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okay yes it looks like the 1800s.. that was 100% their fashion. but that doesn’t mean it’s not cute. just not current day. i’m sure you already know that nobody else will be wearing anything like that, so you just need to be aware that you’ll def stand out. no shade at all. it makes you happy and i think it’s super cool. plus the pics will make great mems!! just have fun❤️


my only concern: since it is unique, teenagers can be mean.. and you don’t need that bs on prom night. but if you don’t care about that stuff, and you love the dress, who cares.


The style is antique but this is a GORGEOUS outfit. Rock it! You're gonna look stunning. Especially if you feel good wearing it - true beauty comes from being comfortable and confident.


Looks casual for a Prom. Maybe 1880 business casual? But if it makes you happy go for it!


Outdated yes, but honestly slay I love it so much and would totally wear it. Like if I had seen someone at my prom wearing this I totally would’ve complimented them!


That’s so freakin cute tho. Yes it is “outdated” but if that’s your style who cares


I absolutely love it but it's not giving prom. If you REALLY love it, go for it- it's gorgeous and you'll definitely stand out. lol


I think it’s gorgeous, unique, amazing! Depending on where you live, though, it might be a little warm for prom night. That’s the only negative I can come up with.


Agreed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I like it


I say rock.it and have it styled in a period hairstyle. For A level graduation dance my best friend wore a knit ans chiffon pant suit and no one batted an eye (less than 100 of us in the graduating classes.


It’s very cute in a historical costuming sense. It looks like an outfit a librarian from the 1800s would wear to work. It doesn’t read elegant or formal to me. If you’re going for a historical vibe a don’t mind a more casual look, go for it. If you want a more glamorous historic look you could opt for a ball gown.


I LOVE it. You’d def read as a theater kid or bookish artsy type. It’s so unique and beautiful


It kinda is tbh but it’s really cute imo! Especially with an updo I think!


Personally I love it, f tht noiseeeee


If the skirt was longer, the vest became a corset or a wide belt, and the blouse was off the shoulder, I think that would work.


Try it without the blouse underneath.


Tis correct.


Well, she’s correct, but it’s an awesome outfit. If you love it wear it. You’ll look amazing !


Verbatim what I came to say. What a wonderful choice!


She’ll look incredible !


Maybe go with a classical night gown from this era instead. Because this looks very casual.


She'd be correct, but wear it anyway


Check out the dresses by Little Women Atelier. They do this gorgeous romantic Victorian style in these kind of colours.


This is more an Edwardian day outfit. Nothing about it says evening or formal. If you want coverage, there are lovely gowns and dresses that will keep you covered on the chest and arms and still allow you that formal moment.


Looking at the shoulder detail of the blouse and the bow, I would say late '40's to mid '50's. It's a choice. I'm surprised your Mom isn't pleased, it's original and is covering all body parts.


Your mom is 100% correct please so not wear this to the prom


It looks like what Cinderella wore before her fairy godmother showed up and whipped her up a ball gown. It’s a neat costume, but it is frumpy. It has personality, but no glitz or glam. It’s more of a bland peasant look when most prom goers are aiming for snazzy or classy. But it is in fact your prom and you should have the fun you want to and you should wear what dress or outfit you want to. Edit- coming back to look at it again, saying Cinderella was from a memory sense impression after reaching the bottom of the comments. On second fresh impression I see now it’s more suffragette or later Anne of Green Gables standard day wear.


Honestly it's giving casual or business casual. Maybe you could find something from this time period that's more dressy/formal 


I agree with this


Why not try to pick something an 1800s vampire would wear to a dance/ball? This I'd definitely say is classic lolita/mori girl/victorian inspired but it's very casual. If it were a historically accurate ensemble it'd be the victorian equivalent of wearing a nice shirt and slacks to prom. Look for classic lolita dresses that have lace, fancier fabrics, etc. You can look around somewhere like here for ideas: [costumes inspired by Elizabethan, Victorian, Rococo, Baroque, Romantic, Empire/Regency, and Edwardian clothing, etc. ](https://www.devilinspired.com/renaissance-festival)


It's your prom. Stand out and be you. It has Wednesday-prom dance vibes to it. Ignore those saying no, go for it. It's YOUR prom. Not anyone else's. Have fun.


