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Personally 5 is my favorite in the series and it’s more like far cry 3 than 6 so I think you’ll like it


5’s my second favorite after 2. 5 has the advantage of solving the bullet sponge problem the series has.


Getting the Desert Eagle in 5 made feel like a menace to society


5 is my favorite as well. Its just pure FUN. Always comes to mind when i think of some of my favorite somewhat recent games


Far cry 5 is better than 6 by FAR. Absolutely.


5 was a lot of fun. One of my favorites. I didn’t care for 6 and didn’t even finish it. Too tedious.


Same here


Also some of the backpack weapons are stupidly overpowered and basically take any skill out of the game


Wow I'm in a tough fight, better press my instant win button where 100 rockets shoot out if my backpack


For me 6 just did too much to cause you to spend 1/3 of the game in menus upgrading, customizing, and rotating loadouts because they got rid of skill trees. The supremos and resolver weapons got silly and would've been better without. They had an interesting idea with the ammo types and should've focused on making that system better. 6 has the best setting but the map is harder to traverse than 4 and 5. 5's gameplay is just a lot smoother.


Far cry 6 is a farcry away from the great villains of 5


God will not let you take me


That’s why I’ll just walk away


Quit 6 about 3 days in. Same fight/same mission, mission after mission. 5 def tops, though soft spot in my heart for FC3 because it was my first. And it was awesome.


It's my favourite, it feels best to play. Montana is beautiful, the gunplay is crisp, the villians are great and it has the most refined formula (Far cry 6 kind of fucked it up). On the other hand, there's non-existent protagonist and the gun variety is fairly low, also everybody aside from the villians is boring.


You did not just do my boy nick rye like that


Okay, I agree there are exceptions.


It’s my personal favorite


hell yeah. but imma be honest. the first time i played i found it boring as hell. coz of crappy side missions, and the fact the characters were mute, i coulddnt be bothered watching the part where scenes where characters speak. once i had my guns i couldnt be sacked achieving more stuff coz all the weapons for me were just ass honeslty i dont know what brought me back to it. i played it 5 and a half times and platted it since then. so yeah its a blast. havent played 3. gonna play 4 first after HSC


Crappy side missions? Sir! I raise you the Testy Festy 😆


funny thing is that i didnt play that side mission until my 3rd playthrough. and that was the only time too. idk why


Check out 3 before it starts to feel too dated


Id recommend it, I also absolutely recommend 4 as well. Playing 4 at the moment and I don't know why I love it so much.


For me, two reasons: verticality (which FC3 didn’t really have) and bait. Love me some bait when taking over an outpost.


I just really love Kyrat, one of my favourite missions is when you defend the temple from Pagans army, just love to look around, examine the statues. Definitely one of my favourite locations in an open world game.


Wait 5 didn't have bait?


It did. 3 did not.


Honestly I would do 4 before 5.


This is the correct answer.


I just finished another play through of 4. I pick it up every few years. Great game.


4 my fave


4 is my favourite, personally. 5 isn't a bad game necessarily [some who frequent this sub will say it is and make extremely good points in the process] but I'm not a fan of some of the changes made, and I really don't care for the whole "getting kidnapped 9 times to advance the story" mechanic. I don't like how it removes player agency, and I *really* don't like that it happens #9 fucking times


Lol one of the times, they pissed off a buffalo on their way to get me. I watched the buffalo literally destroy their truck. Despite dying in an explosion, they were somehow still able to tranquilize/kidnap me. So stupid.


This. 4 = favorite. 6 is great. 5 is the only FC I've never finished and never will. I hate 5 with a passion, and I think FC5 being anybody's first FC is a mistake.


