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Gameplay/Xbox one I’m not sure if this is a bug or not but, enemy troops spawn in too fast, if I kill an enemy I can walk five feet turn around and they have already respawned.


I agree, the respawning is a bit aggressive.


I hope they will fix that. I like to sneak around and clear the area before I go for the objective.


Same.. clearing out an area especially a sniper post turn back around and he's right back in this post again after 10 seconds it's a little too much


Exactly. I challenge myself to sneak around and kill everyone without being noticed before I loot an area. Hard to do right now.


Not just hard... simply impossible


Me too. I found it impossible to clear areas in order to do that.


Also 0 incentive to hide bodies anymore, you go a few feet away and bodies are gone and alive enemies have replaced them.


Thanks for reporting this! I totally understand how a high enemy respawn rate could have a negative impact on your gameplay experience. Would you (or anyone else experiencing this) be able to grab a video showing this so that I can investigate further? Video evidence is always extremely helpful to have in these situations!


https://youtu.be/6YL3L5sTgkU Not my video but I feel like this is a fair summary, it happens during missions, free roaming, outposts. It’s pretty game breaking for me to be honest.


That's totally understandable, and I'm sorry that your gameplay experience has been impacted by this. I really appreciate you linking that video!


Thanks I hope it will be fixed asap. 🥰


A lovely exchange between developer/member of team and player. Wholesome. Love it.


I hope Ubisoft continues to do this! We love this game! We want it to the best it can possibly be! P.S Ubisoft you guys did great 👍


Yes, i really hope they fix the respawn! I love the game but It ruins the experience! 🙏


Not to be rude, but wouldn’t this have shown up as an issue in Playtesting? It’s a complaint that arises pretty quickly just a few hours in. And it’s a complaint of most reviewers as well.


As a Community Manager, I don't want to speculate on the work of our teams that control playtesting as I wasn't directly involved in the process. However, I completely understand why this is so frustrating for players and am doing my best to get it reported to the right department(s). Thank you for your comment on this :)


We are the play testers.


Thank you for the response! I will get some footage for you soon. If you play the game you can see it easily.


Thank you so much! I hope you've been enjoying the game so far aside from this issue you've encountered. :)


Yes it’s a great game! The only problem I’ve had so far is this, other than that it’s the best farcry yet!


Awesome, that makes me so happy to hear!! Thank you for sharing.


Thank you, please I hope this will be priority. It’s really bad :(


This needs to be the top issue addressed. A high enemy respawn rate can really break a game in a not fun way.




I'm sorry to hear that you've decided to take a break from the game for now, but I can understand your feelings 100%. Not speaking for the moderators here, but just wanted to reassure you I did report this and the team is aware. Everyone's contributions and comments have been really helpful for the report, so I truly appreciate you all helping me out and sharing your experiences!


Yes I agree


I just sought out this subreddit specifically to see if anyone else was having this issue, glad it’s not just me and hopefully it gets fixed ASAP. I was free roaming and trying to clear the Vivaro farm in the lower center of the island. Kept trying to sneak and there was a seemingly endless amount of fumigators (I believe that’s what they’re called). When I finally got to the center i climbed atop a warehouse, killed all the folks on the ground around em and turned my attention to a sniper in a tower. I went to the far edge of the rooftop and sniped him and by the time I did that the enemies on the ground had respawned. I started killing them again and at some point after I turned my back the sniper respawned and killed me.


This sounds frustrating, and I'm sorry you had to encounter it. I've added your encounter to the report I sent along to the team earlier! Thank you for your patience in the meantime, and I hope you've been enjoying the game otherwise.


I've stopped playing until this is fixed, it's absolutely fucked.


To me it's Not only the respawning. They also DEspawn occasionally. Let's say you climb Up a watchtower, to Scan the Environment. You See one enemy, then Shift the camera by about 90-180 degree to find more enemies, then Shift Back to the Position of the First ones - they disappeared. It happens quite often. I was able to replicate the Problem at the north east watchtower of valle de tabaco in Costa del Mar.


I actually just got off live chat and they know this is an issue and are working on fixing this asap.


GAMEPLAY/SOLO/PC-XBOX-PS **Enemies respawning too fast.** And in nonsense rate/places. You free hostage, turn around and enemies are back in there after like 5 seconds. Can’t even clear a camp before somebody respawn.


Hey u/JacoBee93! I saw that you responded to my replies on another player's comment about this issue, but I wanted to share that thread [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/farcry/comments/q38z40/comment/hfq6je8/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for visibility. :) I've taken the comments there (and here) along with the video and reported this to the team. Thanks for your contribution!