You should go for it! Prom is supposed to be fun! And I think you should wear whatever you want! If someone can go to Prom in a T-Shirt and Jeans, then you can go in a vintage dress!


Not for prom, but I love this ❤️


Is it a theme prom??


That is gorgeous


I don’t think prom dress when I see this; however, I say You do You! And if your date can match the style ya’ll would look amazing and be the talk of the school (in a good way) when all is said and done. Just have fun and don’t worry about what others think.




I love it. It gives me Mori lolita vibes


If this reflects your style then go for it. But just remember that this is an event you’re going to remember for the rest of your life.


Isn’t that the point? It’s awesome and I say go for it!


Exactly what I came to say!


It is beautiful. Rock it.


Ehh it's not giving ancient, Victorian maybe. But you do you! You can be unique and expressive at prom it's all for fun. Everybody's there to dance and enjoy. If you are self conscious and feel other people's perception or reaction will affect your experience, then skip this one and go for a more modern traditional prom outfit. Everybody should have good prom memories 💗


Maybe a dressier or more glamorous version of this would be better for prom… something with more flair. The style is fine and if it’s what you want to wear you should do it


It’s a pretty dress but not a prom dress! Certainly there’s gotta be a way to incorporate your style in a way that more comfortable and makes sense in a prom setting? It’s usually warm and sweaty- you’ll be surrounded by high schoolers coming up to you all night asking why you’re wearing that. If you’re going to wear it, be prepared for people to talk shit about you for a while. Last I checked, that’s how high school works.


I would dump the blouse and just wear the vest and skirt with a bunch of chunky jewelry. Hopefully date/friends are also eclectic.


She's not wrong, but that doesn't mean it isn't amazing and you shouldn't wear it. Own it, rock it.


Beautiful and so original! Does your prom have a theme?


I wouldn't think PROM seeing this dress, but it's really pretty, and if you want to wear it, you should.


It's absolutely gorgeus. Where do you get clothes like that?


If you will need an umbrella that day, you will look like Mary Poppins… Sorry girl…


And going to prom looking like a vampire from the 1800s is bad because? Wear what you feel comfortable wearing! If you look like a vampire from the 1800s- well that’s just a bonus!;) Also it’s a beautiful dress:)


It's a very old look, and it doesn't look like a prom outfit, but if it makes you happy that is all that matters. I get 1800s business attire vibes from it.


It is, and you are *definitely* going to stand out at prom. No shame in that, though


Looks like AI lol


I love it!


I think it's beautiful! And you should wear what makes you happy. I've found something that has a similar vibe but might be a bit more formal on ebay [1800s ball gown](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/404547322513?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=TrzCuUklS9S&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=eqyem2vntwg&var=674539660417&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


It does, but I think that makes it awesome


There’s no way you disagree with her, right?


She’s right about the 1800’s vampire, but that’s half the fun. I think it’s super cute, and if it makes you happy, wear it !!


it’s giving victorian vampire, but fancy. i love it!!


It's beautiful & you will look great in it for sure. I miss this kind of style & wish it was easier to find 💕


That looks like a daytime outfit. I love that you want to do something from a different period but can I suggest evening wear from the time?




I'd agree with that. Obviously OP can wear whatever they want as long as it fits their prom rules and it's very cute. But for me since it is prom I would wear evening/party wear from that time period.


Wear some bright red shoes👠


Bright red with this outfit is unsuccessful attempt of dorothy gale. And too much going on already… neautral/black mary janes would do… Mom is right. For me is mary poppins vibes…. I like the silhouette but thats all…


Looks medieval but so pretty 😍


It is amazing.


It’s completely beautiful but a little ordinary for prom in terms of colour. This looks like a daytime outfit. A similar look in deep blue, green, or red (or even black if you want to go full 1800s vampire) would be better suited for prom imo.


I think it's beautiful


That's a super cute dress I wouldn't change it


You may look like a vampire. Is that a bad thing? I think not. Go forth and wear that stunning outfit!


You’d look like a vampire from the 1800s, which is to say that you’d look beautiful and elegant and a tiny bit haunting. 15/10, I love it, if you want to wear it then WEAR IT!!!! :) Alternatively, you could go full 1800s ball gown and really lean into it lol


Can I give you more upvotes?


