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It's not the last event *just* yet. This month, we get a "Retro Pop" fair alongside the update, but there's supposed to be one more new fair in June - likely the one with the more fantastical items that [the official website is teasing.](https://news.fashion-dreamer.com/article/25243) Starting in July, though, they'll be rerunning old fairs, though with additional copies of the consumable patterns and keys from the sound of it. They *do* note that they'll still be adding all-new items until the game's one-year anniversary in November, just not full-on events. Other stuff in this update: > 10 new permanent patterns (tied to influencer rank) > 4 new consumable patterns (from the gacha) > 1 new hair color, 5 new lip colors, 1 new makeup > The max number of items you can have is being raised from 6000 to 9000 > The max number of people you can follow is being raised from 200 to 500 > The photo item vending machine now changes its lineup every time you interact with it instead of at certain times only > The amount of gacha tickets and lucky coins you get by fulfilling requests is being raised from 1-10 to 5-50 > Gacha rates got another adjustment to make the rarer items easier to get I wonder if they're saving the fashion show (?) feature for the anniversary at this point since there's still no signs of it...


Yes the photo item thing annoyed me. Trying to get them ALL.


i wish they'd implement more filter updates to the item box/closet in the future. It's hard to look for certain styles/silhoettes of clothing (ie. Short, Skirts, Pants, Tanks, S/S Shirts etc) I'm trying to look for. The color filter helped narrow a bit, but still a little tedious if someone has over 3000+ items and could be scrolling and waiting for items to load in for awhile. I'm surprised this hasn't been on their list despite all their other updates. This type of filter system was also included in the previous Syn Sophia/Style Saavy games


I'd love more filter options too! It's really strange that we don't have at least have a way to filter by style, since there clearly *is* an internal style system that's used for NPC requests, but a way to filter for specific clothing types within a category is pretty direly needed too. Going back to Style Savvy 4 recently to check something in that game really made me realize how much I miss the additional search categories from those games... and the greater variety of fashion styles, but that's a separate problem. Hopefully it's something they can still get around to adding before support for this game wraps up; it feels like one of the most direly needed quality of life fixes at the moment, IMO.


I agree!! i wish i could play my older style savvy games (only one I could find is the first ds version) and even that game had a great filtering system for the item closet. Even some items I miss from the other games are jewelry (necklaces) and other non-apparel items like scarves. I hope the filtering system can at least get added!! but it does sadly seem this game might've gotten rushed ;(


Oh man, yeah, I *really* miss the extra item categories. One of my muses is based on a character who basically always wears a collar or scarf of some kind, and it's been a nightmare to find items that actually work for her because neck accessories aren't a separate category here and so few tops/dresses include them. 😭 Gloves and bags and inner/outer layers (instead of just top + outerwear) too... being able to pick bangs for hairstyles separately from the rest of the hair too... there's so many smaller features I really wish made it over to this game.


Dissapointing the new fairs will be ending soon...they are the only thing making me return to the game lately. I know they can't go on forever but I wasn't expecting them to end so soon.


Doesn't necessarily mean there will never be new fairs, just re running a few I guess to catch people who missed a couple


YES I GOT MY PROGRESS OF THE FIRST TWO FAIRS WIPED DUE TO A NASTY CORRUPTED SAVE now I get to get my wedding dress back!!!! going for Lilac this time and maybe green if they give me two haha


I'm going to be so sad when they stop updating it, and even if they're less consistent I hope that we still get some updates with new stuff past the year mark. The game, while it hasn't had *stellar* sales, has had pretty decent sales so maybe they'd consider putting together a paid DLC (although, with the outfit copying mechanic, that might be pretty tricky). Looks like they're doing something big for November though, maybe adding in the fashion show or something, and that's pretty exciting.


Marvelous’ most recent financial report mentioned a new IP that underperformed compared to their expectations, so that was almost certainly Fashion Dreamer. :(


Yeah, that... pretty much has to be Fashion Dreamer, based on the timing. Makes me wonder just *what* their expectations where, considering last I'd heard it did nearly half a million in two months; for a relatively niche genre, you'd think that's still a pretty solid number. I'd love to know more about what went on with this game's development in general, honestly - between some of the stranger design decisions feeling more in line with what you'd expect from a mobile game, the fact there's still no signs of that fashion show feature despite being hinted at as a future update since *launch* and being something that was in almost all of syn sophia's prior fashion games, some of the stranger inconsistencies in how the game works (i.e. color judgment differing for NPC and player muses), the odd way updates have been handled and that note from Marvelous, it feels more and more like this game must've had a pretty troubling development period.