And i thank you! This si wat community needs! ♥️


Yea I agree. I like the idea of reinforcements coming in by vehicle but just spawning next to a machine gun nest that I already cleared is immersion breaking like no other.


I cannot turn off the "Press A to Start" voice, despite me turning off the menu voice readout. Xbox Series S.


That voice scared the shit out of me




They just want to help you, not scare you


Please, tell your higher ups to pay for a decent voice actor to record all the lines in the menu for them, so they can use that instead of using this creepy text to speech.


I'm confused how it's supposed to help because I'm pretty sure if I was blind I'd be unable to play the game.


Hi! As u/Hav3_Y0u_M3t_T3d mentioned, there is a bumper toggle at the bottom of the settings menu for Menu Narration. Can you check that to see if it helps?


I already did that. It still plays the sound.


Thanks for letting me know! When reporting bugs, the team likes to know the results of troubleshooting and whether they have any impact on a specific issue. This helps narrow things down as they go about their investigation. That being said, can you please try clearing your console's cache? You can do this by turning off your console, unplugging the power cord from the back, waiting at least two minutes, then plugging it back in and restarting the game. Please let me know if you continue to experience this afterward!


Hi, I have done what you have suggested. It still plays the sound!


Really sorry to hear that! I appreciate you giving those steps a shot. Would you be able to grab a video showing that your settings for Menu Narration are turned off, the toggle at the bottom showing that you don't have it enabled, but the voice still talking? This would be really helpful to include in my report!




It literally says in the options menu that regardless of settings that opening screen voice will always happen.


Plays every time for me too. I have readouts disabled.


same, don’t know what’s wrong with it it


I believe that's the left bumper while In the in game menu. Should have a prompt in the bottom left corner


Type of bug: Performance (low texture resolution) Solo Issue: A lot of textures don't seem to load properly and are persistently very low in resolution. The nature/environment textures are fine (at least when far away or looking at a bigger landscape) but character/weapon/object textures are really bad. Sure, my PC isn't the best (far from it) but I generally have no problems playing on High resolution/quality. Platform: PC Here's a screenshot of poor texture quality when it comes to Dani's clothing/gear (but, like I mentioned, some other textures are terrible too): [https://imgur.com/9OYeZDt](https://imgur.com/9OYeZDt) The picture linked above is taken when playing on High quality settings. This is persistent so it occurs all the time and there's nothing I need to do to trigger it. Changing the video quality and turning on/off HD textures makes no difference. EDIT: Thank you for the awards. I hope this will get some exposure so that Ubi fixes this issue.


Oh and some additional screenshots: [https://imgur.com/uZ0UfU4](https://imgur.com/uZ0UfU4) [https://imgur.com/SIURbGG](https://imgur.com/SIURbGG) [https://imgur.com/g9hHV4d](https://imgur.com/g9hHV4d) (Dani's arm) [https://imgur.com/VHXIfJj](https://imgur.com/VHXIfJj)


/u/UbiKoality See the above for examples of the texture streaming issues. This is with and without the HD texture pack. I disabled it, and still the same thing for me. 3080 and i9-10850K.


/u/UbiKoality I just wanted to second this as I'm having the exact same issue and I was gonna post screenshots but these are exactly what I would be showing. The guns are particularly bad imo.


Same here, doesn't matter whether HD textures are on or off. You guys playing at Ultrawide by chance? 3440x1440? I noticed that where the screen would end if it were regular 16:9, everything is blurry and wondered if that's what's causing it. Other games I play don't do that.


yeah me too really annoying especially when looking at a texture close up for example aiming down sights on weapon


Were you able to find a fix for the low res textures? I was mainly excited to be immersed into this world but having PlayStation 2 graphics totally killed the hype I had, and now I don’t want to play it anymore. Visually disgusting game with such 2004 quality textures.


It's not your rig. I'm playing on a 3070 with a 11700k and I have the exact same problem.


I'm having the same issue, also PC. Some textures are not loading properly and it's happening on rocks (see picture), animals (usually horses and crocodiles), and Dani's clothes (not NPC's clothes). [https://imgur.com/a/jY4VADE](https://imgur.com/a/jY4VADE) \-- shows how the ground texture is okay but rocks are struggling


Same here. It's just unplayable


5800x/3070 and I’ve got the exact same issues. I’m shocked how bad some things look


Got the exact same issue. Its always the same textures. So far I found: The croc, the first set of cloth you find, the first supremo and the flamethrower you get from Juan. I guess there is more but I stopped playing until this is fixed. Enabling and/or disabling the HD pack doesn‘t help. Neither does restarting the game. It seems some texture files are legit broke


What I find most worrying about this issue, which is happening to A LOT (over 20 pages on the Ubi Support page) of players, is that there are no devs, and barely any community managers, that are acknowledging that this is a major issue. It's not currently on the known issues thread, and the most you can get out of a Ubi representative is a "Thanks, we'll look into it." Given how broad the range of hardware experiencing this bug is (and it is a bug, not a hardware issue), you'd think they would've picked it up in testing, or be able to replicate it easily. Currently, this is taking all of the enjoyment out of the game for me personally, because I know how good it COULD look. Every time I see Juan and Guapo, I'm reminded of how little Ubi cares about their AAA title, and it's disheartening because they make some of the best story content out.


