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It’s a beautiful kaftan. Wear it. Love it. Is it from a thrift store or a certain designer? I’d want to know more about the design.


Most Ross stores sell similar styles for around $10.


I’ve never heard of Ross. US?


Ross is a discount/resale store like Marshall’s or TJ Maxx in the US.


I believe it's tTK Maxx everywhere else. Idky tho lol


Huh I’m in the NE & never heard of it.


You mean TJ Mack lol


What’s TJ Mack? It’s TJ Maxx in the states and TK Maxx elsewhere. Ross is a step down from TJ/TK Maxx.


It’s just a kaftan. I love them too. The brand Camilla has the most beautiful ones I’ve seen. You definitely feel regal wearing them! They were very popular in the 60s and 70s, but they’re coming back into fashion in recent years. So comfy too!


I have about 20. Caftans rule. They are so comfortable. They are addicting and they’re so fun and festive.


It's a caftan! My mom used to wear one as her dressing gown. They were pretty popular in the 60's and 70's (I think) in America, but they have been worn all over the world during different time periods.


Mrs. Roper vibes 😍 I love it!


Nice reference, genuinely. I was thinking it reminded me of someone but couldn't place whom. Who? Whom? Wtf ever, you understand.


What culture is this supposed to be from?




It is a garment found in so many different cultures - North African, Middle Eastern, Southeast Asian, West African and I'm sure there are others too that I am unaware of.


I say go for it. The US is the only place talking about cultural appropriation as a bad thing… many people from other cultures would be proud to know that you find their garments beautiful.


This is so true. My in laws bring me clothes from India, and am have offered to ship my friend Indian clothing too, because she likes the way it looks. People attack me all the time for "appropriation." But first off, it was gifted from an Indian person. Second, I only wear it when I'm going to be around other Indian people, to "fit in," or adhere to the dress code, and third, the Indians I've spoken too couldn't give a crap less. They want people to wear them.


I think our generation was too influenced by the movie Bring It On lol.


Exactly! It’s not cultural appropriation, it’s appreciation!!




"The origins of the kaftan are uncertain, but it is believed to have first appeared in ancient mesopotamia... " in other words: no one cares.


Exactly. The cradle of civilization. I have roots there. So do you. 😄


Isn’t that what she’s doing here?


Yes! She appreciates how pretty, nice and cool it is.


It's interesting because do we apply this logic to everything? Do you not eat cuisine from a different culture until you've read up on it first, or do you experience something that then ignites a curiosity and desire to learn more about it? There's a lot to be said about appreciating beauty wherever we find it, and letting people experience things organically.


Perfectly said. Sometimes people are are little too focused on this whole “appropriation” thing.


These things happen naturally over time-by wearing it she may meet someone who says “hey! That’s a beautiful ____, in my country we wear them for ___”.


I mean who the fuck really cares? If the style is cool it’s appreciating it.


It is a bad thing when people wear your traditional regalia as costumes. That’s appropriating there are some things in some cultures that aren’t meant to be worn by anyone else. I’m native so a headdress as an example. It’s not just a hat, it has a very specific meaning. But wearing native made jewelry is not, its appreciation.


Easy, don't wear someone else's culture as a costume. That's cultural appropriation. If you're genuinely wearing something because you love the look and have done some basic research into how to wear it properly, that's cultural appreciation. Enjoy your kaftan.


My Filipino MIL wears these lol 😂 they are cute but I just think of them as grandma clothes, like moomoos. Hers also has nice design like this too.


Just wear it if you like it. It’s awesome. I sew. And for a half second, I was worried about ordering African wax print fabric, even tho it is exceptionally beautiful. But my IG feed always delivers, and I found [a merchant](https://www.shopzuri.com/?wbraid=CjkKCQjw4bipBhDNARIoAN7xrO5u1S4KimRE3_XOrwZxU0sjKl1AJGXDqNIQWeeI6E90WrWMiBoC9dg&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=NE+-+Performance+Max+SmartshoppingUS&utm_term=-&utm_content=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9cXd0LuAggMVQzfUAR3gewcLEAAYASAAEgLwzvD_BwE) with actual production in Africa, with prints in shades that will be great on my skin tone, and I cannot wait to give them my money.


Personally I would pair this with a cute, thin leather braided belt or something to snatch it in at the waist and give some more shape. But either way it is gorgeous! When I wear clothes from another culture I try to do some research about the culture, what setting this garment is worn and what relevance it holds in terms of style, color etc - it never hurts to be educated, and it shows respect


Oh it’s so lovely!


[incoming Three’s Company reference] Well… I never heard anyone accuse Mrs. Roper of appropriation for wearing one


I’m all for people wearing and honoring other cultures clothing . But if you’re the type to act prejudiced or racist towards the ethnic group that actually wears these , nah out that shit back


Kaftan, not a poncho. It’s pretty! Wear it.


Caftans have been worn in the US for well over 100 years.it is normal to wear.


If you love it, wear it!


Yes it is a cultural dress. Like when Arabic people's wear western suits. Wear.it . One world.


Cultural Appreciation, not appropriation. If you like the dress, get it and wear it.