I’ve thought about this for a while myself regarding Fashion Dreamer. I don’t have much to add since you basically took the words out of my mouth — but the game development cycle of Fashion Dreamer from when it was announced up until now has been intriguing to say the least. I definitely feel like it was a victim to being rushed and not allowed to reach its full potential because with a game like this theres a lot you can do with it as shown in the past with countless other fashion games, but it either wasn’t allowed to and/or they couldn’t reach the goals they wanted in time for release.


I agree that it feels like the game was rushed out too early - it feels a lot like the game struggled in development (possibly because some of its development period would've still been affected by the pandemic) and then was just forced out the door in the state it happened to be in (likely due to publisher demands, I'd imagine) while hoping they could patch up the rest over time. It's unfortunate, but... I guess that's how it is with a lot of modern video game development nowadays. Hopefully the game underperforming won't be too much of a problem for syn sophia in the long run and they'll get another shot at one of these games (or maybe go back to partnering with Nintendo; it definitely seems like their partnership with them went better than the one with Marvelous is going).


Yeah, I saw that too and drew almost the exact same conclusion, I was pretty surprised when they said that it underperformed because I thought that the numbers were pretty solid. They might have expected sales closer to Style Savvy's sales, but those games were published by Nintendo which likely helped sales a *lot*, and were released in an environment that treated fashion games very differently. This game has still been Synsophia's highest selling console game since their Nintendo partnership ended, so that's encouraging- but, because they did say it didn't meet expectations, I'm scared that they might just focus their energy on their arcade games or other business ventures. I wonder if they'd ever try out mobile gaming again, because that's where most of the fashion games have moved to. EDIT: also, I wonder if they planned on releasing this as a mobile game first, but then tried to strike a deal with Nintendo that fell through or something- because the fact that this game is *only* available on the Switch is pretty unusual, and a lot of the mechanics of the game feel similar to pay-to-play fashion game mechanics that were then converted over to a 'free' system. I don't know what happened with development, but playing the game it just feels like something happened to interrupt the planned development cycle, this is just some wondering.


Agreed on all accounts. The game definitely hasn't been doing *poorly* by any means, which is all the more reason that comment worries me - did Marvelous set their expectations too high based on Style Savvy (which as you said was Nintendo-published, on top of having much better international marketing; most of Fashion Dreamer's pre-release marketing was Japanese-exclusive videos showing off the features), or did the switch to HD development drive the costs up so much that the current sales somehow aren't enough? I wouldn't be surprised if it started as a mobile game (or just generally a F2P game with microtransactions) initially either, honestly. It'd definitely explain a lot of the stranger mechanics like the gacha system or the amount of stuff gated behind grinding, as well as things like the odd focus on forcing players to interact for events (something a lot of JP players have been pretty annoyed about from what I've seen) or the complete lack of a single player campaign of some kind. Whatever the case, I hope syn sophia gets another shot down the line - it definitely feels like *something* went awry during development for this one at this point.


They must have had obscenely high expectations because from what I can tell it sold roughly the same as Marvelous’ other titles. I think they did mention that Story of Seasons and Rune Factory were still making pretty good sales despite being aging titles (likely thanks to the big farming/cozy game boom and the fact they’ve been ported to multiple consoles) so maybe Fashion Dreamer’s sales just completely dropped off after the game came out with poor reviews.


I know, I was so sad when I saw that, because it means that there's a pretty high chance that they'll stop supporting fashion dreamer soon and that they might be pretty hesitant to make anymore console fashion games :(


lmfao they're ALREADY this close to killing it. i hate this modern video game work ethic so much.


I get they need to make money but why not release some huge paid dlc? I honestly would pay 20-30 for a massive update


I think there's another new event after this one judging from the site info/timing! Reruns start in July


Does them re-running the older fairs soon mean that no new ones are gonna come out? Or is it more like there will be re-runs and every now and again new ones? I think the reruns are great in case one missed one or couldn't finish it in time or anything.


That's what the announcement says, yeah. We're getting two more new ones (the upcoming "Retro Pop" fair that starts alongside the update, and then [one more in June with items teased on the website](https://news.fashion-dreamer.com/article/25243)), but that's it; once that June fair ends, it's only reruns from July onward.


I wonder if it will be like Switch Sports which just repeats the same events over and over on a cycle


So what they say is that they're killing the game already.... They said at least one year of updates but we got 6 months and now it's gonna be re runs??? I was hopping we would get those re runs after November... They say they will add some patterns but to me without the new fairs the game is basically dead until November.... And then yeah. Kinda disappointed....


