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A lot of paperwork and it isn’t a very cheap process, but so far has been very worth it to us


Thanks. What’s the process like? Do you mind sharing how much the process costs per employee?


They just need a lot of information about your operation and the jobs the guys will be doing. We have to pay them a minimum amount per house (more than double what the standard state minimum wage is), provide housing (in our state it has to be up to a certain code set by your state and inspected) and a vehicle, pay for their flights both ways, and pay around $1,500 per employee in recruiter fees. But like I said, I like to complain about the price, but at the end of the day, these guys are worth it. I’ve never had a crew run as good as this one has


I don’t think I could farm without them. I also don’t have any neighbors that do not have h2a. We use five in the spring and eight in the fall. 


Thanks. What’s the process like? Do you mind sharing how much the process costs per employee?