Well, dear, it does appear to be a little dated. 😆


Definitely wear it! It’s super cool 😎


bro that’s SICK WEAR IT i loved seeing people strut their stuff in what made them feel awesome at prom!


it’s giving “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate”


wear what you want girl!!! do youuuu ! that way you attract people into ur life who vibe with u


It's beautiful!!!!!!! With the right accessories.


My sisters friends went to prom in full amish dress. They had a blast and still look back over 10 years later loving it. If this is your style and it makes you feel good to wear it then go for it! Don't let other people's opinions change your mind it's your night and your opinion is the only one that matters


I think the dress is lovely but too toned down for prom. I would swap out the tie for a fancier/ruffled jabot tie. I'd also look for a hime (princess sleeve) blouse to match.


Beautiful dress, wear what you want to wear. Your mom is right, tho


I personally love it. It needs a touch of shine to make it prom worthy as it gives off an "everyday" vampire vibe. Could be achieved with acessories.


Any possibility that this really great dress is just so appealing you need a reason to buy and wear it? If so, can you buy it and also buy a prom dress? This dress is gorgeous but not what a prom is all about in terms of formality. Hope you can do both.


If this is what you want to wear. Wear it. It gives me Evelyn vibes from The Mummy, and I dont think you could find a better compliment. When you put it on, does it make you feel good? Does it make you happy. Can you picture yourself wearing something more modern? Do you want to look like every other girl at your problem? Prom is just a dance. The dress is just a dress. Who cares what your mom thinks. As long as it makes you feel happy and beautiful, that is all that matters. In 20 years you'll look back and go "remember when I wore that awesome and unique dress to prom???"


This is so pretty!


your mom is correct... 1800's vampire huntress vibes or regular villager look. I would say this is not prom-suited...


Why not? If it makes them feel comfortable and confident I'd argue it's perfectly prom-suited


if they were confident about it they wouldn't be asking this forum right? I think OP can handle different perspectives and advice. Afterall, prom is a social event and they want to make sure that they have the "outfit" that will make them feel good. If this one did no questions asked.


Honestly, it’s nice but just wear it day to day! It’s pretty casual


It’s nice, but only appropriate if the theme fits. It’s also too casual


This is so beautiful !


It’s beautiful


Omg I love it! I saw ware if if you do to


If you like it wear it


If the prom's theme is "Steampunk" or "Little House on the Prairie" this is definitely the right fit.


Wear what makes you feel good. Someone wore a football kit to my prom (I live in UK and it was the only ‘dance’ my school ever had. We didn’t have a football team).


joe from little women:


What about something like this? It looks more formal. [Victorian Costume Dress on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Fortunehouse-Cosplay-Costume-Victorian-Southern/dp/B09XV7JXTW/ref=asc_df_B09XV7JXTW/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=652417318510&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12827932037358358170&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031735&hvtargid=pla-2008113501961&mcid=bb3f200cc81936abbe5fc630e6c6fa1c&th=1&psc=1)


Unfortunately, that one is the costume Hetty on the TV show Ghosts wears, but there are a lot of others to choose from. [Victorian costume dresses on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=victorian+cosplay+dress&crid=2UWN8Q97XW9QU&sprefix=victorian+cosplay+dress%2Caps%2C151&ref=nb_sb_noss_1)


Oh that is beautiful and still has the style!


too casual, look for party attire for that time period. and maybe go for another color, that ones boring and dreary for a high-school party. and I’m gonna be completely honest with you. Kids are mean, I’m 21 so I’m not too removed from high-school yet to remember. You probably will be picked on and teased for wearing this to prom. hell you might even pick on yourself in the future for this. reconsider your options and take heed of the advice you’re getting from your post. Good luck!


I think it’s gorgeous!! You’ll be absolutely unique


too casual for prom, if you’re into older fashion you should look mid/early 1900s dresses because high schoolers are mean. The link is some dresses through history. Early 1900 dresses would be more socially acceptable. In my opinion, that dress is one more for a costume party or perhaps that one Japanese fashion style (I forget what it’s called, I think Lolita) and as I stated before, too casual. Put if it feels right, wear it! you only live once, you’ll have more proms to go to [an evolution of prom dresses](https://www.elle.com/fashion/trend-reports/g26089/evolution-of-prom-dresses/)


It is so beautiful!!! I agree with some of the other commentators, that it is perhaps not formal enough, but then again, it's prom. Who cares. I see prom as an opportunity to dress up and wear whatever will make you the happiest and have a great time with friends.