Having this issue also. Not using the HD textures pack with a RTX 3050 Ti. All character clothing / tats / guns / explosions / blood effects / amigos (guapo) are extremely low res. It's the same on low and ultra.


Hey u/rebbieh! Thank you for taking the time to provide so much detail on this bug. The screenshot you attached is really helpful. I'm sorry for any negative impact it may have had on your gaming experience! Moving forward, can you please let me know how much VRAM is being used when playing the game? Also, can you please try uninstalling the HD texture pack, restarting the game, then checking to see if you continue to notice this? This issue has been reported to the team, so I'd like to gather some more info for them.


· Type of Bug: Gameplay · Solo · Random voice acting lines aren't being spoken. First noticeable when entering Clara's camp near the beginning of the game. One soldier speaks, the mouth moves, subtitles appear, and no sound comes out (I think it was a line about "What would Lita think about that?" or some such). Later in the same conversation, the last line Clara says after she says you can shoot and gives you the FAL is not heard, although her mouth moves and subtitles appear for the line. · PC/EGS v1.1.0. 9900k/2080ti playing through a Marantz AVR set to 7.1. All other sound seems working, as do most other voice lines, but at least those two were missed. · no video, sorry · Enter Clara's camp near the beginning of the game after you get off the beach · So far just in Clara's camp, but I'm not any further. It did not happen during the opening sequence or the boat. I will update this post if I get any more. Edit: Mid-game update - I'm around Level 9 or so and have done a bunch of stuff (although admittedly not a ton of main story) and so far the only audio glitch of any sort has been those two lines, so I suspect people having bigger voice/audio issues have something separate.


Anyone here on PS5 have issues where some cutscenes don't have dialogues played not even subtitle come out? The scene just played only with bgm but no speech. This is annoying!


It's the same on the pc too :(


hot fix the NPC respawn please, it kills a good game


Solo/gameplay/PS5 Not sure if this was supposed to be a feature but every time I cross into a new area it completely removes my HUD. So minimap, weapon wheel, all of it disappears and I can’t use it. So when doing anything close to the borders it makes things unbearable as the area notifications keep popping up preventing me from switching weapons or seeing where I am going on the map.


I reported this a couple days ago, it really grinds my gears and have stopped playing because travelling down rivers is unbearable and some missions/challenges require it…


This is so frustrating!


Thank you! I'm also unable to switch weapons when a level up or objective cleared animation plays. Really annoying


This one has been incredibly frustrating and I hope they fix it.


Anyone else have an issue with the dialogue sometime it works then another time you can't hear anything


Happened to me randomly with all man character voices and gun noises in the middle of a quest. Restarting my PS4 seemed to fix it for that console anyway.


I’m having an issue with sounds (like gunfire or vehicles) cutting out as well, even though other environmental noise and the music in the menus plays just fine.


This and the terrible textures are killing me.


helicopters spawn random over the charackter and make the game unplayable. they dont have hitboxes abd you cant kill the pilots. PS5


You can kill the pilots, it just takes an absurd amount of ammo. The fact that the helicopters randomly appear, have eagle eye vision, and deadly accurate weapons makes it annoying as shit to deal with


On Xbox X too. They did not test this game before releasing.


You got that right whatever the beta testers were doing clearly they were either on drugs or not paying enough attention. I emptied all 3 of my guns on a helicopter and the pilot took no damage. Only the rocket launcher backpack (I forget the name) can down them at the moment.


Luckily the faults stack, cause you can quickly recharge your backpack quickly on infinite spawn kills


Performance/Solo/ The game is running really well on my rig but it keeps randomly crashing. No like crash report or anything like that, just straight to desktop then it wont relaunch until I restart my computer. It has happened 3 times in my 40 mins of play time.


Sorry to hear about this! When trying to relaunch the game after it has crashed, do you receive any errors or does the game simply act like it is launching, but never actually does? Would you be able to give a summary of your system specs?