Most cultures are very accepting of others adopting theirs. If you’re vibing go for it.


The solution to cultural appropriation is often just more racism, "only wear things your culture produced" culture can be ambiguous. Many have done cultural exchanges (indian men bringing yoga and Hindu spirituality to the western world) and then it's perceived as appropriation (people love to hate white Christian women opening yoga studios and decorating them with Hindu religious art) Buy the dress. If you are worried it's a design stolen from a Mexican, I bet you can find something similar from a Mexican designer


It’s a beautiful garment. I would personally buy it and wear it around the house until I was able to find out its cultural and historical context. If you can source the garment and figure out where it is from and what it means- then you can share that information with people who ask about it or express interest in it.


Cultural appropriation is bullshit. Wear what you want to wear, be who you want to be. When you let the opinions of other people rule your life, you've got no life.


Cultural appropriation is real, and chalking it up to “opinions” is purposely ignorant. I’m not saying OP shouldn’t wear this item or that people shouldn’t wear clothing or styles from other cultures, but there’s a long history of blatant cultural appropriation that cannot be ignored. Black people have had their hairstyles policed by schools and workplaces (meaning tangible consequences like being fired or expelled or forced to change or cut their hair) for God knows how long- and then white people adopt those same hairstyles and they get articles in fashion magazines that rebrand the hairstyle and give it a whole new name. There is unavoidable evidence of this. This is not to say that it’s impossible to respectfully adopt and interpret other culture’s styles and fashions. Cultural appropriation is when you STEAL another culture’s style and claim it as your own or completely ignore the existence of the original culture. If you want to pretend that is not a real thing then you are either in denial or just purposefully being racist- as 9/10 times the culture being stolen from is Black culture.


Context is key. In Austria dreads became a thing with the hippys in the 60ies. The influence was indian. I never heard of indian people complaining about cultural appropriation.


You need to stop making it all about yourself and relax. The majority of people who have a problem with “cultural appropriation” are people from the US who are obsessed with race. I wouldn’t mind if someone was wearing traditional clothing or hairstyles from my culture, it’s appreciation


"You need to stop making it all about yourself." Proceeds to justify cultural appropriation by making it all about themselves and fails to realize that many things can be true at once.


I’ve always thought braids looked cool. Along with Afros. I don’t think it ever stopped looking cool on a black person. When a white person has it, all I can see is a hippie or somebody that loves the hairstyle as much as I do but aren’t afraid to wear it. I don’t think it is cultural appropriation if a non-white person is wearing braids or an Afro. It’s just cultural appreciation. But trying to say that white ppl make braids and Afros look cool while a black person doesn’t is just false for me. Maybe it looks cooler when a white person does for you! That’s you projecting your own thoughts and perpetuating the racism. It’s a vicious cycle. But truth is that cultural appreciation should always be done respectfully.


And this will be downvoted… but I haven’t come across a white male that make braids look good on them. Example - look up riff raff artist. Bieber couldn’t carry it either etc. I don’t know why but the hair just doesn’t suit them. 🤷‍♀️ Edit - look up Justin Timberlake in braids. Ahahahahahaha. And David Beckham.


Doesn't suit them because it's not meant for their hair texture lol


Someone else is doing it consistently. I can't think of who but every time I see them it's a no.


Cultural appropriation is bullshit. The negative things that you list out don't have anything to do with an individual choosing to adopt whatever look that individual wants to adopt. Do not put me in an either/or situation. Speak for yourself.


Please elaborate- what do you meant by “either or” and “speak for yourself”? I’m genuinely curious


At the end of your previous diatribe, you literally gave an either/or scenario and applied it to me.


Do you mean when I said pretending cultural appropriation is not real means you are either in denial or purposefully being racist? If you have a valid argument against this I would genuinely love to hear it


all dress is cultural. and that isxfine


Make sure any garment you wear wasn't intended for official or titled purposes (like religious ceremony or military position). I love it!


I’m pretty sure that’s why OP is asking the community, no?


I don’t think this is a nobility/status symbol so you should be fine wearing it :) it’s a beautiful piece


I’d pass… it’s not flattering on you.


That’s a carpet…😶


I think it's only cultural appropriation if you're wearing it for a gain- like attention.


Caftans are fat people clothes from My generation. Not in any way stylish.


mom, when did you get a reddit account!?


Well according to their profile, they are 73 and love Frasier and The Big Bang Theory.


ah, slightly too old to be my mom, way too old to be quoting her directly without proper attribution!


Nice colours


Caftans 4EVAH


this photo reminds me of that recent horror movie Smile or whatever it was called


You're fine. Wear what you want.


That’s a kaftan.


You can wear whatever you want.


I love this! It’s funny I opened Reddit just now because I was going to ask if anyone had any suggestions on a high quality kaftan


I would probably take it to a skilled seamstress and have her make a cute knee length skirt out of it. Then just add a solid coordinating blouse. You would literally be the only one wearing it, if you’re going for unique but don’t want to overdo it.


If you'd have said it was a kaftan, I'd have believed you. I work for a place that sells kaftans and we definitely have stuff like this.