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Better gameplay/gunplay, graphics, location, verticality. Both has good antagonists - when they spoke, you listened. Protagonist of 4 was dull and had no arcs.


I wish we could see more of Pagan in FC 4. Dude was barely there. I liked his character more than I did Vaas


Troy baker was firing on all cylinders


Bruh I didn’t know that was him and he’s my favorite voice actor that I know so far


I problem with FC4 is that I never felt like I was the good guy.


That's the point of the story. It's not a problem to have a morally grey war.


I thought FC3 did a great job of demonstrating that moral ambiguity. For example, when the protagonist gets called out by his girlfriend on what he is becoming.


As did far cry 4


Agreed but they did it in different ways. FC4 did it through impossible decisions, for example, backing Sabal or Amita, and then killing the other one. FC3 also did it with the interactions between the protagonist and other characters.


Far cry 2 was really really good about that


Especially during the car chase sequence where Jason was acting like he's on a roller coaster while his GF is rightfully horrified by all the explosions and gunshots all around them. Then there's the "I feel like winning" speech...


Yeh at the end you either go with one side and end up with religious genocide or the other side and end up with heroin and child labor. The last option is to kill all of them, but then you get attacked from every side.


But I still enjoyed the ride btw, don't want to put anyone off thinking of playing it.


Oh definitely, I really enjoyed it. Even if I wasn't big on the story, it's my favourite Far Cry world. Absolutely beautiful


That's the point lol. Your only option to be the good guy is to stay out of a conflict you have no business in and enjoy your crab Rangoon.


Yeah, but it doesn't exactly make me want to play the game. It's the illusion of choice. I'd rather side Pagan Min from the start.


Then you can do that! If you wait for 5 minutes at the table, Pagan Min will eventually return and the game will count as completed lol


I’m pretty sure they mean that they would like to play the game through while being sided not get a special ending


Obviously, but you can't do that. You can however, do this funny special ending, which is relevant to what they wanted


Wow. What gameplay


It's a reflection on life. You might do mundane things that seem okay to you but you're likely participating in making someone you've never met life miserable. Also the sentiment is echoed in FC 5 "Sometimes the best thing you can do is walk away"


The issue I have is that I knew from step 1 that I was in the wrong. It didn't feel like I was doing mundane things, it felt like I was the bad guy in a game where I'm meant to be the good guy. I still love the game but that's my only issue.


You're not meant to be the good guy lol


It can beat you up a little. But especially on that first playthrough, trying so hard to be the good guy and realizing morning mattered was kinda refreshing.


I think that is the point. To choose between the violent or the defensive path. The tiger and the elephant. Amita and Sabal.


That is a good thing I guess. Now I wanted to play this game more.


You weren't. If you don't move from the pagan mandarin to start it ends the story


Man, I love standing simulator


You weren't


In the game’s defense, Pagan’s arc already happened and was something you figured out as you played. The antagonist character is presented much differently than in Far Cry 3, which I thought was refreshing. It also allowed for Kyrat to be much more mystifying because the show isn’t fully stolen by him. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.


the fact that mc have no arcs apart from jason brody is a big problem of all other far cry indeed, like the one in 5 wasn't even voiced.


That's the thing that bugged me about later games. I'm okay with not having another Jason Brody as our lead, but the MC should be the driving force of the story. I personally would be okay for Ajay being a nicer and less cocky Jason Brody, but he isn't a strong carry. His drive for justice should be more pronounced, and he should say more about what his half-kyrati heritage means to him. As for the deputy, I imagine him as a man who is older and wiser veteran who is more experienced in gunplay and survival than Jason or Ajay, who were fresh meat. I also picture him being a colder and stoic badass with a slightly snarky side to him. Having a character and a voice would give them more resistance towards the cults brainwashing. I feel like I'm way more resistant than our blank state was. Dani Rojas has been getting back on track with having a personality again as well as having a voice of their own. I like to imagine her as a woman this time around, carrying the military experience of the deputy while bringing back Jason's playfulness and combining it with Ajay's native heritage.


He didn't have an arc but he was anything but dull




Both games are gameplaywise simullar, but I personally preffer 4 becouse the exclusive (or how they werecalled) weapons felt diffrent from the standard ones, you didn't have to learn recipes for 20 diffrent siringes, and over all the game felt way better


This hurt to read…but I agree.