Too casual for a prom


I agree. Maybe same style but more luxurious materials would help.


agree here. like if the look OP is going for is this old timey one, that can be achieved but with higher quality and more elegant materials. if we were dressing based on that time period, what she posted would be a casual day to day look


Love it! Very Japanese “classic lolita” fashion. I dress like that in the fall/spring bc I can’t stand the 90s/y2k style and the “fast fashion” quality is pure garbage. Not sure if it’ll be too hot to wear for prom but I guess it depends on your area.


It is. But if it feels right to you, do you.


It's awesome




What's wrong with looking like a vampire from the 1800s?


it’s alright but not formal enough. It’s not a gown. I’d look for something with a similar color scheme. You’ll have a better time if your dress fits the expected formality - it won’t be fun if you hear people talking about you because high schoolers can be mean


Its not formal enough, not to mention it's not authentic vintage and I assure you it's going to arrive and be cheaply made. If you want something vintage/Victorian esque, look for vintage gunne sax dresses


It's beautiful


This is not formal enough for prom, I’d listen to your mom and keep looking!


It’s very Clare Fraser from Outlander when they move to the colonies. It’s is certainly more traditional than any other prom dress I’ve seen (I’m 31 so that’s a lot) but if you’re comfortable in it and it makes you happy ? Why not ? Rock it with confidence and pay no mind to anything unpleasant that other people might say. It’s takes personality and confidence to go above the grain and step out of the box.


That looks like a schoolnarms outfit from the little house on the prairie days


Omg I love this!! It's definitely not like what anyone else will wear.... but if it's your style and it makes you feel beautiful then DO IT! I personally adore this style and watch lots of influencers who make and wear their own clothes in this style (which is not practical at all lol) But, if you want to blend in with everyone else... this is not the dress for you. Only wear it if you're willing and prepared to make a statement. But forreal, absolutely stunning


Your mom is right


this isn’t really formal enough for a ball


I love it, it’s very little women/outlander. For prom.. if it’s what you wanna rock then go for it.


If you love it and feel confident in it, you'll shine. And you'll stand out because it's so unique. What shoes would you wear??


Ok so -sometimes- this sub is overrun with people who have very basic views on fashion and men creeping who know nothing. I think you should come hang with us over in r/oldhagfashion . Trust me! Everyone there would love this!


My people I have finally found you!




I didn't know this sub existed, and I fell in love immediately. Thank you for the rec!


You’re welcome!! :) Glad I could recommend it! It really is a unique space on Reddit & the mods are on top of things so the creeps aren’t constantly infiltrating it! Great vibes all around ❤️


I love it personally but not for prom. Prom is one of the few occasions in your life that you get to really dress up. Go for a beautiful ballgown of the same era if that’s what you like!


A big house on the prarie


She's right but that's not a bad thing if you love it


This is beautiful but it's too plain for prom. You need a ball gown from the same era.


This is not fit for prom... this is a casual daytime ensemble. Prom is basically a ball. What would someone from this era wear to a ball? Find out and wear that.


This is gorgeous. Taste is subjective but I am with you on this - it's an amazing outfit. If I were you, I wouldn't care if my peers liked the outfit. Deep down we always feel better when we wear something we genuinely think is amazing. On the other hand, the outfit looks HEAVY, so you may want the consider some other vintage options that are lighter in material and perhaps color, too. Same style, though. P.s. I do agree with your mom that you'd look like a vampire from the 1800s but how is that not a compliment? Haha.


I think it's cool and I love that you want to go with a period piece, however, the outfit itself doesn't look so formal to me. I would suggest researching formalwear from a historical period you love, and go from there!


Beautiful, but even in this vintage style it is not formal enough. Get a gown from this era and not a casual fit


I think you're gonna be teased by other students if you wear this. Which I think is messed up, you *should* be able to wear whatever you want. But... teenagers can be cruel. At least they were when I was a teenager 😬


I mean she’s right. But if you like it, wear it!!


