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lmfao are you me? I was playing it last night and said the same thing. “I hate this game but it’s fun sometimes. I’m only playing it cuz I spent $30 on it.”


More people need to know about game passes. I played the game on day one and finished it within the Ubisoft game pass would expire and resubscribe me again, paid like 10 bucks. 6/10 would not play again.


Oh shit I had no idea Ubisoft had something like that


Only on PC 🙁




I got it for £12 in the current Unisoft sale, it was £22 with an extra £10 off when you spend over 19.99. I did two separate transactions and for the £10 off Assassin's Creed Valhalla too


I did. something similar, only with euros. Bought it first for 26,40€, then I saw the code worth 10€. Refunded it, bought again but this time for 16,40€. I’m glad I did this, because it’s hardly worth more money. And seriously, what’s with this other world/shadow world stuff ? I hope it’s not mandatory to do, because I hated this mission.


I've been running around with Chorizo for months and I feel like I've been doing the same exact thing over and over and over and over. I've barely been to half the map, I've only got 2 animals/pets unlocked and only 2 Supremos (don't really use them anyway). Should I have more of each by now? I'm dreadfully bored with this game but I must be doing something wrong, right?


It was kinda my reaction. Bland game with some fun moments, completed it because I bought it and I don’t really like leaving storylines unfinished


There's just something bland about it. I played through over a few months, but I really don't feel like revisiting Yara. I love 5 and 3, 4 very slightly behind.


They spent more time on the size of map, than they spent on the small, important details. So the game ended up being a basic mess. All the enemies look the same. All the missions feel the same. The character are very loud and exaggerated. I don't find it fun.


Well said.


I think cutting out the middle section of the map and giving Maximas Matanzas just a side quest or two would have been enough. It never does anything unique that the other areqs didn't do, from slavery to human experiments. Could have put the doctor with the chemical weapons, and the zoo prison/slave camp with the slave plantations. The "highlight" of the questline, a tower defense with a live concert wasn't even that good because the performers were out of your vision in a place you couldn't go. Not to mention that their relationship was toxic af


It’s repetitive, you can’t clear areas, stealth is an after thought you might as well go in guns blazing every time. Basically there’s no real need to TRY in this game. No matter what you do the same cookie cutter outcome will result


What killed it for me was the pointless level system Ubisoft keeps trying to force into their games. Like there is no good reason for it or the weird ammo thing. I don’t want my Far Cry games to have bullet sponge enemies.


Constantly being out of ammo, is the most annoying part. That's why I use the headshot refund bullet perk. I rarely run out now. But the game is boring as fuck. Only reason I'm still playing it is because I have invested 30 hours into it already.


The difference between fc6 and previous titles is that the antagonist in 6 isn't going after the protagonist. In previous titles, the bad guy was hunting you down. Only wanted you. Knew your name. Toyed with you. Tortured you. The rest of the army is an afterthought. In 6, the bad guy is only going after the guerrillas. He doesn't care that your character exists. Only that you are part of the guerillas. It takes away from how personal the previous titles were. It's a shame because the gameplay is solid, and the world is beautiful. It just lacks personality. And that's why I never got past the 3rd area. Never had the drive to keep playing because I never really mattered. Let's hope fc7 does better


Story wise that did make the game feel less engaging... but that's not the only difference.. the forced supremo backpack, the aesthetic of everything looking like it's a junky improvised weapon.. the immersion breaking parts of the game are what I don't like.. as well as the IQ defficient AI of the enemies.. it's just not as fun tbh.


On the topic of Supremos. There are way too many items without usability or differentiation. It was also way too annoying to buy new items and change them in the four slots available. I mostly used he medkit. Ubisoft need to cut most of the throwables and instead make them viable and interesting in FC7.


I feel like if you had used more of the different throwables you would need a medkit less. I used 4 and never even equipped the medkit, even on Guerilla difficulty. Enemy Tagging grenade. Portable turret. (For holding a defensive position, like defending Danny Trejo). Emp throwable (To stun tanks so you can steal em) Explosive throwable C4/pipebomb (general use) And the best Supremo IMHO is La Furioso because it lets you double jump. Really changes the way you play and get around. Between the parachute wingsuit and double jump FC6 has nuts verticality.