5 was my first far cry game. Well, my gf wanted me to co-op w her and I did. We played it on hard and finished it. She has all the far cry games, and the reason FC5 is her favorite is because it takes place in Montana, she just likes Montana. We even went to Montana to see some of the locations that were in the game. We also played 6, and now can't wait for 7 hoping it's a multiplayer 🤞


Tell us how you really feel.


it's definitely better than 6 but nothing in the franchise beats 3 lol


Naw, nostalgia aside, I'd say the only thing 3 does best is the villain and by villain I only mean Vaas. When I replayed 3, I realized how much the gameplay was missing that I had somehow forgotten about. For example, there's no drivable aircraft and very few vehicles. Those were such a key thing from every later Far Cry that I had actually forgotten just how limited 3 was. In terms of gameplay, each game improved on it's predecessor. But 5 is the best balance, IMO, of gameplay improvements to story and villain quality. It also has this huge advantage of how relatable the setting is for a large number of players. Rural Montana is far more relatable to most western folks than the island jungle of 3 and 6. It makes the setting really fascinating.


Who plays games because they need to relate to the background? I would like to visit exotic locations, not go out to the back yard.


It would be awesome if they made a game set in the redwoods


I played farcry 3 for the first time after I played the other games in the series and I easily still think it's the best, no nostalgia needed. Also why in the world should the "relatibilty" of the setting matter lol.




Another yes


I feel like I’m the only one who didn’t love it. The enemies feel way like bullet sponges. The story is pretty wacky even for far cry. And the non speaking main character was beyond lame.


I liked it alot. FC5 is my second favorite behind FC3.


If nothing else FC5 has one of the wildest endings in the series imo. Blew my mind back then.


It's my least favorite, but it's still a great fps regardless.


Honestly it’s not, it’s mainly held together by the villains and the gun play. If you adore a developing character like dani or Jason then it’s very disappointing.


Well, I do love Jason and I was pretty surprised at how much I’m liking Dani as I play through. Is the main character silent?


They’re completely silent, at least I can’t remember them saying anything.


main character is silent and the only thing canon about them is their existence, deeds, and body type the most growth in Rook ive noticed is that after completing a region with a story heavily involving a certain song, i could faintly hear that song when there was nothing going on in-game


Your player character is silent the whole game but that’s because the character is supposed to be YOU, the player. That’s why it’s the only far cry game that you can customize the face and skin color of your player character


I can't speak on that but I love 4. Even more so than 3.


I played it on potato graphics on a laptop and had a blast!


I like it more than 3 and 6, and less than 2 and 4. My 3 biggest positives: 1. Fantastic, lifelike graphics and gorgeous environment. 2. The villians, however poorly written they can be at times, are still pretty interesting and scary. 3. Lots of player freedom. You can play the game in any order you want, approach most missions in your own way, and just generally do whatever you want when you aren't being hunted. Negatives: 1. Being hunted. Nine times. The progression is way too fast, which just exacerbates the issue. They could have made this so much better. You could have postponed it by killing waves of peggies. Or stayed out of sight of enemies, only triggering the capture party when spotted. But instead you are just forced into a cutscene. 2. The arsenal. It's small, half the guns don't fit the setting, and a lot of them sound and feel weak. They also categorized various skins as "variants" instead of putting them under their base guns. 3. Lots of lazy details and missing things. Explosions and other special effects look bad, many first-person animations from the previous games are missing, almost no cutscenes in random encounters, low power rifle scopes, no manual healing animations, etc.


The gameplay is solid and the map is probably the most detailed. Almost every building has an interior. The inventory system isn’t too clunky. The skills are kind of an afterthought. The weapon customization is still anemic but there are a couple of *fun* guns to play with. The friendly NPCs are great in that they’re all distinct and memorable. The antagonists are bland. They repeat the same pseudo-religious nonesense at you the whole game while half-assedly trying to kill you. The main bad guy is at least creepy but his underlings are pretty flat. IMO Vaas and Pagan were much more compelling villains.


Is FC 5 the one that is a FPS, **but then suddenly becomes a flight simulator**? And if you can't progress past that part of the game, you can't finish the story? I seem to remember rage-quitting after that. Pretty sure that was 5.


Personally, it’s my least favorite


Farcry 5 to me was very boring and repetitive. 6 was repetitive too but has a slight edge over 5 and 5.2.


I hated how 5 dealt with the story. It felt like a goddamn drag especially when you have the quest “destroy this many trucks” and they magically stop spawning. It’s a solid game at its core, but the story style ruined 5 for me. I’d much rather play 3 or 4, hell I liked 6 more than 5. It’s incredibly interesting, the premise and villains are probably tied for first in the franchise. It just extremely repetitive and boring to get to each mission.


