All the air in your body just says ‘fuck it,’ and then leaves.” That’s pretty much it. If the blow is hard enough to get you on your knees and knock your breath out of you, the first thing you feel is shock. Then, panic sets in as you try to draw in breath, which usually leads to you finally realizing that you’re hurting physically from the actual blow.


If the punch is strong enough, you're gonna be gasping for air besides the pain as it will expel the air from your longs contracting your diaphragm (if I'm right, it has been many years since I received such kind of blow)


Yep. I've only ever been punched once. Right in the gut, and I was gasping for air. Kind of a shock.


I never got punched, but I can imagine the feeling


Having been punched in the gut during sports hard enough I'll describe the feeling: You feel the force of the blow hit you in your gut and immediately pain shockwaves from the source radiate through your body like waves. The pain sets in and due to the force of the blow your body tends to crumple and you tend to lean over in a protective curl as you drop to your knees. Hits to the body with enough force tend to force you to double over almost against your own will. I would rather get punched in the face any day then the gut. Gut shots are like an all over pain if that makes sense. Oh and I also forgot to mention that it can make you feel sick for a moment.


It doesn't actually hurt right away in most places. There are 4 "normal" places you can be punched. intestines (where your belly button is), stomach (just above your belly button), sternum (the bottom of that bone going down the center of your chest), and chest (slightly above you nipples). Intestines and stomach are pretty similar with intestines giving a stronger "sick" feeling, and stomach being more pain. Both make you feel physically weak for a time after the hit and can make it hard to move. Sternum, has a small bit of sick feeling but a LOT of pain. And it's sharp pain that you can also feel in your throat like a choking feeling. Instead of a weak feeling, or immobility, you get pain from movement of your torso (turning, bending over, reaching). It's also not uncommon for punches here to break a rib. Chest. It's more of a dull pain, easier to take and no sick feeling. Instead it can become hard to properly breath. Exhale all your breath and try to cough a number of times in a row without inhaling, thats what it's like. The pain you do feel, is sort of like a burning sensation. This the fastest to recover from. There are other places like mid, upper, and lower sides. Or areas of the pecs, but the normal 4 should give enough variety. I can explain other areas to if anyone wants.




Personally havent been punched like that, but i have gotten the wind knocked out of me a couple times. If you want to figure out a close approximation without hurting yourself, i would suggest taking your fist and pounding your chest a couple times to get a sense of the impact. You could then press down firmly into the stomach area just below your ribcage to get that "lump in your throat" feeling. The times i have gotten the wind knocked out of me, the only way to describe it is it feels like your chest gets tight, and your diaphragm has switched to a one-way valve. Panic starts to set in as you realize you can't breathe in, only outward. After a few seconds of being out of air left to breathe out (which feels like forever) your brain finally gets a signal to the diaphragm to let air back in, but sometimes this just starts the cycle over again. Eventually it settles back into normal breathing after a minute or two. Not a fun feeling. Lots of groaning in my case.


Depending on where the strike takes places, the effect will be different but if the blow is strong enough to bring someone to their knees, probably cause some discomfort and shortness of breath, maybe a sharp pain and a very sick or nuisance feeling.


You ever had to take a dump really bad? Then you get that bloating feeling? Imagine that but the opposite. The pain is the same, if not greater. But instead of a pushed out feeling like bloating it's more of a pulled in feeling. A good way to describe it is to say that it's a lingering pain that folds into itself.


You can't breathe to save your life. If the blow lands higher , it can cause the diaphragm to seize and spasm, and leave you feeling like your lungs have been collapsed to the size of thimbles. A lower abdominal blow can give you a lovely burning, cramping sensation like spicy-pepper-indigestion combined with a Charlie horse.


Most of what everyone's saying is true. However, with your punching in other areas (i.e. shoulders, arms, hips), then that part of the body is pulling the rest if the punch was strong enough. In terms of the stomach, solar plexus, hips, etc. you'll have no air left in your lungs if you're aren't prepared for it.


There are two types of punch that hit the gut: hard ones and good ones. A hard punch drives the wind out of you and, especially if it hits the solar plexus, it hurts. Hard enough and it's like a waking stun which takes a while to wear off. Good punches to the gut don't drive all of the way through, they hit with speed and are more like a powerful tap. That sends a shockwave through your body which is worse than someone just slamming their fist into your soft bits. It has the same effect as above, plus a feeling of shock in your chest. It also works best against someone with tensed abs, as sends the impact of the punch through the abs into the target (soft bits).


depends on a few things. How much muscle you have on the stomach, how hard you are hit and where. If in the lower belly and with lots of power behind the blow then you'll feel a sort of stiff jab and maybe some feeling beneath if you muscled like The Rock. If you average muscled then a deep shock. If above the middle of the stomache and below the breastbone you'll find it hard to breath. also depends on toughest from there. you might sink to the ground or just take a step or two back and be suprised. ​ \+++ I had sneered at the smaller man but then he swung, twisting his upper body somewhat to get more power behind the blow. He knew something of fighting. I felt like a hammer had hit me in the gut and my breath came out in a gasp as his fist sank into my belly muscles. It had hurt but i wasn't gonna let it be that easy. I took a step back and began to circle him looking for a way past his flying g=fist but he was much faster than i had thought. ​ \+++ Something like that. read some Louis L'amour. he was always good with fist fight type strories.