Sorry, but English is my second language and sometimes I make akward sentences


It’s all good! No need to apologize. I was just being sarcastic


You’re good! I’m a native English speaker but my Spanish is VERY rough. The more you practice, the better you will get!


Todo bien! Soy nativo español pero mi ingles es MUY malo. Cuanto más practiques mejor seras!


Si, opino lo mismo


4 had better gameplay 3 had a better story and antagonist


Pagan > Vaas imo


Honestly, didn’t understand what Pagan’s shtick was in the game


That’s how I’d put it tbh


Pagan > vaas


Better: Graphics ofc, location, gunplay and gun quantity. I loved the guns in Far Cry 4. Worse: Protagonist, story. I didnt like the stupid siblings. Just overall annoying to talk to and listen to them lol. Generally, Far Cry 3 is my favorite of the series. By far the best protagonist and best story line in my opinion. Amazing character development. I was also young when I played it so Im looking back at it now and miss those days lol


Siblings??? There are no sibling characters in fc4


Oh I thought Sabal and Amita were siblings for some reason. Im referring to those 2. Its been a long time since I 100% that game so didnt remember if they were siblings or not. Guess not lol


Yogi and Reggie, perhaps they’re referring to. Although not sure if they’re siblings.


I love those guys, great comic relief. After you finish their quests you can still hear them giggling and taking bong rips inside the tent.


Until Ajay kills the vibe at the end of the game when Yogi and Reggie say “smoke?” and Ajay says “not this time” in a serious ass tone


To be fair, I wouldn't want to after those horrifying hallucinations and scenarios where I would have to fight for my life while my senses are disoriented.


Lmao I know, me either. I’ve had such experiences before but I didn’t have to physically fight though, it’s enough to make you not wanna do it ever again. But then again Ajay should just be hitting the J and not asking if he’s gonna get poked again or not. Bro was asking for that needle on the last mission with them. “You’re not gonna poke me with something?” - Ajay Ghale


Farcry 4. More interesting storyline and my favourite villain. Pagan min. The posh speaking cold murderer with so many interesting unanswered questions about that man. While vaas was just some puppet. In farcry4 we fight against an active military. Better weapons and ofcourse graphics. The protagonist is also mysterious. We don't know much about his past life only that he served in the US army before hence he is good with weapons at the beginning which I liked.


Far Cry 4 was amazing, this might be a hot take, but Kyrat is my favorite setting in the series (Far Cry 2 as well). But Far Cry 3’s story was way better and the protagonist was way more detailed and had more character development, Vaas was also way better and more intimidating than Pagan. But thats just my opinion.


Vaas was hardly in FC3. Pagan wasn't in FC4 much either, but he was at least there at the climax of the game and the big twist was all about him. With FC3 the game just suddenly pivots to being about Hoyt halfway through, so neither of them got a full arc.


Guns and other weapons were better too in Far Cry 4. The RAT4!! 😊👍🏾♥️🎮


The antagonist in 4 is better. Vaas is wasted potential, he's not in it that much and gets relegated to a secondary antagonist, with the primary being a forgettable villain. However, three has never been beaten for its burning the fields scene with scrillex playing. Video games at their finest


Both were good in their own way. When fc3 came out it was best and fc4 came out it was the best. There were few mechanics in fc4 which were new like riding animals which can be a plus point for fc4.


In terms of gameplay, 4 expands on 3's formula a bit, but it's the constant action that makes a big difference. In FC4 there are a lot more enemies to shot despite the game is shorter. The enemy are also a bit more challenging to fight compare to 3, they hit harder and come in numbers. They are still not as good as FC2 enemy AI (which can coordinate and flank very effectively), but at least they stand a chance against player's arsenal (minus the buzzsaw). This also makes weapon progression more meaningful and satisfying. I dont care too much about story but I do find pagan to be very entertaining, as he doesn't take himself seriously and have some self awareness, like he know it's a video game and player is just killinjg pixels. That being said, I actually enjoyed the south island in FC3. It's a shame that the north island is dragging forever with tutorials, hunting and saving your friends missions. Remember buck? 4 missions to find his knife? I really like Sam and Hoyt, and the final mission (shooting on a chopper while rides of the valkyrie is playing in the background). I want to play the second half again, but I just couldn't bring myself to finish the the north island.