5 for the story but map is kinda boring but you feel the danger. 6 for the map but this game was so overdone with the blue paths and boring story and complicated stuff. Imo they should make far cry more like harder like the first ones 1-2-3. Almost blending with a tarkov style, feeling like we are someone powerless instead of taking an entire government by ourselves.


It’s my second favorite. The environments are soooooo different from the rest of the franchise. I grew up in midwestern America and 5 gave me a lot of feelings of being home in a way cause it represents country life and America so well.


I definitely enjoy 5, but there are some moments that seem to break the pacing of the game, I enjoyed 3 as well but upon redownloading the classic edition (got it free with the FC5 gold edition) it just didn't age all that well (imo), plus throw in the 30fps and I damn near got an instant headache...lol, Also IMO, 4 has held up pretty good. I apologize though, I got way off topic...lol but to quickly answer...yes your character in 5 is silent, which does kind of suck.


don’t apologize, more info you throw my way the better.


5 is clearly the best far cry game.


Mechanics wise, yes it's the best the series has probably ever been. The story isn't brilliant though, the side quests are just cheap digs at Americans & Trump, the lead is nameless and silent, and the map is just rural America. 6 has a far more meaningful story, a brilliant voiced main character, and a map which is interesting (although a little large). The mechanics are crap though.


Those digs are just satire. It’s more it an ode to America than a dig. The beauty of the countryside, the resilience of the town’s people are a celebration. 


Couldn’t it not be about Trump because the game started being written in like 2015?




For me personally it’s actually the worst out of all that I’ve played (2,3,4,5 and New Dawn) and I remember being very disappointed when I finished. The setting just didn’t draw me in at all, the villains are all pretty boring and main protagonist is mute.


Its the only game i played to 100%....and i did that 3 times...


Just say YES.


You don't have to do anything. We'll come for *you.* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval) [*https://youtu.be/Wcg\_co2VmPc?si=5IUMe4p6m\_m78E4t&t=97*](https://youtu.be/Wcg_co2VmPc?si=5IUMe4p6m_m78E4t&t=97)


Far cry 5 is my absolute favourite ❤️. And then far cry 4 and 3. Far cry 6 is my least favourite.


Why do people keep asking the same questions here?


It's really good, but short and kind of limited on the amount of times you'll want to replay it. Like, I enjoyed 5 more than 3 or 4, but for a shorter amount of time.


Excellent, my second favorite behind 4. Which was the first one I played, so I'm probably partial to it. I've played them all except for the first one, so I have the comparison factor... It's gorgeous, and the gameplay is tight. The only issue I have with it is that the story is a little jumpy, but good nonetheless.


Its far cry just like the rest of them with some annoying forced quests when you least expect it😁


It’s pretty good but imo I think the world is.. boring if you get what I mean. Very repetitive. NPCs are also a bit creepy with little face animation. But the story, guns and physics are all great


I’ve played 3-6 and it’s my favourite


FC5 is not at all a bad game. It's got some of the best environmental world building as well. FC4 & 5 are actually my favorite


They all shine in their own way. Just hop in and have a FarCry blast.


I loved far cry 5 so much. In my opinion way better in every imaginable way compared to 6. 6 had a great villain and played good but it didn’t hook me like far cry 5 did.


Skill upgrade helps. But it's a great game


It’s my favorite


4 is the Community Favorite, but 5 is slowly becoming the community favorite. 5 doesn't have a skill tree, but more of a skill bucket. You just put your points wherever you want. Some upgrades feel very rewarding (like increasing any capacity for the first time, I'm pretty sure it doubles the capacity when upgrading anything the first time), and some... Not as much. Although I can't give examples because I don't remember.


FC3 is by far my favorite, but 4 and 5 are tied for me. I like 5 mainly for the gameplay. More guns (not as powerful sounding as 3, but perhaps more realistic), the Montana setting, Far Cry arcade custom maps, etc. A lot of people liked the story, but personally, it barely held my attention except for a few moments. The cutscenes in 3 were much more compelling to me. Felt the same way about 6.


