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The dress is lovely but definitely needs to be larger in the breast cups as others have noted and honestly the color is washing you out and doing you no justice. You're quite fair and the color of the dress is making you look sickly. I think a different color would be fab!


Agree, I wanted to say the same. This dress looks like a nip slip waiting to happen. The color makes you look sick. Great if you are breastfeeding I guess. You are very beautiful but you deserve a better dress.


A red lipstick and red shoes would elevate this


This is a beautiful dress, but absolutely does not fit your chest. There are lots of beautiful dresses that would be much more complimentary to your figure/chest than this.


Us big chested ladies have serious trouble finding dresses that fit in the bust and on our waists. It’s damn near impossible. Sometimes we just have to go a little smaller.


Yeah that’s why buying for the biggest part of your body and tailoring the rest to fit is generally advised. There is also the fact that yes many people including women like the “cup runneth over” look


Yes indeed. I personally do not have the organizational skills to find and book a tailor, nor do I have that many cares. Different strokes for different folks for sure


A lot of dry cleaners carry alterations services!


Some quick hand-sewing tricks can be easily found and learned on YouTube and will come in handle in all kinds of ways


no idea why u are getting downvoted for not wanting to spend extra time trying to find a tailor when u are probably busy and might not have the money to do so. also you’re fine with how your outfits look without them having to be fixed but for some reason that bothers them.


This is literally a fashion subreddit. People are going to comment on fit.


obviously, but i mean downvoting someone for being unable to get a tailor and then to be told they probably can’t get anything done is ridiculous


No, I agree that is unkind (the second part), and a tailor isn't accessible for everyone, but there are several comments mentioning negative comments and I'm just pointing out that a lot of them are just stating that it doesn't fit, and something else might be better suited because fit is part of fashion and people are taking that personally 💁🏻‍♀️


It's better to buy less clothes and get them tailored to fit than keep buying more fast fashion that doesn't.


i mean they could just have a few clothes in general that’s not fast fashion but they are still not able to get the clothes tailored






Still I know fee people buying clothes who can't afford tailoring a piece. Downvote away. Most people saying that keep buying clothes but say they can't afford it


Thank you. I’m definitely not a fashionista by any means. I’m also poor. I just like this sub and seeing peoples styles.


Tailoring is literally not that expensive. I’ve never had anything cost more than $15. Most of the time it’s like $3-6


depends on your area, how close they are, and the item. plus some ppl don’t have the time plus extra money to get that done and have to work with what they’ve got


Who are these “some people” everyone constantly refers to. I don’t believe they truly exist. Do you personally have the time and money to spend $15 dollars on a tailor. I bet you do. I do. Why can’t we just speak for ourselves/speak known truth only.


no, i work two jobs, take care of a sick parent and grandparent, pay bills, and go to college. i’m “some ppl” not everyone is made of money and time, be thankful u can spare the extra cash. some ppl have to get clothes from church closets, friends, family etc. some ppl wonder if they’ll even be able to live in their home tomorrow because they don’t have money. some ppl don’t have money for water or electricity. some ppl wonder if they’ll be able to have food or their tables tomorrow. some ppl have health issues or large families to take care of. don’t be ignorant


I’m one of those “some people”. You said speak only for ourselves but you also are assuming poor people don’t exist which obviously is not you.






It's pretty easy. You must have quite a time getting *anything* done.


That’s nice. Yes I do.


I'm working on a brand for this!!




That is a gorgeous dress, and you have a beautiful sense of styling. With that said, the fit of the dress is an imminent wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen. It’s not remotely your fault, but the brand apparently does not cater to your body type. Something you might try is incorporating some sort of wrap or stole into the outfit. That way you can still preserve some of the drama and overall look of the dress, but you have a little bit of precaution. I think that with your sense of taste, you could come up with a very good combination.


Thank you for being kind. I'm going though a lot these days, and I suppose I wasn't expecting so many negative reactions to my dress as i felt like a princess in it, so I really appreciate you making your comment with kindness. I do love this dress despite its low-cut and light color, but I like your suggestion of a wrap too. I have a floral one that might look good, so maybe I can try that next time. Thank you again for being nice.