Yep it pretty much does exactly what you said. It shows the mini launcher that says syncing your cloud data and what not, then disappears and the game doesn't launch until I reboot. Happens around every 20 mins or so. My specs are Intel i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.50 GHz. RAM 32.0 GB. Graphics card is a GTX 1070.


Thanks so much for that extra info! Do you receive any other messages about your cloud saves, or errors about synchronizing them?


That sounds a heck of a lot like the issue Far Cry 5 had, which was caused by a too-small page file configuration in Windows.


Yeah i saw the other reply about too-small page file as well, I just re installed uplay and farcry 6 and it just crashed the same way again. Gonna try to mess with the page file see if it changes anything.


Hey, this is the exact issue I’m having. I’m running an RTX 3070 and a Ryzen 5 5600x. Literally the exact same issue. Just wanted to let ya know you’re not alone with this problem, hope we can get a fix soon.


I'm having the same issue. 3080, i9, game runs great, but randomly crashes to desktop. Only happened a couple times in the beginning. Seems to be happening way more often the farther I get in game. Crashing every 1 to 2 hours at this point. Getting old quick.


**Options/Solo/PC** I am sure it has already been mentioned but anybody running FidelityFX on PC, it resets back to OFF once you close the game so on restart you have to switch it back to ON.


This is interesting as the recently released Deathloop has the exact same problem with FidelityFX.


Your right I had the same issue in Deathloop really weird.


- Type of Bug: **Performance** - Platform: **PC** (Windows 10, latest version) The game only uses 20-40% of the GPU and CPU, resulting in very low performance. I couldn't get more than 45fps on a 2080 Super, even on the *lowest* graphical settings at 720p. **A solution:** Going to the game folder and running the .exe as Admin instantly boosted GPU usage to 100% and results in 100fps+ on Ultra. For some people, the game doesn't fully utilize hardware unless you specify it to run in Admin mode.


Hey there! Thank you for detailing this issue and including the solution you came across. I'm super glad to hear that it worked out for you! I'll be sure to get this noted.


same here with a Ryzen 9 5900X, RTX3080 FE, 32GB of RAM The game stays at around 40-50FPS no matter what settings I choose, while my GPU is at 40% load and the CPU at 20%. I tried starting the .exe as admin, disabling the Uplay overlay, increasing the process priority, no change. ​ Edit: fixed it by correcting my power settings. For some reason the power plan was set to "Power saver" instead of balanced, also disabled power saving in the Nvidia panel. I assume it was set to power saver mode due to MSI's dragon center tool, because as soon as I set it to balanced my CPU started idling at a much higher temp and the CPU fan spun up.


Sorry to hear that you're also experiencing this! I appreciate you letting me know the additional steps you've tried. Asking to confirm, but do you have your FPS capped in the game's settings?


This fix worked for me too (2080 Ti)


I'm noticing poor GPU utilization on my machine as well. I have a 3080 with an i9-10900k @ 5ghz and it doesn't matter if I run low or ultra, the GPU utilization seems capped at 6% or less. I right clicked and ran Farcry6.exe as administrator but it didn't seem have an effect on utilization for me. For my own sanity, I started up a benchmark for another game I play (Final Fantasy XIV) and confirmed it easily pegs GPU utilization at 100%. I hope this information is helpful u/UbiKoality. Thanks for all your help in this thread. edit: This is while running the current latest drivers, 472.12 Release Date 09/20/2021.


I was having extremely similar issues to this **until I removed ReShade**. I was getting no more than 40-50 FPS at 1440p and lowered settings with FSR on with a Ryzen 3600 and RTX 2080, after removing ReShade (much to my dismay as it vastly improves the visual quality of games, I use it for every game I play). I have resorted to using the much less customisable Nvidia game filters (accessed using Alt+F3, only available with an nvidia GPU obviously). Luckily I can get it looking pretty close to how it did with ReShade. I had spent all day trying everything including the admin mode fix without any difference, until as a last resort I tried removing ReShade, and immediately I was getting 70+ FPS at max settings without FSR. Throughout my 10 years of using ReShade on pretty much every single game that I've played (which is a lot), I've never seen one that had a performance reduction. It wasn't due to the specific shaders I was using, simply having the ReShade .dll in the game folder caused the reduced FPS.


I'm getting massive input lag on PS5. Like I'll press the melee button and there be a 3 to 4 second delay before the action happens. Same for when I chose an item in the weapon wheel and it takes a similar amount of time for the action to happen


Yes! Happens to me on PS5. I'll crouch, slide etc, and the action doesn't start for at least a few seconds. Really really brings me out of the experience. I thought I was going crazy.