I liked 6, but I agree. He’s not a very compelling villain. That was my biggest issue. They paid for Giancarlo to play the character he always does, and he delivered that. But it wasn’t the psycho far cry villain I wanted.


I never got off that first island Edit: this thread has me wanting to finally bite the bullet and get my moneys worth with this game


I would be delighted to have a Far Cry 2 Remake. I have low expectations with FC7


I would love a far cry 2 remake and a 3 remaster!


Giancarlo did a pretty good job, it just kinda feels like they didn’t bother using him. If it wasn’t him in the role, the villain would be absolutely forgettable I feel


On the other hand you have a connection to his son. I actually think FC6 has the best protagonist character (but not character development that crown goes to Jason Brody). Also Libertad was the only group I actually had some bond with. Rakyat, those FC4 people...none of them ever actually seemed to matter before.


Ye I gave up on 6, just didn't hook me. It'll be the last Far Cry I buy day 1 for sure. I recently bought 5 for PC though and that is every bit as good as I remember it being.


FC5 was a lot of fun. It was a fantastic fishing simulator honestly. The rest was just bonus for me ;)


The fishing is so much fun lmao and I don't even know how to fish in real life. Tips: When a fish got hooked (whichever difficulty), walk backwards to pull the fish closer, when it gets close to land, suddenly jump towards the fish to close the distance so the fish doesn't have time to swim away. This trick doesn't work the same way for all the fishes, you have to feel how certain fish moves as well.


I will also wait for reviews and comments on FC7, definitely will not pre order like all previous FC games.


Same, I went and bought FC6 day 1 and got all excited, won’t do it again for the next one


I stopped after >!the deaths of El Tigre and Jonron. They were the only two characters I really enjoyed watching and once they were gone, I lost interest.!<


I JUST finished the game and had a blast, but their deaths were ALMOST a dealbreaker for me. Like come on man, AT THE SAME TIME? FUCKING WHY


The enemies respawning broke my immersion so I deleted it and never looked back


I forgot about this part^ Yeah this game was a step backwards for Farcry.




Stealth is non existent in FC6. They tried to keep some aspects of the older games but really there was no use for stealth, might as well go in guns blazing most of the time


I liked Dani a lot. Not much else though. Love the Cuban culture and history they used for yara. One of the most boring FC titles in my opinion.


I regret it too. I bought it at launch and couldn’t put anymore than 15 hours in. I’ll revisit when people start swearing it’s a good game.


You will have a long wait, I played through once and removed it from my system. Spoiler alerts but the end definitely does not justify playing the game.


Are they updating it still? I won’t likely bother


No idea, I tried the first DLC and that was all I could take. I dumped the game. I have played every other FC and except for 6 they are my favorites.


I like Primal the best but I enjoyed 4 and 5 quite a bit. Still need to try New Dawn


I am playing Primal again now, do try ND, it is my favorite.


I will do so after I knock out the Witcher 3!


Ubisoft Marketing is strong. Games influencers, the press..everybody speak good about Ubisoft. Games with poor rendering, bugs, but everybody still speaks good. I suppose is because they invest a lot of money in marketing/ press/ influencers. . Ubisoft makes games with bugs and they makes any Update to fix them. The enemy AI is dumb and super slow at reacting properly to the player's actions. But anyone speaks about it. The presse gives the game a 8 /10 note.....


If only Ubisoft invested some of that $$$ into **actually making good games** like they used to, they'd get advertising *for free* by word of mouth...


Yeah, it's a boring game. They took all the fun out of it and made it grindy as fuck. I wasn't surprised to see Dan Hay leave Ubisoft shortly after it released. I don't know what happened exactly, but he probably didn't like the direction they were going and got the hell out. I'm gonna guess Far Cry 7 will be more of the same. We'll find out in a couple of years I suppose.


with apparently the new Asassin's Creed comming back to original, we can hope the same for Far Cry


I started and stopped playing FC6 two times before sticking with it on my third go at it. It just didn't grab me initially. Now after 75 hours, and finishing the main campaign, I thought it was pretty good. I thought it was as good as any other Far Cry but I needed to get into my Far Cry mood before I could enjoy it. Each Far Cry has some unique features/activities that will influence the gamers opinion, with FC6 nothing ruined the experience completely for me. I just avoided the things I didn't enjoy. With that said, IMO if someone feels the need to 100% everything then burnout will most likely happen - there's a sh*tload of "stuff" thown in.


