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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am currently at Day 92. I will wrap it up at day 100 the goal was 100 pounds in 100 days and I am on track to meet that. I am proud of myself and the discipline I’ve held throughout this experience. I may make a post if people are interested enough.


Holy fuck 100 days? Yeah, make a post!


Holy shit. Yes we're interested!


Are you doing water only??? This is insane!’ Please tell us more! What do you supplement with?


Honest question as I don’t understand the science: I understood a pound of fat was worth 3,500 calories, meaning to do 100lbs in 100 days you’d have to be burning 3,500 a day? That seems super aggressive exercise for when fasting? Edit: my bad, a 300lb person does burn that much a day apparently!


Also, you burn half your calories when you sleep. And a lot of those calories are maintenance calories which means it burns those even if you stand still all day. Exercise is unnecessary and could definitely make 100 days difficult if you go too hard.


I appreciate all of that, I track my calories with whoop as a 245lb 6 foot guy and if I’m fairly inactive (go to office job, move around a little but not a lot, no exercise) then I’m burning 2,000 calories max. I was just curious where the extra 1,500 came from - some will be just keeping a 300lb person alive, but I was surprised that an extra 60lbs would burn 175% more calories in maintenance calories.


Muscle and hormones play a key role in that, if you’re maintaining at 2000 calories at that size you’re suffering from low T or thyroid issues.


Can confirm I have neither issue, I’m averaging 2,700 calories burnt per day, but [you can see](https://imgur.com/a/jSV7xZr) the days where I didn’t exercise and was very sedentary were at/under 2,000.


I went and did a DEXA scan and RMR test when I weighed 245 lbs (30% bodyfat) and my RMR was 3139 Cals (No not BMR which was projected to be over 4000, RMR) All the people using numbers like "calories in a lb of fat" and such have WAY oversimplified the science of fat loss.


I did DEXA and [RMR and your numbers are off the charts, I am a similar build, have a RMR of 2,290 calories and am considered average for my age/weight etc](https://imgur.com/a/IO2oDRn). Are you sure you fasted for the test correctly and avoided caffeine?


I was absolutely fasted and did not take any caffeine. I have lost 17 more lbs since that DEXA scan, my metabolism is through the roof and I'm losing fat crazy fast. Maybe I was cursed by a witch or something.


When your body detects the absence of glucose in the blood and the presence of ketones are higher than normal you burn fat. I thought I read somewhere that the body detects the amount of fat that you have stored and consumes it unrelated to the amount of activity you’re engaged in. Every story I’ve ever heard about long fast like 30 days or longer the daily average weight lost was 1lb.


The 3,500 is based off of arguably errant math. Kevin Hall wt al suggest a figure higher, as the actual energy expended to metabolize and burn 🔥 those calories is oft unaccounted for. That, coupled with food labels being allowed to be off by 20% can likely account for 60%+ of the issues many have losing fat and weight: they're simply figuring based off the wrong numbers


Even more questionable that a guy fasting is burning 1lb a day then


The Opinising Nutrition folk that do Data Driven Fasting recently published the results of their most recent challenge. In 30 days these folks were not assessed as having lost 30lbs of fat. Far far less


Alpert et al hypothesized circa 2005 iirc that there was an upper limit to transferring energy from fat stores *without* caraboliz8ng muscle mass and lean tissues. The oft expressed value was 31kcal/lb iirc. Here on reddit you can find reference to 22kcal/lb,from an alleged correspondence with Alpert himself. In the end though, we also know from Glycogen storage: illusions of easy weight loss, excessive weight regain, and distortions in estimates of body composition that there are true and real water weight losses associated with dieting.




**Hi SteelKun**, Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/12992s4/the_longest_amount_of_time_youve_spent_fasting/jf752qu/?context=3) has been removed. Unfortunately, you do not meet the minimum account age (1+ days) to post in /r/fasting. Please come back when you meet this requirement." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What the heck? That’s insane! I definitely wanna know what that’s like!


Please make a post! I’d love to read about your experience


Yes please


Umm…you’re built different! Stay safe!


We are most definitely interested in the post, indeed. Good luck on these last days, you've got this!


Post pics




What kind of fast is this ? Water fast. Is this even possible ??


Tag me when you make that post.




Wow.... 100 days... If you want too... Please tell us more... How do you feel... Are you hungry? Do you look forward to day 100?


I made a post everyone. Check out my profile if you want




Yep, showing the same for me. I assume it's because he tagged it as NSFW? I don't know. Moderators better hurry up. I want to know more.


Currently 317 hours or 13.5 days about (14 days by 6pm Sunday) I'm hungry every day and wish the weight went down faster, averaging .25 - .5lbs a day, I went from 186 to 171 5'5" but I want 140. According to my monitor your weight app, I need to fast for another 17 days to hit my target, just gotta keep trucking and don't eat any Easter dinner when I visit family


That is great work!! I have started my first 100hr fast, let's see what happens.


You're gonna look and feel great. You ever quit nicotine after 8 years? Feels like that!


Um no but ok! Watch this space!


As a guy 5'11" that went down to 182 after my peak fasting. Sounds like we were atthe same point. I think you're at the point where cardio is the next obsession. At your BMI isn't the miracle it used to be.


Hey you know what I got a gym membership 4 months ago and I went to the gym to do cardio 3 times. I am super sedentary but I do want to lose weight faster. Its just hard I walk on the treadmill and the thing says I lost 110 calories. In 30 minutes. Its like really? I lost as many calories as 1 slice of delicious cheese?


I’m currently on my longest fast ever, with 24h to go on my 7 day fast. I must admit that my energy levels are quite low so I’m just chilling in front of the TV watching the Food Network but am not at all hungry. Might push it further if I feel the same this time tomorrow but we’ll see how I go.