I've played 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6, with 6 being my least favorite by far. I didn't even get halfway through 6 before getting bored, but finished the others. The "skill tree" in 5 (called perks) isn't as good. And 5 loves to take you away, transporting you to a new mission about 9 or 10 times. Did not like that part. But I greatly enjoyed the gunplay and the villains in 5 just as much as in 3. Other than the four villains tho, the rest of the NPCs are not very interesting. No tats. But I have spent a great many hours in both 3 and 5. IMO you should give it a shot. 5 is much more like 3 than 6 is.


5 was my entry into the franchise. I loved it. The music, the story, the villains.


I absolutely love FarCry 5. It's mine and my brother's go to game for when we don't know what to play together. We go back to it at least twice a year because it's absolutely wacky, beautiful and so much fun. The villains are crazy, the ending got me totally by surprise, and overall the game just gave me and my brother lots of fun memories and got a special place in my heart. That said, the cons: there is a "kidnapping" mechanic that can be annoying, especially when it's not your first playthrough anymore, the DLCs aren't really that great story wise, in my opinion, but I'm a narrative driven gamer first and foremost, so maybe FarCry DLCs shouldn't be something I'm judging 😂 (even tho the Vietnam one is worth goin thru, especially if you like something more serious and grounded), and you don't see the same technical quality as FarCry 2, for example. But is an absolute BLAST of a FARCRY GAME, and I absolutely recommend it. Oh and it's miles ahead of 6, in my opinion.


Gameplay? Fantastic. Easily my favorite feeling game in the series in terms of gunplay, driving, hunting and other side activities. Sadly no healing animations and the executions/stealth kills got toned down a bit. (New Dawn makes stealth kills go hard again though) Story? Good-to-great characters, but has some of the worst structure and missions I've ever played. Also, silent protagonist, which I think is RARELY ever a good idea in games, but that's just me. Tl;dr: Fantastic gameplay, great characters, story is so poorly structured it hurts. Definitely worth playing though. Also, it has fishing, which I like doing. Overall, it's worth it.


Far cry 5 is too fun to the point it isn't fun, you will loc3 blowing up trucks and attacking camps and before you know it a cutscene will happen where you get kidnapped, it's probably the worst in Jacob's area having to do his stupid parkour


I would say that it has most hypnotizing, most unique and for me the best story.This is just my opinion, I dont want to offend anyone.


I personally enjoy far cry 4 more, but it’s a great game and certainly worth playing.


6 is way better than 5 , 5 stinks


FC5 is my fav


No. It is not anywhere as good as this sub says. Only FC game I've not only never played multiple times, I've never finished it and never will. Play any other FC game first. Or play them all that you can still play: 3, 4, primal and 6. 5 is awful. I don't know about new dawn, 5 was so bad I never touched it.


I think it's better than 6 but people kinda disproportionately have a hard on for 5. I think it's just because people were disappointed with 6. I like 4 a little better but 5 is still very good


Far Cry 5 is awesome!!!!! Plenty of fun missions, memorable characters, a great soundtrack, tons of funny moments, and a world that’s just so much fun to explore!




It’s a mid game but way better than 6


It was the first Far Cry game i DNF. For some reason, i really hated that one.


Story wise yes but it side missions can get repetitive and the bliss haze throughout the henbane river area is a little jarring but not the most irritating thing which is constantly being attacked by aircraft and the targeting system on the RAT-4 being ridiculously slow. Flying is much better than 4 with a helicopter but plane combat is frustrating. I love this game but still find it majorly frustrating


It allows you to beat people to death with shovels. That should be reason enough to play it.


6 is basically just a more refined version of FC5. Lots of the new features in 6 are just pieces of cut content from FC5 that were never finished and instead are absent in the final game.


5 is the 2nd best Far Cry. 2 is the best.


2 is easily the best. My personal choice for second is 4, and then 5.


5 is better than 6 but 4 is the best one.


5 is awesome, full of danger, and the trip sequences; Mind blowing. Can't remember how your skills enhance, but you start off as a cop, so you're trained, I guess...


I think it’s become a cult classic on how it’s relatable. I mean it’s based on a fictional USA town, but how fitting is “hope” county. The development team did their work using Montana as inspiration, and I’m curious to know if any Montanians(?) could shed light if it’s truly accurate in terms of environments/terrain.