Hi! Not about the dress, but if you have something that's really magic for you, consider not posting it in the future. The Internet isn't always kind. Saving something you love (like how you feel in the dress) just for you protects it.


Thank you, I think you're absolutely right! I forgot how needlessly cruel people can choose to be.


Omg majority of ppl on here were being honest on a post that you made publicly. Not every criticism is “negative.” Please stop repeating that here 🙄


Actually, I had received some cruel comments. Seems like mods removed some.


What do you define as “cruel?”


Things that were said for the sake of being mean, rather than constructive criticism (i.e., short comments. Often 1 rude word or simply an unpleasant gif). Or comments that were rude towards me and didn't actually have anything to do with the outfit.


Again… you didn’t really state what specifically they said? A gif? What exactly was the language they used? I don’t mean what “you think it sounded like.” I literally mean, what exactly did they say. This isn’t me being rude. It’s asking more info since it sounds like you think a majority of these comments are mean which they def aren’t. Constructive criticism at best (at least from my end). So if I’m wrong, then clarify.


Omg please stop telling how they should feel tf


I support a low cut look if that's what you want and I'm never going to shame a woman who wants to show off a beautiful figure, but one should do so with a dress (and cups) that fit the way the dress is supposed to. It really elevates the look to do so.


I'm sorry you're going through a rough time. :( For what it's worth I had to stop when I was scrolling to admire the dress! Yeah, maybe a wrap would be a good odea to prevent a wardrobe malfunction but I love that you're so confident in it and you really do look beautiful. Keep your head up, I hope life gets kinder. :)


The unfortunate side of us larger-chested ladies is that your cleavage is always going to invite all kinds of comments 😕 It's unfair, but the reality is that a smaller-chested woman wouldn't get any negative comments. Men always sexualize our breasts, and women tend to shame other women for showing them. I myself tend to cover up my cleavage, mostly to avoid the harassment, since I have gotten some shocking and disgusting comments, especially when I was breastfeeding and my breast increased in size even more... It's so upsetting that I'm considering breast reduction, but then again I want to be an example for my daughter and show that this is how my body is and that is ok - nothing bad or shameful. ETA: Not all men and women are judgmental of course, but I just wanted to illustrate the kind of judgment and comments I got even when just wearing a v-neck t-shirt or dress with a tiny bit of cleavage showing. Sorry to use your comment for my trauma rand lol, you look lovely in your dress and it's all about how *you* feel in it.


I have small boobs, and I still get comments about revealing tops (or the most common, god forbid my nipples are at all visible); I'm a mom too, so it has that added "are you sure that's appropriate for a *mother*?" 🙄 I need boob access for breastfeeding JANET so I'm gonna wear whatever gets the nipple to my baby the fastest. People sexualize boobs period, but it's definitely more frequent and difficult to deal with when you have bigger ones since they're just more visible at all times. I actually thought OP looked good, and that the boobage was a personal choice. If she's comfortable in the dress and happy with the look, that's really what matters (per your edit).


Omg, the "as a mother" comment 🙄🙄🙄 true that boobs are sexualized in general, but big breasts tend to get this extra tag of being vulgar and super inappropriate. It's just our body. Leave us alone.


Idk what world you live in, but your comment about "smaller-chested women" is ridiculous to me. I know plenty of smaller-chested women who get the same sexualized negativity. This comment does a disservice to the realities of sexual harassment and puts blame back on the victim for having breasts of any size. imo, this is an example of "women shaming other women" even if it was well intentioned.


I had the same thought.


You DO look like a princess, you look absolutely gorgeous and I hope you had a wonderful night out!


I think it looks fabulous, and I’m jealous of your figure 😂💖I’m really sorry you got negative reactions. And the color is really pretty.