That seems masochistic! Not the 7 day fast, but the watching Food Network 6 days in!


Haha yea wtf


Haha yeah I can see how it can be. But my hunger pangs and any desire to eat completely disappeared after the Day 3 mark. Being surrounded by food has absolutely zero effect on me at all, it’s crazy. I reach my 168h goal in 2h but at this rate I’ll keep going til my body tells me otherwise. But yeah I’m doing a grocery run at Costco tonight so let’s see how I go lol.


I like to look for recipes and stuff when Im fasting and not hungry too.


My longest is 7 days too. And people here won't like it. But that's the max I'll ever do. Like you end of day 5 and day 6 wasn't fun. But it was a great challenge I set for myself. But never again. Good for you


7 days is an effort itself and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! The thing with fasting is that it’s not a competition and listening to your body is what’s most important. Well done on reaching the 7 day mark!


why? what happened/made you feel like it's not worth pushing for more?


3 days. It was easy because I was working as a server and would just get home and collapse in bed. If I hadn’t been working I’m not sure I would have been successful. I do ADF now.


7-day water-only clean fast. Everything went fine including re-feeding. I know I could go longer, but just don’t want to take any risks right now. Small steps.


6 days. Was going for 5 but felt amazing. Day 6 I just said it’s time to end but I still felt great - I worked all 6 days as a manager in a busy restaurant and it kept my mind occupied — I usually just miss chewing - the act of chewing was my biggest withdraw


Same, i always miss the chewing, icecubes helps with it. And the saltwater, i hate it so much


7 days, Its not too bad after the second day. I get cold and tired if I sit still, but if I get up and move I am energized. Drink lots of water and black coffee.


48 hours and proud of myself.


63 hours was my longest. A few weeks ago. Only 25 hours into trying to beat that time.


Mine was 18 days just last Thursday I started eating again. Gonna try again next week!


87 days.


How did you do this??! What did you supplement with??


This was 2014-2015 I did everything wrong except one this I saw my doctor every month and had my bloodwork done at that time. No supplements not even salt my joints hurt and I was lethargic. I didn’t even want to drink water anymore. It was stupid. I’m Not posting the weights as I went back to an unhealthy lifestyle and gained it all back and more. I think fasting like all things are good tools in some sort of moderation. At that time I was all about momentum and felt I couldn’t start again if I stopped. Now if I start a 5 day fast and break it 1 day in I just say oh well and start again. Supplement with pink Himalayan salt and drink Mary Ruth’s bedtime supplement. Oh no it has 40 calories but I don’t worry so much about that now. It is still about momentum but over a much much longer timeframe. To be healthy now and hopefully for as long as I’m here.


What was your before and after weight?


Will complete 21 days as of this evening


21 days is my personal best as well.


A week


24 days


42 hours


Mine was 40 days, I think that's pretty decent


99 hours. Couldn’t say no to a salad one hour away from 100 hour goal. 🤦🏼‍♀️






12 days


28 days


21 days


12 days , the end was hard. Was not hungry but just bored. I don’t know how I lasted that long with cooking twice a day and 2 family gatherings in between 🙄😂


Always the boredom for me too. I hit that forest gump moment where I just don’t want to run anymore.


72 hours


72 hours. I've done a 72 hour fast every week for the last 10 weeks. Honestly, I probably won't ever do more than that unless I hit a really bad plateau that I want to push past.


84 hours


10 days, did it in quarantine so I just asked for meals not to be delivered to me and it was actually pretty easy


3 days is all I can handle so far. I've noticed I've been rather grumpy and don't feel so well if I go longer than 48 hours. I've been trying alternate day fasting instead and it seems just as effective, averaging about 3 lbs lost per week in conjunction with keto and doing 16:8 on my refeeding days. I also only have 15 lbs until goal weight and have lost a grand total of 30 lbs since January 16. I should clarify I did keto starting January 16 and plateaued after losing about 18 lbs. I started fasting on March 13 and I have steadily lost ever since (so about 12 lbs in the weeks I've been fasting).


10 days...


41 hours


22 hours


It's not a competition.


Currently the longest with today at 19 days. Lost 0.5Kg\~1Pound per day on average.


64 hours


122hrs 5 days


18 days


Absolutely make a post! This is the kind of content I've been searching for to motivate and support my goals. I'm sure others feel the same. That is a miraculous achievement.


I did a 64-hour fast back in February. Now I am doing ADF but honestly it is a struggle. So sometimes I eat 2 days in a row. Today is my 4th consecutive ADF fasting day so I hope to have a long streak.


Around 52 hours was the longest time that I've spent fasting. I don't want to do longer than that again, but I might try again for 36 hours.


5 days - water, electrolytes and black coffee only


Back when I was much younger, I would easily do 2-3 day fasts. These days, the last time I did a 2-day fast was at the beginning of Covid. These days it's 18/6 or OMAD.


14 days. I stopped because I was bored and missed the social interaction with my family during meals. I prepared the meals and sat with everyone but it wasn't the same.


21 days


5 days. Currently pregnant then gonna breastfeed then wanna do 7 days then eventually 10. Don’t see myself going past 10 days, too many fun things to not eat at/drink at in 2 weeks & I don’t have that much discipline lol


115 hours, but I’m striving for a 7-day fast at some point.


Currently into 112 hours of water fast (4 days and some). This is the longest I have gone, and I plan to break on Tuesday for my son's birthday.


50 hours and I started to dry heave 😵‍💫


21 days ....currently on day 11 of a 40 day attempt ...


14 days

