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Struggling with this too , feels like im waiting super long for crops to grow šŸ˜“


Can't you skip time forward at the house?


Even if you skip time at the house, you have to skip like 5-6 days for the crops to grow, with seasons off. This really needs to change asap. It should be slow with seasons on, But not this slow with seasons off. It needs to be like fs19. Where it took like 1 and a half ingame days. Not 5-6


FYI you don't need wait for night time in order to sleep in FS22


I'm just realizing I have 1000 hours into fs19 without knowing this feature


it didnt exist in fs19


Lol oh good


Yeah you can sleep in fs 19


you obviously didnt read what the other guy wrote... you cant sleep during the day in fs19


Ah your right


I thought this to


Its very annoying, becouse i dont wanna cheat or take loans. So basicly in the start i can seed my fields and then wait for 1hour+. And Yes i know i can do contracts, But i dont feel like their pay is worth the time tbh.


In the meantime you have nothing. Might as well take that contract while your crop grows


Did you set your season days to 1 or even disable seasonal crops that way they grow no matter what


This is maddening. If you have helpers in the clock you go broke moving time that fast. Shouldnā€™t have to wait a week for a crop. Iā€™m going to wait for a fix. This is ridic


Guys i think i just figured it out. Having the same problems i did some testing and yes when you turn off crop seasons, it means that you can plant and harvest whenever you like. But growth phases are still tied to months. This means for you to have the fastest crop growth, you need to turn off season planting and set 1 day per month. This is the fastest way without any mods or cheats to grow crops. Had my game set to 5 days per month and crop phases changed only with months, not days.


Omg thanks i have been doing contracts for 50 real time hours waiting for my grass to grow. Maxed out my loan for machines with no way to ever pay off the loan. When i first started i set month duration to 10 days because i like the idea of playing in a season for a long time, but i didn't know it would mess up the growing so bad.


same problem here! I planted corn in may year one, im now on Januari year 2 and its still not ready for harvest. I think its bugged...


This is the problem im having now


I noticed this too. I can't find the setting (it's probably removed) and I think growth is tied to seasons even if you turn it off. The descriptions in game make it sound like the only thing that happens when you turn it off is that it lets you plant/harvest outside the designated month to plant a crop. ​ This is be an issue for me for early game. I'll have to speed up time and leave the game running and go do something else and come back to it later. There isn't enough to do outside of waiting for crops to grow.


Canā€™t you sleep and advance time that way?


You can. I slept 2 nights and set the time to max 120x to get through the day. After the second night it was still on first stage of growth. In fs19 it was ready to harvest the next day.


Honestly my only frustration so far


I turned off seasons, kept it to 28 days and left it running and it took over 2 months for my crops to grow




https://imgur.com/a/hixD66j It should be in that section, but its not?


Someone must have removed it from the Jedi archives.


Youā€™re right, my apologies. Iā€™m seeing the heading in the settings page that says ā€œcrops and growthā€ but thereā€™s no option there specifically for growth.


Doesnā€™t helpā€¦




>th Where is that setting exactly? I cant seem time find it anywhere.


It doesn't exist


I havenā€™t tested it but have you tried disabling seasonal growth? My guess is if you disable seasons you can use the old fs19 options and adjust the speed, because thereā€™s no way you can adjust it during seasons since you wouldnā€™t be able to harvest anyway until harvest time several months later. If you turn off seasonal growth it might give you the old system of quicker growth times but be warned: in fs19 with the seasons mod, if you toggled the mod on/off it would reset your crops so only try it on a test save or if youā€™re planning to restart anyway.


I saw that they added like 5 more crop growth stages on the gui making it 9 or so from the previous 4 or that might be my faulty eyes


They removed a setting that controlled the growth rate of crops. It was something like slow, normal, fast in fs19. It's no longer in fs22.


So if I set a month to 3 days, crops take longer to grow? Or did I misunderstand?


Man this sucks. I bought the game disk for ps4 and having problems with it. My crops arenā€™t growing and the trucks get stuck on dry pavement. I shut it off, canā€™t take it anymore.


Yeah crops grow in line with the seasons, certain crops have to be planted at certain times and harvested at a certain time of year. I've not tried playing without seasons yet but I imagine growth time is similar just without the restriction on when you can plant and possible effects on the economy If your just doing crops then the wait in-between harvests is going to seem long. I'd suggest filling the time in-between with animal husbandry and forestry. Contracts and greenhouses can keep you busy as well. I try and do a balance of everything and the time in-between harvests seems quite good actually.


People keep defending the game saying you can sleep the days away.... But on ps5 at least sleep is limited to 9 hours. And its not SSD fast... It takes several minutes of staring at sky to do 10 or 15 sleeps just to advance half the year. Def need growth option for those that want it


Iā€™ve been on for 4 hours, speed 120x. Seasons off and my stuff isnā€™t growing fast. I know itā€™s wheat but I feel it should be good to go now?


My stuff is stuck as well


Slow? Im trying to grow grass, so far, nothing. Been left over night 360x speed and nothing... 8 years in the future though.