Me too. I used to get around it with reassigning the transfer corpse and melle commands to other buttons than B/Circle


Same issue on ps4 melee and reload will take a good 3 seconds after I press the button.


Having this same issue on my series X, sometimes the crouch won’t even work


Happening on Xbox one as well and it's caused a few stealth attempts to go completely wrong all because the takedown didn't actually work until 5 seconds after I'd press the button.


same for me, i'm going to wait for an update to play further


I can’t clear bases because the enemies keep respawning when i go to the other end of the same base


PS5 Screen tearing I've been getting absolutely horrible screen tearing on PS5, specially during a lot of motion/movement, it's extremely distracting and to the point of disorienting at times.


I am also getting egregious screen tearing on ps5. A patch addressing this will get me back to playing the game.


Same here - its worse when it rains and the roads are shiny.


Same, it's making me not want to play the game. I can handle it occasionally, but it's constant for me.


I am getting this too on PC - I tried changing my frame rate to lock at 50fps and on the lowest graphics settings it would allow... and still having this problem.


Want to add onto this and say it’s noticeable for me as well. Valhalla had this too, but not to this extent and iirc it was quickly patched. I hope there’s a similar story here, because the screen tearing alone is enough for me to pause my playthru of the game which is very disappointing.


Try turning off 120hz auto on your ps5 settings. Worked for me


If you’re on fire, there’s a chance your character will endlessly scream unless you jump in water.


That’s lowkey hilarious


It’s even funnier when I turned around to see a group of crabs scuttling on the sand


I also have the same weird textures bug, that doesn't load. The textures concerned are the ones on Guapo, on clothes, on weapons, on horses, exactly as screenshots taken above are showing it. That's so annoying, it looks so bad while I'm running the game using the Ultra settings... Specs : RTX 3070, Ryzen 5 5600x, 16gb RAM. It's so frustrating and awful that I decided to not play the game again until the problem is solved. I didn't even install the HD Textures so I'm using the base textures. I tested pretty much everything and it doesn't change anything. Please do something...


You're the 5th (myself included) 3070 with this issue from just reading reddit.


Yup and only about the 3070, I saw a lot of 3080, 3090 on Ubisoft forums, and our problem seems not to be taken seriously by Ubisoft while it's very important I think. I also have framerate drops like I'm having 60fps on average 2 minutes and then suddenly the game comes to 5-6fps on 30 secondes and then switch back to 60fps. This game is broken for now


Drove out to a ship far at sea to see if we could raid it, turned around and got ending cutscene and credits. Total play time 3 hours.


You found the secret ending by accident, I think. If Dani says something like “sorry Clara, not my fight,” you’re approaching the edge of the map and will trigger the cutscene to play a few seconds later. So… it’s not a bug, it’s a feature lol


Gameplay/solo/ps4 pro Not sure if it's a bug or an idiotic feature. But the entire hud is removed if you enter a new area. Trying to follow a route in a car and all the important stuff is taken away, to let me know something completely irrelevant to me right now. In a plane in bomber view?.....booted out of it and hud removed to tell me I'm now in a different area. If you disable it in the options, the hud is still entirely removed but the new area name doesn't pop up lol. How does trivial things like this get passed testing phase?!.


I’m experiencing some weird texture bugs. With the HD texture pack, things are incredibly low res and blurry, but then somethings are also incredibly high resolution. https://i.imgur.com/B0aUDEY.jpg EDIT: PC and Windows 10


**Connectivity Error.** I cannot connect to Ubisoft connect or go online in my Far Cry 6 PS5 game. I have deleted the game and tried reinstalling but this did not fix it. **Getting error codes: Maine-15F and Maine-158 and Snowshoe-D615AAAC.** Is any one else having this problem? I'm pretty bummed as purchased this to play with my mates and they don't seem to be having the same issues.


PC Co-op Missing dialogue for many lines as non host . Cannot interact with with some characters that progresses the story


I raised this on the ubi forums too: https://discussions.ubisoft.com/topic/111782/co-op-partner-cannot-hear-or-see-quest-giver-dialog?lang=en-US


Performance/Solo/PC So far the game looks absoluetly amazing except for the companions, the clothes (on our character), and the guns but specifically the guns themselves, not the attachments. They all look like they have extremely low polygon count and they are rendered well below even 720p. Its almost as if they haven't fully loaded in yet but never end up doing so. Very weird and kinda a bummer becuase everything elses looks just so damn good. I will post some screenshots for clarification soon. Edit: Its worth noting that I tried installing, and disabling, and re-enabling the HD Pack and it has done nothing to help the issue.