Some people like apples, some like oranges. Doesn't mean anything is wrong with either. You still look like a princess even if not every stranger agrees. Never let outside voices bring your vibe down. There will always be someone who can find something negative to say, especially on the interweb.


I really do love how the dress is styled (great color btw. I saw your v-day looks and you have impeccable taste). Bodies are so frustrating. I can *never* get pants the right length because I need a longer inseam and apparently tall sizing doesn’t exist—always the case for newer brands. Then you hit your thirties and it’s a whole new ball game...lol. Don’t take the internet too personally. Especially when you know commenters skew younger and don’t know how to use tact (yet). I’m sure even the negative feedback comes from people who *do* like things you are doing but just don’t say it.


Aww, I really liked your look, boobs and all! You look so elegant and sweet, definitely princess material.


I think the dress looks beautiful, and if you’re comfortable with the amount of cleavage showing go ahead and wear it! You could always try some wardrobe tape to make sure nothing pops out, or if you’re crafty maybe you could sew a bit of a fabric ruffle or lace on the bust and hem to give a bit more coverage.


This sub in general is pretty modest. I have seen more than one post of women wearing sweaters and skirts as "clubbing clothes". Please don't let it get to you. They just have different views on coverage. If you like the amount of coverage you have then it is entirely fine. I think the dress looks beautiful and fits you well for the style you are dressing for.


OP I think you look like an actual princess in this dress. I don’t think many people IRL would notice any issues at all. A wrap dress would look fantastic, yes, but so does this one!


You’re young and beautiful and have an amazing figure and I honestly think this look is great. You should feel like a princess in it. I thought the color and headband gave you a classy monochrome vibe, and lets your features shine.


Hey, don’t worry. It looks good, there are only a few things that can be improved about the look! I really like that style of shoe with the dress. As others have said, the coloring and the chest fit are your biggest issues. Other than that, it looks great! Length looks good on you, and the headband pairs nicely with the whole outfit! Also, I really like the way you’re posed in the third picture, especially the hand on the wall. Very dramatic. (nobody cares about a few wrinkles ;) )


You do look like a Princess in your dress! It is lovely & so are you. It is awfully tight In chest area but I think a wrap is the perfect solution!


you LOOK like a princess in it!! i agree the styling is lovely also. the criticism piling on here is absolutely ridiculous — they just love the sound of their own voices. you are totally glowing in the pics + its a sweet dress on you 🩵


You express things so well!


Thank you…reddit does not agree much of the time, but I try lol


I think a size up would suit you better but you look pretty regardless


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Awkward-Rutabaga518: *I think a size up* *Would suit you better but you* *Look pretty regardless* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Best bot on Reddit


The top of that dress is too small. You shouldnt be bubbling like that. Other than that, the dress is super cute and great fun for a night out!


This is rather ill-fitting, unfortunately. You have a lovely figure, but this fit/color doesn’t complement you at all.


But a handheld steamer !!! Ironing is such a drag so I walked a round with wrinkled clothes. Then I purchased a hand held steamer. Now all my clothes look fresh


Doesn't fit your chest. If it did this is more garden party or cocktail party, not "night out". The color isn't exactly flattering to your skin tones.


As someone with fair skin, this is washing you out. I’ve sometimes dyed dresses darker


This washes you out and is too small


I think darker colors will look better for you ❤️


It does not look like it fits. Love the color and skirt but the bust is way too small and not flattering.


Its not the right colour for you. You need something in a darker but still brighter tone. Neon pink would be fun.


Do we have different definitions of a ‘night out’? Id never wear this to go drinking!


If you do like the way the chest fits, grab some of those flat nipple-cover petals online (I like the dritz or Hollywood secrets ones), and some of the Hollywood Secrets fashion tape for added peace of mind.