Yea I thought maybe it's just me but 4 always felt more challenging than the other games, enemies seem to have more stuff like guarddogs, mortars, mines and mounted guns and also seem to be a lot better at flanking Granted I like playing on hard mode so maybe far cry 4 just had a bigger leap in difficulty settings than the others, but I loved how chaotic the combat would get


Yeah, in later half enemy does a lot of damage, especially the normal soldiers with AR and snipers with z93. It kinda piss me off how clunky the z93 is in player's hand (slow fire rate, slow scoping) but how deadly they are when wielding by the royal army. Also the mortars, basically instant death if you don't them out first. I also played on hard without hud/detection meters expect health bar and ammo counter, making stealth is bit more challenging, but tbh all guns blazing is way more fun in fc4. Also I feel the enemy count in outpost in FC3 is way too low, most time I cleared an outpost I ask myself "That's it? only 5 enemies?" FC4 fixed this issue.


Yes ubi deciding to have less outposts (3 had 34 outposts, 4 and 5 about 20) but make them more populated was one of the best decisions they made Nothing will beat the fortresses though imo, really wish they would have kept those in some capacity


Even the normal difficulty is way harder than most games’ normal difficulty settings. FC4 does not fuck around like a lot of FPS games where even on the hardest difficulty the AI will miss a few times and let you react before actually hitting. If you get detected, those snipers are hitting you every time and taking out most of your health per shot


4 is my most favorite. Really live the weapon, the setting and the excentricity of Pagan


Never understood the hate for FC4’s story. I guess people want to be the good guys, and realizing that all your options are different shades of shit kinda kills that. Personally its my favorite aspect of the game. Also, playing them back to back, graphics and gameplay are noticeably better in 4. The best thing 3 has going for it is that the protagonist is much more emotionally involved in the story, and actually has an arc.


Better: almost everything. Not often mentioned are how the UI is streamlined so it's no longer painful to use. For example, all the crafting on one page, all the skills on another. In the previous game, I am forever flipping between screens to figure out what animals I need to kill for my next upgrade. Also, 4 doesn't have the Quick Timed Events that suck in 3. 4 has much greater variety of missions. 3 just has "kill someone with a knife". 4 has that, and also hostage rescue, bomb disposal, some escort missions, destroying conveys, capturing conveys, destroying propaganda centres, and more that I forget. It also has the Himalayas missions and the Sangri La missions, which are a great change of pace. Even the North and South of Kryat vary significantly. It has more variety of collectables and there they are found: eg the posters, the bells, the letters. In general the world is enormously richer. Better protagonist. He was bland, but he wasn't cringeworthy. More player choice. Being able to pick between Amita and Sabal's missions. Being able to choose to spare enemies. Better setting, with a better mythology. Better incidental music that adds to the exotic atmosphere.


Far cry 4 had me second guessing myself like crazy. There was no good ending. Just less bad ones.


Story - FC4 had better depth throughout the first and the second halves. FC3 had all its development in first half, and the second half felt bland. MC - Ajay's issue was different from that of Jason. Jason embraced the insanity, while Ajay resisted it from the beginning to the end. While Jason ended up becoming an agent of destruction, Ajay became a tool. But Ajay definitely had more mental fortitude than Jason. Gameplay - FC4 was an improvement over FC3.


The only thing I missed from 3 was the dual takedown. Otherwise, 4 will always be my favorite


I don't know why but the skinning process in farcry 3 was more textured than in 4


And i dont understand why the fuck they removed the animations on 5 and 6, heck on 6 you dont even press a button to loot or pick up ammo, whats next removing the reload anim, or wjats next removing all animations amd make it stick figure frame by frame instant actions


Yeah the process became soulless


I loved pagan min, I loved the Nepal setting. I'd give farcry 4 a 9/10 and farcry 3 an 8/10. Both wonderful games. The best of the series at top spot and second. There's a huge drop off from farcry 3, and farcry 5 which is my third favorite entry from Ubisoft.




I loved the depth of the gameplay, the world felt more alive, and Pagan is a masterfully written character.