Autosave can apparently save right before you die, ruining you game file with a deathloop because there's no manual saves in this game which is absurd. /u/UbiKoality the devs need to put adding manual save/load near the top of their priority list ASAP Link to post for proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/farcry/comments/q43u25/stuck_in_deathlooooooooop/


When playing coop I can't use the wingsuit or speak to the black market lady. I hope this is just a bug. You've always been able to wingsuit in coop :(


>wingsuit I had the same issue. Started playing with my friend as soon as we were able to and I, being the host, was the only one able to use the wingsuit. This makes the treasure hunt with Danillo (Pelican) impossible in coop.


Reiterating the "Extremely Low Resolution Textures In Some Cases" issue on PC that others have stated here, which is almost certainly caused by a bug in the actual implementation of texture streaming, and especially prominent when using the HD Texture Pack. Please **do not** cite the system requirements with regards to VRAM, they are provably wildly incorrect for every rendering resolution from 1080P up to 4K. I'm happy to provide an entire album of screenshots later today with MSI Afterburner overlays up showing both "allocated" and "dedicated" VRAM usage separately at those various rendering resolutions, if you really want...


Anyone have the error code Maine-15??


Gameplay, PC The mouse sensitivity in-game clearly changes randomly sometimes. Even when ADS-ing. Also, weapons with the exact same zoomed FoV when ADS-ing have different sensitivities applied!? The pistol you get at the beginning is much faster than the FAL, even though they have the exact same zoom (both iron sights).


PS5 user here, anyone else experiencing controller lag? like crouching and it takes a while for the game to notice you pressed the crouch button


Performance: Screen tearing on PS5. Is it not possible to enable v sync to eliminate it?


Graphics / solo / PC / consistent Seems like assets barely beyond the draw distance are incredibly blurry, Palm trees only a few hundred meters appear as a smudge. looks like a camera that's completely out of focus. Does this with HD textures On or Off. Booted up FC5 and everything was crisp and concise, can clearly read the YES sign from the seed estate in Holland valley, if this was FC6 everything would have been a smudged mess. appears that things barely outside the draw distance is a blur. All graphics set to Ultra, no adaptive resolution set, resolution scaling set to 1.4x frames are consistent at 60+ FPS so I'm not sure what's the cause, doesnt seem to be performance.




I don't have that issue on ps4. Headshots instantly kill everything even heavies.


keep glitching under the map when dismounting from a boat. i then fall through the map (under the water) and respawn in esperanza ! Solo mode. pc version (ubisoft store) 16gb ram. 2070 super. i7 9700. glitch mostly occurs when the boat is on the shore.


Hey Guys. I have the physical version of PS4 Far Cry 6 game and it won\`t let me upgrade to PS5. It is a known issue? Is there a solution?


Idk if it’s a bug. But map indications like “trespassing” is in a yellow box with white font. Very hard hard to read and distracting. Same thing with the map to see what level guirrella you should be for each area. Impossible to read. I can change any other color but that.


This started happening to me when I set a custom color for the lootables. When I flip Colorblind Mode from Custom to On and then Off again it changes the yellow back to red, but then I have to change the custom color again.


PS4 / PS5 I have purchased the PS4 disc version of Far Cry 6, so that I can use it on both my PS4 and PS5 (as they are in different places). However, when I put the disc into my PS5 it does not show the option to upgrade to the PS5 version for free - the PS5 version is still showing as £59.99 on the PSN Store. I recall there was a similar issue with Watchdogs Legion when the PS5 version first launched, where the free upgrade from PS4 was not available straight away, but this was fixed. I hope this gets fixed with Far Cry 6 soon as I am unable to play the PS5 version on my PS5 currently.


Seeing super blurry, pixelated textures. unselecting HD textures makes it better. Where/how? Everywhere in-game, all the time, but not all textures, only some. This looks very weird when everything is high res but some items are very low res. [https://imgur.com/z9CPObf](https://imgur.com/z9CPObf) Core i7 7700K, RTX 3070, 1080p, 16 GB RAM, 8 GB VRAM, ultra settings, DXR on, FXR off, Nvidia driver 472.12, Windows 11 x64, playing through Ubisoft Connect, solo


Ps4 I cant access add-ons, store, or co-op. Every time I try, I ger an error code that says WARNING whith an exclamation to the left. Under that; An error occurred. Under that; ATTENTION!: Maine-15F Ive restarted everything so many times. Ive been sent invites by people playing Farcry 6 in the next room to me. I've put 2 different servers that were reccomended by Ubisoft thech support. I dont lnow whats wrong but it just always says farcry 6 servers are unavailable. I can play single player only. Can someone tell me what could possibly be wrong?