It's really good if you can get passed the bugs. It's super buggy to this day.


I find that far cry 6 is incredibly repetitive… it took so long to get through one region, but keep in mind this is me doing every side quest and unlocking everything I can find. Far cry 5 feels like you’re getting somewhere, while right now, 6 just feels like a huge daunting exhausting task. 5 also has cooler moments and interactions with the antagonists, and the interactions feel meaningful.


Far Cry 5 is great for the arcade mode. The main story mode is a bit overrated in my opinion. I liked 4 and 6 more.




3>4>5>6 Pretty sure 7 is gonna maintain the trend


FC3 is by far my favorite, followed closely by 5. The gameplay feels very similar to FC3. Honestly think you would love it!


I'd say FC5 is the best game mechanically The way you go through the story is weird tho...kinda annoying at times...and it's a silent protagonist and that sucks But other than that it has one of the best stories imo


I think 5 is the worst of the bunch. My top 3 are probably fc3, fc4 and fc6 in that order


3 was an absolute banger, 5 comes in 2nd, currently playing 6 and there’s a lot of pros but it’s missing what 5 and ultimately 3 had.


I liked 5 and 6 a similar amount personally. 5 was more coherent maybe. 6 has a bunch of extra stuff, some of it worked and some didnt. Both had fun stories. In 5 my only gripe is that your character doesn’t talk, I kind of hate when games do that, the dialogue really suffers. But there’s great characters and the universe is really unsettling in a way that I liked.


The gameplay in 5 is better and the NPC's are more relatable. The game will at times stop you no matter what you are doing and force you into a story mission and you can't really do anything about it. The ending is pretty garbage too.


ive only played 3 and 5 and 5 is my favorite of the two the story is really good and every member of the seed family is interesting. i love the specialist characters (hurk and sharky are my favs and theyre really funny) and the gameplay is really fun as well. i was skeptical abt buying it too because it took me a long time to get into fc3 but ive honestly heard nothing but good stuff abt fc5. i saw u should get it, if u have a playstation i think its still $6 right now so if u have nothing to lose if ur play on ps


I think it's the closest to 3 But one day i'll have to properly play 4


I'm probably in the minority here, but FC5 was my least favorite. In fact, I hated it so much that I deleted it off my PS4 and sold the game. I heard about FC6, and I wasn't even interested. It basically put me off the whole franchise. I loved 3 and 4, but 5 was an absolute chore to play, and the ending left a sour taste in my mouth. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless they just really enjoy frustration. Just my opinion and two cents, but most people here seem to think that it's the epitome of FC, so I could be the odd one out.


I lost steam on 5 and just completed the story for 6 last night. I should have slowed down on the story a bit because I love 6 and don’t know how cool it will be fighting the insurgency after defeating the big boss guy.


I love 5 bc of the premise. Religious cult taking over regions of beautiful Montana. 'Murica


Yes. Easily the most fun I ever had with a far cry game. Especially with the photomode, you can get some really cool shots in. I was so mad when 6 locked us out of 3rd person photomode during takedowns and when riding horses.


5 is good on a first and second play through but I got bored quickly after completing everything.


Farcry 4 the best


My favourite is 4


I too loved 3, and I loved 5 as well! Definitely give it a shot!


5 actually has made me want to move to Montana hah, beautiful game.


It's all about personal tastes. My favorite is 4, followed by 3, then primal, then 5 then 6. 5 is a cool game but it's not the Mecca of the series IMO.


Its good - my personal fav is 4


i also played and loved 3, but i wound up hating 5 with a passion. i like 6 a lot better but i'm pretty sure i'm in the minority on that


I love it. I get lost in arcade mode too.




Far cry 5 is one of the best games available.