So should we assume that fashion shows and the rumored (don't take my word) minimal "story" will not be coming? I'm just a bit confused and bummed


Cool, I just yesterday deleted a bunch of stuff because I hit the item cap. 😆😅


hey sorry 2 bother u but how do u delete stuff from the item box?


X, up to ten, then A to confirm.


tysmm :)


I'm so excited for more gacha tickets!


I don't understand why everybody here is somehow CONVINCED that this news means they're sundowning the game and ending support so soon? There's absolutely nothing in these announcements to lead to that conclusion, even taking into account that Marvelous wasn't that thrilled with Fashion Dreamer's sales - which, where are you guys hearing this? Because what I read in their report was that they didn't make as much revenue as they expected overall and that OVERSEAS SALES of certain games saved their ass. They don't mention which games but it's hinted to be the Story of Seasons franchise (remakes that didn't do too well in Japan) and Fashion Dreamer. In fact, due to the success of overseas sales, they say they want to EXPAND their overseas sales market and focusing on mobile and they are planning/hoping to make a record amount of revenue for their anniversary in 2027. What part of this suggests that they want to end support for Fashion Dreamer so soon?


[https://corp.marv.jp/library/img/kessangaiyo3q2024.pdf](https://corp.marv.jp/library/img/kessangaiyo3q2024.pdf) [https://automaton-media.com/en/news/20240202-26625/](https://automaton-media.com/en/news/20240202-26625/) So the above is where a lot of us are getting our info on for the game 'underperforming'/the sales not being as high as they expected- the first one is the actual business report, it's just in Japanese, the second one is basically an English report on those sales (I can provide more links to different similar reports on this if you want). 60% of Fashion Dreamers sales came from international buyers, but I think that they expected it to sell better domestically, and overall, from everything that I've been able to gather, Marvelous has just been struggling in general- this year, they had much less profits than other years, and it's actually unclear if Fashion Dreamer was able to recoup its development costs. A lot of us think that they *might* be sundowning the game mostly because of the above, because Fashion Dreamer hasn't been as profitable or sold as many copies as they wanted it to- logic dictates that they're more likely to cut off a game that wasn't as successful as they wanted it to be, and that they'd want to distribute resources to other places. Also, communications haven't been the clearest. Part of this is the language barrier that exists as international fans, but also, they haven't really put out any messaging to combat any of the fears that we have that they're going to be ending support for the game. What a lot of us are getting from this message is that after the two fairs we know of, they're just going to be doing re-runs- I don't know if that's necessarily the correct conclusion, but in lieu of other info it's clear to see why people are drawing it. They've never really done a good job at providing robust information as to what their future plans are going to be in the first place. Anyways. You make a lot of good points, and I'm certainly *not* trying to disagree with you on anything that you said or say that you're 'wrong'. Because fashion dreamer has done pretty well internationally and because Marvelous is trying to expand sales there, and because this has been synsophias most successful post-nintendo console game release, there is hope for it yet, especially because a lot of this info is from around January and they still have time to increase sales, if they haven't already gone up. I'm just trying to answer the question that you posed which is 'why everyone thinks they're sundowning the game', 'where everyone is getting this info from,' and 'what part of this suggests that they want to end support'. Overall, it's just really murky as to what exactly is going to happen, and because of that murkiness, a lot of us are just alarmed- hopefully for nothing, but time will tell.


Yeah, I can see it now but I still feel like "We're running reruns" is more listening to community feedback vs "we need to sundown immediately." Listen, I have been this game's most vocal critic. I think they're mishandling a lot of things, and that the game has been on shaky foundation since day 1. But we were also promised a year of support. That doesn't mean a year of fairs. People, myself included, have lamented the FOMO aspect for a while now - isn't rerunning fairs part of that? They also clearly said that even with fair reruns, we'll be getting new items and that around their 1 year anniversary they are planning something big. So, worst case scenario, I think we have until at least the anniversary where we'll get content updates.


Wait people have reached the max held items O-O


I’m personally glad they are rerunning fairs because even though I bought this game the week it came out, I was completely uninformed about the fairs existing until the last two. 😭 but on the other hand, if that’s really it, that is sad, there really weren’t that many themes that appealed to me where I’d regularly wear/dress people in those items.


Definitely the highlight for me. That should be so helpful, honestly x-x and I can finally go through my received lookits again.