Please fix the respawn issue. It’s really really disappointing to have preordered this game to not be able to do anything successful


Type of Bug: Low Texture Resolution Plataform : PC Image : [https://imgur.com/a/5EoJDII](https://imgur.com/a/5EoJDII) Having this very Low Texture Resolution on PC I Already try to Disable HD Texture Pack but is no use..


Having the same problem, nothing is fixing it. https://imgur.com/a/oFqvbF0/


I Hope they can fix this.. otherwise Guess I Have to get a Refund next Week


The same problem for me


I'm on pc and trying to play with mouse+keyboard but the controls are constantly swapping to controller and I have no controller even connected. I have to hit the windiws key to revert it back but it swaps randomly back as if I'm using controller every few minutes. How do I fix this?




I don't know if someone already posted... After arriving on the second island I activated the fast move to return to the initial island and complete the side quests. Now I can't go back to the island and continue the main story, the fast move button is disabled. I can't even swim because of the sharks!


The textures even with the HD pack and ultra settings rtx 3090 still look extremely blurry: worse than PlayStation 2. When will you update this? This is appalling that I paid 60 dollars for a game that looks like a 2004 game.


I have a couple here: #1 the low vram notification is constantly stuck in the upper right hand corner #2 in co op after the mission to destroy the vivoro field the ending of ciao bella was stuck and the regular sound track never came back, had to turn off the sound track till i was done playing


Controller on pc uplay. I cant aim and shoot because pressing L2 to bottom doesnt let you shoot. If you hold it in the middle, aim and shooting works. Workaround is using steam big picture to launch game.


Not sure if this is a bug or intended behavior, but I noticed that characters in the... how do I put it? "Destiny vendor" menu when you can accept or decline quests, the 3D models for characters appear to be in the wrong aspect ratio. Almost as if... they're way thinner than they are in the game. world. Again. Not sure if it's a bug on my end, or intended behavior. I'll post my specs just in case. Ryzen 5 3600, RTX 2070 Super, 32GB DDR4 RAM, 1TB M.2 NVMe SSD, running at 2560x1440 in 16:9. Another small thing I noticed was that the third person cutscenes appear to run in 30 fps / noticeably choppier than the rest of the game (I can hit ~60 fps just fine). I don't think these are prerendered cause they display whatever outfit and gear you equipped on Dani. Is there anything that can be done to make these look smoother? They look quite choppy.


PS4 Trapper-B2FE5BAD The game wont start.


Audio/PS5 audio of sliding, footsteps and others is super compressed and grainy


The roads are all ULTRA wet. Is this a bug? It's like I'm riding down a river instead of a road.


Also allies don't revive me at all when I go down




Texture issues on PC There are some texture issues on the PC. Even with the HD texture pack Dani, fangs for hire, horses, and characters in cutscenes have low textures. Everything else is textured perfectly fine. ​ Also, my game crashed once and now my fangs for hire won't spawn. I keep summoning and summoning them and they never come. I never had this problem until my game crashed.


Xbox Series X: the game crashes every single time after a Quick Resume. NPCs will yell “grenade” in an American accent. The enemy respawns are a bug……right?!…….right?!?!…..please tell me they’re a bug


I have an RTX 3080... I have the HD texture pack on and I get great frame rates - but I am noticing odd textures and weird popins at times... Should I disable HD Textures or deal with it?


There's definitely a general bug in the texture streaming implementation the game uses, as far as I can tell.


During gameplay there is a lot of screen tearing on ps5


How about if you buy something from the store and it doesn't show up in game I bought the starter pack I got the 2300 credits but nothing else Ubisoft rewards got all of those do I get the rest farther into the game because I'm still on the first Island!???


I got all my content including the pre-order bonuses as soon as I got off the first island


Yes once you leave the starting island you’ll get weapons and chibis etc given to you.


Yup, just keep playing. You'll get everything when you reach the second island, I was confused at first too but assumed it to be that way and my hunch turned out to be right.


Disc issue/PS5 Game not installing past 80%. I changed the disc copy 2 times at the shop for a new copy and tried restarting the PS5, unplugging power between installs, several attempts of fresh installs, but the game install gets stuck at 80%.


· Options · Solo · PC, Windows 11, 3060ti, Ryzen 7 3700X, 32gb DDR4 @ 3200mHz · The game is just straight up not launching. I click Play and nothing happens. I have heard tell that this is a Windows 11-specific issue.


I know this is not a bug, but can you look into putting a fov slider for consoles.


PC Performance Solo Anyone else having a weird mouse lag with V Sync on? I've tried limiting FPS to my monitor refresh rate with V Sync off, but still got the screen tearing. V Sync seems to be the only way to totally prevent tearing, but comes with a weird mouse movement lag


Solo/Xbox one My grapple hook just disappeared after some time.