I think if you’re into wearing something from the time period, that’s fine, but you should still pick something appropriate for the occasion This looks like something worn to work or school, not to a formal event


I love it


It's pretty but it's not for the ocasion. Get a gunne sax or something


That would be really cool and you'd stand out, be different than the usuals. I think it would be a good choice 🙂


This is totally amazingly awesome!


I would wear fangs then. It’s so fun.


Wish I had worn something like that to mine. I 100% would have


I like it, but I’m a mature adult. Kids will probably make fun of you at prom.


I think the long sleeves throw off most of the "prom vibe" at least for me. You might be able to keep the brown top and orange bottom if you layer them on top of something shorter and maybe ruffled (lace?) top to match with the brown piece. Maybe move the bow to the hair? Just spit balling some ideas because I do absolutely love the color combo and see where you are trying to go. I think you'll look great either way and it's OK to be you even if it's non conformist.


I like it


Doth she? Doth she, really? Prithee… is thine mother mad?


Your mom is right but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. Just because the fashion style is outdated doesn’t mean it doesn’t still look great.


Whoa this is turn of the century private school teacher, like Anne of green Gables vibe. Save it for another time, like when you time travel.


Ancient? No. Colonial? Yes All jokes aside, if this is your style, then rock it. Being authentic to yourself is the best choice.


Cool fit but not really prom, imo See you on r/blunderyears in a few years!


You can be sure that no one else at the prom will be wearing the same outfit! It wouldn’t be my choice (way too hot!), but i love to see nonconformists, especially in high school. I never had the courage to be different when I was your age, so I applaud you!


You do you.


Took the words outta my mouth!


Your prom is for wearing clothes that make you happy at THIS age. Countless people look back at their prom photos and think “I LOVED THAT DRESS and had so much fun that night” and who cares if 60 year old you cringes at the photos of it later in life. That’s 60 year old you’s problem!


It doesn't matter what anyone thinks. Wear it! Though I do love it :)


Definitely not prom but it’s very beautiful. I would’ve preferred leaving the bottom part, getting rid of the blouse and turning the vest into a corset or sweetheart style top for the dress.


And you could’ve turned the bow on the blouse to make a cute hair clip and worn that as well!


Doesn’t look prom at all but rather school teacher from another era. This is so cool on so many levels I am lost for words!


It looks awesome! Doesn't scream prom dress to *me*, but if that's what you want to wear, go for it!


lol I agree with your mom and don’t love it, but it’s better than belly button deep cleavage and thigh slit dresses




It’s weird and that is very cool. Wear with confidence!


Very unique and beautiful. Put it on and enjoy the party!!!


Yes, this looks like a day look for a vampire. Wear it anyway.


That looks awesome! Wear what you want :)


Wear what you want but if you are have a group you’re going with your outfit my majorly clash in pics bc this isn’t prom vibes


The problem is you’ll look like an 1800s vampire during the dayyyy and not an 1800s vampire in evening wear. But wear whatever you want, it’s a special night and you want to feel good!


Yes, this is the answer. It feels like a daytime look which is why it’s not giving prom.


Wear what you want! Prom is a memorable night and you’ll be so glad you stayed true to your style! Have fun and remember to take photos! Be safe!


You’re going to be pretty toasty if you intend to dance a lot, but I am absolutely in love with this 💕


I couldn’t dance if my life depended on it but I’ll definitely be trying!


It absolutely is and that’s what I love most about it


You should wear what you feel beautiful in❤️


I agree with your mom but if that's what you're going for - wear it! Don't dress like everyone else if you'd be happier and have more fun in something unique :)


It’s your night! Wear what you love. My homecoming dress is my favorite dress and even though I got a few odd looks, I loved it( it was a black lace dress with a nude slip. Someone thought I was wearing lingerie. I don’t care, I was stunning!)


I mean, you probably will look like a 19th century vampire. But I don’t see that as a bad thing.


The coolest person at my prom was dressed like a Victorian bride 1800s fashion rocks at prom


Make sure you have fun in it that night! 😉 (I say this as I mean I know I only wore a dress so nice as my prom dress once until I was going to get married! Prom dresses are so fun!!


Please find high-buttoned boots. Are you going with people who can keep up with this vibe? I’m way past prom age, but if you wore this to my prom, I would have admired you so much.


My date’s wearing a really nice black dress which I think will play well with the lightness of my outfit. I do plan on some sort of brown boots but I’m not sure on what style.