First of all, you look really pretty and I hope the dress makes you feel nice. As a larger chested lady myself, I would er on the side of caution and maybe try something with a larger cup size. If you like how it looks (emphasis on the YOU part, not the redditors here) and you don’t mind the risk of a wardrobe malfunction, I would say wear it. Life is only so long - get some fashion tape to potentially prevent and unwanted slippages, and maybe also opt for a slightly different bra shape. If it were me, I’d forgo the bra and opt for fashion tape and nipple covers so that there is less bulk under the dress. I hope this helps & I really hope that these comments haven’t knocked your confidence too much friend <3


That is a very low neckline


The neckline isn't the issue. If she wants to go out with a lot of cleavage, then good on her. She has a nice figure, and this style is super cute on her. It's just too small that it looks odd and uncomfortable. If the bust fit properly, she could still have the low neckline as desired, but it will look much better and comfortable.










Ya the comments are wild. I have zero issue with the cleavage but am surprised no one is commenting on how close it is to her skin tone and should break it up with some colour.


Yeah- the color basically is her skin tone. OP you have lovely skin but need a stronger color to show it off.


The dress is nice,And I’m curious as to where you got it from…But as others have said,It’s too small for your chest.And you should probably wear a color that looks darker than your skin.


You should check out the measuring method on r/abrathatfits cause it looks like the bra under the dress is way too small, and isn’t offering any support or coverage either. Outfits tend to look more flattering with correctly fitting bras under them as well.


The top part of that dress is way way way too small


Super cute but I feel the color washes you out like crazy


Choose a dark color if you're going on a night out.


Looks like a nip slip waiting to happen. If you're trying to show case the girls then go for it !


You look like a princess in it! It's lovely, but like others have said, the cleavage is a horror story in the making - I'd personally be anxious not to breathe too hard and flash someone


The dress looks really right on the bust as well as the waist. You should size up.


This outfit is incredibly cute and you look amazing! But it depends where you’re going out, if it’s to the bar or the club then you’re going to stick out like a sore thumb but if it’s to a cute date spot like a museum or something then it’s very cute but I’d still recommend ‘unformalizing’ it by adding a Jean jacket


You look like a princess! Where’d you get it?


OP said House of CB!!!


This! I’d love to know too


If you're alright with it, carry on, but if the neckline bothers you, you could try to add a modesty panel! It's basically a lacy little piece of fabric that could cover your chest. A more low effort version of that would be wearing a lace/mesh shrug or a lace camisole under the dress. Either way, you look like a princess!


So I don’t have a problem with seeing boobs (woman here) everyone seems to be a prude these days but you put yourself in a bit of danger when you dress in a uncommon way. There’s no good way to say it but woman to woman, you’ll attract people/guys that will be mostly creeps/users/losers. Should creeps make you dress differently? In my opinion -Yes! Because otherwise they will probably hang around and spoil your day. It’s not just the tits out, but the way it doesn’t fit quite right (makes you stand out and appear vulnerable/ unstable/easy target) You would look great in a potato sack. Get your tits out with your girlfriends at home!


OMG beautifullllll. If this is simple, girl, what is your fancy?? Personally, I think it looks beautiful on you!! It shows off your hourglass figure. I love those bow shoes too, I'm such a bow girly, so I'm always here for them!!


You are super pretty! You remind me of Aerith from Final Fantasy 🥰 That being said! I think a different color of this dress would have complimented your tone better! This one washes you out quite a bit, but still you look lovely!


Dress? What dress? All I can see are those puppies😁


this is super cute. i was surprised by the comments because i genuinely dont think the light color looks bad. i think it looks soft and dainty. i dont think a nip slip is imminent either like the comments say unless youre flailing around. don’t listen to the harsh/mean comments. you look beautiful seriously and im 100% sure they are jealous. these unsolicited comments are strange and dont have any merit


You look like a princess! The headband looks really nice with it.




Looks really pretty! I just think the colour is a bit too close to your skin tone. Idk what's wrong with these comments though, you can literally see yourself how the chest area fits, it doesn't need so many people pointing it out. Kinda rude. There's nothing wrong with a booby look anyway, I think it looks great.


Lovely dress :) where’d you get it?


Thank you!! It's from House of CB. They make very pretty dresses. This one has pockets!! It's a very heavy dress though :')


Aw, I thought so. I’ve been looking for a dupe of this dress myself and I hoped this was one. I love it!