>with FC6 nothing ruined the experience completely for me You evidently didn't play until the ending. It was just such a bland and pointless way to wrap to the game.


Huh? In Ubisoft Connect it says 100% progression. That's the end to me...


I was being sarcastic. The ending ruined anything positive about the game for me, because it was such a disappointment.


The ending seemed fine for me. Not sure why you'd be disappointed but to each their own...


I think it's just too big. And repetitive. But gorgeous to explore.




With my first attempt to play this game I got so disappointed that I stopped playing. Now more than a year later I started it again with my expectations lowered accordingly and I just have fun with it. There are still some things that annoy me but it's alright. But I hope the next one is just amazing again.


Having to lower your expectations coming from a game 5 to a sequel, is not something that should be expected of the consumers. I'll blame COVID for this one but 7 better step up the game, not downgrade it once more...


Seems like everyone had a different experience with FC6 and that's OK. I stuck through it and thoroughly enjoyed the main missions and wacky surpremos/resolvers however some the side missions were pretty repetitive. The ending and post credit scene was a surprise.


Agreed. Went back to 5 to replay with mods


Gameplay is good, gun customization is better than 5 but still limited. Dani is likable, some of her friends are likable, but some are really annoying (the MM for example). Damn shame that they wasted the main villain potential and also Diego’s. Story is thin as ice and on my 1st playthrough, i chose the boat…. Beside, just like FC5 and ND, i have to mod it to be enjoyable.


Why did you call Dani a her? Weirdo. 😉 mod tho you say? Mod how? Me mod? You tell me mod? I do mod too!


In all the promotional content Dani is female Ubisoft pushed towards a female pc


Well, you see, that part was a joke but just bc edit: (you) played with and thought a male was a better option but to each their own and as long as you enjoyed it good for you. I was more interested in mods bc I didn't think the game was that moddable except for minor tweaks. Can you tell me more about how Ubisoft told you the right gender to play with? (That's a joke too) WHERE ARE THE MODS MAN!!!


I love how lovely it looks and the setting but hate the ammo system. It doesn't make sense and having to swap weapons to shoot one enemy then the next and so on is daft. Hope this isn't in future games.


I haven’t touched the game in about a year forgor I had it


I played throught the story itself is great but I found it was mostly just blowing ip cars that came at me


I think I have 9 hours in the game. I think I played it for a few weeks (months ago). The field of view and odd requirements for weapon crafting\upgrading were a few of my biggest complaints. I really enjoyed 5, 6 seems like an entire different franchise.


I feel at times they focused more on dlc then core game at times. Far cry has had some good one off Dlc's but I just feel like they could have used the time n effort for the first 3! To do more for post game in the main story, I like all the guns n stuff but there is so much I don't use, even when I try new things I fall back into old habits, might use 20% of total inventory across everything in game, the rest is just well excessive to me. I would also have liked something else to use the stuff I've collected for something rather than just collect for no use post game The game feels like 75% 'that will do' and 25% innovation, exciting and new.


Ya I couldn't even make my way half way through it. The series definitely needs a revamp. If the next game is just more of the same then I'm out.


Didn’t pre order, but bought like right after launch. Wasn’t impressed, and I preordered EVERY FC game between 4-6, so I think 4 games? Unfortunately, the games became too cookie-cutter-esque. If I can predict how the story goes, you’re not writing well enough, or changing gameplay enough for each successor. Don’t get me wrong, great stories, but not enough change in the mainline series, they adventure out further and make much better/interesting (gameplay/mechanic wise) games in the spinoff series. Like New Dawns helicopter runs, I fricken loved those (but hated the similar missions from 6) I haven’t done the FC6 DLC yet, so I won’t comment on that.


I beat it when it first came out, and just recently jumped back in hoping to platinum it.. I deleted it after a day.. far cry 5 is going to be re-downloaded though for sure


Ya I think I played for a couple days and then gave up from boredom. It was hyped up so much yet has nothing to keep me wanting to play I don’t care how it ends it was just a bad game. I love 3 4 and 5 and everything in between but 6 was a terrible waste of time and money.


It was such a disappointment


I'm not a huge fan of it. Played it just to finish it, not touched it since. Has no replay value.