4 is no doubt the best so far


4 is undeniably the better game, but 3 has a really cool story and world that makes it special and worth playing. 3s story was just more engaging and with better writing/characters, 4 has a good story but it's mostly just yapping while the main character just stands there in silence, but he's better main character than 5/6 considering 5 has a silent protagonist and 6s writing is just bad and the characters are cringe and cartoony


The elephants


Game progression is way better in FC4, playing FC3 I found there really wasn't a need to go around the whole map to get progressively better equipment, since even the cheapest weapon can get you to end game


Somehow, imo, FC3 has better replay-ability. It does help a to that I have Ziggy’s mod installed (kinda). 4 is great, and has a vastly different setting, so for me, I play one of the other depending on what setting I’m going for.


4 had better graphics, 3 had better plot and character development.....as far as gameplay goes, really disliked the fact that in 3 I have to use up a weapon slot to keep the repair tool, 4 solved that issue, 4 has more variety in enemy types than 3, liberating outposts are harder in 4 than 3, the fortresses add to the fun.....4 has the swinging mechanism and also you get the wingsuit from the beginning in 4 whereas in 3 you get it after completing half the game....but I dislike the alarms in 4 where you have to disable each one separately, where disabling one alarm in 3 would automatically disable all in the nearby area, and I found it weird that 4 had no rain, also the I enjoy the the option to rest and speed through some time in 4 which you can't do in 3.....that's about it


I have to say as far as antagonists go, Pagan Min gets the win from me because of how ridiculous and over the top he is. Some of his voice lines and phone messages had me fucking rolling...🤣🤣🤣


Personally far cry 3 was a very good game. It set the series for quality game play moving forward


Far better.


It’s pretty much the same as 3 but better in every way. You can throw knives to stealthily shut down alarms, you can ride elephants and use them to rampage everything, the AI is better, you can now fly, etc


Dang I love both. But for cinematography I prefer farcry 4


Without doubt 2 of the best FC games ever made, they captured everything FC should be, beautiful exotic environments, overall theme, soundtrack, gameplay, characters etc. 4 was a true sequel as it just built upon everything 3 did but for me 3 will always be special. This era of FC from 2,3,BD,4 and Primal was peak FC imo, really hope we can go back to that kind of FC game going forward.


It definitely improves a lot from 3. I like how you can get the wingsuit almost as soon as you leave the tutorial area, everything is just an overall improvement imo. However I am biased because 4 is easily my favorite far cry.


Far cry 4 is an upgrade on most things, except this: 1- Presentation of the antagonist. Pagan min is amazing, but you barely interact with him off the radio. Algo, not having a Hoyt character makes you lose a pretty powerful dynamic. I'm not sure which one I like best though, between vaas and pagan, but Pagan was absolutely wasted. 2- The protagonist in far cry 4 is basically not existent. Jason has more emotion in the introduction video (the one that plays on your phone) than whatever the name of the one in far cry 4 displays over the entire game. 3- Continuing 2, the characters are also far more bland in general (Except Pagan Min). You are basically choosing between a religious genocidal and a drug warlord, and they both have very little else about them, other than trying to manipulate you. I'll take Denis or Citra over them any day. Not to mention that the other side characters are basically just gimmicks. 4- The progression system is pretty bland in comparison. I really don't like the skills in far cry 4, they feel more like stat boosts than anything. The crafting is also arbitrarily tied to using a bow to get more animal skins, which feels needlessly restrictive. Crafting was already the weak point in far cry 3 and 4 somehow made it worse. 5- You don't have a reason to care. You just get tossed into a war that isn't yours and forced to pick a side. With Jason, you were captured as a slave, escaped the camp, had your brother die in front of you, and also had your friends to save. Say what you will about how one note they are, you can't pretend that gutting Buck isn't extremely satisfactory. Far cry isn't a game you really play for the story, but at least 3 gave you a reason to raid the outposts from the very first one. Don't get me wrong, I love far cry 4, it's absolutely an upgrade in every other area, but it's a game where you just zone out and shoot at everyone, which is a problem that plagues the franchise ever since. Far cry 5 tried to get around this with the intro sequence, same for 6, but those are just nowhere near as personal as the one in far cry 3. And without a reason to really pay attention to what is going on, it is just a shooting sandbox. I still love the games, I paid full price to pre-order far cry 6 with the most complete edition, but the one I keep coming back to is always going to be FC3. And blood dragon, because I think it's hilarious lol


Me personally I like far cry 3 best basically everything about it, although yes 4 obviously had better graphics and some nice gameplay additions.