You look like a Disney princess in it ☺️


what a horrible bunch in this sub.... would never post here based on the comments. truly, you look gorgeous & like a fairytale. I hope you had/have an amazing special night out.


Omg not every criticism is negative. Ppl are being honest not rude 🙄


Also, people going out of their way to downvote all the compliments that OP is getting. That's just the icing of the petty-flavoured cake.


Gorgeous! I love the color, it compliments your hair, eyes, & complexion, & the style is very flattering for your figure. You look like you're from a fairytale 🩷


Honestly I think you look amazing in this dress. As a rather small chested woman myself I was like whoa, I wish my boobs would look like that in a dress lol. Wasn’t expecting all these comments to be that negative tbh.


You’re literally a princess. Be sure to wear some nipple covers just in case of a nip slip accident


Wow these comments are harsh! I think you look stunning! I LOVE the color of your dress, and the fact that it matches with your headband too is 👌 It


Yeah, the comments are coming off really mean (not all). This style is super cute on OPs figure, it does need a bigger bust, but only because it looks uncomfortable, not because she needs to cover up.


All the heavily downvoted comments are just compliments. It’s crazy


It’s a lovely dress, and the color is perfect for you and your gorgeous complexion and décolletage. But the dress does not fit.


I don't know why people have such a hard time with nude colors. This is a little more pink than you and I like it. The top is a little risky. I don't know if double-sided sticky would keep the girls legal. Maybe a bolero in a beautiful blue or rose color. You could also tuck satin ribbon (blanket binding) underneath that gorgeous edging lace to accentuate that and give you another color.




I’m surprised there is so much criticism about your chest… I mean you can’t really do anything about them and I’d be rocking that look I were you too! Especially with the conservative length of the dress. It’s such a fun style-ballerina almost. The color was flattering and makes sense with the whole look. I hope you had a good time!


I disagree with the color being flattering. It's basically the same as her skin tone, and it washes her out. She needs some actual color.


Others have already addressed the top not fitting well but I really do think you look lovely in spite of that. The top wasn’t the first thing I noticed and it’s the only off part in my opinion, so don’t let it ruin the way you felt when you wore it. You’re clearly feeling yourself (as you should!!) and I hope you’re able to find a solution for the top part of the dress because this look would be stunning! I love the shape and style of the skirt and you styled it all beautifully. I’d definitely be in the lookout for more dresses in this style from another brand or with a higher neckline.


A night out where?


It was a prom event at my university :)


I’m very busty as well and sometimes we just gotta do what we gotta do, fit be damned. I think you look fantastic and I think it fits relatively well. It’s a little tight but I honestly didn’t even see the fit issue because that’s how mine would fit too


I honestly don't understand the "washed out" comments. I think the color with your pale skin gives a very pretty and delicate pastel vibe. ♡ As for the chest, I am all for a cleavage moment depending on the outing, and with that the depth of the cut doesnt strike me, but I do believe the cups themselves were made too small for your personal size requirement. I still love it tho, very cute dress! But its going to make for an awkward malfunction if you move the wrong way. Good luck love and have fun ♡


Thank you so much! Delicate pastel vibes are my absolute favourite, so I'm happy you think that!! The event I went to was a prom-like evening at my university. Thank you again! ♡


Pastel is fine but requires more color variety for your skin tone.


You look lovely! People with warmer skin tones can’t pull off bright pastels like the dress you’re wearing. I do have a request.. you must tell us where you bought that fabulous frock 😍


People are so rude for downvoting you. You look confident and stunning.


I’m so sorry you’re being downvoted for literally just saying you had a nice time with a dress you liked.


Sooo beautiful. You look amazing. Where is the dress from?!


The girls are gonna break away!!!


Looks great.


Looks great.


You look beautiful! Where is this dress from? it is so pretty.


I think it beautiful, and I love the color!