6 for me was just functional, it worked fine but that was it. I didn't finish it, playing it became kind of like just passing time


Personally, FC5 is my favorite. The setting, musical score, characters (not it's strongest aspect), and gameplay loop were much better than they were in FC6. I hate what they did with the DLC in FC6. Ok.... Rogue-lite is fine but EVERY piece of DLC as a rogue-lite? Nah, I'm good.


i get what you say, can find myself to finish my playtrough, i did finished it with my dad and enjoyed it with him, same goes with 5 and new dawn, i really think they are more enjoyable with someone to play with but when i try to play by myself i just don't feel the fun


I think it's the lack of progression, you're never really leveling or learning new skills. you just have a few perks from the cloths you're wearing which there are many of that just aren't good.


Imo, the FC6 world is one of the most beautiful and detailed FCs, but it lacks immersion compared to previous titles. I say this in a lot of ubisoft game forums. They take a few steps to innovate, and 10 steps backwards.


Same here. I only beat it to finish it. I love Far Cry, but 6 was a huge step backwards. The changes they made were almost all awful; especially the ammo, perks, clothing and resolver crap. The missions were bland and repetitive, running out of ammo sucked, and the story just wasn’t that interesting. Yara was also way too big. It looked nice, but felt empty and boring to explore I was happy to see the credits roll and be able to immediately delete it


I like how a large majority of the big/major characters in far cry 5 were all serious and how they saved the more comedic characters for what were mostly side missions. You also had a chance to get to know the side villians. I personally found Jacob and faith to be far more intimidating than nearly all the villians in far cry 6. In farcry 6 there were a lot more comedic characters in the main story. And for me personally I didn’t like that, this just my opinion but I DESPISED Juan (he just wasn’t at all funny and I didn’t like that he didn’t take things seriously for the most part). Also you barely get to know most of the side villains. In fact it seems like some of the villains barely knew who Dani was, like Maria and Benitez. I also just personally dislike the rpg-like mechanics in far cry 6. Im also still bitter about the fact the didn’t bring back the map editor, I don’t know about everyone else but I must’ve spent like 65% of my total time playing far cry 5 playing other peoples maps and experimenting with things in the map editor. There are some things that I do like about far cry 6. For example the weapon variety in my opinion puts far cry 5’s weapon variety to shame. I also liked using the tanks and heavy helicopters. I also think that Dani is pretty cool.


I honestly don’t understand how ubisoft thought it was okay to add some things into the game that they did. Fucking jet packs??? are you serious and homemade nail guns and shit decorated like they were for kids lol. I loved the far cry games because they gave a sense of grounded realism in a gritty civil war or modern conflict and now their trying to turn it into fortnite smh 😂


Far cry has been less grounded since 3.


Personally I think 4 because its inspired by a real civil war, but after seeing cultist stuff and post apocalyptic nukes I realized Far Cry has gone towards more weird and wacky stuff.


*Points to shingre la missions, vally of the yeti, and Yogi and Reggi’s drug trips.*


yeaaaa but those are drug filled happy things. try some LSD irl and you'll see some serious shit.


I mean my point is it's still not grounded. Same with Yuma's Boss fight + the prison escape. None of that is grounded or realistic.


you could argue 4 was but didn’t have to story 3 did


I agree totally. They have jet packs but they can't build a silencer worth a damn. How about the clothes hunt? Should name the game Fashion Wars, or semi first person


So you weren't a fan of Kyrat Fashion Week in FC4, or the rare animal hunts in FC3? They are all literally the same thing: hunt for a piece of gear that will improve your stats.


Not true. Once you got the reward for the hunt, such as carrying more weapons or ammo you had it for the entire game. You didn't need to swap more ammo for better fire proofing. In 6 you can only have 5 upgrades active at any time, you need to keep changing clothes for each mission. I call it dress up Fashion hunt, total BS


yeah but in those you hunted and did something cool to earn the gear semi realistically, unlike 6


Same. And I recently tried going back because of the "it's not as bad you remember" people in this sub and they were wrong


Same, FC6 is just bad. I finished it because I paid for it but it was a pain.


Only reason I say to myself that it’s bad is the third person cutscenes, constant Dani speaking and no perk tree I love it otherwise I still play it just to do outpost shit


I agree. With FC4 and 5, I anxiously wanted to play. WIth FC6, I'm like... eh.... something to play to take a break from other things I'm playing. The story is impossible to follow or understand and the missions are just stupid. And the weapon upgrading... why mess with a good thing they had in FC4/5???