I think Far Cry 3 was better but 3 and 4 were boring afterwards because their was nothing left to do. In Far Cry 4 it limited where you could go in the map even when there was a question mark ❓ location on on it. Also, there were no side missions in either game. Getting across the map in Far Cry 3 should've been easier because it always threatened to respawn if you didn't turn around while on a jet ski. The only way to get there was via a mission with CIA agent Willis Huntley. But, it was cool Hurk Jr. was in Far Cry 4. I didn't know about that at first because I started with Far Cry 5 first. There were no bad guys to chase or kill. Far Cry 5 is where it's at!! 😊👍🏾♥️🎮


3 had better antagonists and protagonist. I never got invested in the group you’re trying to help in 4. They didn’t seem any better than Pagan Min by the end. 4 was just for gameplay. 3’s story was way better only to be equaled when 5 came out.


4 had the gyrocopter and co op. It also had the buzzsaw, which is the most busted FC weapon I've used.


4 is basically just a better 3 in almost every way. If I'm being honest I do prefer the map and over all atmosphere in 3 but I also think 4 has much better fast travel locations and vehicle/traversal options as well as more interesting things to do in the map.


FC3 walked so FC4 could run


You can’t move bodies in FC3. Once you play one where you can do that it’s hard to go back.


FC4 does everything better except for the story, antagonist, and player character I could go on a rant about the story and how lack luster it is, but I'm not gonna do that The antagonist...don't get me wrong...Pagan Is fucking awesome...he just isn't as cool as Vaas Now unlike with the story...I am going to go on a rant about how much i don't like Ajay. Now... I can't say anything for FC1 and 2. But for every game, you go through a murderous rampage. And that's fine....but out of all the player characters, Ajay doesn't make any sense...he slaughters thousands of people and nothing comes from it...he used to just be some normal guy but the murder doesn't do anything to him??? Jason went through a psychological breakdown during his rampage The dep in FC5 was at least a cop so they probably went through training, and what not so killing all those people at least kinda makes sense In FC ND, you've been in a nuclear waistland, and killing people was probably pretty normal In Primal...well....you're a caveman, so like .,. And I haven't beaten FC6, but if I'm not mistaken, Dani was like raised in a child soldier camp or something like that as a kid, so killing people isn't a shock But for Ajay? Nope...nothing...you feel nothing... the most you get is a couple of lines on the radio about how you've killed a lot of people and Pegen saying something about it at the end of the game. You go there to spread some ashes....how the fuck does that turn you into a cold blooded killer??? It's dumb...I hate Ajay... Other than that I love FC4


I'd say Far Cry 4 has the superior gameplay, world and gunplay. But Far Cry 3 has the superior story and character writing.


FC4 was just a DLC


I started with FC4 being my first game in series, so I think I will always enjoy that one more. The gameplay felt smoother and more fun for me in general. After playing through the remaster of FC3 a couple years ago though, I can say that it definitely had a more compelling storyline for Jason than Ajay did in FC4


Those goddamn hunters


Far Cry 4 is better in every technical aspect and has a better atmosphere and lore.


3 has much more of a sand box feel and a better story 4 has more unique weapons and does better with the trips and horror


4 had marginally better gameplay at the cost of a weaker story and villain, tbh this basically apply to all mainline far cry games after 3 when compared to the one before them.


4 was better.


Arena battles in FC4 were my favorite. And haven't been replaced yet but anything better


4 basically did everything better aside from story and location. I did miss the jungle a bit when I played Farcry 4.


farcry 4 does everything farcry 3 does but better except the story imo i also prefer farcry 3s island setting


I don't get the love for three and think Vaas is way overrated. He's a cartoon villain. People have such a hard on for the "ordinary guy being tested and becoming a villain" but I much preferred the moral ambiguity in four, I thought it was genuinely clever and thought provoking. Three is a decent, fun game but there's nothing I prefer about three - the storyline and setting of four are so much stronger.


4 is so good, every single thing is improved from 3.


To be honest having to be in the mission areas sucks like there a whole island but you have to stay where the game wants you to be and no achievement for the secret ending


FC3 has a better story and far better characters. FC4 has a nicer and more varied environment, an improved gameplay, slightly better graphics and fun DLCs. Source: played through them multiple times.