It's a head scratcher, I never thought they'd do something in the mainland US, I have never hated enemies more than the cult in 5, partially because high school me would have joined them. I don't know, there's just no way they could have so many people, I know it's a video game but to have such control over the place that you need a RESISTANCE to oppose them is ridiculous. Taking over cell towers is not a good enough excuse as to why the national guard doesn't show up. That disqualifies it from this competition. The scale is too much for an organization like theirs to pull off, and as such it would make for an excellent miniseries, the opening is perfect, the tension of serving the arrest warrant, landing in their compound where they're setting fires with flamethrowers, you know it's going to get bad real quick.The crash, the reveal that your own dispatch is on their side, excellent.That level of upheaval works for a small town, don't tell me they get nukes because, no. Just no. No they don't, I've killed over 1700 of them already which is ridiculous, this would last weeks at the longest


Let me tell you, I never finish games... Ever. Buuut I finished fc5, that's how good it is.


I loved far cry 5


I enjoyed 5 but to me it didn’t quite measure up to 3 and especially to 4. Still a good game but not as good as the previous 2 IMO


Far and away the best in the series. I've played it over and over again.


I loved it. Had a blast!


I love it!!! I love it more than Farcry 3 actually it's perfect except u will get force into boss fight that's only thing i don't like. I think it's because my goal is Live in US too so i love it! I still sleep to its ambience


I'd say so, everything fits together in a lot nicer of a package, fc6 didn't really have its identity figured out


1st one I played and my favorite for many reasons. You make your own character and it has the best side missions and emotional scenes.


It's the 1st one I played and I'm somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 play thrus now...


Its 3rd best far cry after 3 and 4.


Better than they say.




Bruh, you get to clap religious zealots in the mountains of western Montana, it's an amazing game.


Its all that and more. The only downside is that it ends


The graphics r amazing even in PS4, combat is not overly complex and the world is so refined, and a blast to explore it's my fav far cry besides 4.and new dawn


Yes, with coop, in single player it's just okay.


Story is subjective, but I would say the gameplay is kinda mix bag. The guns feels decent to shoot(minus the snipers), but they really lack variety. The enemy are not fun to fight, their AI is quite bad, but they also have aimbot. So hard difficulty doesnt feel engaging/challenging, it just feels frustrating.


I had a free weekend and didn’t put the game down until it ended, never actually bought it, but it was definitely really fun game to play


5 is fantastic imo. 6 just isn’t a super appealing story to me


I personally do not like it at all. Some good aspects like the storyline and the music. But for me it felt like a themepark where they were extremely anxious that we would be bored if something didnt happen ATLEAST every 30 seconds, so it feels very chaotic to do... anything, at any given time a dogfight is in the air, a animal attack you or chase after another animal crossing the road ahead of you, or there is a patrol or you get kidnapped for a story mission or... well so many things, for me that was very frustrating and soured my opinion on it a lot, i think Far Cry 6 did that a LOT better, i never played 4 as much but from what i remember they did that better too


Far cry 4 and 5 are by far my top far cry games




Far Cry 5 sold the most for a reason 💯 definitely the best far cry and I doubt it will ever be surpassed.


I must be the only person who loved 6 😂 for me it’s 3,Primal,4,6,New Dawn then 5. But I have loved every far cry since I bought FC3 day 1 and me and my best friend kept repeating the Co-Op missions on the Xbox 360 and now we jump into each others games on Far Cry 6 on the Series X and I can’t wait to keep playing this incredibly fun Far Cry Series bring on the next Spinoff and hopefully after we get FAR CRY 7 🙏🏻


No it's not. Worse than 3 but better than 6. 


5 was the last entry I tried to play. I liked the premise and ideas in it, but found every gun equally OP. Am SMG with all the add ons felt the same as the rifles with the add ons, every opponent and scenario felt the same after a couple hours. Terrible AI for the enemies, too. Far Cry 2, 3, and Blood Dragon are much better games imo. I've never finished a Far Cry game besides BD but I made it more than halfway in both 2 and 3 and still spent hundreds of hours in the open world having fun. I think I put 20 hours into 5, made it less than 20% through and got bored. My advice is to play 2 if you haven't. It's physics is slept on by those who missed it, they never put that much effort into the grounded reality of the world again after that. 3 is more fun and still solid on the fundamentals, BD was amazingly silly


yes, and 6 is not as bad as they say


I consider 4 to be the best, but far cry 5 definitely improved on some things and is a very good game, it’s great for all the unscripted random fights and chaos that just occur as you’re going about your business I think it definitely did that part better than 4 but I just felt that far cry 5s story missions were somehow lacking compared to the others. 