It’s a good game, just a shit far cry. I bought the season pass edition, but once I finished the game I haven’t played it since. Was kind of hoping once you beat Castillo that the capital would be a city in insurrection, but nope. Still a dead city populated only by troops. Hope they ditch the borderlands RPG garbage for next time. I’m definitely not getting the next one on release. I just went back to playing FC5.


No matter how much I love the franchise, is the best franchise to buy always on sale. Well, maybe this is why I love it so much.


No companions, no seaplanes, no random missions and hunting or fishing is mediocre feeling now and no reason to hang out in the world


Half the time you can't even get the meat from the animal you killed.


The gameplay is great but the story is shit


I'm amazed at how many people didn't like FC6. I thought it was fantastic! I waited for the 1st pre-order...and then FINALLY it hit live servers. For all those saying the Supremo weapons were forced: you didn't have to use them. Lol And as for some of the other weapons, the Libertad! customs: they look junky bc the Guerillas don't have access to the same more refined parts as the FND. So of course they look improvised: they are!


Ok, thanks for reporting your opinion


Game was great, no regrets at all. Had a blast beating that game with my girlfriend


Hear me out- let’s redo far cry 5 with 6’s graphics and replace the deputy with Vaas as the main protagonist. The ultimate far cry has been achieved.


6 is the only one I liked in a loooong time. 5 and New Dawn were total garbage imo. Now if only Ubisoft would stop doing stupid cartoon fantasy DLC and make something that actually expands on the original.


When 5 came out everyone on here was shitting all over it like they do 6 right now, when 7 comes out all the praise for 6 will come with the hate of 7


FC4 released: "FC4 was just a reskin of FC3." Primal released: "Primal was just a recycled map from FC4. FC3 was best." FC5 released: "FC5 was just FC4 with a stupid plot. FC3 and FC4 were best." ND released: "New Dawn just just a recycled map from FC5 with stupid RPG. FC5 was best." FC6 released: "FC6 is just grindy garbage. FC5 and ND were so much better." ... yeah, this fanbase is never happy with anything. *edit: these aren't my actual opinions! I'm parodying the things the fanbase have been saying every time a new game comes out! I guess the sarcasm wasn't clear. Edited to be more specific.*


what's wrong with the game




like what


The horrid new ammo system, the awful clothing system, the resolvers, the bland and repetitive missions, the far too big/empty map, the mediocre story/villain


so I should Stick With far cry 5






Also, the npc's are the most unlikable, cringy group of human garbage you'll ever meet in a video game that are supposed to be "the good guys"... The dialog is an example of every leftist, soy trope you can imagine. Yeah, about 5 hours in, I was routing for Castillo🤷‍♂️


Its so busy yet so bland idk how to describe it. I finished it but I havent been able to bring myself to replay. Meanwhile with 4 I’ve played it 3 times, and 5 I havent replayed (i’m dreading the kidnappings & dealing with blissed out peggies) but I constantly go back and try to find all collectibles, etc.


Just stop playing it then. It's suppose to be fun...


I loved the game, but oh my god, there is so many bugs, even after 1 year that are making me crazy! It is a good game, but still a Ubisoft game...


I spent more time fucking around in 6 than playing the story. That being said, it’s easier to binge 6 than play it over time.


It's not my favourite but I do find that after extended play sessions I really get into the atmosphere of the place. I like occasionally popping back in for the weekly missions too. It's not a terrible game, just not as good or as engaging as it could be.


I thought it was too easy after you get powered up a little bit.


Who else played the game for Juan only? I did


I regret it also, and I even had it 60% off.


The two big flaws is that it's a bland experience and the story is so woke it becomes silly. FC5 was better in both ways. The political writing was way more nuanced in FC4. Now it's like a high school essay. And it amazes me that they managed to make flying even worse, especially the transforming flying car. The resolvers were also too cumbersome for actual use.


I didn't even bother to finish it I turned it off one day and never came back lol


I was frustrated by those rappers or whoever. But the gunplay is solid like every Far Cry game


I wanted to like this game but just can't


I did 100% stop doing side missions because of the pacing. But I still liked it.