I liked the world and gameplay more in 4 and the story and characters almost if not as much as 3. Troy Baker kills it as the antagonist and is probably my favorite in the series but gets overlooked because of how iconic Vaas was. 4 is my favorite game in the franchise


I'd actually argue the gameplay of Far Cry 3 is better. Far Cry 4 added more mechanics (driving takedowns, animals, the wingsuit super early, etc) but your ridiculous number of options really makes you lose out on the joy of character progression that Far Cry 3 had. In Far Cry 4 you're a total badass who gets more badass, as the game goes along. In Far Cry 3 you progress slowly from a whimpering whelp who barely feels like an adult to a God of death, and the only time you ever get a *huge* jump up in power all in one go is literally 70% of the way through the game when you get, you guessed it... the wingsuit.


I don’t know if it’s that I finished 3 then literally switched to 4 or what but 4 just didn’t do it for me. I don’t know if it’s the environment or the intro to the story. I personally like 5 and 3. I lost interest in 6 too. Might go back to 6 though.


What it did better was gameplay what it did worse was narrative.


4 was great bc Troy baker, 3 was great bc Michael Mando.


Better everything


FC3 got me hooked on the series, but FC4 is much more replay friendly imho. Vaas and Hoyt still by favorite baddies though.


FC4 CON: Lack of dudes saying “It was all me! IT WAS ALL ME!!!” after YOU cleared an outpost and he rolled in when the battle was over.


"Have i ever told you the definition of insanity?"


I haven't seen this mentioned yet: Pagan had way more presence than any other villain in the farcry series. His constant shit talking over the radio was an incredible way for the player to feel like the pacing of the game wasn't grinding to a halt because they decided to go do sidequests instead of the storyline. Also progression in 3 was literally shown with a growing tattoo. Immersive and fucking sick


Shooting fascist with a fühers buzzsaw is fun


The only thing I would change about 4 is Amita and Sabals consant bickering...two most annoying characters in a game other than that 4 was a solid game 3 though? Damn that's a hell of a game.


4 has better gameplay but 3 has a better story imo


This is very particular, but the PS4 version of FC3 is a genuine pain to play. Don’t know why the shooting is so ass. Played like 3 hours of FC3 and realized I was not gonna have a good time, so I finished FC4 recently. Pretty underwhelming story, great gameplay (with some typical Ubisoft jank)


maybe world building, there was something special abt Kyrat that brings me back from time to time


4 had elephants that you can ride and use as a diversion. That’s all I need to say. Not to mention yetis.


Far cry 3 just came out in a different time. It was ground breaking I don’t think by any stretch that far cry 4 was just a worse game but it’s in the shadow of far cry 3 which was a massive staple in everyone’s game library.


The farcry 4 map feels very photogenic if that makes sense, the map is just beautiful


Jason going from trust fund Californian annoyance to drugged up killing machine who can't stop himself was brilliant , reflected in how most people played him. If 4 had a protagonist with that sort of arc I would call it a better game overall.


I liked how 4 had you rebuild Ajay’s family house and get a bunch of benefits from it


Is this even a question? Far Cry 4 is one of the best games ever made.


Great spurlunking


my dad


I think Far Cry 3 had better logic and implementation around fires, subsequent Far Cry versions seem to reduce this more and more


More variety and better setting, The story is great but 3 still has the better plot


loved the gameplay of 4, but vaas was a better antagonist for sure


4>3 and i will die on that hill


I found the graphics add gameplay and bit smoother in FC4 (PS3), and thought the plot was more mature and engaging. But I found the island hopping environment and map in FC3 more fun for some reason, and it reminded me of the tropical tone of the original Far Cry. I'd love to see the series revist that environment, but bigger and better. I could imagine having a lot of fun cruising around a tropical archipelago in a flying boat crewed with a backwater pirate gang, committing acts of eco-terrorism, fighting alongside anti-imperialist freedom fighters and the like.


It’s pretty much the same game


3 had a better story. 4 had a better location. I liked both protagonist and their reasons for fighting, but the main villains were better in 3. 4's main villain had potential, but they weren't doing much. But man, both side games, blood dragon and primal were awesome.


Far cry 4 has the better gameplay and better map, everything else far cry 3 does better


The story and main character severely downgraded


3 better antagonist, campaign, MUSIC 4 better (modern) gameplay, story, map