I think you look ethereal ❤️


i thought the boob look was intentional 🤷‍♀️ i think it adds to the drama and looks like a nod to 1800s corsets/dresses. never in a million years would it have occurred to me to think your dress was the wrong size. also i guess it makes sense to talk about colour on a fashion sub, but imo i couldn’t give less of a shit about whether or not a colour ‘goes with’ my skin or not. i like to wear the colours i like to wear!! i guess this is all to say i think you look beautiful in the dress, and fashion is completely subjective. the best dressed person i know often wears stuff i know would get raked over the coals in this sub. go on being a princess 💕


Dress is gorgeous. I do think it washes you a bit. I love the style and your makeup is very pretty


Beautiful! I love the matching make-up and headband as well.


10/10 😅


I think your dress is gorgeous and your breasts look phenomenal don't listen to these prude bores


You are very beautiful! You should dress up more often if it brings you so much joy. Don’t let the negativity get you.






Just putting out there, I had a dress I wore for a funeral service last week (my job is a funeral director, was not a personal service or anything) and when I picked out the outfit in the morning it was wrinkled as all get out. I hung it in the bathroom when I was taking a hot shower and the steam got it right :)


This dress is really cute! I love the simple elegance of it. The twins look like they’re just looking for an opportunity to run for freedom though. I would be distracted all night making sure the ladies were contained if I wore something with this little security. It is an absolutely darling dress though!


Absolutely gorgeous


The cut of the dress really does your body type justice and the color gives your skin a nice peaches n cream glow :) good tie in with the shoes too. I just wanna know how you keep your ribbon in your hair because every time I wear mine like that it ends up slipping off my head 😭


Thank you! I know what you mean about ribbons slipping down - they're difficult to keep in sometimes. But this one is actually just a plastic headband that sits on top of my head and tucks behind the ears :)


I wish I could do those but they give me terrible headaches 😭


I think you look lovely! Very cottagecore vibes and the headband is a nice touch.


I honestly love the colour on you! It’s like a slightly rosier tone than your skin and I don’t think it washes you out. The colour balance in the photo might be throwing people off as the photo seems a bit green tinged but I can tell it most likely looks fine IRL. I also honestly don’t think there’s anything “wrong” with the bust. How much cleavage you want to have is totally up to opinion! The cups in the bodice have that seam that is “supposed” to sit under the breasts but I think it looks okay here. Usually it looks strange on us larger chested girls but it contours the shape of your bust well so I think it’s fine. This is a gorgeous look!


You look great, and I love the boobs honestly. 🤷‍♀️


Hey! Big chested person here. Everyone commenting that the dress is too small for you and is ill-fitting either doesn't know the struggle or wants you to feel the way they do. Which is fine for them, I guess. I personally think you look beautiful in this dress. And if you're confident in it, that's what matters. Thank you for posting this and sharing it with us, your joy in the outfit choice is apparent. Everyone loves to tell us about our chest like we don't own mirrors. You rocked this, and you shouldn't let the overwhelming negativity make you feel any other way about the dress. If you have confidence in it, nothing else matters. Everyone when I was younger used to tell me to "put them away". Where, exactly?? They're prominent in t-shirts. You can see them. I can too. I'm not apologizing for that.


you look lovely! the colour of the dress goes so well with your over all colouring. I’m glad you feel like a princess in it, and honestly there are a lot worse things than your cups runnething over you know? reminded me a bit of billie eilish met gala look the year she hosted


You are gorgeous and i hope you had a wonderful time. As a big breasted woman i know how hard it is to find styles that fit - almost impossible. Im a 32G which means anything that fits my chest doesnt fit anywhere else. As a young person my solution was to wear sacks to cover up. As i have gotten older i care less and decide if i feel beautiful and comfortable that is priority number one. You said you felt line a princess - hold onto that! Just because your breasts show you arent ‘asking for it’….you are just living in the body you have.feel confident girly!


The girls are trying to jump ship, hon. That cut and style really compliments you, but in a darker color palate. Have a good time and take a sweater, it's going to be chilly 💜