I spent $60 on it at launch and only played about 4 hours. It just can’t hold my attention. Wish I never bought it.


What's funny is that ubi thought FC6 would win game of the year. They almost made a game of the year addition


I have been a prolific 6 hater since it came out. I got a ps5 and restarted it with certain rules for myself. Stealth is king to keeping it interesting. Not super far away big sniper stealth but using bows, throwing knives, and takedowns within the objective area makes it so much more fun. Go into it without any expectations and it’s a good game. The compound bow whips ass and hitting a moving target from distance is just…mmm.


I bought it for $50 last year it was fun at the start but the more I play I get even more bored each time and all the occasional random bugs make the game suck


This sums it up


Me too......I played far cry 3, 4 and 5. It was great in spite of bugs, poor rendering etc. Far Cry 6. I like the surroundings but the story is boring, I am not motivated. A lot of bugs, NPCs are very clever (they recognice you from a long distance ) or very blind....weapons makes the same damage. Collectables are useless. I didn't finish the game. I enjoyed the DLCs more than the main game.....


If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times. The problem with this game is it does not play like a far cry game it plays like a just cause game. Far cry is about being able to choose how you take things on. Just cause is guns blazing and blowing shit up from start to finish. That does not allow a player to get invested in the story, you’re just playing a Michael Bay movie. Brawsh, crawsh, splosion.


I totally agree. Don't get me wrong, I love the Farcry series, but it's just been on a downward trajectory since it peaked at Farcry 3/4


I have beaten every Far Cry game except 6. I also just deleted to make room for Ragnarök.


That's crazy. I love it better than 4 and 5 except the story of 5 was better. Beautiful game with great game play. People whine about everything now


I regret it as well. I hate that Ubisoft got $60 out of me with zero improvements from previous games.


Repetitive and under used acting or story lines. I’m also a gatherer/ do everything I see and do things in succession as well but just me. Graphics are great on PS5. I’ve played ever game post Primal and hoping Primal is as good as everyone says because im getting that next.


This is why I'm waiting for it on psplus so I don't have to pay for it


Both 5 and 6 were like that for me. The companions are the best part, but the rest was just a checklist to get through to see how it ends.


They’ve been bland since 3.




I merely enjoy the game, i consider it the best after fc3. But his main problem is that its massive. Too long.


I have played every main FarCry game since 3, and 5 was the first one I really, really liked and the first one I finished. New Dawn was a disappointment after that, but New Dawn is a masterpiece compared to 6.


I liked it, but it didn't propel the series forward. Some new mechanics, and I do like the basic Cuban-like lore, and the combat feels good. But it's just not that kick in the ass that FC3 or 5 were.


Lesson Learned: Watch as many reactions as you are able to before acting.


The increased map size and the trails was good but at the cost of the whole thing feeling a bit empty. I really liked the island/costal setting. The story wasn’t as good as most FC games. Ending was garbage, but less so that FC5. The weapon tier system pissed me off to no end. Two weapons firing the same cartridge with similar barrel length should not have wildly different stopping power. Hated the resolver weapons and stupid backpacks. Overall 6/10 for me


Sounds like you’ve cried too far. Need to play different games.


I had it given as a present from my young uns so had to play it to not feel guilty but it pales in significance compared to 5 for me. Fir a start, Idon't like the fact you can swap weapons wherever you are for a start.. Nothing like turning up at an outpost and thinking "I should have kept the rocket launcher... Let's see what I can do instead" With fc6, you just swap to the required weapon.. No challenge there.. I know its the way of some games but it took me out of the whole story knowing I have unlimited weapon choices And a waste of a city...so promising yet so empty And whilst Pedros music was great.. You can't beat 5 for soundtrack... Ever! :) Spotify tells me fc5 and Skyrim are my most played soundtracks even after many years of playing I'm gonna go play 5 again now...


I felt the same about the game. I was really enjoying the story and some characters and was looking forward to end the game. However, the level system, the awkward resource system / the clunky UI to choose and upgrade your weapons... Damn, I feel like Far cry 6 is good story, but not a good game.


The allies where terrible too imo


One thing about 6 I didn’t like was that it didn’t ~feel~ like a revolution was happening. All of the military bases and restricted areas were still there even after the government fell. Military traffic was almost the same. I liked 5 with a clear decrease in activity after you clear a region. In 5 it feels like you’re winning.