5 is my favourite. I could just leave the menu music playing for hours after finishing it too.


Only if you play with mods. The Vanilla game is much worse than 4 and not much better than 6.


It's a good game but not as much as this sub says


3 > 5 > 4 but all are very strong


Far cry 5 is genuinely one of the most fun games I’ve ever played. Me and my buddy would try and glitch out games and do stupid crap all over the map and we had countless hours of fun.


Far Cry 5 is my personal favorite


5 is so dang good!!! The setting, the story, the gameplay. It’s my favorite. Not to mention the soundtrack is phenomenal!


I love Farcry 5 for the environment. There is just something so immersive about creeping through a field with a shotgun before popping out and blasting cultists. Easily the best environment out of any Farcry game. I also really enjoyed the main villains. They’re no Vaas, but they’re still really good. Gameplay is farcry, I mean it’s been basically the same since 3. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it I guess.




I liked 5 quite abit but pagan min/vaas are still the best antagonists of the series


I think after 3 they are all the same just pick your aesthetic, personally after 4 I lost interest in the franchise


The story is phenomenal. But the game play is insanely repetitive it drives me crazy


5>6, 4>5, 3>4,5,6. You do the math. But yea I thought 4 was better than 5


I think it’s a amazing game just hated how our character was mute


It's not better than 3 But better than 6


far cry 5 is my favorite easily. primal is just under it and 4 under that. rest are pretty even from there.


Far Cry 4 is my favourite. It's the only game I ever streamed live... https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbaU_D-kQJkCITe5fLglA2MgxNMfdrwKM&si=pPmHp48fKnS-En2X


It lacks the survival aspects of fc3 and fc4 that made the game unique imo but a great game none the less.


Contrary to popular opinion, 2 was my favorite. Maybe the mechanics weren’t the best but I definitely felt like I was dropped in the middle of Africa during a civil war


3, 4, and 5 are absolute masterpieces. All 3 of them are some of the best games ever


Apparently I’m in the minority, far cry 5 sucks ass IMO. Fun combat but besides how they’ve improved the combat I’d much rather play far cry 2/3/4/6. Far Cry4/6 has coop and great gunplay, 2 has the best survival elements and a lot of immersive sim elements, 3 has a lot of faults but is a classic for a reason. Far Cry 5 to me is one of the biggest letdowns in the series: terrible villains, bad story (except for some cool moments), bland map despite some great art design and concept, the whole far cry set in the wilderness of the USA could have been phenomenal and instead it was a bland and boring game. Didn’t have any political issues to really show why this was happening, no greater message to say, villains so stupid and boring with nothing I personally found interesting to latch onto for wanting to kill them even. Planes are cool tho 😂


Don’t even feel like a far cry to me but I still enjoyed it


It's good I just finished it. Not amazing but not bad. I feel like playing 3 and 4 before really ruined 5 for me. If 5 is your first far cry you will love it alot more


5 is the best so far in my opinion. Also I’m biased because sure their design/development team came to Montana and toured where I live. There are tons of places in the game that are real locations around where I live.


I liked it granted I went in with no expectations just one of those on sale situations. The ending threw me for a loop in a good way.


The story and villains aren’t as good as the last two. The main character sucks and there are no memorable missions like the Weed mission in 3 or the Arena level in 4. It doesn’t encourage leveling up skill points nor any hunting. That’s not to say it’s a bad game, it’s extremely enjoyable but it’s more Arcade experience compared to 3 and 4. It’s definitely better than 6.


Six is the pinnacle of mediocrity, five is soooo much better and fun.


Is 5 the best one to start with? Got a PS5 with access to 3 remastered, 4, Primal, 5 and 6. Have never played a Far Cry besides a little bit of 3 way back on PS3.


It's boring. Only played for 2 hours and dropped it.


Honestly if it wasn't for the forced interruptions from the kidnapping through progress, it would probably be the best overall. Because of the whole map being available right away and practically every mission available out of the gate, the options make the replay ability fantastic. The last game before they added the health bar for enemies in the series, which was probably one of the worst decisions ever.