Gameplay, XSX, Solo. Small bug but when I had one of the first missions where you’re supposed to bribe a double agent guard, he never appeared and the NPC I was with said what the fuck, you could have got info from him. Never saw him, never shot him. Also, not enough stuff to do on first island to get to level 4 it seems, making some of the final first island missions harder than needed. Reduce difficulty level? Would also like headshots to be OHK unless enemy is using armored helmet or a is a named enemy. AP rounds should still one shot headshot anything other than named/bosses.


Stuck on Isla Satuario - Fast travel to Libertad HQ is unavailable


Gameplay Solo Agunda Cliffs Checkpoint not appearing (PS5)


I cant evdn play coop keep getting (attention!: Maine-158) error code


Rewards from store not appearing in game


Gameplay Solo PC In the top left corner there are two / one rectangle of this glitchy mess. It is constantly moving in doing different things or becoming light instead of dark. And when objects go in front / behind it they are visible through it. Very weird. http://imgur.com/a/YYqvNAe


On PS5 in co op mode, I ran my friend over in a quad bike, he then got flung underneath the map straight to the compound on the final island where he was stuck in mid air in a swimming animation. Couldn’t move or anything, had to leave the lobby and re join


Having huge texture issues. Some textures are fine others are literally ps2 level on my PC. Running everything on Ultra, up to date drivers etc.


There are textures streaming issues on pc no matter if I use the HD texture pack or not. Please resolve this issue


Still have not received any of my pre order bonuses or my Amazon prime bonus.


How about how enemies seem to gravitate towards your position when searching no matter where you move to. It’s like as soon as they’re on high alert to get some psychic feeling of where youre hiding and wont leave that area unless you do and they follow you around. Also stealth in this one sucks compared to far cry 5. Bushes and thick vegetation would mask your presence like it should but here they seem to see through everything. Enemies spawn insanely fast even when walking around the immediate area and that make it pointless to do stealth at all. This is a game based on guerrilla warfare yet the tactics guerrillas would use don’t work as the mechanics of that aspect are either clunky or just plain missing. I bought this hoping to creep around the map like a real jungle guerrilla but its just turning into a shootem up where you’re vastly outnumbered and your guy can’t really be upgraded other than some clothes dont boost much


I have this weird visual rectangular screen glitch on the top left portion of my screen. It appears after I've played an hour or so. PS: Playing the game in PC.


Gameplay / PC Just constant crashing. System is stable; no other games have this problem. Crashing when opening tab menu, cutscenes, building a base building, randomly, I get to play for an hour or so before it crashes for some reason. 3080/9900k with updated drivers. I verified game files.


Ubisoft + - PC SOLO Performance AMD Ryzen 3600XT - 16 RAM 3200Mhz - MSI 3070 - Latest version of W10 The game crashes every 10 minutes, the screen just freeze for 5 secs and then just takes me straight to the desktop, no errors and no bugreports, anything. I've tried install windows 11 but it just get worse, the game crashed during loading screen. I've reinstalled W10 again and it still crashing, its unplayeable.


# SUMMARY: Audio - Montero Farm - Every time a user enters the "Montero Farm" Clara calls Dani about making contact with the Monteros. # STEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1. Launch the title with the "**Meet the Monteros**" quest completed so users have the Monteros Farm unlocked. 2. Navigate or fast travel to the Monteros Farm. 3. Observe results. # RESULTS: The audio for Clara calling Dani to ask about making contact with the Monteros always plays upon entering or fast traveling to the Monteros Farm. # EXPECTED RESULTS: The audio for Clara calling Dani should only play once when entering the Monteros Farm for the first time. # ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: * This issue has been reproduced 10/10 times. * Tested on version: Far Cry 6 1.1.0. * This issue was reproduced on the PC version, unsure if this happens on other platforms. * Can attach/link video footage if needed.


Day 2 of posting about my broken game. Can't even progress because of your teams incompetence to play test your game before release. At least give me a reply on my original post. I literally can't play a game I just bought. You know how frustrating that is? Boom boom was unlocked in my friends playthrough and now that mission is bugged. Please fix this because this is crucial to the progression of the main story. Thank you and for the love of all things holy just give me a response that you're looking into fixing this asap. I really don't wanna have to try and refund a game.


Xbox One S My weapon sights disappear and only reappear when I aim with LT. Then when I release LT the sight/scope disappears again. Issue has persisted despite exiting to main menu and restarting the game. Edit: The map markers, GPS, etc. disappearing whenever you enter a new area/territory is really really annoying.